Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps - Cover

Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps

Copyright© 2024 by Vulgus

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A seventeen-year-old girl's mother dies. After the funeral she learns her mother was little more than a sex slave to her employer who owns nearly a dozen strip clubs and whorehouses and the hundreds of women who work in them. He has every intention of having her take her mother's place.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Spitting   Water Sports   Size   Prostitution  

The whorehouses are all called Paradise and numbered one through four. On the way to Paradise 1 Donna told me about the place and the guy who manages it, Mr. Pratt. Paradise 1 is located in a large old house. It was pretty rundown when Chapman bought it for next to nothing and spent enough money to fix it up at least superficially. Except for the load bearing walls the place was gutted. Now, instead of a living room, dining room and bedrooms there are numerous narrow hallways on both floors and tiny little cubicles just large enough for a twin bed and a washstand. There are four bathrooms now, two on each floor since the women need to take frequent showers. And there’s a small waiting room inside the front door. They try to keep a dozen women in that room waiting for the customers to come in and select a woman to have sex with.

She doesn’t know much about Mr. Pratt. He’s about what might be expected from a guy who runs a whorehouse. He’s a horny bastard in his forties who likes to sample the merchandise. But except for that, as long as the girls don’t piss off a customer he leaves them alone. Donna has had sex with him dozens of times over the years. It bothered her at first but she finally realized it doesn’t matter if she’s fucking him or some guy who just walked in the door. She’s going to get fucked either way and her paycheck won’t be affected since she doesn’t get paid by the fuck.

There are two shifts working at each whorehouse. The girls work from six o’clock to six o’clock on a rotating schedule. Unless something is going on in town and they can’t be spared they get two days off a week but they aren’t always consecutive days. That depends on a lot of things, like the women’s periods which aren’t all that predictable.

On an average night there are about thirty women working at each of the four whorehouses. Only very few of them are local women. The others come from all over the country and are quite malleable because once they reach the low point in their lives that they have no choice but to work at one of the Paradise clubs they’ve definitely descended to the bottom of the food chain.

The day shift goes to work at six in the morning but in the morning and early afternoon the girls usually get a lot of time to sit around in the waiting room waiting for someone to come in and select them. Things don’t start picking up until the late afternoon. After around five or six PM, especially around payday, things start to get busy.

Our visit to Paradise 1 will start at around mid-morning and it’s mid-week so I doubt we’ll have to deal with crowds of horny men when we get there. By the time Donna finished telling me about the first whorehouse on our list we were parking in front of it. She turned her engine off, looked at the place we’re about to visit, sighed and said, “After Tony saved my life out at the farm I never thought I’d be going back into this place again.”

“Bad memories?”

She shrugged and said, “Yeah. I guess. There are a few good memories, like my time with your mother. I would never have survived without her. She was a very special person. But most of the memories I have of my life once Chapman caught me in his trap have been unpleasant. Doing what I’ve been doing for a living for the last eight years or so can be very humiliating, very dehumanizing. There have been so many times since he turned me into a whore I’ve dreamed about killing that son of a bitch ... or myself. I don’t even like to see violence in movies but I’d give anything if I could have been there when Tony put that animal down.”

“There was never a time when you enjoyed it? I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I’ve been thinking a lot about working in a strip club or waiting around in a place like this for some man I’ve never seen before to come in and take me to a little cubicle and have sex with me. I know it’s wrong. But thinking about those things, at least in the abstract, can really get my juices flowing.”

After a brief silence I asked, “Do you suppose that means I’m a ... what’s the term? Oh yeah! A submissive. There must be something not quite right about me. I enjoyed the hell out of having sex with Tony and I loved the time I spent with the sheriff. That can’t be normal.”

She chuckled and said, “I told you Tony was good. And the sheriff! He always asked Chapman for me when he came in to pick up his bribe. Sometimes he’d find out where I was working and actually pay full price to spend the evening with me. I always enjoyed our time together. He was never nasty or mean like so many of the guys I’ve been with. Men who pay to have sex with a woman don’t normally treat her with respect, or at least that’s been my experience.

