Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps - Cover

Blair, Following in Her Mother’s Footsteps

Copyright© 2024 by Vulgus

Chapter 1

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A seventeen-year-old girl's mother dies. After the funeral she learns her mother was little more than a sex slave to her employer who owns nearly a dozen strip clubs and whorehouses and the hundreds of women who work in them. He has every intention of having her take her mother's place.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   MaleDom   Rough   Gang Bang   Black Male   Anal Sex   Analingus   Bestiality   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Facial   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   Spitting   Water Sports   Size   Prostitution  

Although my mother’s death wasn’t unexpected it was still devastating. At the age of just thirty-nine she was much too young. She had several bouts with cancer in her life and always won. Not this time.

Well-meaning friends attempted to console me with such statements as, “At least it was quick. She didn’t suffer.”

I know their hearts are in the right place. But she did suffer. It was pure hell to watch. And I can’t help thinking that if it hadn’t happened so quickly she could have beaten it this time, too. It was all the more tragic for an embarrassingly selfish reason. She passed away just a week before I graduated from high school. What should have been a happy day in my life, a milestone, was instead a day of mourning.

She also missed my eighteenth birthday which is still just over a month away.

But it’s over now. Everything is behind me. Now it’s time to build some sort of life.

Many of my mother’s co-workers attended the funeral, including her boss. I met him a few times since my mom started working for him almost ten years ago but I don’t really know him so I was both surprised and very grateful when, after the funeral, he asked me what my plans are for the future.

With my mother gone I’m all alone in the world. It was nice to have someone to talk to. I told Mr. Chapman I’m looking for a job. I can’t afford to go to college and although I could probably have worked harder and gotten better grades I was never really a good student and never would be. I certainly never came anywhere close to doing well enough to earn a scholarship. I’m the sort of person about whom they say, “She isn’t really college material.” I’m not stupid. Quite the opposite. I found out recently I have a very high IQ. I just never enjoyed school and preferred socializing to learning. Okay, to be totally honest, school always bored the hell out of me. I have to admit I was a little lazy, too.

Mr. Chapman put his arm around my shoulders and said, “When you’re ready to go to work, come see me. I’ll find something for you.”

I was so relieved that I hugged him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. I think I shocked both of us. I stepped back and apologized. I explained that I’ve been worried because I’m running out of money quickly and jobs are scarce. I have no real skills. And as I mentioned a moment ago my grades aren’t apt to impress anyone.

He smiled and told me he understood. Then he informed me of another piece of good news which was almost as exciting as the job offer. He informed me that my mother named him as executor of her estate. He promised to take care of everything for me.

I was immensely relieved. I almost kissed him again. I know there’s such a thing as probate. But that’s pretty much all I know about what I need to be concerned with to take care of my mother’s estate. I don’t have more than a vague idea of what probate is. I’ve been worrying about that from the moment it became a factor in my life upon my mother’s death. Trying to find information on the internet just made things worse.

Mr. Chapman informed me mom’s Will is in his safe and he’ll take care of everything. After that brief conversation I was a lot happier than I should have been considering we were at my mother’s funeral.

I didn’t have a lot of time to recover from mom’s death. There isn’t much of an estate. She didn’t have insurance. She couldn’t afford it after three bouts with cancer. But realizing that this might happen she’d lived frugally and saved well. She’d at least accumulated enough money for her final expenses plus a little to keep me housed and fed until I graduate and find a job.

She had medical insurance through her job. That helped. And she avoided using credit. Her only debt was the mortgage on the house. There are only four years left on the fifteen-year mortgage and the payments are reasonable, or they will be if I can find a job quickly. It’s a small, older house in a nice but lower middleclass neighborhood.

Her car is a five-year-old Honda but it doesn’t have a lot of miles on it and she took good care of it. I’ll get rid of my old clunker and keep it.

Her savings covered the expense of her funeral with enough left over to last a few months if I don’t go crazy so all in all my situation could have been worse. The first thing I’ll need to do, besides find a job, will be to find a responsible, reliable renter for one of the spare bedrooms. I’m grateful for Mr. Chapman’s job offer but he isn’t running a charity. I don’t expect to start out making a whole lot of money. Things are going to be tight.

