Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey - Cover

Pathways to Intimacy: Andy’s Journey

Copyright© 2024 by Carmichael

Chapter 17: School again?

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 17: School again? - Andy Wilson, an adventurous 18-year-old, is about to experience a transformative summer that will change his life forever. Living in a sexually open-minded world, Andy navigates the complex feelings of desire and attraction towards family and friends. starts slow.

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Aunt   Nephew   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Teacher/Student   Nudism  

I sat in Ms. Parker’s class, trying not to get distracted by her form-fitting blouse. My mind was still buzzing from the weekend’s events when she dropped a bombshell.

“Alright, class. We have final exams coming up next week. I hope you’re all prepared to showcase what you’ve learned this semester.”

A collective groan filled the room. I turned to Hazel, catching her eye. We shared a look of panic - we’d been so caught up in our recent adventures, studying had taken a backseat.

Ms. Parker started handing out study guides. As she reached my desk, her fingers grazed mine, staying a moment longer than needed. I couldn’t help but remember our intimate moments at her pool.

The atmosphere in the classroom shifted, tension thick in the air as reality set in. The tests were no joke, and we all knew it.

As the bell rang, I made my way to Hazel’s desk. “Hey, want to study together?”

I sat down at our usual lunch table, my tray clattering as I placed it on the surface. Hazel slid in next to me, her knee brushing mine under the table. The cafeteria buzzed with activity.

Harry plopped down across from us, eyebrows waggling. “So, how was that fancy resort you two went to?”

I felt heat creep up my neck. Hazel and I exchanged a quick glance before she answered, “It was ... eye-opening. Lots of nature and interesting people.”

“Yeah,” I chimed in, trying to keep my voice steady. “We learned a lot about ... um, being comfortable with ourselves.”

Harry leaned in, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Lots of skimpy bikinis?”

Kairi and Nami rolled their eyes in unison. I couldn’t help but chuckle, remembering the irony of the situation.

“Nah, you wouldn’t think so at a beach but not one risky bikini in sight the whole weekend,” I answered, fighting to keep a straight face.

Hazel pressed her lips together, suppressing a laugh. I could feel her shaking with silent giggles next to me.

Kairi and Nami shared a curious look, clearly picking up on our evasiveness. I could practically see the gears turning in their heads as they tried to decipher our cryptic responses.

The cafeteria’s noise swelled around us, providing a welcome distraction from the growing tension at our table. I busied myself with my lunch, hoping to avoid any more probing questions.

I swallowed the last bite of my sandwich and turned to the group. “Hey, want to get together to study for these tests?”

Hazel nodded enthusiastically. “Definitely. We could use my place if you guys are up for it.”

“Count us in!” Kairi chimed in, glancing at her sister. “Nami and I could use the help, especially in history and math.”

A collective sigh of relief swept through our little circle. The prospect of tackling these exams together lifted a weight off our shoulders.

We huddled in the hallway after lunch, comparing schedules amidst the bustle of students rushing to their next classes.

“How about today after school?” Harry suggested, phone in hand.

Sitting at my desk, the soft glow of my computer screen lit up my face as I typed, “Sensual Massage Techniques.” I muttered, quickly adding the book Alice suggested to my cart.

My pulse quickened as I looked for the oil she recommended. “This must be it,” I said, hesitating over the ‘Add to Cart’ button.

I paused, thinking about Mom possibly seeing the package. But then I remembered her encouragement to show her the techniques. With a deep breath, I clicked ‘Buy Now.’

I closed my laptop, thoughts of practicing these new skills already swirling in my mind.

Standing up, I started gathering my study materials for the session at Hazel’s, my recent purchase still lingering in the back of my mind.

I arrived at Hazel’s house, my backpack heavy with books. As I approached the door, I could hear muffled voices inside. I knocked, and Hazel swung the door open with a grin.

“Hey, everyone! Ready to cram some knowledge into our brains?” I said, trying to sound more enthusiastic than I felt.

Hazel laughed. “As ready as we’ll ever be. Come on in!”

The group greeted me warmly as I stepped inside. Harry gave me a playful punch on the arm. “About time, man!”

I noticed Kairi and Nami already seated on the floor, surrounded by a fortress of books and snack bowls. Hazel’s living room had been transformed into a study zone, with textbooks and notes covering every inch of the coffee table.

As I found a spot to sit, Hazel started dividing up the subjects. “Okay, let’s tackle history first, then move on to math...”

I watched as our study group dove headfirst into the material. Books were flipped open, highlighters uncapped, and brains engaged. We quizzed each other relentlessly, taking turns explaining the tougher concepts.

