Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 7

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

Elsa woke up the next morning to a very pleasant sensation. She moaned in pleasure and opened her eyes to see her sister’s face buried between her thighs. She ran her fingers through the mop of wild hair atop Anna’s head. Anna looked up at her touch, meeting her eyes. She didn’t stop licking but Elsa could tell she put on a grin once she knew Elsa was awake and liked what she was doing. Several minutes later she had a small but very satisfying orgasm.

Anna scooted up and planted a kiss right on her sister’s lips. “Good morning, lover,” she said, properly greeting her sister.

Elsa could taste herself in the kiss but after everything she and Anna had done the night before she didn’t mind it in the least. “Mmm,” she moaned, kissing back. “What do I have to do to be woken up like that every day?”

“Move back to Arendelle?” Anna suggested.

Elsa sighed. “I’m tempted. Really. But I am the fifth spirit. There are responsibilities in the Enchanted Forest that only I can do.”

“But do you really have to spend most of your time there? Couldn’t you stay here and only go there when you need to?”

“I’m not sure,” Elsa said after pondering that for a moment. “This whole ‘memory keeper’ thing is still pretty new to me. But I agree with you. One of the first things I’m going to figure out is how much time I can spend away from the forest without it negatively impacting the spirits.”

She sat up and stretched. It felt wonderful, waking up with her sister and not feeling embarrassed or ashamed in the least about what they had done or their lack of clothing. If every day could be like this then Elsa would be the happiest person alive. But she knew that as wonderful as it was, it was at best temporary. Kristoff was scheduled to return in just a couple of days and even if he was totally fine with Elsa and Anna having sex, it’s not like Elsa would be able to monopolise her sister when he was around.

Her stomach began to rumble. Considering how much energy she and Anna used last night, she was unsurprisingly rather hungry. She moved to get off the bed and reached for some nearby clothes.

“What do you think you’re doing?” Anna asked.

“Getting dressed so we can go have breakfast. Are you not hungry?”

Anna grinned and looked down at Elsa’s groin. “I already ate.”

Elsa blushed but smiled.

Anna giggled at her sister’s reaction, then continued. “But yes, I am. Which is why I already ordered breakfast for us before you woke up.”

A momentary spike of panic hit Elsa. “Uh, Anna? If they deliver our food and find us like this, don’t you think they’ll start asking questions?”

Anna waved a hand dismissively. “Oh relax. I told the staff to deliver the food to my room, not yours. Nobody will interrupt us here. Besides, they all know we bathe together so some casual nudity between sisters shouldn’t come across as odd.”

“If you say so,” Elsa said, still a little sceptical. She then began to pull on a shirt.

“No need for that,” Anna said, grabbing Elsa’s arm and tugging her towards the door.

“What are you doing?” Elsa protested, though she allowed herself to be pulled. “We’re not dressed. Did you want us to go over to your room completely naked or something?”

“That’s exactly what I want,” Anna said, grinning. “In fact, as queen, I forbid you from wearing any clothes for the entire day!”

“Anna!” Elsa blushed, but smiled.

“And because I am a fair and just queen and would never demand someone do something I myself wouldn’t do, I too, shall remain unclothed for as long as you are.”

Having Anna nude for the whole day did sound nice, though Elsa wasn’t sure if the risk was worth the reward. “But-!” she began.

“But nothing. We finished all our duties so we can in fact stay in my room, naked, the whole day. We have a water closet, and any food or drink we want can be brought to us.”

“But the hallway. Servants. Guards.”

“Guess we’ll just have to check to make sure the hall is empty. Besides, my room is literally a couple dozen feet away. We’d only be at risk of being seen for a few seconds at most.”

Elsa used her free hand to cover her chest but did not try to escape Anna’s grasp as she cracked open the door and peeked outside. Seeing no one, Anna opened the door further and peered down the hall one way, then the other. “All clear,” she announced, and prepared to run out towards her room with her sister in tow.

“Hi Anna!”

The sudden and unexpected voice made both women jump in fright.

“Olaf! I ... I didn’t see you there!” Anna said, her hand over her heart. She had looked left and right, but failed to look down. The diminutive snowman was standing right in front of the door. “You startled us!”

