Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 6

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

They ate lunch in town before returning to the castle, where Anna had another little surprise for Elsa. She took her sister to a nearby area of the castle where one of the smaller rooms had undergone some significant renovations. It was now split into two, and the outer part they were in had several spots to hang clothes and had towels and bathrobes folded and ready for the taking.

When Elsa opened the door that led to the inner part, she saw a small room ringed with benches and made entirely out of wood. “A sauna?” she asked, noticing the small iron stove covered in smooth rocks in the middle of the room. A window in the back wall let in light and could be opened to let any smoke from the fire out.

Anna nodded. “Uh-huh. As part of our honeymoon, Kristoff and I visited the place where we first met.”

“Wandering Oaken’s Trading Post?” Elsa asked, remembering Anna’s retelling of that particular adventure.

“And Sauna,” Anna clarified. “We availed ourselves of that particular service and liked it so much that we had Oaken’s family build us our own personal sauna here in the castle. Now, it’s not as big as a standard one, you can maybe fit four people inside if you don’t mind getting real cosy, but the plus side is it heats up very quickly. So, wanna give it a go?”

Before Anna even finished asking, Elsa had already started a fire in the stove. “How long does it take for the room to warm up?” she asked.

Anna chuckled at Elsa’s rarely shown enthusiasm. “About ten minutes if you let the fire burn hard. Unless you’ve figured out how to use your magic to heat things up?” Anna prodded.

Elsa couldn’t help but blush as she remembered what had happened in the bathtub that first night she was here. “I already told you that’s not how my powers work.”

Anna shrugged. “If you say so. I’m not entirely convinced.” But rather than continue to tease her sister she started to undress, prompting Elsa to do the same. Soon they were both nude and sitting across from each other in the sauna, enjoying the heat.

“Not that I’m complaining, but don’t people usually wear towels in these things?” Elsa asked after a while. The humidity of the air was just enough to make her start sweating, and she was really starting to relax.

“I suppose, but that’s generally because they’re with members of the opposite sex or around people they don’t know well enough to be naked with.”

Maybe it was because of all the chocolate samples she had earlier, or maybe the heat was starting to mess with her thinking, but Elsa found she wanted to try and tease Anna similar to how Anna had been teasing her so far. “So you and Kristoff...”

“Yes. Totally naked. Here in this sauna, at least. We weren’t THAT adventurous when we were at Oaken’s, since he and his family were present at the time.”

“And when you were here, did you two...?”

Elsa noticed that Anna’s face was slightly red, though from the heat or from embarrassment, she couldn’t tell. However, Anna seemed to have realised that Elsa was trying to tease her, and wasn’t about to let that go unchallenged. She looked her sister in the eye and nodded. “Yes, several times. In fact, the last time we were in here we did it where you’re sitting right now.”

Elsa’s eyes widened and she quickly scooted from that bench to the next one over.

Anna laughed. “Kidding. Well, mostly. We did start in here with kissing and whatnot but saved the more intense stuff for the bedroom. It just gets too hard to breathe in here when you’re getting that kind of exercise.”

“I’ll take your word for it,” Elsa said, clearing her throat. “Hey, you know what would make this experience better?” she added, trying to change the subject.

“If Kristoff were here?” Anna teased, not letting things go just yet.

“No!” Elsa nearly shouted. “Okay, maybe for you it would, but not for me. What I meant was this...” She then waved her hands in the way she did when using her magic. A trail of soft blue and white snowflakes moved from her hands over to the door and pulled it open. Then they moved further into the changing area and stuck to the bag of chocolates Anna had left there. With the magic ice now stuck to the bag, Elsa had an anchor that let her lift the bag, bring it back to her, and shut the door, all without having to move herself.

“While I’d love some chocolate, it’s much too hot in here,” Anna said. “It’ll all melt before we can enjoy it.”

Elsa gave Anna a look that simply said, “Really?” then flexed the hand the back was in. The bag was instantly covered in a thin layer of ice.

Anna smiled. “Oh, right.”

Elsa reached in and grabbed one of the little chocolate drops. It was nice and chilled, not melted at all, and she popped it in her mouth. The coolness of the chocolate met the heat of her body in a very pleasant clash of temperatures. Combined with the sweetness of the chocolate itself, it was a heavenly experience. “Mmmm,” she moaned, a little more theatrically than necessary. “So good.”

