Twenty Questions - Cover

Twenty Questions

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 6 The First Party

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 6 The First Party - A unique family has neglected their only son after being called out on their actions they confront him and he asks to play a game.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Squirting   Water Sports   Size   Revenge   Slow   Violence  

I was awoken by a dozen quick text notifications. Checking my phone, I realized it had snowed the night before. With the addition of the college fund to my account I didn’t NEED the money, but I had regular customers and a part of me was paranoid that I would need that money again, so I forced myself to get up, get ready, and dressed.

It was later than I normally would get up as I moved up and through the dining room with intent at the front door. Sylvie popped out of the kitchen as I passed, some kind power smoothie/energy drink/green concoction in her hand, “Where you going this early, Bro?”

“Have driveways to shovel.”

“Why do you do that?”


“You don’t get enough pocket money from Mama Helen?” I looked at her dumbfounded and she asked, “You don’t get that do you?”

“No. I work for a living.”

“Oh, can I come?”

“You want to shovel driveways?”

“Sure, it’ll be a good workout.”

“Fine, we can use your truck ... but be warned this won’t be a workout. You’ll be using muscles you don’t use. You’re going to get back here and be hurting and in pain.”

“It can’t be that bad.”

“You’ll want to get dressed too. Light layers, gloves, face covering, not just a parka.”

“Ok, meet me by the Silverado in twenty.”

“We’ll need to go to the school first.”


“My shovels are in the back of my car.”

“Okay.” She scurried off to her room and I headed out to her truck. It took her 30 minutes to make it outside. Another twenty to get to my car and load two shovels and some rock salt into the bed of her truck and then another ten to get to the first address. She finally asked, “So, why this neighborhood?”

“It’s the best of both worlds.”


“You notice how you didn’t have to dig the driveway out to get your truck out?” She nodded and I continued, “Helen had heating elements put in the driveway and can afford professional snow removal. Most of the people on ‘our’ street can. You go further out and they can’t afford to pay me to clear their driveways and dig out their cars, so they’ve gotten used to do it themselves. This neighborhood is the best of both worlds. Enough extraneous cash that they can throw it at me so they don’t have to do it, but not enough to hire a professional with a plow and a team.”

“What about breakfast?”

“You can just drop me off and go get something if you want.”

“No, I want to help, but I do need to eat.”

“You’ll probably be skipping breakfast. Mrs. Chase is 80 and on a fixed income. I do her drive for free, but she’ll usually make me lunch. I’m sure she’d offer you some too ... but it’ll be something simple like canned chili or a couple of sandwiches and I know that your diet is specific.”

“I’ll need to eat more than that, but I can count it as my cheat day.”

“Alright, when you get tired feel free to head out.”

“No, I want to help.”


“Because you’re my brother.”

“You haven’t cared in years. Why now?”

“Cause you had a reason for hitting Amy.”

“And you didn’t think to ask in the last five years?”

“It ... it wasn’t that I hated you, it was just ... Amy is like my best friend and when you hurt her ... she was my priority, but we used to be friends too. You were the one who told me I could be like the women on the muscle mags if I really wanted too ... I’m sorry I forgot that.”

“Alright. Just shovel the way I do, otherwise you’ll be stuck in bed tomorrow. Muscles or no muscles.”

When we arrived, I popped out of the truck and gathered the equipment. I demonstrated proper shoveling technique before beginning the job. The first job was midrange. Driveway, One street parked car, sidewalk, and walkway to the house.

After that we moved to the jobs in order, it was on the fifth when she broke the silence, “You didn’t use to be this quiet. You used to always tell jokes and sing.”

“People change.”

Another four houses and my ‘regulars’ were taken care of and we ended up at Mrs. Chase’s house. Her house was the easiest, she didn’t do street parking, only had a single lane driveway, and had a short walk up to the house. After everything was shoveled and the salt was spread, I knocked on the door and she let us in.

Sylvie added, “Thank God, I was freezing.”