“Oh, sorry about that. I was just about to knock on your door. The servants just dropped off your breakfast and I told them I’d let you know.” He then gave the women a glance up and down. “Why are you naked?”

“Oh, um, you see...” Elsa stammered, trying to come up with some excuse.

“We’re taking your advice,” Anna quickly said, hitting on an idea.

“My advice?” the snowman asked, confused.

“Yes. You mentioned that you didn’t mind going around without any clothes. Elsa and I decided to see what that would be like. For like, the day. But privately. In my room. Not around the castle where others could see. And we’d prefer that it remains a secret, so please don’t tell anyone, okay?”

“Sure! I enjoy wearing nothing, so I hope you’ll like it too!”

“I’m sure we will,” Elsa added, though her voice was still a little shaky and she covered her private areas with her hands and arms. “But like Anna said, let’s keep it a secret for now.”

Olaf looked back and forth between Anna and Elsa, happy to be included in their little secret, then he heard Anna’s tummy grow. “Oh, right! I know you humans have to eat regularly, so I won’t keep you from breakfast any longer.”

“One more thing?” Anna added before Olaf could leave. “We’d really appreciate it if we could have the day just to ourselves. So if you could make sure we aren’t bothered, that’d be great. We’ll make sure to spend plenty of time with you tomorrow to make up for it, though.”

“Sure! Can do! May you both have a wonderful naked day!”

“Thanks. Same to you, Olaf.”

With a wave goodbye, Olaf wandered off down the hall, contentedly humming to himself as he went.

“Are you sure that was a good idea?” Elsa asked, concerned. “Asking Olaf of all people to make sure we aren’t bothered?”

Anna nodded in agreement. “I know, I know. He’ll probably end up telling everyone he sees that we want to be left alone. But he has gotten better lately about keeping certain things to himself. Even if he does end up telling someone everything he knows, the worst he can say is we’re spending the day practising nudism. Odd, but hardly something that could be called a scandal.” She checked the hallway again, this time checking not just left and right, but up and down as well. Seeing no one, she darted into the hall. “Let’s go!” she whispered excitedly.

“What? We’re still doing this?” Elsa whispered back, poking her own head out the door.

Anna didn’t pause, but streaked through the hallway towards her room. A few seconds later she threw open the door and slipped inside. No one had entered the hallway and she had successfully made the journey unseen.

Knowing every second she waited increased the odds that someone would show up, Elsa took a deep breath and ran after her sister. “Please, no one come! Please, no one come!” she thought to herself as she covered the short distance between doors. Her wish came true as the hallway remained empty while she darted from her bedroom to her sister’s and quickly closed the door behind her. She immediately locked it as well as coated the door with a layer of ice, ensuring no one would get in unexpectedly.

As soon as she was done, a hand grabbed her shoulder and spun her around. Before she could do anything, Anna wrapped her arms around her and was kissing her. After the surprise had passed, Elsa returned the embrace and eagerly kissed her sister. She was just about to shove her tongue into Anna’s mouth when Anna let go.

“As much as I want to continue, our breakfast is getting cold,” Anna said, nodding towards a table next to a trolley filled with food. Bacon, eggs, sausages, toast, jam, and a large variety of fruit was waiting for them.

The sights and smells made both women’s stomachs rumble. They chuckled, then sat down to eat. The food was wonderful, the company moreso, and when it came time for dessert Anna, with a grin on her face, moved and sat down on her sister’s lap, facing her. As Elsa was wondering what Anna had planned, Anna grabbed a strawberry from the tray and carefully balanced it on her nose. Elsa understood right away, and after a momentary giggle, leaned in and caught the strawberry in her mouth, kissing Anna’s nose in the process.

Once she swallowed her food, Elsa did likewise, taking a piece of mellon and setting it on her shoulder. Anna eagerly ate the fruit and left several kisses in her wake, licking Elsa’s pristine skin to make sure not a drop of fruit juice remained.

