Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps - Cover

Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps

Copyright© 2024 by Vulgus

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A seventeen-year-old girl's mother dies. After the funeral she learns her mother was little more than a sex slave to her employer who owns nearly a dozen strip clubs and whorehouses and the hundreds of women who work in them. He has every intention of having her take her mother's place.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Spitting   Water Sports   Size   Prostitution  

It must have taken us close to an hour to reach the farm. I can’t see a clock but it seemed about that long before we pulled into a long, winding, dirt driveway. The large farmhouse is set far back from the road. There are so many trees and shrubs around the front it’s difficult to see the house. We drove around to the back of the house and parked. There are at least a dozen other vehicles parked out of sight behind the house. We all got out. It’s later now and there are no street lights or anything to provide illumination. It’s very dark but I looked around. The house is very large and there are some dim lights in some of the rooms but very little of that light is escaping. Behind the house is an even larger barn and I can just make out a row of at least half a dozen sheds of various sizes on both sides of the driveway. A couple of them have dim lights inside but very little of the light is escaping. From somewhere nearby I can hear a lot of dogs barking but, thankfully, they must be in a kennel. They didn’t to come check us out.

Tony led the way to the backdoor of the house. It opened just before we got to it. Tony was greeted by a couple of rough looking men who invited us in. They’re both holding large pistols in their hands. We passed through a huge enclosed porch which is about twenty feet across and runs across the entire back of the house. I’ve never lived in house as large as their porch!

We entered a huge country kitchen. It reminded me of my grandmother, though I’ve only been to her house a few times, all when I was a preteen. The most noticeable feature of the kitchen is that there are two stoves. Just like I my grandmother’s kitchen there’s a wood burning stove and an electric range. Despite my dire situation that stirred some wonderful memories. The most delicious meals I’ve ever eaten were prepared by my grandmother on a wood burning stove.

Four more rough looking men are seated around the kitchen table. Two of them have naked women in their laps. Well, I say women. One of them looks younger than me! The women don’t look happy. I can hear more men talking quietly in another room.

The men stood up and gathered around to look me over more closely. One of them exclaimed, “So this is Anna’s whelp. Damn! She’s hot! I can’t wait to find out if she’s as good a fuck as her mother was. I hear you’re a cherry, girl. Don’t worry about that though. There’s a fucking buss full of horny men out here who can’t wait to fuck you when Chapman’s men are finished with your movie debut. I think it’s that mother daughter thing. I’m pretty sure every man out here has fucked your mother. She was a hottie, too. Damn shame that cancer killed her. Would have been hot having two side by side taking cock after cock. Not THAT would have been one hell of a movie!”

Tony, in a very stern tone, replied, “We’re all looking forward to exploring that tight little pussy. But let me remind you, the little cunt’s a virgin and Chapman has plans for that little problem. Screw those plans up and you guys might end up losing your last cherries ... assuming you haven’t already.”

One of the guys laughed and said, “Chapman called a few hours ago. We know to leave her ass and her cunt alone. We’re already set up for her screen debut tomorrow. After that she’s free game. Until then we got plenty of cunt to keep us company. And now Donna is back with us.”

He turned toward Donna and with a huge leering smile he said. “We’ve missed your sexy ass Donna. Are you as happy to see us as we are to see you?”

Donna looked at the guy doing all the talking and replied in a calm, conversational tone, “I’m pretty sure you know how I feel about you guys, Saul.”

He chuckled and said, “Chapman told us you were on your way back for some re-education. Apparently your first time through didn’t take. Don’t worry. We’re looking forward to straightening your ass out. When you leave here this time you’ll be a changed woman.”

“No doubt. You’re a real miracle worker, Saul. Do you suppose that’s why you’re on your third wife ... or has she left you, too?”

The other men in the room obviously found that very amusing. Most of them laughed out loud. Saul, however, was obviously less than amused. He glared at her and growled, “Joke while you can, you smart ass cunt. I’m gonna make sure when you leave here this time you’ll be as meek as fuckin’ kitten.”

She looked at him and asked, “Just one question, Saul. What the hell. It isn’t like you were gonna take it easy on me. You still going to church every Sunday? Do you suppose god knows what you do for a living?”

