Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 4

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 4 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

Anna waited patiently at the docks for her sister’s arrival. Well, patiently for her, at least. She was pacing back and forth along the cobbled road, her eyes constantly scanning the water for any sign of Elsa. Kristoff and Sven, packed and ready to head off to meet the trolls for their vacation, simply watched from nearby. She stopped, tapped her foot rapidly, only to resume pacing a moment later.

“Why are you so nervous?” Kristoff asked. “This is hardly the first time she’s visited.”

“I’m not nervous, I’m excited,” Anna pointed out, still looking out over the water. “And while it might not be her first visit. It will be her first visit where it’s just the two of us.”

“Need I remind you that whenever she’s here it might as well be just the two of you? You spend practically every waking moment with her.”

“But you were there too, and it wasn’t every moment. I haven’t had a chance to sleep with my sister since you and I got married.”

“Sleep with?” Kristoff asked, raising an eyebrow and grinning.

Anna blushed and looked around, making sure they were far enough away from anyone else to not be overheard. “That’s not what I meant, you dirty man!” The smile on her face belied the indignation she was trying to convey. Anna approached her husband, then in a quieter and more sultry voice said, “Didn’t you get enough of that kind of talk last night?” She then remembered that they weren’t actually alone. Sven was there, looking at them. If reindeer could blush... “Just to be clear, we’re only teasing each other,” she told him. “Not a word about this to anyone, especially my sister!” she told him.

Sven gave a grunt of acknowledgement and looked away, pretending to not pay attention to the naughty banter of the two humans, but the direction of his ear made it obvious he was still listening. Anna needn’t have worried though, as they all knew the only one who could properly interpret what Sven was thinking was Kristoff himself. Even if the reindeer wanted to tell someone, which he didn’t because he respected Kristoff’s privacy, they wouldn’t be able to understand him anyway.

With their little eavesdropper dealt with, Anna brought her attention back to her husband. Kristoff blushed under that wonderful gaze. “You know, you were the one who got all naughty last night,” he said defensively. “All I did was ask what you had planned to do with Elsa while I was gone.”

Anna was now close enough that she could whisper into his ear. “No, you asked what I had planned to do TO Elsa. And with you eating me out at the time, we both know what kind of response you were hoping for.” As she spoke, Anna playfully ran a finger down his chest, stopping near his waist.

Kristoff took Anna’s hand and kissed it. “Perhaps. Though I didn’t expect you to go into such ... detail.”

“You know you liked it,” she teased, looking him straight in the eye. “In fact, I’ll bet that you can’t help but fantasise about my sister and I having a hot, passionate, incestuous affair while you’re gone.”

Even though they had a very long and satisfying night together in anticipation of being apart for nearly a whole week, Anna’s words and actions were already causing a stir in Kristoff’s pants. It was all just fantasy and teasing, but talk like this seemed to really bring out the kinky side of his wife, and he loved it. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her in tight. Tight enough for Anna to feel the bulge in his pants. “It’s not really an affair if I’m okay with it, is it?”

Anna returned the embrace, her own body heating up with arousal. They were so close their noses were almost touching. “You would be, wouldn’t you?” she teased, eyes narrowed and seductive. Kristoff could feel her hot breath on his lips. “Well? Will you give your sexy wife permission to commit the ultimate taboo with her equally sexy sister?”

“I’m open to being convinced.”

Then they were kissing. The world faded away into the background and all that existed was the two of them. How long they kissed neither knew, they were too caught up in the moment to notice anything other than each other.

“Don’t they have to breathe?” a familiar voice asked from close by.

They broke apart quickly, hearts hammering in their chests from more than just arousal. “Elsa!” Anna exclaimed, blushing hard. She turned and saw her sister standing next to Sven, smiling at them but blushing. Anna had been so caught up in the kiss she had failed to notice her sister’s arrival, or even approach over the water. “H-how long have you been standing there?”

Elsa gave a little shrug. “Not that long. You two were enjoying yourselves so much that I didn’t really want to say anything, but you were starting to draw a crowd.” She glanced behind Anna, and when Anna turned around she saw that everyone around them, from dock workers to guards to random pedestrians of all ages, were all standing and staring at them with wide eyes. As soon as the crowd noticed that she was looking back they immediately resumed whatever it was they were doing before.

Anna’s blush deepened. “So ... you see ... Kristoff is about to leave for a while, and I wanted to send him off with a kiss...”

