Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps - Cover

Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps

Copyright© 2024 by Vulgus

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A seventeen-year-old girl's mother dies. After the funeral she learns her mother was little more than a sex slave to her employer who owns nearly a dozen strip clubs and whorehouses and the hundreds of women who work in them. He has every intention of having her take her mother's place.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Spitting   Water Sports   Size   Prostitution  

The men hurried from the shed, followed by the men who came in with Tony. When we were alone he turned to me and said, “Blair, I’m sorry. I knew you were going through hell but I had to get to town. I had to cut off the head of the snake before he found out what I was doing and gathered his army. I couldn’t save you both and they were going to kill Donna. I had to stop them.”

I shook my head and said, “It’s okay, Tony. If you had asked me I’d have told you to save Donna. It has been tearing me up that she was going to be killed for trying to warn me about Chapman.

“What now? Chapman destroyed me. He stole everything from me and turned me into ... this! I’m a girl who fucks dogs now. A dog took my virginity. I’m homeless. I don’t have a job or any skills. I’d probably be better off if they made a snuff movie starring me.”

“Relax, Blair. I’ve given that some thought. I think you’re going to be alright. I need to get to town and check on things. I’m going to need to keep a close eye on things there and I’ve scheduled meetings with the Sheriff, the Chief of Police, the Mayor and the District Attorney. All the most important people on Chapman’s payroll. They’re already dirty. I need to let them know I intend to clean up Chapman’s business interests. There will still be strippers and some of the girls have already made it clear they want to continue working as prostitutes. I guess some women think it’s an easy way to make a living once they get used to it. But from now on there won’t be anyone making anyone do something against their will. No more women will be getting raped now that I’m taking over. Now I need to make certain the people who are in a position to make things difficult for me are on board and aren’t going to make trouble for me.

“I’m going to take care of you. You’re going to have options. You’ll be okay, I promise.”

He led me outside. I was shocked by what I saw. The other women are filing out of the hen house. They’re all dressed now. They all look a bit dazed. A couple of men are leading them to the mess hall. Tony explained, “They’re going to get a decent meal for a change. Then they’ll be offered a choice between trying to return to their lives or staying in a place I’m having set up for them in town. I’m going to see what they need to get their lives back and do whatever I can to help them get back on their feet.

“The men who have been tormenting them since they arrived here are gathered in a corral with several armed guards watching over them.”

I quietly asked, “What are you going to do with them. You can’t just let them go ... can you?”

He sighed and replied, “I don’t know. I’m pretty sure I can use some of them. But most of them are as warped as I was by working for Chapman. I can’t let them go. But I know I can’t kill that many men even though that’s the easiest and probably the best solution. I just don’t know. My first thought was that since most of them aren’t from around here I’ll just run them out of town. But the worst of them are just too dangerous and too warped to set free. For now, I guess I’ll just keep them in the hen house with some guards I can trust until I figure it out. I’m going to talk it over with the DA and the sheriff and the Chief of Police. Maybe between them they can come up with a solution.”

He led me to his car, reached in and handed me a dress and explained, “Donna picked this out for you. The shoes are in there on the floor. I need to talk to Dobie for a minute, then I’ll drive you back to town. We can talk more on the way to town.”

We didn’t talk much on the way to town. I slept so little last night and I feel drained after the stress of what happened to me in that shed this morning. I fell asleep almost as soon as I sat down in the car. I didn’t even hear Tony when he got in, started the car and drove back to town. I finally woke up an hour later just as we were entering town. I sat up looked around and muttered, “Oh shit!”

Tony chuckled. I said, “I’m sorry. It has been an exhausting and very stressful two days.”

“It’s okay. I understand. I was largely responsible for all that stress. I’m really sorry, Blair.”

“It’s okay, Tony. You’ve really made up for it. A large number of young women are extremely grateful to you and your men.”

After a pause I asked, “Where are you taking me? I don’t have a place to stay. That bastard stole my home and disposed of everything I own.”

“I’m going to drop you off at Donna’s. You can get cleaned up, get something to eat and she’s going to bring you over to the office when you’ve had a little time to calm down. We can talk then.”

