Twenty Questions - Cover

Twenty Questions

Copyright© 2024 by A funny bowl of custard

Chapter 13: Forgiveness Is a Dish Best Served With a Spoon

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 13: Forgiveness Is a Dish Best Served With a Spoon - A unique family has neglected their only son after being called out on their actions they confront him and he asks to play a game.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   mt/Fa   Fa/Fa   ft/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   Mult   NonConsensual   Rape   Romantic   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   TransGender   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Daughter   BDSM   DomSub   Humiliation   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Group Sex   Harem   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Black Female   White Male   White Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Squirting   Water Sports   Size   Revenge   Slow   Violence  

Annie and I returned to the house, I was quick to make the dash from her CT5 to the front door. When I made it through the door I heard a familiar laugh. I popped into the dining room and found Sarah sitting at the dining room table with the Bitch, Sylvie, Helen, and Daisy.

Sarah saw me and asked, “Can we talk? Please?”

I nodded and headed downstairs with Daisy shouting a reminder that, “Dinner will be ready soon. Sarah is free to join us.”

I continued down to my cell. Sarah followed along. When she stepped in she scanned the room, “This doesn’t really feel like you.”

I shook my head, “What did you want to talk about?”

“I ... I’m sorry. I was selfish. I didn’t think about how that would make you feel. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve had a good grasp on your feelings for the last few years. I thought you saw me as a cool Aunt figure. I know that’s how Joseph sees me, but you’d put me in your head as a surrogate mother hadn’t you?” I nodded. She continued, “I ... I do love you ... and I regret asking Amy to join us for Christmas, much less join us in the end. I just thought since you were sleeping with her you would be fine with it. I didn’t think you’d see it as a betrayal.”

“I ... I accept your apology.”

She stepped closer and raised a hand to caress my cheek, “That was hard for you.”

“I’m not really prone to forgiveness. Heather used to say I’d hate the girl who bought the last of the cotton candy when the circus came to town when we were eight till my dying day, but you’ve been two important to me the last few years for me to not at least give you a chance. I ... I built a family when mine cast me out and it feels like they’re abandoning me. Emily and Duke are a no-go cause Emily recognized Amy. Mandy broke up with me. Joseph didn’t bother coming in for Christmas and I thought ... and you did betray me even if you didn’t understand that. It feels like next time I run into Geoff he’ll tell me to fuck off too. I’d like to keep what I have.”

“Mandy broke up with you?”

I nodded, “She couldn’t deal with me having fucked up again. I get it. It’s just losing someone else.”

She wrapped her arms around me and returned the gesture, “I’m really sorry.”


“Will you be okay if I stay for dinner? I was kind of enjoying the ‘young silver’ stories.”

“That’s fine ... just don’t go to bed with any of them ... please.”

“I promise.”

She headed back upstairs and I collapsed on the couch. I felt heavy. I needed to regain control of my emotions and my life. I focused on my breathing and tried to center myself. I went upstairs for dinner with the family. Daisy served Roast chicken with vegetables.

“Everyone stand up except you.” I pointed at the bitch. The family was hesitant, but eventually rose.

Helen asked, “Are you going to toast someone?”

“No, Everybody drop their pants and underwear. Again, not you.” I pointed at the bitch.

Sarah complied quickly. Daisy went second, then Sylvie and Annie followed soon after. Helen hesitated, but eventually complied when she saw she was the last holdout. I did the same and set down. I then pointed at the bitch, “You get under the table. Start at my right and work your way around to me.”

The bitch asked, “Start doing what?”

“We’re having chicken, you’re having pussy and a kielbasa.”

“I can eat after right?”


Annie was seated to my right and I watched the smile grow on her face as the Bitch complied with my order. She got to her knees and crawled under the table to Annie and tucked into her meal. Helen spoke next, “That’s fucked up.”

“It should be fun. Start with the inane chatter then.”