“Wish you’d send me off with that kind of kiss,” Elsa quietly muttered to herself, momentarily forgetting that she was in the presence of her actual sister and not just a memory.

“Huh?” Anna asked, not having heard clearly.

Elsa blushed, but recovered quickly. “I said that was some kind of kiss.” She then turned to Kristoff. “Weren’t you supposed to be on vacation? How come you’re still here?”

“That eager to get rid of me, are you?” Kristoff said, smiling. “Sven and I are ready to head out, but we wanted to see you before we took off.”

Elsa smiled and hugged them both. “Thank you. I do hope you have a good time with your family.”

“I’m sure we will, and the same applies to you. But now that you’re here, we really shouldn’t keep them waiting,” Kristoff said. He donned his pack of food and spare clothes then climbed up on Sven’s back. “You take care of my wife while I’m gone, okay?”

“As if you had to ask,” Elsa said smiling.

Kristoff looked to Elsa and then to Anna. “Well, I’m convinced,” he said with a twinkle in his eye.

Anna moved to stand beside her sister and held her hand, lacing their fingers together. It was how they always held hands, but the way Kristoff looked down at their hands then back at Anna with a raised eyebrow had her rolling her eyes and smiling at him, subtly shaking her head in amusement. “See you soon, my love,” she said.

“I’m already missing you,” he said, truthfully. Then he and Sven began to trot away, heading to the forest and the waiting trolls.

Once they were out of earshot, Sven ‘asked’, “You don’t think they actually would...?”

Kristoff chuckled. “No. It’s fun to fantasise and tease, but no. There’s not a snowball’s chance in hell that they would actually cross that line.”

“What if the snowball were made of Elsa’s permafrost, like Olaf?”

Kristoff laughed at that. Once Elsa ‘upgraded’ Olaf, even hours sitting in a sauna couldn’t cause even the smallest amount of melt in the snowman. “So you’re saying there IS a chance, huh? But honestly, I’d pay anything to be a fly on the wall if they did.”

Anna and Elsa watched as Krisoff and Sven rode/walked off towards the forest. Once they were out of sight Elsa gave Anna’s hand a squeeze. “So, now that it’s just us two, what did you have planned first?”

Anna began to lead them back towards the castle. “Unfortunately, I couldn’t take the whole week off from my duties as queen so some of our time together, including the rest of this morning, will have to be work related. But what do you think about that? Arendelle’s current and former queens working side by side?”

“I love it,” Elsa said, smiling. “Though I do hope this whole visit won’t be all work.”

“Of course not! I promise that for every hour we have to work we’ll have twice that much time for fun.”

“I’ll hold you to that promise.”

The remainder of that first day went by in a flash. Anna really enjoyed working side by side with Elsa as they dealt with various issues concerning the kingdom. Her sister offered advice here and there but overall was very happy to see how well Anna had adjusted to being the one in charge. They were having such a good time that they opted to frontload the work, dealing with everything for the week as soon as possible rather than spreading it out over several days. Barring any emergencies and with the two of them working together, they’d easily get it all done in just a few days, leaving the remainder of Elsa’s visit entirely free for them to do whatever they wanted.

After a long but very productive day, the two girls finally were able to relax by sharing a nice hot bath before bed. Stripping off her clothes quickly, Elsa slipped into the hot water first, sighing in delight as the heat soaked into her skin.

“Ahhh, this is heavenly,” she said, laying down in the large tub and closing her eyes. “While I’ve never been bothered by the cold, I really do enjoy the heat.”

“You said it,” Anna agreed, stepping into the tub herself. She carefully sat down and leaned back against Elsa, who gently wrapped her arms around her. “Mmm,” she signed, enjoying both the heat of the water and the closeness of her sister. “This really is the best.”

They lay there for several minutes in comfortable silence, relaxing from the day’s activities. While they were for the most part motionless, Anna would gently run her fingers along Elsa’s arms as she held her and their legs would rub against one another’s, leaving a pleasant tingling sensation.

“You know,” Anna said, breaking the silence,” if it wasn’t for the fact that the water eventually gets cold, I could stay here all day.”

“I know what you mean,” Elsa replied. Despite the intimacy of the situation, she was thankfully having no issue controlling her libido. If it hadn’t been for her ... activities the day before, she knew she’d be having a tough time here with Anna, but instead she was able to truly enjoy the moment as it was meant to be, and not sully it with impure thoughts.

