Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 3

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

(Earlier that evening)

As Elsa tried to fall asleep, she found herself unable to hold back her curiosity as to what Anna and Kristoff were doing to make them both cry out with such passion, so she ended up using her magic to make a walkway connecting her balcony to theirs. Thankfully, it was a cloudy night and the moon was completely obscured, making it impossible for anyone to see her. After slipping across the ice bridge she had peered in through the window and was greeted with the sight of her naked sister slowly grinding her waist against an equally naked Kristoff.

She had seen them in similar situations thanks to the visions from Ahtohallan, but to see such acts of intimacy performed right in front of her was something else entirely. It was painfully obvious that the two of them were in love. They looked so beautiful together that Elsa simply could not look away, despite knowing it was wrong of her to watch. Her fascination quickly morphed to arousal as Anna’s pace quickened, and when Anna lifted Kristoff’s hands to her breasts Elsa mirrored them, touching herself in the same way that Kristoff was touching Anna. An itch was slowly growing in between her legs, easily ignored for now, but Elsa knew that if she kept this up, that itch would only grow. She kept watching.

The lovers were conversing, but Elsa was only able to make out some of what they were saying. Then she heard her name. Her heart leapt into her throat and she darted out of sight of the window, fearing that she had been spotted. When nothing happened, she realised that she was simply the subject of conversation, not that they had noticed her. She carefully looked back into the room, where Anna and Kristoff were really getting into it again. Consequently, their voices were that much louder and Elsa could make out what they were saying more clearly. What she heard made her eyes go wide.

“Who’s the instigator? The one taking the lead? Am I the one touching Elsa, or is she touching me?” she heard Anna say.

What followed next soon had Elsa beside herself with lust and desire. She understood that what Anna was doing was just an act, but seeing her in the throes of passion while calling out for Elsa to make her cum was more than she could take. Knowing it was wrong but able to hold back any longer, Elsa lifted up the skirt of her nightgown and began touching the very damp slit between her legs, desperate to soothe the now unbearable itch. That first touch nearly had her crying out, the pleasure was so much more intense than she was expecting.

Desperate to not be discovered, but unable to stop herself, Elsa bit down on her fist, trying to prevent any noise from escaping. Her need for release warred with her need to stay quiet and that internal conflict wreaked havoc on her magic, which began leaking out of her without her knowledge. She was so focused on her own pleasure and on watching Anna that she failed to notice the sudden drop in temperature or the window itself icing up around the edges.

When Anna threw her head back in orgasm and cried out her name, Elsa did the same, though much quieter compared to her sister. Pleasure like she never experienced before coursed through her like a never ending wave. As her orgasm surged through her, her magic surged out of her. The window in front of her became completely encased in ice and it began to snow around her. The nearby walls became coated in frost and frozen fractals spread out along the floor from where she was standing. She collapsed to her knees as strength vanished from her body. For nearly a minute, she just sat there, panting heavily, as she slowly came down from the natural high. And as she came down from that high, as the pleasure waned, the guilt arrived. “I’m so sorry, Anna,” she whispered. “I’m a horrible sister.”

“Somethings wrong!” she suddenly heard Anna cry. “It’s not a natural cold!”

Elsa’s eyes widened in panic. “Shit!” she thought, the ice and snow around her finally registering in her mind.

“What? What is it? Where are you going?” she heard Kristoff say.

“Shit! Shit! Shit!” Elsa swore to herself, quickly standing up on still-unsteady feet. She knew exactly where Anna would be headed and if she came into Elsa’s room only to discover Elsa out on the balcony, spying on them...

She raced back into her room as fast as she could and tried to freeze the main door shut to give her just a bit of time to get herself straightened out. But with her emotions in such disarray, instead of projecting a concentrated beam of magical ice at the door she ended up sending out a circular nova of cold, chilling the entire room. Before she could try again, Anna burst through the door.

“Elsa!” her sister called. “Are you okay!?”

Panicked, but at least back in her room, Elsa tried to pretend as if nothing was out of the ordinary, stupid as that would be considering all the ice and frost around. “Anna?” she shouted, instantly failing to keep her voice in check. “W-w-what are you doing in here?”

Twenty seconds after Anna and Kristoff left, Elsa was under her own bedsheets, completely naked and masturbating furiously, one hand squeezing a breast while the other vigorously rubbed her clitoris. The guilt she felt after masturbating to her sister the first time was subsumed by the absolute need to touch herself again. Seeing Anna display herself so wantonly, leaving absolutely nothing to the imagination, was practically torture and had Elsa even more aroused than when she was spying on her and Kristoff. Ten seconds was all it took for another earth-shattering orgasm to rip through her body. She couldn’t hold back this time, but at least had the sense to bury her face in her pillow as she screamed, muffling most of the sound.

The guilt returned soon after and without any other emergency to shunt it off to the side, all Elsa could do was feel the full weight of what she’d done. She had an overwhelming feeling of shame, made all the worse by the knowledge that now that she had crossed this bridge, she probably would do it again once the guilt faded. She curled up into a ball and cried, hating the part of herself that lusted over her own sister, and hating the fact that she didn’t seem to want to do anything to stop it.

When Elsa failed to show up for breakfast the following morning Anna went to her room to see what was keeping her. She found Elsa still lying in bed, barely awake and with dark bags under her eyes. Her hair was a mess, and her bed was just as messy. The sheets were all over the place and she was surprised to see her sister’s nightgown on the floor as well. She sat down on the bed and gently touched her sister’s shoulder. “Elsa? Is everything okay?”