“Don’t just hog them all to yourself! Give me some too!” Anna complained. She got up from her spot and down next to Elsa, then reached into the bag and took a chocolate for herself, eating it immediately. “Mmmm,” she said, mimicking her sister while still being completely genuine.

Elsa took another drop from the bag and was about to toss it in her mouth, but then had another idea. Using her magic, she levitated the chocolate over to her sister. “Say ah.”

Anna smiled at Elsa’s playfulness and opened her mouth. “Ahhhh.” While her mouth was open Elsa carefully guided the drop onto her waiting tongue. She bit down, savouring the cool sweetness, moaning in enjoyment. As soon as she swallowed, she reached into the bag and grabbed another one. “Your turn,” she said, presenting the chocolate in between her finger and thumb.

Elsa smiled then leaned in and captured the chocolate in her mouth. Incidentally, she also caught the tips of Anna’s fingers. Wrapping her lips around her prize, she slowly pulled back, her tongue ‘accidentally’ licking her sister’s fingers as she attempted to grab the chocolate. She moaned, but whether it was from the taste of the chocolate or from the act itself, she couldn’t say.

They traded chocolates like this several times. Each trade seemed to be just a little messier than the previous one, however, likely due to the fact that Elsa had forgotten to refresh the ice around the bag and the chocolates within were starting to get warm and soft. About half a dozen chocolates later, Anna noticed that Elsa had missed some chocolate that had melted onto her fingers while she held it. Keeping her eyes fixed on her sister, she slowly licked the chocolate off herself. “Tasty, isn’t it?” she asked, grinning.

Elsa nodded, but couldn’t help blushing. She slowly reached into the back and held out another chocolate for Anna, just as Anna did for her. Anna quickly took both the chocolate and Elsa’s fingers into her mouth, pulling the chocolate free with her tongue. Unlike how she took her own hand away, however, she continued to suck on Elsa’s finger, making sure she got every trace of any melted chocolate. Just as she was sure she had gotten it all, the thought occurred to Anna that the way she was licking Elsa’s fingers was strangely similar to what she would often do to her husband’s member. Seeing the parallels caused her to blush and quickly pull back.

To distract herself from that thought she decided to make a game of things. Rather than just feed the next chocolate to Elsa, she raised her head and placed it on her forehead.

“What are you doing?” Elsa asked, confused by her sister’s strange actions.

“Giving you your next one, of course,” Anna said. “Go on, take it.” Elsa shrugged then reached up to take it but Anna swatted her hand away. “Not like that. They are called ‘kisses’, aren’t they?”

Understanding what Anna was suggesting, Elsa shook her head and smiled in amusement. She then stood and leaned over Anna before planting a loving kiss on her sister’s forehead, something she had done hundreds of times before. When she was done, the chocolate was gone. “Happy?” she asked after sitting back down.

“Very,” Anna answered, smiling. She held the bag up to Elsa, indicating it was her turn.

When Elsa held out the next chocolate in her fingers Anna made no move to eat it. Instead she gave Elsa a raised eyebrow, silently egging her on. It wasn’t that Elsa didn’t want to do what Anna was suggesting, but she didn’t know if she could control herself if things began to escalate much further. But her sister’s pleading look was quickly wearing down her resistance so before she did something stupid, like place the chocolate on her nipple, she instead tipped her head to the side and sat it on her cheek.

Anna grinned at her sister’s willing, if a little reluctant, participation then shifted so she was kneeling on the bench. She leaned in and kissed Elsa’s upturned cheek, capturing the chocolate at the same time, then quickly sat back down with a big smile on her face.

From there they continued the game of placing chocolates on themselves, with the other having to kiss whatever body part it was on in order to eat it. Anna placed the next one on her knee, then Elsa put one on her shoulder. There seemed to be an unspoken rule that they would avoid getting close to certain private areas, but everywhere else was fair game. An ear, nose, chin, upper back, lower throat, elbow, and the back of a hand were all treated to a chocolate covered kiss.