“And in answer to your question, from what I’ve read and learned from talking to your mother who was an extremely intelligent person, a large percentage of women have submissive tendencies, possibly due to the way most girls are raised. I don’t think I have that particular quirk but I’ve noticed a lot of the women I’ve worked with over the years have it to one degree or another.

“Come on. We better get in there. Pratt is probably staring out the window and wondering what’s keeping us.”

We went to the door and I guess someone had been watching us. The door opened as we were climbing the stairs to the front porch. A large man with a bright smile said, “Donna! We’ve missed you! You finally dragging your lazy ass back to work?”

Donna gave him a hug and replied, “No Howie. I heard you were lowering your rates so I thought I’d come by and see if you’re as worthless in the sack as I’ve heard.”

He laughed and exclaimed, “But Donna! You know I’d never have charged you!”

She stood to the side and introduced me. His smile disappeared and he said, “I’m sorry about your mother, Blair. She was a genuine sweetheart. We all loved her.”

“Thank you Howie.” I’m touched. He sounds like he really means it.

Donna asked if Mr. Pratt is in his office. Howie nodded. Then she asked if there are any customers at the moment. He shook his head and said, “Not yet. But it probably won’t be long.”

“Please put a note on the door saying ‘closed for fifteen minutes and get the girls together in the living room/dining room area. I need to have a talk with them. But first I’m going to invite Pratt. Has he given any clues to how he feels about the coup?”

Howie shrugged and after making sure Pratt is still in his office he quietly replied, “I think he was scared at first. But as soon as he was reasonably certain he wasn’t a target he relaxed. I don’t think he was a fan of Chapman’s. On the other hand, I don’t think he cared one way or the other about the girls or how they were treated. Pratt’s just worried about Pratt.”

“Thanks Howie.”

Donna turned to me and said, “Let’s go talk to the boss.”

As we were walking away we heard Howie ask one of the girls waiting for the customers to start arriving to put the note on the door and lock it. He sent three of the women upstairs to gather up the other women and send them downstairs. He began going from room to room on the ground floor sending all the girls he could find to join the meeting.

We went to Mr. Pratt’s office. Donna knocked and when he said “Come in Donna” we went in. He stood up and greeted us. He obviously remembers Donna. I’m not certain I’d describe his welcome as friendly but he was polite.

Donna said, “Mr. Pratt. Sorry to interrupt you. I’m about to address your girls and I thought you should be there. It’s obvious you’ve heard about the untimely demise of poor Mr. Chapman. I suppose you want to know how this is all going to affect you. We can talk after I’ve addressed the girls if you have any questions.”

As we were turning to leave he said, “You look different, Donna. I’m not sure what it is. You look ... confident I guess. Your new job seems to suit you.”

She smiled and said, “Thank you. I’m a little nervous about having to address all these people. But I’m starting to get used to it. I suppose I am gaining confidence. It must be sneaking up on me. I didn’t even realize it until you pointed it out.”

As we approached the two large rooms where everyone has gathered, Howie said, “I think we have everyone. It’s hard to be certain. Getting them all together in one room is like herding cats.”

He took a few hits from the women closest to him for that remark. When everyone was quiet, Donna gave them basically the same talk she gave at all the strip clubs yesterday. It’s still too soon to offer specifics, like how much money they’ll all be making. But Donna told them their pay will be raised significantly and she also explained the money they’ll be receiving to make up for the inadequate pay and the poor way they’ve been treated since they were employed by Chapman. Then she introduced me and told them that from now on, if they have any questions or any problems my number will be posted on the bulletin board next to Mr. Pratt’s office.

She thanked them for their attention and told them to get their lazy asses back to work. A lot of them are friends of Donna’s and have been worried about her. Many of them stopped us on our way back to the office and told her how glad they are she’s back and that she has a new job. A lot of them were friends with my mother and took a moment to say hello and offer their condolences.

Howie dispersed them, unlocked the door and removed the note. Then he stepped back and let half a dozen men in after apologizing for the delay.