We rode in silence for a few minutes before he said, “It’s a little late for this to occur to me. I should have started with this question. Do you need to see a doctor?”

“I don’t think so. Not because of anything that happened to me in the last couple of days. I’m sore but I don’t think anything was torn except for my hymen. I guess I’ll need to see someone about getting on some form of birth control.”

“I’ll see to it. Chapman had a doctor on the payroll. I’ll contact him. I imagine he’ll still want the job.”

He pulled up and parked in front of Donna’s house. He got out and went to the door with me. Donna came rushing out as we were on our way up the stairs to the small front porch. She kept asking me if I’m alright over and over without giving me a chance to respond. I finally just wrapped my arms around her and waited for her to wind down. Eventually I got through to her that I’m fine and she started to calm down. She backed up a step and looked me over as if looking for injuries. I told her again that I’m fine but I added, “I could really use a shower.”

Tony told her he’d call when he’s ready for us to come to what was Chapman’s office until this morning. He started back down the front steps but stopped when I asked, “Do we need to be careful? Are any of Chapman’s men running around that maybe aren’t so happy about the coup?”

“I can’t read minds. But I got all the men together after I took care of Chapman and a few of his hard corps killers. I told them I intend to run a similar but much cleaner operation. I told them pretty much the same things I told you. Most of them seemed happy about it. A few of them decided to get out and look for work elsewhere. They were the ones I probably would have had to get rid of anyway. I’m just about positive the real bad asses are already on their way out of town. But if they aren’t and don’t like it that I’m taking over it’s unlikely they’d come after you. They’d be more likely to come for me.”

We watched Tony get in his car before we went inside. She closed the door behind us and locked it. Then she turned to me and quietly said, “Jesus, Blair! I couldn’t fucking believe it! The asshole saved my life! The cameras were rolling. I was tied down in a sturdy wooden chair. The guy in charge of the camera crew looked around to make sure everyone was ready. He nodded to Saul who stood right in front of me grinning from ear to ear. He leaned down so he was right in my face and explained that he put in a call to the boss last night and asked if he could do me for my movie. Mr. C couldn’t care less who does it but when he found out how pissed off Saul was he thought it might make for a better movie so he gave his permission.

“Saul was grinning like a madman while he explained in great detail how I was going to die with the cameras all around us recording every word. First he was going to beat me half to death with his fists. Then he was going to spend a little time pulling some of my teeth with a pair of pliers to make the movie a little longer. After that he was going to strangle me slowly with a thin piece of wire. Just before I passed out from lack of oxygen he was going to slowly slit my throat with a dull hunting knife. His goal was to make it last at least half an hour but longer if possible. Then they were going to cut me into little pieces and feed me to the hogs.

“After a few days, when my bones had been picked clean, they were going to be collected and ground into dust.

“Despite Tony’s attempt to reassure me I knew I was sent there to make a snuff film. But damn! I didn’t think it would be so violent ... so gruesome. I’ve never seen one of those movies or, as far as I know, spoken to anyone who has. I’d never given them much thought. It isn’t the kind of thing any girl in her right mind wants to contemplate. It was hard to avoid thinking about it since I was convinced that was why Mr. C sent me to the farm. But how you’re going to be killed isn’t something a person wants to spend much time thinking about.

“Saul straightened up after explaining in great detail how I was going to die, took his shirt off and stood closer to me. He drew his arm back and asked, “You ready, bitch?”

“I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to explode but instead I heard the shed door slam open. Tony stepped inside, shut the door and lifted his pistol. I’ve never seen a silencer before except on television but I saw it on his gun. I watched in shock as he put a bullet in Saul’s head. Then he stood there calmly and killed the entire film crew. The only men left standing were Tony and the two guards who brought me into the shed and tied me to the chair. They were cowering in a back corner and begging Tony not to kill them.

“Tony seemed to be making up his mind. He asked them both how many snuff films they had been in the room for. You should have heard his voice. He sounded so calm, so reasonable. “One of them said, ‘Come on, Tony! We ain’t in charge of anything. We do what we’re told just like you!’

