Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 1

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

“This is all your fault, you know,” Elsa said as she walked through the tunnels of ice that ran their way through Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was a repository of all kinds of memory. Technically she was alone, but her question was directed at the river of ice that she still wasn’t sure was entirely sentient. When asked questions, whether spoken out loud or simply thought, it responded with images or magical constructs of the past, whether from events before Elsa was even born, or from moments that were days or sometimes only hours old. In all cases the memories were somehow tied to Elsa herself, whether they were her own or of either someone she knew personally or a direct ancestor. And while the memories shown were never direct answers, they always seemed to pertain to whatever the question was. Elsa had yet to figure out if that was because Ahtohallan was showing her what it wanted her to see, or if it was showing her what she wanted to see.

That same dream had plagued her for several nights in a row now, starting off as a normal memory and then twisting into something else near the end. Exhausted from lack of sleep, Elsa moved from the tunnels of the glacier into the chamber where memories of all kinds could be viewed and heard. “I wouldn’t be having these dreams if you hadn’t shown me ... that.”

One of the more frustrating things about this place was that the mere thought of something was often enough for Ahtohallan to display a relevant memory. Despite visiting Arendelle at least once a week, whenever Elsa began to feel even a little homesick Ahtohallan would show her any manner of memories of home, most often featuring her sister. From their childhood as they played together, to their youths where Elsa had sequestered herself so she couldn’t hurt Anna again, to present day as Anna now ruled Arendelle as queen. However, as Ahtohallan was a magical repository of all memory its recollection wasn’t limited to things that occurred in public, but had the ability to show things that were meant to be private as well.

The memory that Ahtohallan had shown Elsa that was the cause of this problem was of the time when Anna, perhaps thirteen or fourteen, had stumbled across a particular book in the royal library. With the way the memory was viewed Elsa could not see the pages themselves, only the cover bearing the title “Forbidden Love”. The content, whatever it was, had clearly captivated the teenager as her eyes went wide as they darted across the pages. For several minutes she seemed to become oblivious to the things around her until someone coughing from elsewhere in the library caused Anna to jump and slam the book closed. For some reason Elsa couldn’t figure out, her sister was blushing heavily.

Then the young Anna looked around nervously before slipping the book in between several others and carried the small stack back to her room, obviously trying to avoid interacting with anyone on the way. Once in her room she locked the door and jumped onto her bed, dropping the other books to the floor. She flung the book back open to where she was before and began to read with a mixture of awe, wonder, and excitement. The longer she read the faster she seemed to flip through the pages. Then with a hand she reached up and began squeezing her barely existent breast, a moan escaping her lips.

It was only now that Elsa understood what it was that Anna was reading. Once she realised where things were headed she blushed profusely and quickly dismissed the memory, preventing it from proceeding any further. She herself had stayed away from anything that might cause her to be aroused as she feared that having such passionate feelings would cause her to lose control of her powers. Even now as an adult Elsa had absolutely no experience and knew next to nothing about romance or ... sex. The problem was, Elsa could not unlearn the fact that her sister was someone who was interested in that sort of stuff, and had been for quite some time, evidently. She couldn’t help but feel a little jealous, and more than a little curious.

Before she could stop that train of thought, and Ahtohallan being Ahtohallan, other instances of Anna doing something intimate, whether alone or even with Kristoff, began playing on the various walls of the memory chamber. Elsa did her best to dismiss those visions before she could really see what was happening, both out of a sense of propriety, and because she did NOT want her first exposure to bedroom activities to be of her own sister. But Ahtohallan, or perhaps her own subconscious, clearly disagreed with her as more and more scenes of Anna in moments of intimate pleasure were put on display. Unable to dismiss them all fast enough, Elsa shut her eyes and ran from the chamber.

She decided to avoid Ahtohallan for several days, staying away to let herself calm down and fill her mind with other things. Upon her return things were thankfully back to normal. Mostly. Ahtohallan wasn’t inundating her with explicit content anymore, but every so often, as soon as she allowed herself a stray thought in that direction, a memory of someone she knew doing something ‘naughty’ would show up and Elsa would have to quickly dismiss it and do her best to not think about it at all.

Then the dreams began, and she couldn’t just make those go away like she could with the visions Ahtohallan showed her.

Back in the present, as Elsa thought back on that first time, Ahtohallan started to replay the memory once more. Maybe it was the exhaustion but this time Elsa wasn’t so quick to dismiss it. “Maybe,” she said to herself as she watched the teenaged Anna take the book off the shelf, “maybe not seeing it is worse than seeing it. Maybe if I just sate my curiosity, let myself see the whole thing, then I won’t be so obsessed with it. I mean, it’s just Anna after all. I’ve seen her naked plenty of times back when we were kids, so she really wouldn’t mind if I watched something like this, right?”