There was only a small gathering after the funeral. If I have any living relatives I’m not aware of them. I may or may not have a father somewhere. If I do he’s never been in my life and my mother never told me who he was. Several of mom’s closest friends from work came by and brought food. But they were a strange group and they seemed almost as uncomfortable being there as I was having them.

They soon left and I puttered around the house, slowly cleaning up with the help of Bunny, my one close friend throughout high school. Her name isn’t really Bunny. It’s Tawny. But since she came dressed as a Playboy Bunny, a very hot bunny, to a costume party in the ninth grade everyone has called her that.

When everything was cleaned up she offered to stay and keep me company. But I wouldn’t wish that on anyone, especially my best friend. I thanked her and told her I’d like to be alone for a while. I’m not through crying yet. We were both relieved when she left.

I sat in my empty, silent house after Bunny left. I don’t think there was a thought in my head at first. I cried quietly for a while but by that time I guess I was starting to run out of tears. I know I have to start pulling myself together and get on with my life now. But god it’s hard.

I started making a mental list of things I need to do. Mr. Chapman will take care of the important things, the legal matters, the things which are a mystery to me and have been nagging at me, such as getting the house and the car in my name. I need to put an ad for a roommate in the paper in the morning. And my old junker, too ... I guess. It isn’t worth much but it runs. After several minutes of admittedly murky thought, I suddenly realized everything else has either already been taken care of or will be taken care of by Mr. Chapman as executor of mom’s estate! I only have to place the ad and see him about a job!

For some reason I thought there was much more I have to take care of. Well, there is one more thing. I need to clean out my mother’s bedroom. Her clothes don’t fit me and I couldn’t wear them even if they did. Not just because we don’t wear the same size. She has always ... god, how can I say this. I don’t want to make her sound like a slut. Around ten years ago her taste in clothes suddenly changed. She became partial to wearing clothes I’d never have the nerve to wear. She liked her clothing tight, short and revealing. She even wore those clothes to work every day! I got used to it eventually but there were times when I was growing up when I was embarrassed to be seen with her. She looked like she was cruising for men whenever she went out.

What makes that so strange is that I can’t remember her ever going out on a date! It would have been hard for her. Her job required her to work nights more than she worked days. When she did go out it was often to company functions. But, to the best of my knowledge, I never saw her go out with a man. She sometimes went out with girlfriends from work, all of whom were dressed to attract lots of male attention. And there were times when I wondered if something happened while she was out when she came home very late and looking just a bit disheveled. But she insisted she only had a few drinks, talked with her friends and maybe had a dance or two. When I got older I sometimes suspected she had met a man and maybe even had sex with him. Why not?! She was relatively young and very attractive. Whatever the truth, I know she never had a boyfriend.

I’m going to have to box up all of her sexy, revealing clothing and donate it to charity. I think all her jewelry is just cheap costume jewelry. There are a few things I’ll probably keep but most of that can go, too.

However, I’m not ready to tackle that task yet. I have my own room and it’s comfortable there. Her room can wait.

For the longest time I just sat staring at nothing. That’s what I was doing when the doorbell rang almost an hour later. I thought about ignoring it but I don’t want to be rude. It’s probably someone here to offer their condolences. I’ve been surprised at how many people, mostly people mom worked with and the surprisingly large group of her close friends, have dropped by since she died. I had no idea she was so popular.

I opened the door and was surprised to see Donna, mom’s closest friend standing there looking nervous for some reason. I was disappointed she didn’t attend the funeral but one of the women I talked to told me she couldn’t get off work. I invited her in. She glanced up and down the street before entering as though she’s afraid to be seen entering the house! I actually expected to see her days earlier. I’m a little surprised it took her this long to visit.

The first thing she did after she stepped inside was hold her finger up to her lips before I had time to say a word. She took me by the hand and led me through the house and out into the backyard. She didn’t say a word until we were in the farthest corner of the yard from the house. When we were standing side-by-side looking out into the high grass in the narrow strip of untended land between our yard and the neighbor on the street behind us. Only then did she quietly say, “We need to talk.” She sounds really stressed.

“What’s wrong, Donna?! What’s with all the cloak and dagger stuff?!”

“Sorry. I know we don’t really know each other. But you’ve seen me with your mom a lot. You know your mom and I were close. First, don’t tell anyone I was here. If someone finds out and asks about it just tell them I came to offer my condolences and leave it at that. Your mom was my best friend and she helped me a lot over the years. I’m here because I owe it to her to try and warn you. This is going to sound crazy but I swear to you every word of what I’m about to say is true.

