Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey - Cover

Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey

Copyright© 2024 by Carmichael

Chapter 20: Manga Convention

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 20: Manga Convention - Andy Wilson, an adventurous 18-year-old, is about to experience a transformative summer that will change his life forever. Living in a sexually open-minded world, Andy navigates the complex feelings of desire and attraction towards family and friends. starts slow.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

I walk into the convention center, my mouth hanging open at how massive the place is. It’s teeming with cosplayers, vendors, and pumped-up fans.

“Holy manga-nificent! This place is gigantic!” I blurt out, barely able to keep my excitement in check.

Hazel gives me a playful nudge. “And packed! Hope we don’t get ... too squished in there,” she says.

We exchange excited looks, our eyes shining. As we head to the lockers, the crowd’s energy buzzes through me. We ditch our coats, showing off our handpicked costumes.

I spot a girl nearby nudging her boyfriend, her eyes glued to Nami’s bold outfit. Nami, always confident, just smirks and strikes a pose.

“Looks like we’re already turning heads. Ready to make some jaws drop, Harry?” Nami teases.

Harry gulps, his eyes flicking between Nami and the crowd. “As long as you don’t ‘Finish Him’ for real, Nami.”

I glance at Hazel, noticing her excitement as people eye her revealing costume. Kairi gives her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder.

“Have you really cut that small crop top even smaller?” I ask Hazel, my eyes appreciatively taking in the view.

She grins. “Just a bit more cleavage and at the bottom.”

I laughed at the scene. Nami’s Mortal Kombat outfit and Hazel’s revealing costume drew plenty of looks as we entered.

Heads turned our way in the colorful crowd. A group of photographers waved us over.

“We’ve got fans,” I said, leading us toward them.

Harry and Nami posed front and center in their Mortal Kombat gear.

“Get closer!” a photographer called.

Nami leaned in close to Harry, who seemed to enjoy it.

I watched Nami and Harry strike poses for the cameras. At first, they seemed a bit stiff, but then they broke into some killer action moves they must have rehearsed.

As we wove further into the crowd, a couple of officials approached them. They were looking for folks to join the cosplay contest.

“Hey, you two put on a good show! Want to enter the contest?” one of them asked.

Nami’s eyes sparkled. “Absolutely! Count me in!”

Harry hesitated, glancing at Nami. “Uh, I’m not sure about this, Nami. I mean, what if I bomb it?”

“Chill, it’s all good,” Nami reassured him. “I just do a solo routine.”

“Thanks, Nami,” he said, but I could see he felt like he was letting her down.

We all shared glances, excitement bubbling up. The thrill of one of us being in the contest was electric.

I spotted the merchandise area nearby.

“Hey, guys,” I said, pointing. “I think I see some rare manga over there. Want to check it out?”

We made our way through the crowded aisles. As I scanned the booths, a familiar cover jumped out at me.

“Score! I’ve been looking for this forever!” I said, grabbing a rare manga volume.

I glanced at Nami’s choice of reading material and raised an eyebrow. “Interesting selection,” I commented.

Harry peeked over Nami’s shoulder, his face flushing. “That’s quite ... detailed,” he muttered.

I pull out the convention map, my head spinning with the sheer number of options.

“Alright, team,” I say, gathering everyone around. “We’ve got to decide on our next move. Any preferences?”

Kairi suggested some workshops and the rest agreed, so we start moving towards the panel rooms.

“Whatever we choose, this con is already epic!” I exclaim, feeling the rush of adrenaline.

I approached the Hentai Hall, my stride confident despite the provocative sign that loomed overhead.

“Well, this is ... something else,” Harry muttered beside me, his eyes widening as they took in the scene.

Nami’s lips curved into a grin. “What’s the matter, Harry? Afraid you can’t handle it?” She linked arms with him, giving a reassuring squeeze.

At the entrance, staff members diligently checked our IDs. Beyond them, I caught glimpses of explicit artwork that promised a world of uninhibited artistic expression.

I took in the sights with interest, maintaining my composure despite the provocative displays. Hazel and Nami exchanged knowing smirks, clearly enjoying the spectacle.

As we ventured deeper into the hall, the displays grew even more daring. My curiosity piqued, wondering what other surprises awaited us.

I follow Hazel as she confidently approaches a booth overflowing with explicit manga and doujinshi. The sheer variety of fetishes and scenarios on display is mind-boggling, some so outrageous they’re almost comical.