Mrs. Chase was an elderly woman. I’d taken up her driveway after watching her try to do it herself two years ago. She ushered us to the table and sure enough two bowls of soup and some sandwiches were waiting, “Thank you, Mr. Silver.”

“Anytime, Ma’am. Thank you for the lunch.”

“So, who is your friend? You usually come alone.”

“It’s a trial basis.”

Sylvie shook her head, “I’m his sister.”

Mrs. Chase, “Oh, it’s nice to meet you, dearie. Feel free to tuck in. You’re lucky to have such a kind older brother.”

We ate and the two made small talk. After that we returned my equipment to my car and headed back to the house. “You were right.”

“I usually am, Sylvie.”

“My back hurts.”

“I’m sure you can use the hot tub.”

“You going to join me?”

“No, I need to take a shower and I want to read for a bit.”

She headed towards her room and I headed downstairs taking the time to add another P to the board for ‘pocket money.” After that I showered and changed into some sweats and curled up and started on my two new books. While I knew whatever I had going on with the bitch wasn’t a standard BDSM relationship, it was the closest parallel I could find.

About the time I finished the first book, my phone rang. The identifier read ‘The Bitch.’ I answered, “Yeah?”

She seemed to rush out her response, “Mark wants to fuck me.”

“He wants to fuck you? Not you want to fuck him?”

“He wants to fuck me.”

“Ok, you can end our deal at any time ... so, what do you want to do?”

“I don’t want to break the deal.”

“Then tell him, “No.’ Where are you anyway?”

“My room. I’ll tell him, ‘No.”

I grabbed my laptop and brought up the view of her room. And mark was on top of her, but she looked like she was trying to push him away. I kicked on the sound, “I said ... NO. GET off ME!” And I started to run. I ran up the steps around through the living room and hall towards the bitch’s room. I slammed straight into the door and it splintered. I grabbed Mark and pulled him off her. I ran his head into the splintered door. Repeatedly. Then I started punching him. I worked his face over and then his gut. Eventually, he slipped to the floor and I kicked his ribs a few times. Then I turned to the bitch. “Are you okay?”

“I didn’t let him fuck me. I didn’t break the deal. I swear.”

“I didn’t ask that. I saw you fighting. I asked if you were okay?”

“Do you care?”

“No one deserves to be raped, not even you. Now, are you okay?”

“I ... no ... I can’t believe he’d do that.”

“I’ll be back.” I picked up my asshole of a cousin and slung him over my shoulder. He was taller than me, heavier too. But I was lean and fit from countless hours in the pool. I moved into the living room and saw Uncle James plowing Helen while holding her up and against the wall. While Sylvie and Annie were in a 69 on the couch and Daisy was rubbing her button waiting her turn. “Yo, uncle James. Finish up and pull out so you can Take your bastard son to the ER.” I must’ve been completely focused to miss the mini-orgy on the way up.

He dropped Helen. Literally dropped her. “Are you fucking kidding me? You just dropped the woman you were plowing? What kind of a dick move is that?”

He screamed, “What the fuck did you do to my boy?”

“I beat the shit out of him after he tried to rape my sister.”

“I’ll have you charged with assault you little pissant.”

“Sure, call them. Tell them I stopped your brat of a son from raping my sister cause she dared tell him, “No” during your incest orgy.” See how that works out for you, fuckwit.” I also have video of the whole thing and if you don’t shut the fuck up, take the piece of shit to the er. I will happily send it to the police.”

Daisy echoed concern, “Did he really try to rape her?”

“I’ll show you the video if you’d like. For now, you and yours should go comfort your favorite child.”

I could tell James was seething with rage. So, I pulled out my phone and clipped the rape attempt and curb stomp from the larger video file and sent it to the group chat I had access to and his text. He pulled his phone and watched it. Then gathered the lump and left.

I walked over to the board and drew in another strike. Daisy begged, “Why?”

“Incest orgy. No invite.”

Sylvie sounded breathless after disentangling herself from my younger sister, “I added you to the group chat for those.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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