“Tony looked at him funny for about half a minute before he said, ‘Does it look like I’m doing what I was told?’

“After a long pause Tony said, ‘You haven’t answered my question.’

“They never did answer him. He shot them both. He cut me loose from the chair and helped me to my feet. It started to look like he was going to have to either carry me or leave me but I held onto him while I slowly got my legs working again. He reloaded his gun and asked me if I could make it to the parking area where he left his car last night. He explained that he has to get back to town before Mr. C finds out what he did.

“I could walk but not well so he supported me and just about carried me to the car. He drove back to town like he was driving in the Indy 500. I was pretty sure I was going to die after all. It takes an hour to drive from the city limits to the farm but I doubt if it took more than half an hour to get back to town.

“He parked in front of Chapman’s office. I was still naked. He got me a blanket out of the back to cover up with and told me to stay in the car. He went up to Chapman’s office. I gotta tell ya, watching him walk away and leave me alone there ... that was terrifying.

“Nothing seemed to happen for twenty or thirty minutes. I didn’t find out until later he shot Mr. C and his four bodyguards. Then he started calling in the leaders, the guys in charge of smaller groups of thugs and just about everyone who worked for Chapman except the guys who run the clubs and prostitutes. He talked to them briefly and then he called in all the thugs in town, the guys who run errands and provide protection or work in an office somewhere or just work as muscle or whatever. He explained that there had been a coup, that he’s taking over and things are going to be different from now on. They aren’t going legit but they are getting out of the movie business and women will no longer be tricked or otherwise forced into being strippers or prostitutes. He asked them if anyone wants out. A few of the men said they did and he let them leave. The others all said they were all in, that Chapman has had them doing a lot of shit they didn’t like doing so he now has most of Chapman’s small army behind him.

“He came back out to the car, drove me home and came in to make a few short phone calls. Then he said he was taking a crew back out to the farm. He was really torn up about leaving you out there. He still is.”

I shrugged and said, “I understood. They weren’t going to kill me. Saving you first was the obvious choice. I’m left with disturbing memories but you were about to die horribly. That was a no-brainer.”

Donna and I sat around talking about the future in the most general terms because we had no idea how today’s events would affect our lives. But it was nerve wracking because we wondered what’s going on. We heard nothing from no one. At six o’clock we turned on the local news but there wasn’t a single word about Tony’s coup. There was not a word about all the men who died today or the happenings in one of the country’s most corrupt governments, our city government which until this morning has been pretty much controlled by Chapman. It was very frustrating.

Tony showed up at Donna’s door at around eleven o’clock that night. He looked exhausted. He apologized for not calling but things just kept popping up and demanding to be taken care of. She let him in and offered to make him something to eat. He thanked her but said he had a sandwich earlier. All he wants is a strong drink.

While she was making his drink he sat with me in the living room. After a short silence I said, “You look like shit. How did it go?”

He smiled and said, “It’s too soon to know for sure but I seem to have everything under control. I put the women who were at the farm up in a motel. I’m going to see what can be done to put their lives back together. Those poor women need everything. Most of them are in the same position you two are in. No family, destitute, really no life to step back into. I guess I’ll have to see if I can’t help build new lives for them.

“Chapman was just going to turn them all into strippers and prostitutes. There may be one or two in the group who are okay with that, but most of them are going to want out.

“The other women, like your mother Blair and like you Donna, who were coerced into those jobs are free to leave if they wish or if they’d like I’ll try to find them jobs outside of the sex trade.”

He looked at me and Donna and said, “I don’t know what permanent positions will eventually be open. But for the time being, I’d like to hire you two young ladies to try to be in charge of putting things right with those women. I’m still going to be running the strip clubs and whore houses. The gambling is going to continue in the underground casinos and the underground sex shows will go on. But without the coercion. Donna, how do you feel about that?”

She shrugged and said, “It beats the hell out of Chapman’s system. It always amazed me that there were women I worked with who were doing those things voluntarily and actually enjoyed the work. Anna and I were blackmailed, raped and in Anna’s case robbed of what little we owned from the very beginning. We were hopeless because there was no chance of ever being able to work our way out of it. But there were ... there are women working in those places who enjoy it. They think it’s easy work. Some of them even enjoy the nudity and the sex!