Still a little worried that what she was doing was inappropriate, no, scratch that, it was definitely inappropriate, but worried that going through with this might actually make things worse, Elsa conjured up a soft chair of snow and sat down to watch. Her heart was already beating hard as Anna’s eyes took in the contents of the book. When Anna made it safely back to her room and locked the door Elsa could already feel the heat in her own cheeks, mirroring that of her sister’s. Elsa watched her sister, nearly as captivated with what she was seeing as Anna was with the words in that book, and when the moment came where Anna reached up and began touching her chest Elsa allowed the memory to continue. The need to know warred with her sense of propriety and while Elsa felt no small amount of shame as she essentially spied on her sister, she continued to watch.

Anna’s breathing became heavy and soon she began to squirm on the bed, obviously aroused. Her hand left her breast and began to pull up the layers of her skirts, then slipped down to the spot between her legs. She rubbed herself above her undergarments for over a minute before slipping her hand underneath the fabric to touch herself directly. Her free hand flipped another page of the book and her other hand began to move faster. It was clear that this was not Anna’s first time touching herself, and her breathing slowly shifted into moaning as her pleasure built.

Finding it too difficult to continue reading and pleasure herself at the same time, the young princess shut her eyes and brought her other hand to her breast, firmly squeezing a breast through her clothes. Her other hand moved in a blur of motion as she sought the sweet relief of orgasm. Elsa watched, fascinated, as her sister’s moans grew louder and louder until she suddenly froze, her body arching off the bed and a loud yell, almost as if she was in pain, escaped her lips.

The moment didn’t last very long and a few seconds later Anna’s body relaxed, collapsing back onto the bed. She panted for a few moments before withdrawing her hand from her undergarments. She looked at her fingers and Elsa noticed they glistened with moisture, proof of sister’s arousal. Anna then looked back towards the book and smiled. “I am so going to enjoy my time with you,” the young teen said. Then the memory faded.

Elsa let out a breath that she hadn’t even noticed she was holding. She also quickly pulled her hand away from her own chest, blushing heavily. She had unconsciously begun to touch her own breast as she watched Anna play with herself. “Well that was definitely something,” she said as she tried her best to get her heart rate to return to normal. “Honestly, it was not as bad as I was expecting. I thought she would have at least gotten undressed or something.”

As soon as she said the words another memory was projected. A slightly older Anna, now maybe in her mid teens, was lying on her bed and this time she was very much naked. That same book, ‘Forbidden Love’, was lying open next to her and she was in the middle of a very enthusiastic masturbation session. Both hands were down between her legs, with one busy playing with her clit and the other plunging a couple of fingers inside her as deep as she could make them go. Elsa’s heart jumped in her chest and she dismissed the vision. “I didn’t mean that I wanted to see it!” she shouted.

Fortunately or, depending on one’s perspective, unfortunately, Elsa had an excuse to get away from Ahtohallan and its rather explicit visions for a few days. That excuse was one of her frequent visits to Arendelle to spend time with her sister and brother-in-law. With the assistance of the water spirit, which she had come to learn was called the Nokk by the Northuldra, the journey between the Enchanted Forest and Arendelle was incredibly swift. As much as Elsa enjoyed and even needed these visits, this time she was as nervous as when she didn’t know how to control her powers. She didn’t know how she’d react to seeing her sister in person for the first time after witnessing those intimate moments and was worried she’d say or do something that would reveal her unintended voyeurism.

She arrived in the harbour mid-morning and as she dismounted was greeted by the harbour master.

“Good morning, Your Majesty!” the man said, bowing in respect. “It’s wonderful to see you. You look radiant as always.”

“Good morning to you, too, Frederik,” she said, “but you really don’t have to bow like that. I’m not your queen any more.”

Frederik waved a hand dismissively. “Nonsense! While your time as Queen may have only been a few years, you served us well, not to mention you saved the entire kingdom from that massive wall of water. You may no longer be queen, but you will always be royalty.”

Elsa smiled shyly at the praise. “Thank you. Does your current queen know of my arrival?” she asked, looking towards the castle.

“I would imagine someone went to inform her as soon as you were spotted, but even the swiftest carriage pales in comparison to your, uh, mount,” he said, gesturing to the horse made entirely of water who remained obediently on the edge of the dock. “It will take Queen Anna at least a few minutes to get here.”

Even as he spoke a commotion coming from the nearby bridge caught their attention. The few people in the middle of the roadway were quickly moving off to the sides, before a swiftly galloping horse came into view. Atop it was Anna, queen of Arendelle, and she was smiling from ear to ear. “Elsa!” she yelled, not caring at all about propriety or queenly appearance.

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