Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey - Cover

Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey

Copyright© 2024 by Carmichael

Chapter 19: Convention Preparation

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 19: Convention Preparation - Andy Wilson, an adventurous 18-year-old, is about to experience a transformative summer that will change his life forever. Living in a sexually open-minded world, Andy navigates the complex feelings of desire and attraction towards family and friends. starts slow.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

I walked into Otaku’s Paradise, amazed by the sheer variety of costumes on display - everything from samurai armor to skimpy outfits.

“Wow, this place is huge! Where do we start?” Harry exclaimed, eyes wide with excitement.

Nami grinned. “Let’s split up and meet back here in 15 minutes?”

We agreed and went our separate ways. I noticed Nami sticking close to Harry as he headed to the video game section.

“Let’s take turns modeling the costumes and give each other feedback,” Kairi suggested.

“Sounds good,” I replied, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. “Who’s up first?”

We gathered in the common area as Harry stepped forward with his Sub-Zero costume. “I’ll kick it off.”

As Harry changed, I caught Nami’s eye. She winked at me, making me wonder what she had planned.

I walked into the common area and saw Harry wearing the Sub-Zero costume. The blue and black outfit fit him well, showing off his muscular build. A mask covered the lower part of his face, leaving only his excited eyes visible. He struck a dramatic pose, arms crossed over his chest. The costume had some cool details like the metallic arm guards and the embroidered dragon symbol.

“Whoa, Harry!” I exclaim, impressed. “You look like you could freeze us all with a single glare!”

Nami’s eyes widen, her gaze fixed on Harry’s arms. “Wow, Harry! I had no idea you were hiding those arms under your regular clothes.”

Nami steps closer to Harry, her hand reaching out to adjust the arm band of his costume. As she does, her fingers trail along his bicep, lingering a bit longer than necessary. “I wouldn’t have thought you could get arms like these from video games. What’s your secret?”

Harry stammers slightly, clearly caught off guard by Nami’s attention. “Oh, uh ... I actually have a small gym set up in our basement. I work out between gaming sessions.”

“Really?” Nami looks genuinely impressed. “That’s pretty dedicated. Maybe you could show me sometime?”

“I’ve got an idea!” she calls over her shoulder. “I’ll be right back!”

As Nami disappears among the rows of costumes, I catch Harry’s eye and give him a thumbs up. He grins back, looking both excited and nervous about what Nami might have in store.

I watch as Nami returns to the changing area, her arms laden with various shades of green fabric. She spreads out multiple versions of Jade’s costume from Mortal Kombat on one of the benches, creating a vibrant display.

“Okay, guys, I need your opinion,” Nami announces.

When she steps out from behind the curtain this time, I can hardly believe my eyes. The costume she’s chosen is a striking shade of emerald green, making her look like she’s stepped straight out of Mortal Kombat. The bodice is crafted from a series of crisscrossing strings, each one taut and perfectly placed to create a revealing yet somehow elegant design. The plunging neckline dips daringly down to her navel, leaving her toned stomach exposed. The green fabric clings to her curves, accentuating every line of her athletic figure.

I couldn’t help but stare as Nami showed off her new costume. The thigh-high boots and arm guards completed the look, making her seem ready for combat. She struck a fighter’s pose, capturing Jade’s essence perfectly.

Kairi lets out a low whistle. “Damn, Nami, you’re not holding back, are you?”

Catching Harry’s eye, Nami winks and says, “I think this is the one. It matches perfectly with your Sub-Zero, Harry. What do you say, partner?”

Harry nods enthusiastically, still somewhat speechless.

I grab the Levi Ackerman costume from Attack on Titan and slip behind the curtain to change. The outfit fits snugly, with the white shirt tucked into tight, dark pants, and the iconic green cape draping over my shoulders. The leather harness wraps around my torso, adding to the overall badass look. As I start putting it on, I quickly realize I’m in over my head. The intricate web of straps and belts seems to have a mind of its own.

Harry bursts out laughing. “Dude, you look like you lost a fight with a seatbelt factory.”

Nami joins in, “I thought you were supposed to be humanity’s strongest soldier, not humanity’s most tangled.”

I roll my eyes but can’t help laughing along with them. It’s pretty ridiculous.

Hazel steps forward, a kind smile on her face. “Here, let me help. It’s actually a pretty intricate design.”

“Thanks, Hazel. You’re a lifesaver,” I say softly, grateful for her assistance.

Hazel steps out, and I feel my breath catch. The Tifa Lockhart costume hugs her body in all the right places. A white tank top barely contains her ample chest, showing just enough skin to be both teasing and modest. The black mini-skirt clings to her hips, ending high on her thighs, leaving her long legs exposed. Fingerless gloves wrap around her hands, adding a touch of toughness to the otherwise revealing outfit. Red suspenders crisscross over her chest and connect to the skirt, accentuating her curves even more.