“I find it hard to believe there are going to be enough of those kinds of women to staff four whore houses and all the strip clubs. But I don’t know. If it’s no longer forced labor and they can start making a living wage I suppose it’s possible. After all, the world is full of places like those where the girls are all working voluntarily. You may be able to work it out.”

“No, not me. I want you and Blair to manage that side of the business, at least for now. I know you don’t have any idea how to do that job. But you know what it’s like to be forced to be a whore. You know what it’s like to be raped and humiliated. You understand what those women went through and what it might take to put them back together, to make them happy. Or at least as happy as possible.

“I don’t yet know anything about how much money those places are taking in and what a fair salary would be to pay those women to work in them. But we’ll figure all that out. If you want to give it a try we’ll work it all out. I won’t fuck you like Chapman did.”

Donna and I looked at each other for a long moment. Then she turned to him and said, “If you’ll cut me some slack because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing I’m willing to give it a shot. I think I’d like that job. It sounds like it could be interesting.”

Finally, I shrugged and said to Donna, “I’ve never been anything but a student. I won’t even be eighteen for almost a month. I know nothing about strip clubs and whore houses. I’ve sucked a few cocks but the only thing I’ve ever fucked was a damn dog. I guess you must have picked up some clues as long as Chapman kept you a prisoner. I would like to try to help those poor women if I can. I’m willing to give it a try. Besides, my horizons have been broadened. I’m actually curious about those places.”

Tony said, “It’s going to mean you’re going to have to learn all about the sex trade. After everything you’ve been through do you think you can handle that?”

I shrugged and said, “I still haven’t had intercourse with a man. But I’ve sucked a lot of cock in the last couple of days and gotten pretty good at it. And I imagine I’ve had sex with more dogs than most women. I can’t afford to go to college and to be honest I never really had any desire to continue my education. I have no job skills and no prospects. I’m broke and homeless. The job you’re offering me was never my goal in life but if you’re willing to give me a chance I’m willing to give it a shot.”

He looked at me for a long moment before he asked, “Would you like to?”

I wasn’t sure what he was asking.

“Would you like to see what it’s like to fuck a man?”

I wasn’t expecting that! I stared at him for a moment and thought about how to answer him.

Before I had time to form a response he said, “I’m going to be very busy, probably for the next month or two I’m going to pretty much live in the office. I would very much like to make taking care of my needs a job you two young ladies would share. I’m not going to blackmail you or coerce you or force you. But I’d appreciate it if you’d at least consider it. If you say no, and you may, I’ll find someone else. But I’d really like it if you two would at least consider it. Before you decide, there will be times when you’ll be asked to ‘entertain’ people with whom I’m doing business. Most of the local politicians Chapman was doing business with have gotten used to that service when they came to his office. He used to joke that it made their demands more reasonable.”

I’m a bit put off by the idea of servicing people who visit his office. But surprisingly, it didn’t take much thought. He saved Donna’s life today and he got me out of that damn farm before the parade started. Every man at that fucking farm was going to come through that shed and fuck me after they got the dogs out of there. In large part because I’m so grateful to him but also because he’s handsome and I’m starting to like him. I can’t deny I’m curious. I smiled and said, “Okay. If you aren’t put off by the fact that my only sex partners have been you and the three men you brought with you and three dogs, yeah, I’m curious. But I’m not using birth control. I’ll have to get the morning after pill.”

“Not for me. I had a vasectomy ten years ago when I finally accepted the fact that I was never going to fall in love and there are already enough bastards in the world. Blair, there’s one more thing you need to consider before you make up your mind. You aren’t as poor as you think you are. I can’t give you back your house. Chapman had arranged for the sale of it before your mother died. I’m going to give you the money he made from the sale plus what he owes you for all your things and the two cars he had towed away. I don’t know the total yet. I’ve got a guy in finance working out a fair payment. I expect it will come to several hundred thousand dollars, give or take a dime or two. If you decide to accept my job offer I suggest you put that money somewhere safe. I’ll pay you a decent salary and until she can’t stand you any longer you can live with Donna. I suspect she’d be happy to have you.”