Nami’s eyes light up, spotting a booth that catches even my attention. It’s filled with hentai-inspired sex toys, and the tentacle-shaped dildos are impossible to miss.

“Oh my, would you look at these!” Nami exclaimed. She turned to Harry, who looked like he might faint. “Harry, I dare you to buy the most outrageous tentacle dildo you can find.”

Harry gulps audibly, but to my surprise, he squares his shoulders. “Challenge accepted. But you have to help me pick it out!”

Nami practically drags Harry towards the display. The rest of us follow, a mix of curiosity and amusement on our faces. I can’t help but chuckle at the increasingly outrageous options they’re considering.

I watched as Harry followed through on Nami’s dare, his face burning red as he paid for the outrageous toy. He awkwardly shuffled back to us, holding the box like it might explode.

“Damn, Harry,” I teased, “Compensating for something?”

Kairi whispered to Hazel, “One to zero for Nami.”

As we left the booth, Harry suddenly bowed dramatically to Nami, offering her the dildo. “For you, my lady.”

“One to one!” Hazel and Kairi chorused.

Nami’s shocked expression quickly turned seductive. She grabbed Harry’s “gift” triumphantly and leaned in close, whispering something that made his eyes widen. From his reaction, I guessed she’d promised him quite a show. Nami laughed huskily, clearly enjoying herself.

“Nami wins by KO,” Kairi and Hazel declare in unison, dissolving into a fit of giggles.

I shake my head, grinning at the spectacle. “Well, folks, I think we’ve officially reached peak Hentai Hall experience. What’s next on our adventure?”

I led our group through the crowded convention floor, navigating between cosplayers and fans. We were headed to Kenji’s Q&A panel, and the excitement was palpable.

“This way for the panel,” I said. “Let’s move if we want good seats.”

Hazel chimed in, “Can’t wait! I’ve heard Kenji’s a riot in person.”

We pressed on, checking signs and doors. At last, I spotted the right room.

“Found it!” I pointed out.

We entered the packed room. As we searched for seats, Kairi called out, “There’s Mother!”

I saw Yumi Tanaka in the front row, waving us to some reserved spots. She eyed our costumes as we approached.

“Your grandpa will love these outfits, Nami and Kairi!” Yumi said, grinning.

Hazel whispered to Harry, “Not exactly what you’d expect from a mom or grandpa.”

I laughed at the oddness of it all as we sat down, ready for an interesting Q&A session.

The lights dim, and a hush falls over the crowd. My heart races with anticipation as the announcer’s voice booms through the speakers.

“Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the legendary Kenji Tanaka!”

The spotlight hits the stage, revealing Kenji in all his glory. He’s shorter than I expected, with a round belly and a balding head crowned by a fluffy white beard. But it’s his impish grin that catches my eye.

“Thank you, thank you!” Kenji calls out, his eyes twinkling. “I promise to behave ... mostly.”

The audience erupts in laughter and applause. I can’t help but join in, caught up in the infectious energy. Kenji’s charm is palpable as he waves to the crowd, clearly in his element.

As the noise dies down, I lean forward in my seat, eager for the Q&A to begin.

I watch as hands shoot up all around the room, everyone eager to ask Kenji a question. My own arm rises almost of its own accord.

“Alright, who wants to start? Don’t be shy!” Kenji calls out, his eyes scanning the crowd.

To my surprise, he points directly at me. My heart races as I stand up, acutely aware of all the eyes now on me.

“Mr. Tanaka, what inspired your latest series?” I ask, my voice surprisingly steady.

Kenji’s eyes sparkle as he leans forward, addressing me with a cheeky grin. “Ah, excellent question, young man! You see, inspiration can come from the most unexpected places...”

The room falls silent, every fan hanging on Kenji’s words. I can feel the anticipation building as we all wait to hear what wisdom - or perhaps what outrageous stories - the legendary artist is about to share.

Kenji’s eyes twinkle as he leans forward, addressing me directly. “Ah, excellent question, young man! You see, inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. For my latest series, it all started when I accidentally walked in on my granddaughters in the hot springs...”

The audience erupts in laughter, and I feel my cheeks burning. Nami and Kairi, sitting next to me, giggle and playfully swat at their grandfather.

“Grandpa!” Kairi calls out, her voice a mix of embarrassment and amusement.

Kenji winks at them before continuing. “But seriously, folks, inspiration is everywhere. You just have to keep your eyes - and your mind - open. So please your next questions.”