“First, and most importantly, you can’t trust Chapman. He’s a very, very dangerous man. I don’t know what he may have said to you since your mom passed away, but the odds are every word of it was a lie. He’s going to try to ensnare you and use you just like he did all the rest of us. You most likely believed that helpful, honest businessman front he wears when he’s out in public. It’s all a lie. He’s the most dishonest, cruelest, most dangerous man you will ever meet.

I just stared at her in shock. I don’t know how to respond to that!

“Do you know what he does for a living? Do you know what your mother and me and all those women you thought were her “friends from work” do for a living?”

“I ... no! I thought you all were like secretaries and ... I don’t know, whatever.”

“We’re the worst kind of whores. The son of a bitch owns us. We entertain at parties. We make all kinds of nasty porn movies. We work in private sex clubs and in strip joints. Not upscale gentlemen’s clubs like in Vegas. I’m talking about the raunchy strip joints where the girls spend a hell of a lot more time on their backs on a cot in a back room than they do dancing on a stage.

“And once he owns you he keeps you until he can’t squeeze another dime out of your fucking cunt. Then you disappear. Sometimes a girl ends up in a sleazy whorehouse in Mexico or anywhere else in the world where there’s a market for white women. Places like Thailand or Saudi Arabia, just about anywhere in Africa. If you can’t be sold there, or if he can’t get a good enough offer, you might just end up in a snuff film.

“You need to go inside, pack a suitcase and get the hell out of town and I mean right now. Please, Blair. You’ve got to believe me.”

We heard a noise behind us just then and we both spun around to see Mr. Chapman followed by four large, mean looking men. Mr. Chapman is smiling and looks so very friendly. He nodded to me, then he turned to Donna and said, “You’re so damn predictable. I’m not even disappointed, Donna. My first thought was that it’s time to find you a new home. But you’re still popular and you’re still a damn fine fuck. I’ve decided to see if I can just retrain you.”

The tears are pouring down her cheeks. She’s shaking her head and sobbing quietly. When he finished talking she managed to say, “Please, just kill me. I can’t take it anymore. Just kill me.”

He chuckled and responded, “Oh no, Donna. I’m going to keep you around for a while. You’re still hotter than an oven and if nothing else you can still serve as an example of what happens to the dumb cunts who try to stab me in the back.”

He nodded to the four thugs with him and two of them grabbed each of us. He said, “Wait until dark. Then take them to the farm.”

Donna screamed and cried out, “No! Please Mr. Chapman! I’m sorry! Please not the farm! I swear I’ll be good! I’ll never do anything bad again. I’ll do every nasty thing you want with a smile on my face. I promise!”

Mr. Chapman chuckled and responded, “But Donna, we don’t want to see you smile. We want to see you scream and cry and beg. Don’t worry, I doubt if you’ll last much longer. I doubt if it will be long before your wish to die will come true. I’m already getting requests from perverts who have bought your movies who want to see your snuff film.”

Donna stood there crying. She’s almost hysterical. Mr. Chapman smiled, obviously enjoying her reaction. But except for that he ignored her. He turned to the four thugs with him and continued his instructions. “There’s already a crew on the way over here to empty the place and get rid of the cars.”

He turned to me then and still with that friendly, almost fatherly smile on his face he said, “Don’t worry about your legal affairs, Blair. You don’t really have an estate to be concerned about. Your mother signed it all over to me not long after she started working for me.”

One of the thugs nodded toward me and asked, “What about her shit?”

“Toss it. She doesn’t own anything worth keeping. She’ll be dressing more like her mother from now on. You guys can go ahead and have your fun but don’t mark them up. They’ve got some movies to make tomorrow.”

He turned and left. The thugs groped me and Donna for a few minutes and then pulled us back into the house. They took us to the living room and tossed Donna down on the couch. The men who were holding her went around, closed all the curtains, closed the door locked it. While they were doing that the men holding me began groping me very roughly again and joking about how much they love their job. They quickly got tired of having to deal with my clothes and roughly removed them, shredding them in the process. As soon as I was naked their hands were all over me. Behind me I heard the other two men giving Donna the same treatment.