I gaped at him in shock. Holy shit!!! I’m not destitute! That changes everything! And yet, strangely enough, I’m still leaning toward taking the job. What the hell, I’ve got nothing else to do with my life and maybe I could even do some good for those women.

Tony gulped down the last of his drink and stood up. He helped me up and asked Donna if we can use one of her bedrooms. She grinned and said, “Blair’s room is the second door on the right upstairs.” She smiled at me and said, “You’re gonna love this, Blair. He’s a very good fuck.”

We didn’t speak again until we got to the room Donna prepared for me. It’s small but attractive and it has a nice queen-size bed. I didn’t start getting nervous until we entered the room. We turned to face each other and he asked, “Nervous?”

I smiled and said, “Only very.”

He chuckled and said, “Not to sound too much like a swaggering asshole but Donna was right. I am pretty good at this. Um..., I’ve had such a hectic day I forgot all about the kind of morning you had. Are you okay, sore? Would you like to think it over and we can talk about it tomorrow.”

“I’ve been so distracted I’ve just about forgotten about my morning, too. No, I’m not sore. But are you sure you want to do this with a girl who did what I did this morning?”

He stood there looking into my eyes in silence for a long time before he said, “There’s something about you, Blair. Something special. The day I showed up at your house with Chapman and those other three thugs ... at first you were just another job. I put on my asshole act because that’s what I’m supposed to do. The more people I can intimidate the less people I end up having to hurt. But by the time the day was half over I was having a very hard time acting like a swaggering asshole the way I’m supposed to act. You’re extremely beautiful. You’re sexy as hell. But you’re a lot more than that. You quickly began to impress me.

“By the time I had to put you in the car and take you out to the farm ... that was when I started having second thoughts in a big way. I wanted to stop and turn around but I knew I couldn’t do that. Chapman would never stand for that. That was when I realized how much I’ve begun to hate my job and fear what Chapman might be turning me into. That was when I knew I only had two options. Pack up and get out of town or take Chapman down.

“The problem was, I couldn’t do anything to protect you and Donna until I took that asshole down. And my conscience wouldn’t let me just leave town. I had already begun to think about taking Chapman out. Not really planning a coup. Just daydreaming about what a better world it would be. I hated that son of a bitch and that made me a member of a very large club.

“But I wasn’t ready to start anything this morning. I ended up jumping the gun for Donna because there was no other option that didn’t end up with her dead. Then I had to get back to town and take him down before anyone found the bodies in that shed or there’d have been no way I could have gotten to him. And if I didn’t take him down I couldn’t save you, either.

“I’m extremely attracted to you. I’m not in love. There’s something missing in me I guess. I seem to be incapable of falling in love. I’ve never been in love. But I like you and I respect you. You impress the hell out of me. And I want you. I think I want you more than I’ve ever wanted a woman before. With all that said, do you still want to do this?”

I smiled and said, “Relax, Tony. I already knew you were weird. But you saved Donna and you saved me and now you’ve saved so many other women. I don’t love you, either. But much to my surprise I like you. That really snuck up on me! And I respect you and I think you’re very sexy, too. Yes, I still want to do this.”

He took me in his arms and kissed me. A nice kiss. A gentle kiss. A sweet kiss ... at first. But as the kiss began to grow more intense his hands moved to the belt holding my wraparound dress closed. He unfastened the belt, unbuttoned the button at my waist and the dress fell open. I felt my face turn red even though I spent an entire day with him, naked and having oral sex, with him, with the three men with him and with Donna. His hands have explored nearly every inch of my body. But not like he’s touching me now. His touch isn’t so rough now. It’s erotic. He’s teasing me and it feels wonderful. A lot of men have groped me in the last couple of days. But damn! I never imagined it could be like this!!