“Can someone explain this calculus problem to me?” Harry groaned, scratching his head. “It’s like it’s written in alien language.”

Nami leaned over, her brow furrowing as she examined Harry’s textbook. “Let me take a look. Oh, I see where you’re getting stuck...”

As Nami patiently walked Harry through the problem, I couldn’t help but feel impressed by how well we all worked together. Hazel, in particular, showed remarkable patience, breaking down complex ideas into bite-sized pieces for whoever needed help.

The afternoon wore on, marked by the gradual emptying of snack bowls and the filling of notepads. We oscillated between intense concentration and frustrated sighs as we tackled one challenging subject after another.

After wrestling with a particularly tough problem, Kairi sat back, stretching her arms above her head. “Maybe we should take a break?”

I stretched my arms, grateful for the break. As I reached for another handful of chips, Kairi’s eyes lit up.

“Hey, have you guys heard about the manga convention next weekend?” she asked excitedly.

My interest piqued immediately. “Manga convention? That sounds interesting!”

Nami chimed in, a mischievous glint in her eye. “Oh yeah, and there’s even an adult-only hentai section this year.”

The atmosphere in the room shifted instantly. Our textbooks lay forgotten as Kairi and Nami launched into an enthusiastic explanation of the convention’s different areas.

“There’s artist alley, cosplay contests, panel discussions...” Kairi listed, counting off on her fingers.

“And don’t forget the merch booths,” Nami added with a grin.

I glanced around at my friends, noting their growing excitement. Especially Harry, seemed intrigued, after Nami named the hentai section.

“So,” I ventured, “should we all go together?”

I couldn’t stop smirking as we huddled around Kairi’s phone, ogling the convention website. The screen was plastered with flashy banners and event listings that had us all buzzing.

Hazel’s eyes sparkled mischievously. “You guys game for the hentai section?”

“Hell yeah!” Harry blurted out, not missing a beat.

We erupted in a mix of nervous chuckles and excited squeals. My stomach did a little flip, caught between thrill and nerves.

Nami elbowed me playfully. “Bet Andy’ll be the first to go red.”

“No chance,” I shot back, trying to sound cool. “My money’s on Harry turning into a tomato.”

We kept ribbing each other, our books lying forgotten. As we scrolled through the con schedule, I felt a rush of excitement building.

“Let’s make a deal,” Hazel piped up. “We hit the books hard this week. Thursday, we take last year’s tests. If we all pass, we treat ourselves to the con. Maybe even go cosplay shopping on Friday.”

Everyone loved Hazel keeping us on track and agreed to her terms. It was one hell of an incentive to study. Of course, Harry couldn’t resist suggesting some pretty revealing outfits for the girls, earning himself a barrage of smacks.

As the others left, I stayed behind to help Hazel clean up. We were just finishing when the front door opened, and Lily walked in, still dressed for work.

“Hey, you two! How was the study session?” Lily asked, smiling.

Hazel grinned at her mom. “Great, Mom. Andy was a huge help with history.”

I felt a rush of excitement in my gut, suddenly aware that I was alone with Hazel and Lily. The air felt charged with possibilities.

Lily smiled warmly. “Why don’t I take a quick shower, and then we can all have some tea together? It’ll be a nice way to unwind.”

Just the mention of a shower brought back memories of my steamy adventure with Hazel and Lily, and I was instantly hard.

Hazel and I made tea and settled in the living room, now cleared of textbooks and notes. Lily returned, wearing only a towel that clung to her curves, her wet red hair cascading down her back. The evening light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow over everything.

I took a swig of my tea, feeling the warmth spread through me. Lily’s eyes locked with mine over the rim of her cup. “So, Andy, how are you feeling after your first nudist experience?”

My face flushed. “It was ... liberating. And a bit intense. But in a good way.”

Hazel reached out and squeezed my hand. “I’m proud of you for being so open-minded, Andy.”

A wave of warmth surged through my chest at her words and Lily’s approving smile.

I couldn’t help glancing at Lily’s towel-clad body, her curves on full display. “You know,” I began, feeling my mouth go dry, “being naked was hot and all, but there’s something even sexier about leaving a bit to the imagination or mystery. Like when Hazel flashed me yesterday, or you sitting there in just a towel, Lily. Knowing you’re completely naked underneath—it’s a whole different kind of thrill.” Lily’s eyes sparkled at my words. “Hell, I even caught myself wondering if Ms. Parker goes commando again in class. Just thinking about it got me all worked up.”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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