Donna and Mr. Pratt headed back to his office. I stood there and watched in fascination as the dozen women who’s turn it is in the waiting room stood up with smiles plastered on their faces and greeted the customers while waiting to see who gets selected to go to a cubicle to have sex. The process should be incredibly offensive, so why is my pussy getting so wet?

I hurried to catch up to Donna and Mr. Pratt. It’s clear that unlike some of the managers of the strip clubs he has no problem with the changes Tony is putting in place. We talked for a few minutes before Donna said, “I know you must have a lot of questions but Tony has a large crew working everything out. I promise, as soon as we get everything worked out we’ll let everyone know. Until then, feel free to call me if there’s anything you need.”

He escorted us to the door. Donna gave Howie a hug as we were leaving and we went back to the car. As soon as we were seated she said, “That went well. The only one I’m really expecting to have a problem with is Brenda. She’s the bitch who’s as bad as that asshole Anderson, or worse. She’s a fucking sadist. That’s probably why Chapman was so fond of her.”

Paradise 2 was only a fifteen-minute drive away. It’s right on the edge of the warehouse district not far from the waterfront. It doesn’t look like much from the outside. It’s an old warehouse, or at least it was. Chapman bought it and left the outside pretty much the way it was when he bought it. Donna said the inside looks very much like Paradise 1 except there aren’t any windows. We parked out front and went inside.

Once again Donna was greeted warmly by the large man at the door. I looked around the waiting room just inside the door. Donna was right. It looks a lot like the one we just left. There are about a dozen naked women sitting around talking. Two customers are there, looking at all the naked female flesh on display and talking with the women as they make up their minds which ones they want. According to Gary, the doorman, security guard, and cashier, there are three more men in cubicles with women doing what they came here to do.

At that moment the door opened and two more men came in. They talked quietly with Gary standing just inside the door and then came into the waiting room. They joined the other two men who arrived before them and looked around but one of the newcomers kept looking over his shoulder at me. After speaking to a couple of the girls the man who seemed to find me so fascinating turned and approached me. With a confident smile on his face he said, “Hello, young lady. My name’s Don. Do you work here?”

I returned his smile and replied, “I work for the company which owns this place.”

“I know it’s a rude question but I can’t help it. I have to ask. How old are you? You look so young.”

“Seventeen, for about another week.”

“Seventeen and you don’t work here. I guess that means there isn’t a chance in hell I could talk you into going into one of these little rooms with me. That’s a fucking shame because you’re hotter than hell.”

Gary started toward us to chase the guy away from me but I find the guy amusing and he’s not bad looking. I waved Gary off and said, “I wouldn’t even know what to charge you.”

“I’m sure we could work something out with the big guy by the door.”

I glanced at Donna. She’s grinning like crazy.

I thought about it for a moment and said, “Let’s go talk to him. Have you been here before?”

“No. I’m in town on business. The gentleman I came in with frequents several of these places from time to time. He suggested we come in this morning. He insisted the women here are delightful. And looking around I must agree. The women I see sitting around the room are very attractive and very sexy. But you caught my eye and I know I don’t have a snowball’s chance in hell but damn you turn me on!”

“Let’s go talk to Gary. I don’t even know what they charge people in here.”

Gary watched me and the man trying to get in my pants as we approached. He has a look on his face somewhere between bemused and amused but I don’t think he has decided if I’m going to have the man thrown out or dicker for my services. When we were standing in front of Gary I asked him what the going rate is for the services of one of the women.

Gary ran down the short menu of services offered and the price for each. But before he asked the man what he would like or asked me what I was willing to do with him he said, “I believe I just heard you say you’re just seventeen?!”

I nodded.

He looked at me thoughtfully for a moment before saying, “When you started working for Tony people started talking about you. I heard a rumor you were a virgin until a few days ago. Is that true?”

I nodded and said, “Yes. Chapman had me taken out to the farm to punish me or train me or whatever. I was never certain why he sent me out there. I was raped several times my first day there but thankfully Tony saved me before things got out of hand.”

Don, who has been listening in silence, cleared his throat and looking more than a little embarrassed said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t know any of that. I would never have...”