I was panting by the time he pulled back and began to tear his clothes off. While he was doing that I pulled down the bedspread and the top sheet and then I sat down and watched him finish undressing. I’ve seen a lot of his cock. I’ve sucked it several times. But I’m seeing it in an entirely different light now. This time he isn’t going to rape my mouth and throat. This time he’s going to put his cock where no human cock has gone before.

I didn’t see Kong’s cock, the only cock to enter my pussy. I have only the description my tormentors provided to go by. If they were being truthful, Tony’s large cock is slightly smaller than the cock on that monster dog.

Damn! I wish I could stop thinking about those three damned dogs! I’m kinda hoping what Tony and I are about to do will wipe that terrible experience from my memory.

When Tony was naked I stretched out on the bed and moved over to give him room. Tony stood staring down at me for a long moment before he whispered, “Damn you’re beautiful.”

He stretched out beside me and we kissed again. His hands began exploring again and even though I’m trying desperately to wipe away those memories I’m finding it very difficult to understand how any man could want to kiss me after the terrible experience I had this morning.

He began to kiss his way down my body. When I realized where he was going I tried to stop him. I reached down and tried to restrain him. He paused, looked me in the eyes and said, “I know what you’re worried about. Don’t. It’s okay. You’re clean. That crap is gone from your body. Now we’re going to remove it from your mind. I’ll never let something like that happen to you again. Just relax and enjoy this. I know I will.”

I gave in, but I didn’t relax. Not until he kissed his way all the way down to my pussy. He spread my legs, stretched out between them and began to tease my thighs with his lips and his talented tongue. He slowly worked his way back up to my pussy and teased it for several minutes before he drove his tongue inside of me.

Donna was right. Damn he’s good! He quickly began to drive me crazy and I finally opened my eyes, looking down at him in disbelief. Since even before those men forced me to have sex with three dogs this morning I just knew if it happened that no man who was aware of it would ever touch me again. I don’t know what’s wrong with Tony but ... DAMN!!! He very quickly began to drive me totally out of my mind! And he didn’t stop! He ate and he licked and he sucked and I enjoyed orgasm after orgasm until finally I had to beg him to stop.

But it wasn’t over when he finally lifted his head. He got up on his hands and knees and began to kiss his way back up until I felt the head of his large cock pressing against the lips of my pussy as if it can see where it’s going. Finally! I’m going to find out what it’s like to have a REAL cock in my pussy!

I opened my eyes. He’s over me, smiling down. He may not love me but I see affection in his eyes. I felt the pressure build slowly until the head of his wonderful cock gradually entered me. I gasped and he paused for a moment. He whispered, “Are you okay? Are you in pain?”

“God no! I’m not okay!! I’m in heaven!!”

“That makes two of us.”

He eased that big cock into me very slowly, paused for a moment and then began stroking it in and out very slowly, driving me right out of my mind. The orgasms began almost immediately. The feelings were irresistible. I think I’m going to need him to do this to me at least three or four times a day. The first orgasms hit me after only three or four of those slow but earth-shaking strokes and I must have had fifty more before he finally sped up and then stopped suddenly and gasped. I feared for a moment he was having a heart attack!

But then he sighed loudly, leaned down, kissed me and said, “Damn! That was ... that was ... DAMN!”

“I’ll say! You really are good! I’m thinking we should try to do this at least three or four times a day. Okay?”

“I’ll try. But I may have to get help.”

Suddenly the idea of helping out around the office by having sex with his visitors doesn’t sound like such a bad idea. This guy is changing my outlook on life with his tongue and his cock. I love sex!! Sex is wonderful! He rolled off of me and tried to put his arms around me but I said, “No. Not yet.”

I got up on my knees, turned and took almost all of his semi-flaccid cock in my mouth and after I sucked it clean I licked the rest of his cock and then his balls until they were clean.

Then I lay back down and nestled against his side. As soon as I was back beside him he asked, “Why did you do that? You didn’t have to.”

I shrugged and said, “I just learned something from you. I learned I love sex. It’s exciting. It’s fun. It leaves me breathless. And after the day we spent together before you took us to the farm I learned I don’t have to be afraid of cum. It isn’t the tastiest treat on the planet. But taking it into my mouth can be exciting, especially when I’m with a man like you.”

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