While one of the men assaulting me was squeezing and pulling on my boobs the other guy grabbed my pussy. He pulled my pubic hair then clamped down on my pussy. I didn’t resist until I felt him trying to shove one of his fat fingers inside of me. I jerked my butt back in an attempt to get away from his fingers and as if I thought it would really matter to these horny animals I pleaded, “Please! Don’t put anything in me. I’m a virgin!”

Much to my surprise they both paused and looked at me skeptically. The older of the two men growled, “Yer shittin’ me, right?”

“No! I swear!”

“How old are you?”

“Seventeen. I just graduated from high school a few days ago!”

The two men looked at each other for a moment as though not quite sure what to do. Then the older man squatted down, pushed my legs apart and spread my pussy open. After looking inside of me he swore under his breath, stood up and for a few seconds I could have sworn I saw sympathy and regret in his eyes. But he covered that up quickly and exclaimed, “Aw shit! I guess I better call the boss.”

The younger guy looks really pissed. While the older guy pulled out his phone and made a call, the younger one said, “Ask him if we can at least get blowjobs from the bitch.”

He continued to roughly play with my ass and my tit while the older guy made his phone call. I just stood there sobbing helplessly and listening to the older guy who seems to be in charge here.

“Mr. C.? Yeah, Tony here. It kills me to say this but I thought you’d want to know the girl’s a cherry.”

There was a short pause. I can hear Mr. Chapman’s voice but I can’t understand what he’s saying.

“Yeah. I checked. Hymen’s still there.” Long pause.

“Yeah. I figured. Jimmy said I should ask if we can at least get some head.”


“Great! Thanks, boss.”

He put his phone away and said, “We can use her mouth but her cunt and ass are off limits.”

Jimmy shrugged and said, “I figured. What the hell, at least we can still fuck the other cunt. We know that whore ain’t a fuckin’ cherry.”

All four men seemed to find that amusing.

Tony went back to squeezing my other tit and said to me, “All you did was put it off for a little while. He’ll come up with some kinda show to amuse the perverts like having a dog or a pony or something take your cherry while they make a movie of it. The place you’re going is a real farm. They got all kinds of animals out there. Or maybe they’ll round up a bunch of nasty old hobos in the city from one of them homeless camps. Thirty or forty old men that ain’t had a shower in a month or two and let them gangbang your sexy little ass. You’d have been a lot better off if you kept your fuckin’ mouth shut and let me and Jimmy pop your cherry. But at least we can put that cute little mouth to some good use.”

I don’t get it. He’s saying all those terrible, hateful things but when I look closely, when I look in his eyes I’d swear it’s like he doesn’t mean it. It’s like he’s reading a script. But I get an entirely different read from the sound of his voice. He’s terrifying!

“Jimmy, hold onto her while I get ready.”

Jimmy held me with one hand while his other hand played with my ass, squeezing my cheeks and even probing me back there with a finger. He chuckled and said, “There ain’t no hymen back here. We could pop her ass and no one would know.”

Tony, who’s in the process of getting undressed said, “Uh-uh. Maybe he’d know, maybe he wouldn’t. I ain’t takin’ no chances. I’ve seen what happens to guys who tried to get over on Mr. C ... They ain’t around anymore and I don’t mean they moved.”

He finished undressing. Out of the corner of my eye I can see what the other two men are doing with Donna. They’ve got her down on her hands and knees. One of them is fucking her mouth violently. The other guy is just now working his dick into her from behind. She’s suffering this violent attack because of me! I feel really bad because she just came here to warn me, to help me out because she was friends with my mom. And this isn’t even the punishment they have in mind for her. This is just to keep the thugs amused while they’re waiting for it to get dark.

They pulled me over to the couch Donna was on before they began raping her. They pushed me down in the middle of it. The guy who was groping me while Tony was taking his clothes off got undressed and they sat down on either side of me. Donna is on her hands and knees in front of us. She’s so close I could touch her with my foot if I straightened my leg. Tony, the older guy who seems to be in charge, grabbed my right hand, pulled it into his lap and wrapped my fingers around his cock. He sounded so amused when he asked, “Ever have one of those in your hand before, cherry girl?”

I shook my head and through my tears I managed to say, “I’ve never even seen one before.”

He shook his head and informed me, “By the time we leave here this evening you’ll be intimately acquainted with four of them. You’ll still be a cherry girl, but you’ll know what our cocks look like, what they taste like, and what our cum tastes like.”