They traded fruit, just as they had traded chocolates the night before, but this time there was an excitement that came from knowing there was no area off limits. It didn’t take long before they were placing pieces of fruit on their lips or their breasts. They both really liked it when the other placed a piece of fruit on their hardened nipple and their antics had them laughing and moaning in equal amounts. The game came to an end when Anna accidentally dropped some cantaloupe which landed in between their legs, splashing its juices on both of them. Smiling, Anna got off of her sister’s lap and knelt down in front of her. She kissed and licked up the splashed juice before eating the fruit right off her sister’s crotch. Elsa purred in delight.

“You know,” Anna said, swallowing. “That cantaloupe got me just as messy as you.”

“We can’t have that, now can we?” Elsa replied. She stood and led Anna by the hand over to the bed, directing her sister to lay down in the middle. She crawled over top of Anna, reversing her direction so that she was looking down at her sister’s groin while Anna was looking up at hers. “I think you missed a spot. I’m still feeling a little wet down there,” she said.

“I guess I better fix that, huh?” Anna grinned. “At the same time?”

Elsa didn’t answer with words, but simply lowered her head and began to lick. Anna did likewise, raising her head up to her sister’s vagina and licked at the juices she found there. Very little of it was from the cantaloupe. It didn’t take long for any traces of the fruit to be gone and the sisters shifted from cleaning each other to competing on who could make the other come first. Anna won, thanks to her familiarity of being eaten out as well as Elsa’s lack of experience in that same field, a problem Elsa planned to correct as soon as possible.

The day ended up being the best day of Elsa’s life by far. Not only had her greatest fantasies come true, that of being intimate with her sister, but Anna seemed to be just as enthusiastic with this new arrangement. They experimented in all kinds of positions, in all manner of locations. Before lunch there wasn’t a single square inch of the other’s body that they didn’t touch, kiss, or lick and every surface or wall had at least one of them climaxing while on top of or leaning against it by the time the day was done. When they weren’t having amazing, passionate sex, they were resting, eating (meals were delivered outside their door and Anna brought them in once the coast was clear), or talking, wondering at the remarkable change in their relationship.

Most of what they discussed was how much they loved each other and what else they should do in bed, but one thing of true importance was talked about as well. “What about Kristoff?” Elsa asked while they cuddled in bed. She was resting her head on Anna’s chest, gently caressing her stomach. “I know you said he’d be okay with you and I being together, but how do we move forward with this? How do we balance all this?”

“Before anything else, I need to tell him what’s happened,” Anna said. “I know he gave me permission, but the fantasy and the reality of the situation could provoke very different reactions. I have to make sure he’s okay with this before we move to the next step.”

“Next step?” Elsa asked, looking up.

“I’ve been thinking. If we really want to make this, us being together, last without anyone getting jealous, then I think we need to do more than just have me and you and me and Kristoff. Tell me, Elsa, what do you think of my husband?”

Elsa blushed as she started to understand where her sister was going. “What do you mean by that?” she asked anyway.

“Do you think he’s handsome?” Anna teased. Elsa’s blush deepened and she looked away. “I’ll take that as a yes.”


“What? You think I’ll be jealous or upset if you say Kristoff is hot? Honestly, I’d be more upset with you if you said he wasn’t. I married the guy, after all.”

“But Anna, are you really suggesting what I think you’re suggesting?”

“If Rapunzel, Eugene, and Cassandra can make a three-way relationship work, why not us?”

Elsa hesitated before speaking up. “ ... Would Kristoff even want that?”

Anna managed to hold back a laugh. “Please, what man wouldn’t jump at the chance to be with two women at once? Especially when the two women in question are as sexy as you and me.”

“But what if he doesn’t want me?”

“So you are interested,” Anna said, grinning.

“That’s not what I said!” Elsa said, embarrassed. “What I meant was what could I possibly offer him when he already has you?”

“Come on, Elsa. Have you seen yourself? We’re sisters and even I couldn’t hold myself back once I knew how you felt. I’m sure that if I gave him permission it wouldn’t be ten seconds before he was balls deep in you.” Elsa’s eyes went wide at Anna’s unfiltered description. “And it’s not like it’s a one-or-the-other situation here, it’s a one-or-both situation. And really, is it even a choice? But the better question is, do you want him?”