I smiled and said, “It’s okay, Don. My first few experiences were pretty traumatic. But I’ve been lucky enough to have two experiences since then which were very exciting, very satisfying. I learned that despite my first few bad experiences I really enjoy sex. And for the last two days my friend and I have been visiting strip joints and whorehouses as a part of our new job of making them better places for the women to work. Much to my surprise, watching women undress to entertain a bunch of horny men, watching them perform lap dances, and now, watching them sitting around a waiting room naked, greeting the men while the men decide who whey want to get to know a lot better and then go off to have sex with them ... for some reason that whole concept has been turning me on. I think I’d like to try it. I don’t want to live my life that way. But I’d like to see what it’s like.”

He looked at me for a moment as if trying to read my mind before saying, “You really don’t mind?”

I shook my head.

Don turned to Gary and asked, “How much would it cost me to take this young woman to a room for an hour?”

“Sorry, Don. While that sounds like fun I have too much to do today. How about half an hour?”

“I’d love to spend the day with you. But I’ll take whatever I can get.”

Gary looked at me for a moment before turning to Donna and asking, “What do you think?”

Donna, still grinning like crazy, replied, “I think it would be a good experience for her. If she’s going to be tasked with improving the lives of working girls I think she should have at least a taste of what it’s like. Just charge the man what you’d charge him for any of the girls working here.”

Gary thought about it for a minute and said to Don, “We don’t normally charge by the hour. I suppose any of the girls might have to take care of two men in half an hour on a busy night. That will cost you a hundred dollars for half an hour. But I’m warning you, you better not hurt her because the guy who owns all the businesses in town which deal in sex is very fond of her. If you hurt her it’s very unlikely you’ll be going home.”

“I wouldn’t dream of hurting her.”

While Don was paying Gary for my services Donna asked, “Which room? I need to give her a quick education.”

Gary pointed down a hallway and said, “The last cubicle on the left is unassigned.”

She turned to me and said, “Come on, slut.”

I chuckled as I followed her. As we were leaving the waiting room the women all stood up and applauded. I turned, smiled and waved at them. As soon as we were out in the hallway Donna gave me a hug and exclaimed, “Crazy bitch! I wasn’t kidding in there. I suppose it’s a good idea for you to have some idea of what the life of a whore is like considering what we do for a living now. But I never thought you’d have the balls!”

I laughed and said, “I probably wouldn’t have if he wasn’t so damn sexy. He seems like a really nice guy.”

“Yeah. But watch yourself. Men who aren’t nice seem to have a knack for making women think they are.”

She took me into the tiny cubicle and told me what would happen if I were a prostitute taking a customer to one of these cubicles. She pointed out the drawer full of condoms in the washstand and the bucket for the used washcloths and towels. She made me promise to use a condom no matter what we do. Then she hugged me and admitted, “I think you’re going to enjoy it. After I got used to the fact that I was a whore I sometimes enjoyed it with the right man. I like your attitude. Sex is fun. Being sexy and being wanted is fun. Turning men on is fun. But be careful. Don’t lose yourself in the fantasies. That never turns out well. Sex can also be very destructive, especially for a young woman.”

She stepped back and said, “I’ll send him back here. Wait until he’s here to get undressed. Guys like to watch you unwrap their present.”

Don entered the room a few minutes later. He doesn’t look quite as confident as he did. I smiled and began to unbutton my dress but he came closer, held my hands away from my dress and said, “I’m having second thoughts. Despite your enthusiasm out there I ... I’m more than a little uncomfortable after hearing what just happened to you. Maybe we should just talk for a while.”

I pulled my hands away and wrapped my arms around his waist. I held him close, looked up at his handsome face, smiled and said, “You really are pretty special, aren’t you. I had that impression from the first words out of your mouth back in the waiting room. It’s too bad you aren’t from around here. I think we could have had a lot of fun. If you’re single, of course. I’m not going to ask because if you’re married I don’t want to know. But I knew right away you’re a nice guy. You’re handsome. That goes without saying. You have a smile that curls my toes. I’m impressed by how confident you are. You sound very intelligent. You’re very impressive.”