Elsa grabbed another chocolate but due to the fact that it was now very close to its melting point, it slipped from her fingers as it melted from her own body heat. It tumbled down her chest and came to rest on her leg. “Whoops, sorry,” she said.

“It’s okay, I’ll get it,” Anna said and tucked some stray hair behind her ear before starting to bend down.

“Anna! What are you-” Elsa began to ask, but then stopped as soon as Anna’s lips made contact with her skin. The chocolate had come to rest on the inner part of her upper thigh and was tantalisingly close to her groin. Anna kissing her there made her want to both spread her legs open and hold them shut at the same time. She almost moaned out loud but instead clamped one hand over her mouth and the other had a deathgrip on the bench as she tried to hold in her emotions.

As Anna finished licking up the chocolate on Elsa’s leg she had noticed that there were bits of melted chocolate along Elsa’s stomach and chest when the chocolate had bounced down her body. The sweet, irresistible scent of the chocolate called to her and she said, “We made a bit of a mess, didn’t we? Please, allow me...” Then she leaned in closer and began licking the chocolate off Elsa’s stomach.

Elsa did gasp at that, but her hand muffled most of the sound. “You really don’t have to do that!” she managed to say as she struggled desperately to maintain her composure.

Anna was either intentionally ignoring or just plain ignorant of her sister’s dilemma as she zeroed in on the last spot, on the upper part of Elsa’s right breast. “Waste not, want not,” she replied, then ran her tongue along Elsa’s skin, capturing the last traces of chocolate.

Elsa was nearly beside herself with desire. Whether intentional or not, Anna was torturing her. The trading of chocolates, the kisses, and now Anna licking her bare skin in spots dangerously close to her most sensitive areas had her practically vibrating with need. That need warred with her equally powerful desire to protect Anna from her immoral lusts and it felt like they were tearing her apart.

Anna sat back up straight. “There. All clean!” she proudly announced. Then she noticed the heavy breathing and the look of distress on Elsa’s face. “Is something wrong?”

“No! Nothing’s wrong! It was just ... ticklish!” Elsa lied, trying to regain some amount of self-control. At least she could pass off the blush as being caused by the heat of the sauna. Her rock-hard nipples, on the other hand, had no such excuse but thankfully Anna hadn’t seemed to notice them. Several deep breaths later, she managed to calm herself enough that her own heartbeat wasn’t audible anymore.

Anna seemed to buy the lie, then reached into the bag and took another chocolate. Surprising Elsa, she placed the chocolate in between her breasts, just below her collarbone. The warm chocolate was already starting to melt and she actually rubbed it around her skin a little before letting go.

“Um...” was all Elsa managed to get out as she stared at the mess of chocolate on her sister’s chest.

“You better hurry. You don’t want it slipping off and falling to the floor, do you?”

Elsa gulped. “God Anna! You can’t keep doing this to me!” she thought. “No. We wouldn’t want that,” she whispered, shaking her head. Oh, how she would love to bury her face right there between Anna’s perfect breasts, but she didn’t know if she could trust herself. “Y-you’re sure you don’t mind?” Elsa heard herself ask. She could feel her resistance crumbling and even as she spoke she was already leaning forward. Then she was kissing Anna’s chest.

And not just kissing. Because Anna had smeared the chocolate over herself, Elsa couldn’t get everything in one quick kiss like before. She HAD to use her tongue and lick up the chocolate that was spread out over Anna’s chest. She went slowly, not because she was trying to draw out the moment, but because she was using every ounce of restraint she had to not turn her head and start kissing her sister’s breasts. Somehow she managed to lick only the parts of Anna’s skin that had chocolate on it and when it was all gone she slowly backed away.

“Sweet, isn’t it?” Anna asked.

Elsa wiped some saliva away from her mouth with the back of her hand. “The sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted,” she agreed, though couldn’t bring herself to look Anna in the eye.

Anna reached into the bag again, paused for a moment, then looked inside before giving a disappointed sigh. “Aww. There’s only one left,” she said.

“Oh, thank god!” Elsa thought. “I can’t take much more of this!”

“Well, since this is the last one, how about we share it?” Anna asked. “And come to think of it, Hershel did say the only thing sweeter than a chocolate kiss was a real one. Do you think if we combined the two, it’d be a super sweet kiss?”