Saul started toward Donna with a look of fury on his face. I was afraid he was going to kill her! Fortunately, Tony stepped in front of him and quietly but firmly said, “You started it asshole. And anyway, I’m kinda curious about that, too. Tell me, Saul, how does a holy roller like you square what you do for a living with that god you pray to all the time? You rape and torture women for a living. Please tell me you don’t expect to go to heaven after spending all your days doing that.”

Before Saul had a chance to respond to that, Tony said, “Don’t you have a couple of daughters, Saul? Around twelve or thirteen years old as I recall. Maybe I should suggest a ‘bring your daughters to work day’ to Chapman. Let them follow you around all day. Think they’d be proud of daddy?”

Saul pushed past Tony and stormed out of the back door. I was almost certain he had smoke pouring from his ears. Tony turned back to Donna and said, “You know he’s going to make you pay for that, right?”

She shrugged and said, “I knew when Chapman said I was coming back here I didn’t have a chance in hell of leaving here alive. I’m not stupid. I’m here to make a snuff film. We might as well get it over with as soon as possible. I guess it’s for the best. I can’t take much more of this shit. I’m sick to death of a life that revolves around getting humiliated and raped in every way imaginable by anything with a cock.”

Tony looked at her for a moment before he quietly said, “The boss told us this morning what movies he wants you two to make. Nobody said anything about snuff. I wouldn’t be here if that was on the schedule and Chapman knows it. I told him I wouldn’t have anything to do with that shit when I came to work for him.”

Donna said, “I believe you, Tony. But that just means you won’t be taking part in that one. I bet ya a whole dollar I won’t be in the car with you guys when you leave.”

They stared at each other for long time before he said, “We’ll see. For now, I recommend you stay away from Saul. He seems to be upset about something.”

That elicited a little more laughter. Tony asked us if we’re hungry. We both shook our heads. Donna asked him if he’s going to put us in the hen house. When he nodded she said, “Can I brush my teeth and get a drink first?”

“Sure. Get a couple bottles of water out of the fridge and I’ll take you to the latrine.”

She got two bottles of water and gave me one. One of the men tossed Donna and I each a pair of flip flops and took our shoes. As soon as we put on the flip flops Tony said, “Come on” and we went back outside.

Dobie came with us. They headed toward the big barn but before we got there he turned off and led the way to a smaller building. It’s long and narrow. It looks like someone put two large sheds together. I guess it’s a popular plan because I can see half a dozen buildings scattered around which look just like it. We went inside and I came to a sudden stop. It’s just one long building with no interior walls, dimly lit, filthy and it smells bad. There are half a dozen sinks along one wall. Against the opposite wall are half a dozen toilets. There aren’t any stalls. No privacy. Just toilets lined up about a foot from each other! One end of the room has half a dozen shower nozzles sticking out from the wall. Again, no walls.

There’s a woman sitting on one of the toilets. She didn’t look up when we entered. She looks like she’s trying to act like there are walls around her. Tears are running down her cheeks. There’s a large man standing a few feet in front of her watching her closely.

Tony asked us if we need to use the toilet. I do, I’m just not sure I can. Not like that!

He grinned at me and said, “If you do I’d recommend you do it now unless you’re good at using a pot because the guard doesn’t open the hen house door for nobody after ten o’clock.”

Donna sighed and said, “Come on. You might as well get used to it. I can promise you you’re going to be doing a lot more humiliating things than pissing in public while you’re here. there’s a lot of men out here and more coming in the morning. And every fucking one of them is a pervert.”

I followed her and sat down on a toilet leaving an unoccupied toilet between us. Tony stood back but Dobie stood right in front of me so close our knees are almost touching. I looked up at him and said, “You aren’t helping.” He just grinned.

I had a hard time getting started but once the urine started flowing I couldn’t have stopped it. I really had to go. The sound of it hitting the front of the toilet bowl seems very loud and it’s embarrassing but I tried to tell myself I’ve already done so many embarrassing things, including letting Tony piss down my throat, that this hardly even registers on the scale.