“How do I look?” Hazel asks, spinning around for us to see every angle.

My mouth goes dry. “You look amazing.”

The room falls silent for a moment as we all take in Hazel’s transformation.

Nami breaks the silence with a whistle. “Damn, Hazel! That skirt is so short, it’s practically a belt!”

“Yeah, you might want to be careful how you sit down in that,” Harry adds.

Instead of blushing or looking embarrassed, Hazel’s eyes sparkle with excitement. “Oh, is it really that short? I hardly noticed,” she says with a sly smile.

Kairi catches on to Hazel’s act. “Sure you didn’t, Miss Innocent. I think someone’s been hiding a wild side from us.”

Kairi steps out, and my breath catches in my throat. The YoRHa 2B costume from NieR: Automata is nothing short of breathtaking—and provocative. The tight black bodysuit clings to her every curve, accentuating her slender waist and ample chest. A high neckline adds an air of elegance, while the cutouts on the sides reveal tantalizing glimpses of her smooth, tan skin.

The skirt is dangerously short, flaring out just enough to tease with each movement, giving brief peeks at the tops of her thigh-high boots and the lacy black panties underneath. Her legs are encased in those tight boots, adding a dominant edge to her look.

A blindfold covers her eyes, making her seem even more mysterious and alluring. She holds a sleek, silver katana at her side, completing the ensemble.

She strikes a pose, her voice taking on a robotic tone. “Commencing system check. All systems operational.”

Harry lets out a low whistle. “Wow, Kairi. That’s ... that’s quite an upgrade.”

We’re all stunned into silence for a moment, our eyes widening as we take in Kairi’s appearance.

I take a moment to really look at Kairi’s costume. The 2B outfit hugs every curve of her athletic body. The short skirt and thigh-high boots accentuate her long legs, while the tight bodice emphasizes her toned midsection and ample chest.

Hazel voices what we’re all thinking. “Kairi, you look amazing! How do you even breathe in that?”

“I think she broke all our brains a little bit,” I add, still a bit dazed.

Kairi stays in character, announcing, “Combat capabilities at 100%. Ready for deployment.”

Nami laughs. “More like ‘ready to stop traffic’. Sis, you’re going to cause accidents walking around like that.”

Harry’s eyes are still glued to Nami as he stammers, “Wow, Nami. That Jade costume is ... something else.”

Nami feigns innocence, a sly smile playing on her lips. “Oh? I hadn’t noticed. Is it too much?”

Kairi pipes up, “I think you broke Harry, sis. Should we get him a glass of water?”

“Or maybe a cold shower?” Hazel adds with a grin.

I can’t resist joining in. “Careful, Harry. Your ‘ice powers’ seem to be melting.”

Harry blushes but can’t help grinning, while Nami basks in the attention.

A shop assistant approaches, eyeing our revealing outfits with admiration. “You all look fantastic!” she said, grinning. “Though I have to ask, are these outfits convention-ready? They’re quite ... bold.”

Nami responds confidently, “Oh, we can handle it. My sister and I are dancers, so we’re used to performing in all kinds of costumes.”

“Exactly,” Kairi chimes in. “Showing a little skin is no big deal for us.”

The shop assistant nods appreciatively, her eyes lingering on Kairi. We huddle together for a selfie, our excitement palpable.

The assistant turns to Kairi, “Well, you certainly wear it well. If you ever need a photography session for that costume, I’d be happy to help.”

Kairi winks, “I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe we can discuss it after the convention?”

The shop assistant beams at Kairi’s response, while the rest of us exchange amused glances.

Nami takes charge, “Alright, team. Let’s get changed and head out. We’ve got a convention to prepare for!”

“Alright team, costumes are sorted. What’s next on our con prep list?” she asks.

I chime in, “We should definitely practice our character poses. I don’t want to look ridiculous when people ask for photos.”

Harry pulls out his phone, scrolling through what looks like the convention schedule. “Guys, there’s a cosplay contest on the second day. Should we enter?”

“Absolutely!” Kairi exclaims. “With these outfits, we’re sure to make an impression.”

I watch as Kairi and Nami exchange a glance, a silent conversation passing between them. Kairi speaks up, “Why wait? Why don’t we all head to our place now for some posing practice?”

“Great idea, sis,” Nami agrees. “We’ve got plenty of space, and we can order some pizza.”

Harry grins, “I’m in! But are you sure your parents won’t mind?”

Nami smiles “Oh, don’t worry about that. Our family is pretty ... open-minded.”

“Plus,” Kairi adds, “there’s something at home we’ve been wanting to show you guys for a while.”

My curiosity shoots up. “What’s this about?” I ask, trying not to sound too eager.

Kairi and Nami share another look before Kairi says, “It’s a surprise. Trust us, you’ll like it.”