“Huh? Combine?”

Anna took the drop of chocolate and began rubbing on her lips, like lipstick. There was a little piece left over after she had thoroughly coated her lips, so she held in between her puckered lips and faced Elsa expectantly.

Elsa could feel her control slipping away. She had tried so hard to hold herself back because she knew Anna was only doing all this as a game or to tease her. That none of this was actually serious. But seeing Anna sitting there, just waiting for Elsa to kiss her... “Just for the chocolate,” she told herself as she leaned in. “I’m only doing this for the chocolate.”

Then they were kissing.

It was soft at first. And so very sweet. The layer of chocolate on Anna’s lips served as a momentary barrier between their lips, and then Elsa began licking that barrier away. Anna began doing likewise, licking at the melted chocolate that had transferred over to Elsa’s lips, and at the same time ended up shoving the little piece of chocolate that remained into her sister’s mouth. Elsa barely noticed the chocolate as Anna’s tongue making that brief contact with her own overrode every sense she had. As if in one of her dreams, both reason and restraint were suddenly gone and she drove her tongue into her sister’s mouth, desperate for more. She wanted, no, NEEDED to taste Anna, to consume her, to devour her.

Anna moaned as Elsa’s tongue invaded her mouth.

Then reality hit. Elsa jerked her head back and staggered away from Anna. “Oh god! What have I done?” she thought. Both she and Anna were panting hard from the kiss and each wore an expression of shock as they looked at each other, though for seemingly very different reasons. Elsa could see the understanding start to take root in Anna’s eyes. How that kiss was no longer part of the game they were playing. “No! She knows! She was never supposed to know!” she thought, panic starting to set in. Her deepest, darkest, most perverse secret was exposed to the one person she never wanted it to be known to. “I ... I ... I have to go!” she said, tears welling up. She got up and ran from the room, throwing open the door and, rather than taking the time to dress, conjured up a dress made of magical ice before running out into the hallway.

“Elsa? Wait!” Anna called, but Elsa didn’t listen. She had to get out, had to get away. This was just like when her powers were exposed, but a thousand times worse, for there was no way her sister could still love her now that she knew what a perverse and sick person Elsa truly was.

Anna took just a moment to cover herself with a robe before taking off after her sister. It was easy to follow her because each of Elsa’s footfalls left a small patch of ice. The only tricky part was to move fast enough while not slipping on that same ice. The trail led her to Elsa’s bedroom, where ice was starting to cover the door. She threw herself against the door and burst in before the ice could seal things completely. “Elsa!” she cried. “What’s wrong? Talk to me!”

Elsa was in the middle of the room, pacing, but stopped and turned as Anna burst in. “No! Stay away! You can’t be here!” She moved to the opposite side of her bed to try and put a barrier between the two of them.

“Why not? What’s wrong?” Anna asked. She closed the door and started to walk around the bed to try and get closer to Elsa.

“You’re in danger here! I don’t want to hurt you!”

“Elsa, you’d never hurt me!”

“You can’t honestly say that after everything I’ve done.” Elsa conjured an ice wall, blocking Anna’s path, but then Anna just jumped up onto the bed, going around the wall.

“Those were accidents and you know it. They don’t count.”

Elsa retreated further into the room. “Please! You’re not safe around me!”

Anna continued to approach. “If you’re worried about your powers, we’ve already been down that road.”

“It’s not my powers I can’t control. It’s me! I can’t control myself!”

“Are you talking about back in the sauna? Come on, Elsa. It was just a game. Sure it got kind of hot there at the end but we were just having fun.”

Elsa bumped into the far wall and found she couldn’t back up any further. “Please, stay away!” Anna continued to move towards her so in desperation she used her magic to freeze Anna’s feet in place.

“Elsa! What are you-” Anna started to say but lost her balance and began to fall forward. Elsa then trapped her arms in pillars of ice as well, preventing Anna from falling and hurting herself. It also prevented her from moving at all. “Elsa! Let me go!” Anna yelled.

“I can’t do this any longer, Anna! I can’t stay here and pretend like everything’s normal! I’m not normal! I’m messed up!”

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