It was nearly as embarrassing when I finished and had to wipe my pussy with three men watching me. I stood up and told myself that at least that ordeal is over, for tonight.

Donna led me over to the sinks and explained the disgusting concept of communal toothbrushes to me. On the small shelf above every sink is a toothbrush holder in which is standing an obviously well used toothbrush. I stared at her in shock as she explained that they only replace the toothbrushes about every three or four months. She went to the nearest sink, picked up a used toothbrush, put a tiny dab of toothpaste on it and went about brushing her teeth as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

Tony slapped my ass and said, “If you want to get the taste of cum and piss out of your mouth I suggest you get over there. Use the toothpaste sparingly. That little sample tube has to last the month. When she’s done I’m locking you two up in the hen house so get your ass in gear.”

I turned my head and exclaimed, “But...!”

“Yeah, I know. It’s gross. Chapman’s idea. He read about it somewhere and I guess it gave him a hard-on. He gets a kick outa that kinda shit.”

I looked around and said, “There aren’t any towels.”

“That’s a good thing. If there were towels they’d be old, threadbare and nasty. These guys out here don’t do laundry. Donna’s almost finished. What are you gonna do?”

I rushed to the sink, rinsed my hands in the cold water while staring in disgust at the used toothbrush. I finally picked it up, put a tiny dab of toothpaste on it and brushed my teeth while I struggled to control my churning stomach. I found myself thinking I’d rather suck off one of the nasty looking men who are hanging around back in the kitchen than brush my teeth with a “communal” toothbrush! I’ve never heard of such a thing!!

Donna finished a minute or two before I did but Tony didn’t say anything. He let me finish and rinse out the toothbrush and my mouth. I wiped my mouth on my forearm and turned to face Tony and Donna. He turned without a word and we went back outside.

He led us to the next building. It looks like it was constructed from the same plans except there’s a ten-foot by ten-foot alcove at the entrance. We entered the alcove and a grinning man said, “Hey, Donna. I heard you missed me so much you decided to come back for a visit.”

She ignored him. He turned to me and said, “You must be Anna’s kid. It’s a damn shame she got sick. They had some real hot movies planned for the two of you after you graduated.”

I desperately want to ask if my mother knew about those plans but I figured he’d probably be inclined to put my mother in the worst possible light just to add to my torment and I decided if my mother was aware of those plans I don’t want to know about it so I just stood there and kept my mouth shut.

The alcove from which the guy is apparently standing guard over the hen house contains a small desk and a cot. But its most noteworthy feature is the back wall where it connects to the hen house. It’s a ceiling to floor ten-foot-wide glass panel. Even the door is glass. He can sit at his desk or lie on his cot and see almost the entire room, all but small sections of the far corners of the front wall.

It looks like there are about a dozen naked young women sitting on cots or lying down. Tony and the guard talked for a few minutes. The guard wrote my name and Donna’s name on a clipboard and then pulled his cock out of his pants and ordered me to my knees. I’m kinda pissed that I’m going to have to suck his cock after I just brushed my teeth but I dropped to my knees in front of him and slid my lips down over his totally average cock. It didn’t take long. I guess sitting in his little alcove staring at naked women for a living keeps him on edge.

He filled my mouth with cum. I swallowed easily. I guess all the practice I got today has made me pretty good at sucking cocks. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and stepped back. While I was getting back to my feet the guard unlocked the door to the hen house. I followed Donna to a couple of unoccupied cots. The mattresses are nasty and there’s no bedding except for a rough, threadbare wool blanket.

Donna sat down and I started to sit down beside her but she shook her head and said, “No. Not allowed. I’m not sure if they’re worried we might try to comfort each other or plot the overthrow of their little prison camp. Naked young women can be such a threat.”

I took a seat on the bunk next to hers, reached over and as I took her hands in mine I asked, “Is this permitted?”

She shrugged and replied, “It’s hard to say. What’s permitted tends to depend on who’s on duty. The guy out there now is a real asshole. But then, most of them are. Nice guys don’t tend to take jobs like that.”

“I just want to tell you how very sorry I am. You’re in this situation because you tried to warn me. I feel terrible you ended up in this awful place for trying to help me.”

