The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings - Cover

The Time of Zeus Book 1: These Three Kings

Copyright© 2024 by Carlos Santiago

Chapter 8: The Time of Zeus

Action/Adventure Sex Story: Chapter 8: The Time of Zeus - In the aftermath of the Great Titan War, the sons of Cronos—Zeus, Poseidon, and Hades—draw straws to determine their realms. Zeus claims Greece and Olympus, Poseidon takes the sea, and Hades becomes the ruler of the Underworld. Follow their personal journeys as they acclimate to their new responsibilities and face the challenges that come with their newfound power.

Caution: This Action/Adventure Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Fan Fiction   High Fantasy   War   Alternate History   Far Past   Paranormal   Magic   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Grand Parent   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Big Breasts   Body Modification   Nudism   Revenge   Royalty   Violence  

“The air is Zeus, Zeus earth, and Zeus the heaven, Zeus all that is, and what transcends them all.”Aeschylus, The Tragedies of Aeschylos (ed. 1868)

Almost three weeks passed for everything to come together. Zeus, along with Metis and Rhea, went to the Underworld, and explained to Hades that he would have new occupants next to the Titans. Hades said nothing. He allowed them to make the addition, but he refused to allow them to see further into his Underworld.

The day arrived for Cratus and his family despite Metis’ disdain for them. Perhaps Bia, Nike, and Zelus simply followed Cratus, but that did not matter to Metis. The unnecessary violence of the three told Metis that one day, regardless of the bond that Hera was working on, they would be a problem for Olympus. Perhaps they would not strike Zeus directly, but they would bring down the throne.

In the end, however, Metis could not stop her lover from having his way. He was king. He had made that apparent.

And so, that led to the moment that Metis was loathe to be a part of.

Within the grand halls of Mount Olympus, within Zeus’ throne room, before the audience of titans and gods, Zeus sat upon his majestic throne. Metis could not deny that he appeared every bit the king he was.

Though she stood at his side, all of Olympus would observe that both Rhea and Gaia stood behind the throne. After his declaration that they would not be part of Olympus often, the audience was well aware that the former queens were only there by Zeus’ graces. The fact that they stood behind him showed that he had their unwavering support.

Metis could almost applaud Zeus for it. His mind was not made for strategy in war, but in peace, he was unmatched. They were all coming to love him. Themis and Mnemosyne were already pregnant. By Metis’ estimation, Zeus had his eye on Maia, Atlas’ daughter. The young goddess was older than twenty, but given how sheltered Atlas had raised her, she was naïve.

Sadly, that was not where Metis’ focus would lie. She had to watch the pageantry that only Olympus could throw.

Before Zeus and his throne, there was a large circle that Hera drew with markings. Within the circle knelt Cratus and his siblings. Their heads were bowed in deference to the king of the gods. Metis doubted that the respect was altogether genuine. At the very least, they only showed it because of Zeus’ power, not because of his position as king, nor for any respect for the person he was.

With a thundering voice, Zeus addressed the kneeling figures before him. “Cratus, Bia, Nike, Zelus,” he intoned with divine authority. “You who have served me faithfully since my ascension to the throne, and I now call upon you to be my protectors.”

“And so we shall,” the four siblings cried back.

Hera stepped forward and moved her lips. No one could hear the words when Hera spoke, but instead, they heard the siblings make the declaration.

“By Right and Rule
For Duty’s Might
We pledge to thee
We pledge to thee

By Royal Blood
For Honor’s Right
We pledge to thee
We pledge to thee

For Zeus’ time, our protection Immortalis
Within this oath, by the power of Olympus
We pledge to thee
We pledge to thee”

The ring that Hera had drawn lit up. The symbols shone for all to see. There was no doubt about the efficacy of Hera’s magic.

With a solemn nod, Zeus accepted their pledge. “Rise, Cratus, Bia, Nike, and Zelus. Arise as Protectors of Olympus,” he commanded.

As Cratus and his siblings rose to their feet, the audience applauded and cheered so loud that it echoed through every part of Mount Olympus.

Helios rose and set nine times as they fell before they saw the earthy lands of Greece. Still, they plunged deeper past the realm of those trees and mortal creatures. They declined more and more and more, unable to fly.

Without seeing the sun, they knew they would continue to drop for another nine risings and fallings of the sun. Upon the twenties morning, they crashed into the dark abyss that was the Underworld.