Elsa rolled away from Anna and placed a pillow over her head. “Go away,” she said tiredly. “Leave me alone.”

Anna didn’t, of course. “You look terrible,” she said. “What happened? More bad dreams?”

“Can’t dream if you’re not asleep,” Elsa muttered from under the pillow.

“You didn’t sleep? At all?”

Elsa rolled onto her back and pulled the pillow off her face, looking up at Anna with tired, red eyes. Clearly her sister wasn’t going to leave her be. “What do you think?” she asked, her voice laced with sarcasm.

Anna’s heart went out to Elsa. “Like you stayed up all night tossing and turning,” she answered honestly. “One bad dream shouldn’t be enough to cause all this. Something’s obviously weighing on your mind. Care to talk about it?”

“No,” Elsa replied flatly. “I’m pretty sure I’m just sick. That’s all. So let me at least try to get some rest.”

Anna ignored her sister’s comment and continued. “I remember having restless nights like that. When I was first made queen the stress and worry that I was going to mess things up had me waking up all throughout the night for what felt like weeks. How you were able to handle it with such grace is beyond me.”

“Grace? Really?” Elsa asked. “Did you forget the whole ‘freaking out when my powers were discovered and accidentally putting the entire kingdom into an eternal winter’ thing? That’s the furthest thing from grace that I can think of.”

Anna smiled. “That was just day one jitters,” she said, downplaying the near-catastrophe. “You were a great queen after that. Calm, collected, wise, beautiful.”

“That’s not how I remember it. Always worried I’d mess up and cause another disaster.”

“Nonsense. You were wonderful. Always have been. But back to the problem at hand, you can’t just bottle up whatever it is that’s worrying you. Unless you want another ‘Frozen’ incident, that is.”

“God, no!” Elsa said, managing a slight grin.

Anna took one of Elsa’s hands in hers. “Then talk to me. Let me help. Like I told you last night, I’d do anything for you.”

Elsa gave her sister’s hand a squeeze before letting go. If her issue were anything else she wouldn’t have hesitated to share but in this case Anna, and what she said, only made things more difficult. “Thank you. Really. But you can’t help me with this. Honestly, I’m just sick.” She actually meant sick in the head, but intended for Anna to understand it simply as the normal kind of sick.

Anna reached up and placed her hand on Elsa’s forehead. “You don’t feel feverish. Are you sure?” she asked.

“I’m sure,” Elsa insisted. She felt bad, intentionally misleading her sister like this, but it was better than the alternative.

“If you say so. You know your body better than I do. But if I can offer a suggestion? If you really are sick, maybe sleeping naked isn’t the best idea,” Anna said with a grin.

Elsa’s eyes went wide as she looked down at her body. Only now that Anna mentioned it did she remember that she had taken off her night clothes last night and still hadn’t gotten dressed. With the way the bed sheets had been tossed around, she was exposed from the waist up. She blushed and pulled up a sheet, covering her breasts.

Anna laughed at Elsa’s reaction. “It’s a little late to cover up now, don’t you think?” she said. “And you don’t need to be bashful around me. I’ve seen your breasts plenty of times.”

“But it’s embarrassing.”

“Elsa, believe me when I say you have nothing to be embarrassed about. You know, you really ought to find yourself a lover. I don’t want to be the only one who has the privilege of seeing the most beautiful woman in the world naked.”

“You’re only saying that because you’re my sister.”

“I’m saying that because it’s true. Some day, and I honestly hope it’s sooner rather than later, you’re going to find that special someone that you can share your life with. That someone who can melt past that cold exterior and get to the loving and passionate core I know is there. And when you find them, don’t let anything get in the way of your happiness.”

Elsa had to swallow what she truly wanted to say, knowing that if Anna knew the truth it would destroy her. Instead, she said, “Well this conversation went in an odd direction. We were talking about me being sick and now you’re trying to find me someone to marry?”

“Who said anything about marriage?” Anna said with a wink.

“Anna!” Elsa exclaimed, surprised. “How ... scandalous!”

“Scandalous for me, perhaps, being Queen and all. But you? You have the freedom to do whatever you want. Or whoever you want.”

Elsa blushed further. “Anna!”

Anna got off the bed, smiling. “Okay, okay, I’ll stop.” Before she left, though, she bent down and kissed Elsa on the forehead. “Rest up. We’ll see you later, okay?”

“Okay. And Anna? I’m sorry for ruining our time together.”

“Nonsense. You haven’t ruined anything. But if you really feel that bad about it, I do have an idea for how you can make it up to me.”

Rather than ask out loud, Elsa simply tilted her head and raised an eyebrow in question.

“Next week, Kristoff and Sven will be gone on their annual family retreat. Apparently it’s trolls only so I’m not allowed to come, even though I have as much troll in me as either of them does. Not that I could take that much time off right now anyway. So why don’t you stay here for the whole time instead of the normal couple of days? Can you spend that much time away from the Enchanted Forest?”

“How long would Kristoff be gone?”

“They’ll be at wherever they’re going for five days, plus there’s some travel time so why don’t you stay the whole week?.”

Elsa both loved and dreaded the idea. She really did value spending time with Anna and her visits always felt too short, but with the way her mind was right now she wasn’t sure if an entire week of essentially just the two of them would be a good idea. Not that anything would happen, of course, but there was the potential for her imagination to cause some very awkward moments were it to be allowed to run wild. Luckily, she’d have a week to mentally prepare and rein in her taboo thoughts. “Sure,” she answered. “I can do that. No problem.”

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