She shook her head and said, “It’s okay, Blair. My life sucks anyway. It has for years, ever since Chapman got me in his clutches. I’d never have made it this long if it hadn’t been for your mother. She gave me strength to go on when I didn’t think I could take another day of their crap.”

“Do you know how they got my mom into this?”

She nodded and said, “The same way they did me. We both worked for a company owned by Chapman. It’s a legitimate business, or at least it is as far as we know. If it has any connection to all the nasty shit he’s into we weren’t aware of it. And we didn’t know he was involved in all the sex stuff, the prostitution, the sex clubs, the dirty movies, just about anything and everything he can do to sell sex. We thought we were working for an accounting firm. I guess we were both pretty naïve.

“One day they called your mom into the office. They accused her of stealing thousands of dollars and said they had found the proof of it in the accounts she was handling. I found out later they had given her a choice of going to prison and you ending up in foster care or her working off her debt by doing whatever the hell Chapman wanted. She had no choice but to accept his offer and to cement the deal she spent that afternoon and evening in the office getting raped repeatedly by Chapman and his accomplice Myer, the office manager.

“That evening they took her to a strip club and put her to work. She learned to strip and in between strip shows she waited tables in a tiny thong or took men into the back and had sex with them for small amounts of money. “When she wasn’t working there or at one of the other clubs Chapman owns just like it she spent the day out here making the worst kinds of porn movies.”

“How did I not know this?! How could she have kept this from me?!”

Donna shrugged and replied, “How could she possibly have told you? A mother’s primary job in life is to raise her children and protect them. The things they make us do on a daily basis are the most disgusting things a woman can be made to do.

“Tony pissed in your mouth this evening. That kinda surprised me. I’m pretty sure he isn’t into that kinky shit. Compared to most of Chapman’s other thugs I’ve always thought Tony was pretty easy going. Think about it, Blair. A man pissed down your throat today. Are you going to tell anyone about that?”

I didn’t even have to think about my answer. There’s no way in hell I could ever tell anyone about that or anything else those men did to me today. And from what I’ve been repeatedly told, we haven’t even gotten to the real nasty shit yet!

I looked around the room. Except for our whispered conversation no one is talking. The room isn’t silent, though. Most of the women are lying on their cots and crying quietly. There are sixteen women in the room. We’re all naked. Most of us appear to be around twenty years old. There are a couple of older women, women in their late twenties or early thirties. All of us are very attractive and have very sexy bodies. I asked Donna, “Where do they get all these women?!”

“They get some of us the way they got me and your mom. They entrap us, trick us. But I think they get most of us more like they got you, kidnapping them. They buy some of them but only if they can get them really cheap. I guess it’s too easy to just take them. Several of the women I met in the clubs said they were hitchhiking and got picked up and drugged. When they came around they were already out here at the farm.”

“How long do they keep us?”

“Until it costs them more to keep us than we’re earning for them.”

“Then what?”

“They used to sell them in Mexico, South America and overseas to places where they put a premium on white women because we’re a novelty. From what I’ve heard, though, the market for snuff movies is growing. You know what that is, right?”

“I’ve heard of it. I wasn’t sure it was a real thing.”

“It’s real. It sounds awful ... I guess it is. But I’ve come to the conclusion it’s better than the life we’re living. I’m almost certain that’s what they brought me here for. I’m not looking forward to dying, but I don’t want to live like I have been anymore. I’m ... I just want to get it over with. The rumor is it isn’t quick or easy. They have to make a movie and they charge a fortune for them so they have to please the extreme perverts. I don’t want to die but I can’t go on living like this. This isn’t a life. It’s day after day of torment.”

After a long pause I said, “I don’t know how to respond to that. I know our life sucks. But you’ve been a friend for a long time. I don’t want you to die.”

“You’re going to have a better idea after tomorrow of just how much our life sucks. It’s going to be a long hard day. We’d better try and get some sleep. We’re going to need it.”

As she was stretching out on her cot I asked, “Are all these other women here for the first time?”

“Probably. I don’t recognize anyone. But the bastards have a lot of women so I can’t swear to it.”