The sudden landing might have killed a lesser being, but these were the Furies, made of the blood of Ouranos, beings of rage, and capturers of two of the hundred handed ones. They would survive because they were meant to live.

Scraping at the land, they looked up to find a blue skinned being tugging at the dress of a woman in a black dress. Before the three lost consciousness, they could not help but think this goddess was wearing a gown of a starlit night sky.

“Oh ... young ladies,” Nyx said to their prone forms. “You have been mistreated by those on Olympus. Welcome, Fury Sisters, daughters ... to the Underworld. I hope you can someday call this place home.”

The Primordial of Night lifted them with a flick of the wrist. The magic telekinetically had the three airborne. She would take them to the House. There was a little ambrosia left from the Great War. That would be enough to heal them.

That would only be a start. These female warriors would have a choice to make when they woke. Nevertheless, Nyx would show them the hospitality of the Underworld. Even without knowing the full scope of their situation, Mother Night surmised that their mistreatment came by the hands of Zeus, regardless if it was directly by him or not.

In other parts of the Underworld, Metis ventured forth, looking for the ruler of the realm. IN her hand, she held a scroll with the schematic of Hera’s diagram and words written on it. The intricacies of the spell crafted by Hera were not lost on Metis; the Titaness could recreate it most likely, but this was a gift to Hades to better control the Cyclopes and maintain a balance of power between the Underworld and Olympus.

Each line and symbol had been carefully preserved so that any in Hades’ realm could recreate the spell for their master.

Truth be told, Metis was amazed by how quickly had created such a masterpiece. Perhaps, in a way, the daughter of Rhea could be useful to Metis in the future.

After what felt like an eternity of wandering through the shadowed corridors, Metis found Hades standing over his nearly finished construction.

“Was the death of Pleione you or my brother’s doing?” Hades asked gruffly.

Metis recoiled at the question as it also served as an accusation. “In part,” she admitted. “Cratus and his siblings are your brother’s newest protectors, and it seems in the act of capturing Atlas ... they ... they got carried away and killed Pleione.”

“Senseless killing is pointless, Metis,” Hades observed as the late Titans finished building. “While I am grateful for the new servant, perhaps it would behoove you to restrain my brother and his servants in the future.”

While she did not enjoy his admonishment, Metis was taken away by the scope of the building. It could be expanded upon easily, but grandeur and opulent decoration would be added later. Olympus may have been glorious from the beginning, but the Underworld would grow into Hades’ perfect vision.

“I will do my best when it comes to him,” she replied. Opening her hand, she offered him the schematic. “Until then, take this as a sign of goodwill between Olympus and the Underworld.”

“You mean as a sign of goodwill from you to me?” Hades asked, searching for clarification. Hades studied Metis with a keen eye before she responded.

She could not help but be flustered by his direct (and accurate) assessment of the situation. “I do.”

“Are you planning to overthrow my brother?” Hades asked bluntly. He made a motion for someone outside of Metis’ view to come over.

“I do not,” Metis replied hastily.

Before she could continue, Hades held up a hand to halt her speech. He got down to his knees and handed the scroll to a blue-skinned young woman.

“Hecate,” he said, just above a whisper. His voice was getting deeper and more booming with his time in the Underworld. “Please place this in your quarters. Take great care as it is a gift from Olympus.”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” she said with a nod and then a more formal bow before running off with the hard-made scroll.

Returning his attention to Metis, Hades stood up straight and looked her in the eyes as an equal. “As I was saying, even if you are planning to depose my brother, please provide me with a warning, as I would want to prepare a special place for him.”

Metis blanched, staring at Hades with utter bewilderment. “You cannot be serious.”

Hades simply smirked, leaving Metis unsure as to whether he was playing with her or not.

“Thank you for your gift, Metis. I look forward to your tenure as Queen on Olympus,” Hades said, motioning to the exit for her.

She left him, unsure of how to feel about the whole exchange. On her way out, she could see the Hecatoncheires chained to the wall as Nyx observed them. Nyx left the Underworld, understanding that prisoners in the Underworld were the prerogative of its king and no one else.

Hades waited for Zeus’ future queen to be absent from his realm for a few minutes before approaching Nyx.

“How are your new ‘daughters’?” Hades asked. He turned his attention from her to the hundred handed beings. They had been fair and honorable in their dealings with him. He recognized that their imprisonment was unjust.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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