He chuckled and added, “By the time we leave here you’ll be able to identify us by the taste of our cum. And Jerry, that guy fuckin’ Donna’s cunt at the moment, has a little kink he’s famous for. He just loves to piss down some broad’s throat. I’ll be real surprised if you don’t know what his piss tastes like. Come to think about it, I’ve always wondered why he gets such a kick outa that. I just might give it a try, too.”

I’m so distracted by the cock in my hand and the horrible things that old man is saying I’ve almost forgotten Jimmy who’s sitting on my left. He reminded me he’s there by grabbing my left wrist, wrapping my hand around his slimy cock and holding it there.

The old guy on my right grabbed a handful of my hair and turned my head until we were looking into each other’s eyes. When he saw he had my attention he said, “Listen close cunt. You hold onto those cocks in your hands like your life depends on it. We can’t kill you. The boss intends to make a shitload of money off your cherry ass. But we can make you suffer like you can’t even imagine. If you piss us off you’ll wish you were dead like you’ve never wished for anything in your god damn life. Is that clear?”

I nodded my head violently. He glared at me, grabbed my nipples and squeezed so hard I was afraid they were going to explode. I tried to scream but the other man must have known what was going to happen he clamped his hand down over my mouth and hardly any sound escaped.

The old guy reduced the pressure on my nipples but continued to hold them firmly between his large thumbs and the knuckles of his fingers. He smiled, a very scary smile, and growled, “You don’t rattle your fuckin’ empty head at me, cunt. You answer yes, sir and no, sir. You got that?!” I no longer see sympathy in his eyes. He’s totally in character now. I wondered briefly which persona is the real Tony but it’s a waste of my time. It doesn’t really matter. My mouth is about to be raped over and over until it gets dark outside and there’s nothing I can do about it.

“Yes, sir!!”

He leaned closer, spit in my face and said, “Let’s try again. Is that clear?” It took me a long moment to remember what the question was but just as he started applying pressure on my nipples again I replied, “Yes, sir!! I understand, sir! I’ll do whatever you want! I swear it!”

He smiled, reached up and spread his spit around my face. As he painted my face with spit he quietly and calmly, almost as if we’re having a quiet conversation he said, “We’ll see. You don’t seem that bright. I’m pretty sure you’re going to need a little more training before you’re worth a shit. But that’s okay. We all enjoy training you dumb bitches. Look at Donna. Eight or nine years ago she was a dumb cunt just like you. But look at her now. Except for that huge fuck up today she’s a well-trained cunt. I imagine she can be straightened out with a little remedial training. She’ll need to spend a little time out at the farm. But I’m pretty sure she’ll learn her lesson and be returned to us with a whole new attitude. “Now for your first lesson in how to please a man. It’s time you start learning how to suck cock. That cock you have in your right hand. Look at it. You’ve really never seen a cock before today?”

“No, sir.”

“Mine ain’t the biggest. Dobie over there with his cock in Donna’s pussy is the biggest. I’m next biggest. By the time it gets dark you’re going to be able take every cock in the room down your throat. You’re going to drink so much cum your eyes will be floating. You won’t get it all straight from our cocks. You’re other job will be keeping Donna’s cunt clean. We don’t like fucking a cunt when it gets too nasty. I bet you never ate a pussy either, have you?”

For a second or two I struggled to keep from vomiting in my mouth as I pictured my mouth on a freshly fucked pussy. I’ve never seen a freshly fucked pussy but I can imagine how nasty it is. I started to shake my head but just in time I remembered and mumbled, “No, sir?”

“What? Speak up, cunt!”

“No, sir. I’ve never ... I’ve never eaten a pussy.”

I’m so wrapped up in our conversation I’m not even aware Jerry and Dobie have both cum in Donna and are sitting back, catching their breath and enjoying watching the terror build on my face. I glanced at their flaccid, slime covered cocks. Even flaccid Dobie’s cock is larger than Tony’s. They’re both very threatening. Well, actually all four of them are very intimidating. Even more so because nobody here came here to make love. They’re here to rape two women and it’s obvious they enjoy their work.

Tony said, “Hey guys, let me borrow the bitch for a few minutes.”

“Sure, Tony. We need a break before we switch ends.”