He wrapped his arms around me and said, “First, I’m not married. I was. My wife was a cop. She was killed in the line of duty seven years ago, a year after our wedding.”

“I’m sorry. That’s so tragic.”

I reached up, caressed his cheek and said, “Maybe I can take your mind off of it for a short time. I wish it could be longer. Suddenly my recently discovered perverted little fantasy has taken on a whole new meaning. Now I wish I hadn’t told you that the idea of doing this; going to a little cubicle with a man I just met who is paying to have sex with me or getting up on a stage and stripping naked in front of a bunch of horny men turns me on.”

He grinned and said, “No, don’t regret that. The idea of a beautiful young woman like you with the nerve to experiment like this ... damn you turn me on! I think there’s something about you and your attitude about sex that is so refreshing.”

I went up on my toes and kissed him on the lips. Then I said, “I understand prostitutes aren’t into kissing the men they go with. Sorry. I couldn’t resist.”

He leaned down and kissed me, a gentle kiss at first. But it quickly became more. I was panting before I finally managed to step back and return to taking off my dress. He didn’t try to stop me this time. He took a step back and began to slowly undress while he watched me. He seemed very impressed when my dress fell open and he discovered I’m not wearing underwear. He moaned and exclaimed, “Oh Christ! You’re perfect! You’re beautiful! I’ve never seen a more beautiful woman.”

“I hope you come to town more often. You’re great for my ego.”

“I may have to move my company here!”

I chuckled and said, “I wouldn’t recommend it. From the little I’ve learned about this town in the last week since my mother died this must be one of the most corrupt towns in the country. Illegal gambling and illegal sex seem to be the biggest industries and everyone in a position to change that is on the payroll.”

He stopped undressing after pulling his slacks down to his knees and looked at me. He’s pretty impressive standing there wearing just his socks and his jockey shorts. I saw the look on his face and I knew I’d screwed up again. I took a step closer, cupped the impressive bulge in his jockeys with my hand and said, “Sorry. Sometimes my mouth moves while my brain is still in neutral. I shouldn’t have said anything. It’s okay, Don. So much has happened since my mom died that it doesn’t even seem recent anymore. Really. It’s okay ... I’m okay. I’m looking forward to this as much as you are.”

He’s hesitating again. Me and my big mouth. I dropped to my knees in front of him and finished pulling his pants down. I held them while he stepped out of them and placed them on the bed. Then I leaned forward and kissed the throbbing bulge in his underwear. I pulled his jockeys down to his knees and ordered him to sit on the bed behind him. When he was seated I removed his jockeys and his socks. Then I leaned down over him and began making love to his impressive cock and balls with my lips and my tongue.

I had forgotten all about what Donna said until he was nearing orgasm. I hadn’t required him to put a condom on. I decided I don’t want him to wear a condom. I can’t imagine those things taste very good and what we’re doing is so much sexier without it.

I had just come to that conclusion when he moaned, stiffened up and warned me he’s going to cum. I want that! I want his cum in my mouth. I want to taste him, his essence. It excites me to please him this much. I held his cock in my mouth and let it drain for a minute before I stood up, folded his pants and placed them on a stool in the corner. I noticed neither of us thought to close the flimsy curtain which is supposed to provide what little privacy a couple can have in a tiny little booth like this. I just grinned. I like the idea that anyone passing by can see us.

I went back over to the little bed and he pulled me down beside him. He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately. That impressed me. Even with my limited experience I know how unusual it is for a man to kiss a woman who has just sucked his cock.

We kissed and our hands explored for a few minutes before he turned me onto my back and knelt between my legs. We looked at each other for a long moment before he moved into position over me and gently eased his beautiful cock inside of me. As his cock slowly entered me he groaned and whispered, “God! You’re so hot! So tight! So ... Jesus, Blair! I’ve never...”

I pulled his head down and we kissed like crazy. He kind of scared me there for a minute. The sound of his voice, the look on his face. I think he’s starting to get carried away. I wouldn’t want him to say something he didn’t mean in the heat of the moment, something romantic that might embarrass him later.