“I don’t suppose you could use your magic to do something about that, huh?” Anna asked. “I mean, you can easily freeze things and you can undo that to make them warm again. Is there any way you can, I don’t know, do the opposite and make things hot?”

Elsa smiled at her sister’s request. “I don’t think that’s how my powers work. Or at least I haven’t figured out that part if it is.”

“Maybe you just need the right trigger. What was it that made your ice powers go all crazy that first time?”

“Fear, mostly. Fear of people finding out, of them hating and attacking me for something I couldn’t control. Fear of hurting someone, hurting you.” Recalling those events was not something Elsa liked to do. Subconsciously, she hugged Anna just a little bit tighter.

“And what was it that allowed you to regain control and warm things back up?”

“Love. Love for you, and for our people. Once I let go of the fear and embraced the love, I found I could control it without issue.”

“So if love could let you go from frozen to neutral, could it also get you from neutral to hot?”

“If that’s all it took, then I think I’d have figured it out by now. Or like I said, maybe it just doesn’t work that way.”

“Or maybe you just need a hotter kind of love,” Anna suggested.

“A hotter kind of love?”

Anna twisted around in the tub so that she could face her sister. This position also coincidentally had their breasts pressed up against each other. “Yeah. You know ... Love. Passion. Arousal.” She could feel her face heating up from embarrassment, but she wasn’t about to let that stop her from continuing. “Sex.”

“Anna!” Elsa’s eyes went wide and her face turned red.

Seeing her sister flustered made Anna smile. She wanted to tease her more, see how long Elsa would endure before making her stop. “Imagine it, Elsa. You and your lover sharing a bath just like this, your bodies pressed against each other. Nothing else in the world mattering.”

Elsa gulped. “Anna, please...”

Since Elsa didn’t actually ask her to stop, Anna continued. “You’re kissing and touching each other everywhere. Your arousal is climbing higher and higher by the second. You know that soon you’re going to have the best orgasm of your life.”

Elsa was starting to breathe faster. Her heart was pounding so loud it could actually be heard. “Anna, please, you have to stop.”

Anna leaned in closer. “But it’s working,” she whispered. “I can feel how hot you’re getting. I know it can get hotter. When Kristoff and I are like this we get so hot the water feels cold in comparison.” Anna had to admit that she was starting to get pretty hot herself. There was just something about her sister, how vulnerable she looked right now. She leaned in a little closer, feeling her sister’s nipples press into her own skin.

“Anna...” Elsa’s voice trembled.

“Don’t be afraid of your feelings, Elsa. It’s okay to feel aroused.” Anna didn’t know or understand what she was doing. All she knew was that her sister’s lips, so full and luscious, were tantalisingly close to her own. They were just begging to be...

“I ... I...”

Suddenly the door to the bathroom flew open and Olaf hopped inside. “Found you!” he exclaimed.

The moment shattered. Elsa yelped and sunk as low in the tub as she could, submerging herself up to her eyeballs. Anna froze in place, eyes going wide. “Was I just about to...” she thought, growing just as red as Elsa. Sure, she had enjoyed playing along with Kristoff’s fantasies but this was her real flesh and blood sister, not some figment of her imagination. The consequences would be dire if Elsa took things the wrong way. Or worse, if she took them the right way. Anna really needed time to think, but there was a more immediate issue that needed dealing with. She shifted so she was no longer touching Elsa and faced their intruder. “Yes, Olaf, you found us. Though technically we weren’t actually hiding.” She tried her best to act nonchalant, as if nothing out of the ordinary was happening. Because, really, it was perfectly normal for two sisters to snuggle real close while they shared a bath together.

Olaf happily sauntered over to the tub, not really paying attention to his surroundings. “I know you normally have a bath with Kristoff around now but with him gone I thought you might want some company. I could use a bath too. Cat hair sticks to snow surprisingly well.” Once he was close enough he finally noticed that Anna wasn’t alone. “Oh, Elsa, you’re here too! Hi!”

Elsa rose out of the water just enough so that she could speak. “Hello, Olaf,” she said with a shy wave of her hand. She used her other hand to cover her breasts, not that Olaf could see her body under the water, nor would he even care as nudity was his default state of being.

“Thank you for the offer, Olaf, but as you can see I’ve already got company,” Anna said. “But remember when we talked about opening locked doors?”

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