I watched as fans fired off questions left and right. Some were pretty basic, while others got real nerdy, digging into tiny details of specific panels. Kenji didn’t miss a beat though. He answered everything with a straight face, but man, his replies had me cracking up. The guy could dish out info and jokes in the same breath.

When the wave of questions ebbed down, Kenji’s expression shifts, a spark of excitement in his eyes. “Now, how about we shake things up a bit? I think it’s time for a special treat.”

The room goes quiet, everyone leaning forward in anticipation. I can feel the energy building, like electricity in the air.

“Hey, who’s up for a little show?” Kenji bellows, his voice making my heart race. “I need someone gutsy! Guy or gal, doesn’t matter, but you gotta strip down to your skivvies. I’ll direct the pose, and y’all can watch me turn a basic stance into a steamy story on paper.”

The silence that follows is deafening. I can almost hear the collective intake of breath as everyone processes what Kenji just said. A live drawing? By the legendary Kenji Tanaka himself? It’s an opportunity of a lifetime.

Just as the silence is starting to stretch uncomfortably long, I feel movement beside me. I turn to see Hazel slowly raising her hand, a mix of determination and nervousness on her face.

All eyes in the room swivel towards us. I can feel the weight of their stares, the anticipation building. Hazel’s cheeks flush pink, but she keeps her hand raised, meeting Kenji’s gaze head-on.

My heart races, a mix of excitement and something else - pride? - as I watch Hazel volunteer. I can’t help but wonder what kind of drawing Kenji has in mind, and what it will mean for Hazel to be his subject.

I watch, heart pounding, as Hazel stands up beside me. Her voice rings out clear and confident.

“I’ll do it!”

The room falls silent for a moment, then erupts in cheers and whistles. I can’t believe it - Hazel, my Hazel, volunteering for this. Pride and excitement surge through me as I watch her make her way to the stage.

Kenji’s eyes light up. “Ah, a brave soul! What is your name? Come on up!”

“Her name is Hazel”, Kairi shouts, proud of her brave friend.

Meanwhile Hazel strides towards the stage, her red hair catching the light. She’s the picture of confidence, but I can see a slight tremor in her hands. As she reaches the stage, she turns to face the audience.

Without hesitation, Hazel begins removing pieces of her cosplay. The crop top comes off first, revealing her pale, perfect breasts. My breath catches in my throat. I’ve seen her naked before, but never like this - never in front of a crowd, never so ... exposed.

She shimmies out of her bottoms next, and I can’t help but gasp. She’s wearing a tiny black thong, barely more than a string disappearing between her cheeks. The audience’s reaction mirrors my own - a collective intake of breath, followed by enthusiastic applause.

Hazel stands there, nearly naked, her skin glowing under the stage lights. Her red hair frames her face, and there’s a fierce pride in her eyes that makes my heart swell. She’s magnificent.

Kenji approaches her, a glint in his eye. “My, my,” he says, loud enough for the audience to hear. “What a lovely canvas we have here. Now, let’s see what kind of masterpiece we can create.”

He circles Hazel, studying her from every angle. I can see the artist in him coming alive, his eyes noting every curve and line of her body.

“Perfect,” he murmurs. “Now, my dear, let’s find the perfect pose for you.”

Kenji’s eyes rove over Hazel’s nearly naked form, taking in every detail with an artist’s intensity. “Alright, my dear,” he says,. “Let’s start with something simple but powerful. Turn to your side, place one foot in front of the other, and arch your back just a little.”

Hazel follows his instructions, her movements graceful despite the evident tension in her muscles. The audience watches in rapt silence, their eyes glued to the stage. From my place in the first row I can see that her nipples are rock hard. Hazel’s exhibitionism is having a party.

Kenji steps closer, his hands hovering near her without touching. “Lift your chin slightly,” he instructs. “Perfect. Now, bring your arms up, one hand resting lightly on your hip, the other just above your head.”

Hazel complies, her breathing shallow and rapid. I can see the mix of excitement and nerves on her face, her lips parted slightly as she holds the pose. Kenji nods approvingly.

“Hold this pose. Perfect. Just like that,” he says, stepping back to get a better view.

The spotlight on Hazel seems to make time stand still. Her form is accentuated beautifully; the way her muscles tense and relax adds an electrifying energy to the moment. It’s both intimate and intense, as if we’re all sharing in this vulnerable yet powerful display.

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