The small talk did start up, though one person aside from myself was always a bit spaced out of the conversation. I watched their faces as the Bitch brought them off in turn; Annie, Sylvie, Sarah, Helen, and Daisy. Sarah got her Christmas wish even if it was a bit late. Eventually, she got to me about the time Daisy popped back into the kitchen and returned with a pineapple upside down cake. When she had me ready to blow, I told her to take the load on her face. Then she crawled out from under the table and ate her dinner with a load of my jizz on her face.

After Dinner I bid Sarah Adieu, thanked Daisy for the food and asked about what was being served tomorrow. She was quick to answer, “Lobster rolls.”

“Ah, good. Save me a plate in case I have another episode.”

“What?” I watched the recognition flash on her face... “I’ll fix something else.”

“Don’t worry about it. Then I headed downstairs after drawing strike seven on the board. If I’d stuck with the 7 Ps to paradise I’d be done.

checked my supplies and realized I’d need to do a grocery store run soon enough. I went to the love seat and popped open my laptop and started to charge my phone that was dead as a doornail. I glanced through the camera set up. Helen was in her study going over books about connecting with abused, alienated, and abandoned children. That was interesting, but I assumed they didn’t apply.

Daisy was cleaning up the kitchen. I noticed she threw the lobster meat in the trash, so she really was planning to change the menu for tomorrow. Annie was talking to Sylvie and the bitch in her room. I considered popping the sound on, but just logged in to check my messages.

I had two from Heather’s brother, one from who I assumed was his new boyfriend, two from Geoff, eight from Mandy, and 27 from Sarah. I glanced through them quickly. Sarah’s was mostly apologies and minimization, but I was satisfied enough with her apology. Geoff was basic Christmas wishes and checking on me post hanging. I typed back to him, “Sorry, got confused when they said I was hung. Merry Christmas.”

Mandy, I took my time with; she was beyond pissed, but seemed to be questioning if she’d done the right thing by ending things. She asked to talk to me once we got back to school, but not before. Then the next message was accusatory and name-calling, then back to questioning her decision and apologizing. Maybe there is a chance I can salvage us? I won’t get my hopes up, but it would be lovely if it were possible.

It was then that I was decided to go over the chat log, Daisy’s phone, and the Bitch’s phone in detail. I needed to understand everything to put my plan in place. I stayed focused on that, at least until Helen showed up.

I heard the traffic on the stairs and saw her pop around the corner, “Hello, Helen.”

“Hi, Johnny.”

“Are you willing to hire a locksmith or do I need to change the locks myself?”

“Change the locks?”

“Currently two people who tried to rape members of your household have keys. That needs to change.” Her eyes flashed... “You didn’t even consider that.”

“No. I’m sorry.”

“Hand me your phone.”

She did, “What are you doing?”

“Downloading a copy of it, adding some software. It’ll let me track it, mirror it, get info from any conversations, and plug into the speaker and camera when I need too.”


“I won this in my bet with Daisy, but mostly so I can gather information about what has been happening in the last few years.”

“What else do you need me to do?”

“I’m going to destroy Mark and James. I need you to get Connie and Minnie back. Hire a private investigator, whatever you need to do. Find my mother and my sister. Investigate Mark and James. I can use the footage of the rape attempts if I have to, but I’d prefer to bring them down on something else. If you’re financially assisting Mark and James stop.”

“They’ll get upset.”

“Do it after you’ve changed the locks. And I wasn’t asking. I’ll never ask you for anything again.”

“Can you forgive us?”

“I don’t know. I’m starting to get a picture of what happened, but it. it’s still a lot to overcome and I’m not exactly forgiving by nature. Even forgiving Sarah was hard and she’s only messed up once in the years I’ve known her.”

“Do you want me to transfer financial control to you?”

“You already did. I have your phone. I can do whatever I want with your money, but no. Like I said, when I leave, I’m done. I won’t take from you like that. I wouldn’t do that to anyone. I worked hard enough on my own to make this basement a decent place to live, I know what the value of a dollar is. I’ve had things stolen from me and I don’t take kindly to thieves.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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