Don isn’t as well hung as Tony or the sheriff. But he is well equipped. His cock is between six and seven inches long and I enjoyed every second of the next fifteen or twenty minutes every bit as much as he did. After we both climaxed he lay over me for a long time with his weight resting on his elbows and his knees and his cock slowly going soft inside of me. We stared at each other for the longest time before he whispered, “That was ... that was outstanding. Thank you. Thank you for accepting my totally outrageous offer. Thank you for being so brave. Thank you for being perfect.”

“I was about to say the same to you. That was out of this world.”

We finally separated. I got up and cleaned us both off with a damp cloth. Then he glanced at his watch and said, “We’re on overtime. I don’t know the charge for that but it was worth it.”

I smiled and said, “If there’s a charge I’ll pay it. I feel like I owe you for what you just did.”

We took our time getting dressed. Well, he took his time. I only had my shoes and my dress to put on. After I was dressed I stood there and we just stared into each other’s eyes while he finished putting his clothes on. Just before he finished he said, “You may not believe this. But you’re the first woman I’ve been with since my wife died. I’ve had opportunities but ... I don’t know. I just couldn’t. I felt ... it just didn’t seem right. I’m glad I waited. I let the guy I came in with talk me into coming here. I don’t know why. I’ve never paid anyone for sex before. I guess he caught me at a week moment. I’m never going to forget you, Blair. You’re a very special young woman.”

“And you’re a very special man. I hope when you get home you’re able to open yourself up to living again. I think you deserve it. I think the women living in your hometown deserve it. I’m kinda new at this as you know. Would I be out of line if I were to offer you my number in case you ever come back to town?”

“I’d like that very much.”

I wrote my number down on a scrap of paper from my purse and handed it to him. I thanked him for being so nice and we tried to act like two normal people just returning from a stroll when we returned to the waiting room. There was another round of quiet, good-natured applause when we entered the room. I blushed, but I bowed and said, “Thank you. We deserve that. It turns out we’re both pretty good fucks.”

They all found that amusing. I turned to Gary and said, “I understand we went overtime. You can send me the bill. He was worth it.”

While Don and I were in our little cubicle Donna was working. Because this place is already starting to get busy Donna came up with a solution to having her talk with the women without interfering with business. She asked Gary to send half the women to the breakroom. She already had her talk with the first half. The second half are already assembling in the breakroom when Donna and I joined them.

She gave them the normal talk. She explained, as much as possible, the changes Tony is putting in place and the change in the way they’ll be getting paid effective immediately. She answered a few questions and let them go back to what they were doing.

Donna had just started her talk when a man came in and stood in the back of the room. As the women were leaving after the talk the man approached us with a smile. He gave Donna a hug and said, “I’ve missed you girl! I heard what you went through, what almost happened to you. Thank god for Tony.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t here to greet you when you arrived. I had to attend a session of Magistrate’s Court. My daughter got arrested for hit and run. Thankfully, it wasn’t her. She loaned her car to a friend who neglected to tell her she scaped a parked car in a parking lot and kept going. Fortunately, when her friend found out my daughter had been arrested she came forward. I don’t know why we had to go to court. Her friend went to the cops and confessed days ago. But oh well. At least now I won’t have to beat my daughter half to death with a baseball bat.”

It’s obvious he’s joking. Donna kissed him on the cheek and said, “I knew you were a child abuser. You beast! Damn! It seems like months since I was working here. So much has happened in such a short amount of time. It’s only been ... hmmm. It has been months! I haven’t worked here for two months! I’m curious. What do you think of the changes Tony’s making?”

“I’m ecstatic. When I first came to work here I knew nothing about Chapman or his policies. The more I found out the more disgusted I became. I felt so dirty when I went home in the evening. I wanted to quit almost from the time Chapman took over after squeezing out the original owner. But every time I discussed it with my wife and told her the kind of shit he was pulling she had the same response. Quit and do what? I was almost as trapped as most of you poor women were. My wife convinced me the best thing I could do would be to do what I could to come between you ladies and Chapman and save as much money as I could so we could get the hell out of this town.

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