“You’d really be okay with Kristoff and I ... becoming lovers?”

“If he was cheating on me with you, then no, of course not, but given our situation? Absolutely! Kristoff is amazing in bed, and I’d love to be able to share him with you.”

“I ... I...” Elsa struggled for a moment before deciding. “I have a confession to make.”

Anna arched an eyebrow. “You aren’t going to tell me that all of this was just an elaborate plan to sleep with my husband are you?” she teased.

“No, no. I never even considered it until ... You remember how I said I used Ahtohallan to watch you and Kristoff?”

“I believe the word you used was ‘spy’, but yes, I remember.”

“Well, it turns out I can do more than just view memories. I can create avatars out of snow that will, uh, reenact the memories.” Elsa then demonstrated this by conjuring up a couple of snow sculptures of Anna and Kristoff, animated them so they would hug and kiss, then dismissed them. Since they weren’t in Ahtohallan and this wasn’t a memory, animating the constructs herself took quite a bit of concentration and effort. “I can also pick and choose which part of the memory gets shown.” She then conjured up only the snow-Anna, which repeated the scene, but simply kissed air.

“Ohhhh,” Anna said as understanding took hold. She hopped out of bed and stood by the construct. “So you got in a little practice with these things, did you?” she asked, then slipped into the snow-Anna’s air hug and kissed it, joining in the event already in motion.

Elsa nodded, blushing, then made the construct vanish. “The night before coming here, I used the memory of the first time Kristoff licked you ... down there.”

“And?” Anna urged when Elsa hesitated to continue.

“And I took Kristoff out of the scene so that I could take his place,” Elsa admitted.

“You naughty girl!” Anna said, smiling. “Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Yes. I can’t really describe how exciting it was. Even though I knew it wasn’t real, pretending to make you come felt so wonderful. But I needed to come, myself. I wanted to have you lick me, too.”

“But until last night, I’d never licked a girl before.”

“Exactly. So if I wanted someone to do that to me, I’d have to go with someone else. And since I saw just how much you enjoyed it with Kristoff...” She let the rest of the sentence go unsaid.

“You took my place in the memory,” Anna finished for her. She then hopped back on the bed and crawled over top of her sister. “And? How was it?”

Elsa looked up at Anna. She had been worried that her declaration of having used Anna and Kristoff like that, without their consent, would upset or even anger her sister. From the obvious look of excitement on Anna’s face, she needn’t have worried. “It was cold. But I never came so hard in my life!” she confessed.

Anna laughed. “Good! I’d expect no less of Kristoff, even if he was only a memory.” She gave her sister a kiss, intending it to be brief, but Elsa wrapped her arms around her and held her in place. That got both their fires rekindled and the girls made out for a good long while before moving into another round of sex, this time reaching a simultaneous climax as they rubbed their pussies against each other.

Once their lusts were temporarily sated they resumed their conversation, discussing how they would break the news to Kristoff that they were now lovers and that he was about to become the luckiest man alive. Or at least they tried to. Discussing things like what they were going to show him or what the three of them would do together tended to get them into the mood again, and once either of them got like that, any productive conversation quickly came to an end. True to Anna’s earlier word, neither woman wore a stitch of clothing for the entire day, and they both made excellent use of all the naked flesh freely available to them.

The next day was much more restrained. Considering their promise to Olaf and the fact that Kristoff and Sven were to return that afternoon the girls got dressed, somewhat reluctantly, and left their room once they were sure all evidence of their tryst had been dealt with, including the bite and scratch marks that now covered their bodies. They found Olaf and they all had breakfast together. While Olaf didn’t need to eat to survive, he did enjoy the taste of food. Afterwards, he again tried to gather up the castle cats to introduce them to Elsa, and again failed to keep them together. Changing tactics, he instead led the ladies around the castle, bringing them to the cats rather than trying to bring the cats to them. They also toured the town, and Anna and Elsa made sure to revisit the confectionery store to both thank Hershel for his earlier services and to purchase more sweets, some for themselves and some to share with the boys when he returned later that day.

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