“One last question. When do they turn the lights out?”

“Never.” I moaned and stretched out on my nasty cot. I lay there looking around at the other women in the room but it was much too depressing. Most of them are crying quietly or staring at the ceiling looking very much like they’re in shock. I glanced at the glass wall behind which the guard is sitting, staring at us and obviously enjoying the view.

I finally drifted off to sleep but it must have been very early in the morning. I doubt if I got more than three or at the most four hours sleep. I couldn’t stop worrying about what these people are going to do to me in the morning.

I woke up in the morning with Donna standing over me shaking me. When I finally looked up at her, her voice dripping with sarcasm she said, “Come on, get up. We get to once more enjoy the fancy spa facilities which so impressed you last night and then we’ll be treated to a gourmet breakfast.”

I sat up and slipped my feet into the flipflops, the only thing they gave us to wear.

The guard on duty isn’t the same man who was there when Tony brought us to the hen house last night. He’s worse. He leered like crazy at us as half a dozen men herded us outside and he grabbed at our various body parts as we went past. I had to stop and wait for him to turn my boob loose before I could follow the others outside. I don’t see Tony or Dobie this morning. Jerry and Jimmy are among the guards who gathered us up. They performed a head count, there are still sixteen of us, and led us to the latrine. It was much worse than last night when there were only two of us. The women lined up for the toilets. I guess because Donna and I arrived late we didn’t have as urgent a need to use the toilet so we went to the sinks and brushed our teeth. We still had to wait for a toilet but the wait wasn’t so long and what the hell, I’m in no hurry to get out of here and find out what they have in store for me.

After Donna and I used the toilet we were gathered outside again. After another headcount we were escorted to another large shed. From the outside these sheds all look alike. This one turned out to be the dining room, or the mess hall as they called it. We all got in line, filed into the building and went down a short food line carrying plastic trays and getting our food on paper plates. Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs, toast and the worst coffee I’ve ever tasted.

I didn’t even get that much, though. I was the last one in line. When I reached for one of the plates a guard stopped me and growled, “You only get coffee this morning.”

I didn’t have a problem with that. The eggs look awful and I’m too scared to eat anyway. But as I turned away the guard grabbed my arm and said, “You do get cream for your coffee, though.”

He pushed me to my knees with everyone in the fucking room watching and pulled out his cock. This is getting old! I sighed and took his cock into my mouth. I get the impression he’s been on duty all night. The smell of body odor coming out of the open zipper turned my stomach. But it isn’t like I can say no. I leaned in and sucked him off. It took longer and I began to suspect I’m not his first rape victim this morning. I think the foul smell I detect isn’t just body odor. I think his cock has been in someone’s pussy and it couldn’t have been this morning or I’d have seen it. It must have been yesterday afternoon before we got locked up! Yuck!!!

The guards rushed the rest of the women through breakfast. Not a single word was spoken in the room except to tell me I couldn’t eat. There are twelve men escorting us back outside. Tony, Dobie, Jerry and Jimmy were standing around outside when they hurried us out the door. Jerry and Jimmy walked off when we came out. That left fourteen men to escort the sixteen of us. We’re on a farm in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know why they think they need so many men to watch us. There’s no place to go.

The men began to lead the women away to different areas of the farm. Four of the women were taken to the house. Four women were paired up and led to two more of those long narrow sheds. Two more were led off behind the barn. I can’t see what’s back there.

The six of us remaining were led to the barn, the largest building on the property. Tony lagged back and when there was some space between us and the others he quietly said, “You’re gonna have a hard day today. The best advice I can give you is don’t piss off anyone the way Donna did Saul last night. But most importantly, don’t struggle, don’t fight them. You’re going to hate it but you have to do whatever they tell you to do. If you don’t they’ll hurt you and make you do it anyway. I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I kinda like you. You’re a spunky little thing. But I can’t help you ... not yet anyway. You’re gonna have to do whatever they tell you and being spunky and mouthing off will only make it worse.”

“Thanks. But I’m going to be a movie star. How can I complain about that? Right?”

“Yeah, right. I hope you do well at the Oscars.”