Tony snarled at Donna, “Get yer ass over here, cunt. See if you can’t give cherry girl some advice on how to suck a cock so we don’t have to fuck her up.”

Donna turned and moved a little closer on her knees. She cleared her throat and in a very raspy voice she said, “I’m sorry, Blair. It’s going to hurt. It always hurts, especially with these guys.”

Tony reached out, grabbed a handful of her hair and demanded, “What the hell does that mean, cunt?!”

She made no attempt to lessen the pain in her scalp. She gasped and said, “It’s true! I’m just telling the truth. You guys are always rough. And most guys don’t shove their cocks down our throat like it’s just another cunt.”

He thought about that for a few seconds and let her hair go. He sat back and said, “Yeah, okay. I guess yer right. Go on.”

“There’s some things you can do to help but mostly your just going to have to get used to it. The first thing is, before you take a cock in your mouth you gotta swallow. When you do that your throat thinks there’s food coming and you don’t gag so much. There’s ways to make it easier to take a cock down your throat but that won’t do you any good here. These guys are just gonna ram their cocks down your throat. If I live long enough I’ll tell you about those other tricks because they’ll come in handy in your new profession.”

“Donna! I’m seventeen! I’m a virgin! I can’t! I can’t be a ... I can’t do those things!”

“Sweetheart, you don’t have a choice. None of us do. Your mother didn’t. I don’t. Chapman must have somewhere between three hundred and four hundred girls working for him, mostly in his clubs. I doubt if more than a dozen of them chose to be a whore and are willingly working for him. He’s a sadist. He treats us like slaves, like things. Get used to the idea. It’s gonna happen. From now on your world revolves around cocks ... cocks and everything that comes out of them.

“Blair, you can’t fight them. You have to accept it. If you don’t they can hurt you so fucking bad ... or worse. Girls who keep fighting them ... they just disappear. If they’re lucky they star in a snuff film and their suffering is over. If they aren’t lucky they get sold. You gotta believe me baby, that’s a ticket to hell.”

I believe her, and I’m terrified. I just don’t know how I can do what they want me to do. I looked down at Tony’s cock. I don’t know if it was Donna’s horror story or my reaction which caused it but Tony’s cock looks like it has become fully erect again and the top half, as well as my finger and thumb, are covered in a clear, slick substance. I tried pulling my hand away when the stuff oozing out of his cock started touching my hand but he glared at me and I caved.

Tony glared at me again and in a threatening tone said, “Okay cunt. Time to step up your training a little. Lean down there and lick my cock and your hand clean.”

I haven’t really been thinking ahead. I knew it was coming but except that I have a general idea what’s involved in sucking a guy’s cock I don’t really know what to do. I know I’m naïve and more uninformed than most girls my age. That’s how I was raised by my over-protective mother. But what the hell is that stuff coming out of his cock?!

Donna nudged me, jerking me back to the problem at hand. Quietly, but with a tone of urgency in her voice, she said, “Do it, Blair. If you don’t he’ll hurt you and you’ll end up doing it anyway.”

“What do I do? I’ve never even seen a man’s ... cock before.” It isn’t a new word to me. But that’s the first time I ever said it out loud. It felt very strange. It sounded strange when I heard the word coming out of my mouth.

She sounded slightly impatient and very nervous when she responded, “It isn’t rocket science! Just do it for god’s sake!”

I looked up at his eyes as I slowly leaned down over his lap. I expected him to look impatient but he looks amused. As my face neared his cock I drew a deep breath. I stuck out my tongue and not really knowing where to start I started at the source. I began tentatively licking the golf ball size head. I’m tempted to say I was pleasantly surprised but I think relieved is more accurate. It looks awful. Of course it does. It’s a liquid coming out of the end of a man’s cock. That’s disgusting! But there was almost no taste at all!

I had to fight the almost overwhelming urge to gag. The taste is very mild but the idea of what I’m doing and the gross way this part of him looks is disgusting. Because I have no choice I fought the urge to gag. I don’t want to make things any worse than they already are. I licked the top half of his cock clean and then I licked that stuff off my hand. I’m so focused on what I’m doing that at first I wasn’t aware that the other three men have gathered around and are leering down at me. They only added slightly to my humiliation. The fact that one of them is recording what I’m doing on his phone hardly registered. He stopped me after a few minutes and said, “That was amusing. Now let’s see how you do your first time sucking a cock.”

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