Hazel’s eyes light up. “Now I’m really curious. I’m in!”

I notice the twins exchange a knowing smile. Whatever it is, they’ve definitely planned this out.

“This is gonna be awesome,” I say, grinning. “Can’t wait to see everyone’s faces at the con.”

Nami nods. “And just wait till you see what we have at home. Let’s grab some snacks on the way.”

Harry strikes a pose, flexing. “Maybe I’ll give you a sneak peek of Sub-Zero’s moves.”

We all crack up at Harry’s antics, excitement building as we get ready to leave the store and head to the Tanaka place.

We pulled up to Nami’s place, an awesome mix of traditional Japanese style and modern design. As we approached the front door, I couldn’t help but check out the cool artwork lining the walls.

Nami’s dad, Hiroshi, greeted us with a friendly smile. “Hey there, glad you all made it. Did you find some good costumes?”

Nami grinned, “You know it, Dad. Harry and I scored the perfect matching outfits!”

I glanced over at Harry, who looked a bit shy but pumped. Hazel caught my eye, and we shared an amused look.

Following Nami and Kairi’s lead, we all gave a little bow to their parents. A bit formal, but I respected the cultural thing.

As we settled into the living room, I checked out the art pieces scattered around.

Nami started, “So, we’ve got something to share. It’s not really a big secret, but it’s not exactly common knowledge either. You know we’re into manga and even hentai, right?” We all nodded, curious where this was going. “Maybe you just thought it was because of our Japanese background, and sure, that’s part of it. But there’s more. Our grandpa back in Japan is actually a pretty famous hentai artist.”

“You’ve gotta understand, hentai is viewed differently over there,” Nami went on. “Here it might be seen as just porn mags, but in Japan, it’s considered an art form.”

I leaned in, interested to hear more about this cultural difference. Nami had my full attention.

“So in Japan, hentai’s not just some dirty pictures?” I ask, trying to wrap my head around it. “It’s like, out in the open?”

Nami nods, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. “Exactly. It’s not something you’d discuss at the dinner table, but it’s not taboo either. People appreciate the artistry, the storytelling.”

“Huh,” I muse, scratching my chin. “So your grandpa’s basically the Japanese Hugh Hefner?”

Kairi snorts, elbowing me playfully. “More like a respected artist who happens to draw sexy stuff.”

I grinned at Kairi and Nami. “So when’s the family art show?”

Kairi excitedly grabbed a large graphic novel and opened it to show us her grandfather’s work. We all leaned in to look.

“Wow, your grandpa’s really talented,” I said, impressed by the intricate artwork. “This is pretty wild.”

Nami smiled proudly. “Yeah, he’s well-known in that world. Our family’s supportive - it’s cool having an artist relative.”

Harry nudged me. “Maybe you should switch careers, Andy. Think you could draw like this?”

I laughed. “I’ll pass, but props to your grandpa’s skills.”

Hazel leaned closer, teasing. “Who knew we’d get an art lesson today?”

We continued looking through the book, reacting with a mix of interest and flustered embarrassment. The detailed artwork was affecting us all in different ways.

Kairi told us her grandfather would be at Manga Con for a Q&A session. “He’s staying with us for the week,” she added.

“That’s awesome,” I said. “Looking forward to meeting him.”

Nami grinned mischievously. “Now let’s go take some photos!”

I followed the group to Nami’s room, wondering what I’d gotten myself into.

We entered Nami’s room. A large mirror reflected our faces, and shelves full of manga and hentai lined the walls.

“Now I get why you like hentai,” I said, looking at the shelves.

Nami smiled proudly. “It’s a family thing.”

“She just likes the dirty stories,” Kairi teased.

Harry’s face reddened as he looked between Nami and her collection. Hazel examined the book spines curiously.

The room felt tense. Nami brushed past Harry on her way to the mirror, making him gasp. Kairi noticed and smirked.

We gathered around the mirror. Nami faced us with a grin. “Who’s posing first?”

We looked at each other, nervous and excited.

The girls went to Kairi’s room while Harry and I stayed in Nami’s to change.

I heard giggles and gasps from Kairi’s room while Harry and I changed. My hands shook as I struggled with my costume’s fastenings.

We met back in Nami’s room in our skimpy outfits. I whistled softly. “Wow, everyone looks ... amazing,” I said, staring at the group.

I watched as Nami adjusted her skimpy Jade costume. “Alright, who’s first?” she asked with a grin.

We took turns posing for photos. As we shifted around, I bumped into Hazel a few times, feeling a jolt each time we touched. I noticed Harry staring at Nami, his face getting redder.

I watched as Nami demonstrated a high kick from her game. Her costume rode up as she held the pose.

“How’s this for a victory pose?” she asked, grinning.

Harry’s eyes go wide, and he stammers, “N-Nami, your ... your top is...”

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