As we approached the large center doors of the barn they slowly opened. I’ve only been in a barn once before. It looked nothing like the inside of this one. Instead of stalls and storage rooms and a loft full of bales of hay, to the sides there are several movie sets. There are camera’s everywhere I look, including dangling from cables overhead. The men in here are clean. They’ve shaved and are better dressed than the guards I’ve encountered here. They look like professionals. There must be close to twenty men moving around the room. Much to my surprise there are also at least half a dozen women ... wearing clothes! I was most curious about them so I watched them for several minutes. They seem quite comfortable working on what can only be the sets of pornographic movies starring actresses who are all here against their will.

A man approached us, looked me over closely, smiled and said, “Nice! Very nice! So, this is Anna’s kid! Damn! It’s a fucking shame she got cancer. The movie idea’s we were kicking around were so fucking hot.”

Weird! To look at the guy, and knowing he’s involved in making movies, you’d expect to see him working on real movies in Hollywood. He looks like he belongs on a movie set. He looked around at us, six naked females and asked, “Has it been decided who’s doing what?”

Tony replied, “This is your star of course,” and he pushed me toward the guy. When I was standing in front of him he ordered me to turn around slowly. When I was facing him again he asked, “You’re a virgin, right? Hymen intact?”

“Yes, sir.”

He turned to look at the other women, smiled and said, “Perfect! Get them over to makeup.”

As we were being led to makeup I heard him ask someone, “Does she have any idea how she’s going to be spending her day?”

Tony replied. “Only that she’s making a dirty movie and she’s gonna lose her cherry. That’s all she knows. She’s heard rumors and comments about what goes on here but she doesn’t know anything.”

“Good! I love it when everything is a surprise!”

We were led to a corner of the large barn where two women applied a light coat of makeup to our faces and bodies. That we are all here against our will and about to be raped doesn’t seem to bother them at all! I almost asked them how they could be a part of this but Donna must have read my mind. She tapped me and shook her head so I stood there and watched two women makeup two other women in order to make them look good while they’re being raped.

When they were finished with them the first two women were led away. The second two women took their place. When they were finally led away we took their places. Before the woman who went to work on me started she asked, “How old are you, sweetie?”


“You must be the cherry girl I’ve been hearing about. You could pass for fourteen. You’re a hot little thing.”

I just couldn’t keep my mouth shut. I had to say it. “What in the hell is wrong with you women?!! How can you even be a part of this?!”

She just grinned and replied, “Simple, stupid. First of all, the pay is great. But more importantly, this shit turns me the fuck on. I love it that all you cunts are here against your will and you’re being humiliated and raped. I get copies of all the movies they make here as a part of my payment. My husband and I watch them over and over. You, my sweet young cunt, are going to be a part of our sex life for years to come. And if they don’t fuck you up too much today I’m going to have you eating my pussy before I leave here. The first day is always the most exciting. I love watching you terrified young cunts come through here for the first time. Just thinking about it makes my panties wet.”

They finished our makeup and we were led outside through a side door. Donna was being led to a different building than me but before she was out of reach she grabbed my hand, squeezed it and said, “Be strong, Blair. Don’t fight them. But don’t let them beat you down. You’re a better person than all of them.”

Tony stopped me and stood close behind me, almost touching me. He whispered, “Don’t move and don’t say a word. I told Chapman I wouldn’t let this happen.”

I stood there wondering what the hell he’s doing. He’s doing something behind my back so no one will see what it is. I heard metallic sounds for a moment. Then it felt like he stuck something in his belt under the sport coat he’s wearing and called out to the guy leading Donna away. He asked him where he’s taking her. When he pointed to a building Tony got a strange look on his face and said, “Here. You take Blair. I’ll take Donna.”

It’s obvious the guy doesn’t want to change off. He started to stutter something but Tony took a few steps and came to a stop right in front of him, glaring down at him. He didn’t say a word but the guy muttered, “Yeah, okay.”

The guy who had been guarding Donna came over, took me by the arm and led me to the nearest shed. Even as naïve as I am it’s obvious to me what that was all about. I quietly said, “You were taking her to be killed, weren’t you? How do you live with yourself? What kind of man are you?”

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