Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 12

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 12 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

Had Kristoff not been sitting down he would have definitely fallen over. He couldn’t believe what his wife just said. “Um ... what?”

“Your little fantasy of Elsa and I having sex actually came true.”

“Really?” he asked in sheer disbelief

Anna gave her husband another brief kiss. “Yes, really. While you were gone Elsa and I became lovers. It turns out that my big sister was already having perverted thoughts about me even before you and I got into our little incest fantasy.”

“Oh my god!” Kristoff exclaimed. He looked wide-eyed at Elsa who blushed and looked away, not out of guilt or shame but simply from embarrassment.

“Because of what you said just before you left, I decided to tease Elsa during her stay. Just a bit,” Anna explained. “I never thought it would go beyond teasing, teasing which she returned I might add, but because of the feelings she was already hiding it didn’t take long for her to snap and kiss me. And I mean really kiss me, like how you do when you can’t hold back any more. And then I realised something. I realised that the teasing and flirting that we had been doing wasn’t just a game, and that my own feelings for her went far beyond mere sisterly affection. I love her, Kristoff, just like how I love you. And once I realised that, well ... we suddenly couldn’t keep our hands off one another.”

Kristoff could already feel the stirrings of another erection, despite having come twice now in relatively short order. Then he zeroed in on something Anna had said there towards the end and fear suddenly sprang up in his heart. “Wait, you love Elsa? Like you love me?”

Elsa spoke up then. “Stop right there,” she said, noticing the look of worry that appeared on Kristoff’s face. “I am in no way going to take Anna away from you. Anna loves you, deeply. Don’t ever question that. We love each other, yes, but if that love were to somehow jeopardise your relationship with her, then we’d stop it immediately.”

Anna gave Kristoff a comforting caress. “I love you so much, and when I realised I had those same feelings for Elsa I also understood that they did not take away from my love for you. Instead, they made my love for you even stronger. It may sound strange but I’m not sacrificing one love in favour of another as each love seems to enhance the other.

“I want you, Kristoff. Need you. I will always need you. But I need Elsa too. I want this relationship we have to continue forever. I want there to be no barriers between the three of us, where we are free to love each other in whatever ways we want. And I hope that in time, the two of you will want the same thing.”

Kristoff hugged Anna, feeling the worry leak out of him. “So, um, it sounds like you want what just happened to not be a one time thing.” Anna shook her head no. Kristoff then looked over at Elsa, who gave a rather demure smile. “And you? How do you feel about all this?”

“Nervous,” she admitted, “but excited. I’m looking forward to, um, getting to know you a lot better,” she added with an obvious glance down at his crotch.

With Elsa’s words, another thought came to Kristoff. One that, now that he had thought of it, was painfully obvious but not one he dared consider. “Wait. When you were talking about being ‘free to love each other’, you weren’t referring to just you and Elsa, were you?” he asked Anna.

Anna leaned back against his chest. “No, I was talking about all of us. Having sex. You and me. Me and Elsa. Elsa and you. You and me and Elsa. All three of us in every way you can think of.”

Kristoff got goosebumps hearing Anna confirm his thoughts about him and her sister. He had gone from initially concerned with Anna’s confession to curious as to where this was going to now beyond excited. He had never imagined in his wildest dreams that when he and Anna had their little fantasy of her and Elsa having sex that not only would it come true, but that he would be invited to participate. Elsa was a shockingly beautiful woman, and had it not been for him falling for Anna during the events of Elsa’s coronation, he could easily see himself falling for her instead of her sister, what with ice being his life and all. Not that he would have had a chance with hooking up with a queen had things not worked out the way they did. Regardless of the past, now he was presented with the very real possibility of not just carnal pleasure, but having a romantic relationship with Elsa, with his wife’s permission and participation to boot.

“Are you sure?” he asked, doing his best not to sound too eager.

“I’m more sure of this than when you asked me to marry you, and I was absolutely sure about that.” Anna replied.

“Then I’d be stupid to say no.”

Anna smiled. “Yes, you would be.”

Kristoff gave his sister-in-law a questioning look. “Elsa?”

Elsa blushed, but nodded at his unasked question. “You’re a handsome man, and you treat my sister well. Better than well. You’re a wonderful brother-in-law and from what I’ve seen, a wonderful lover as well. If I could experience even a portion of what you do with Anna, I can’t really see any downsides to this ... arrangement.”

“It looks like we’re all in agreement,” Anna declared. “I wonder if we can think of any way to celebrate?” she teased, wiggling her butt against Kristoff’s waist.

Kristoff chuckled. “Oh, I’m sure we can come up with something,” he said, hugging her to him and kissing her neck.

Anna held out a hand towards her sister. “Elsa, come here.”

Elsa stood and crossed the short distance separating them, taking Anna’s offered hand. She was surprised when Anna gripped her hand tight and yanked her down towards her, causing her to nearly fall on top of the other two. Anna then leaned in and kissed her, deeply. The surprise wore off quickly and Elsa returned the kiss with passion.

“Oh wow!” Kristoff said, staring in awe as the two sisters made out. Fantasising about it was one thing, talking about it took things up a notch, but to actually see it was something else entirely. He could see their tongues slip in and out of each other’s mouth, dancing together in such an arousing display that he was growing hard yet again despite having come twice a very short time ago.

With a reluctant groan, Anna pushed her sister away and turned around so that she was facing her husband once more. Despite what was said, she still had worries that he would not be as into this as he had said, that he would be jealous of her being with her sister. The look of wonder and excitement on his face removed that worry. She quickly kissed him just as passionately as she had kissed Elsa. “God, I love you,” she said between breaths. “I love you so much.”

A tap on her shoulder drew her attention back to Elsa, who apparently didn’t get enough earlier. As soon as Anna turned her head Elsa dove in and captured her lips once more. Kristoff wasn’t about to be left out, though, and as Anna closed her eyes and was absorbed by her sister’s kiss, he reached up and began playing with her breasts. Anna groaned and pushed her chest forward, encouraging Kristoff to squeeze harder.

Kristoff and Elsa mercilessly played with Anna’s body for over a minute, their touches and kisses driving her nearly mad with desire. “Please!” she managed to say as her mouth was passed from one to the other, “not just me! I want ... I need you two to kiss, too!”

The other two paused their wonderful torture to look at each other. Because of their mutual kissing of Anna, their faces were already dangerously close to one another’s. No words were spoken but a final confirmation passed between them before they leaned towards one another and their lips met. It was hesitant at first, their first real kiss, then desire overrode any uncertainty and they began kissing passionately. Kristoff held Elsa’s face in his hands as their tongues met with passion. They moaned into each other’s mouth as lust and excitement soared to new levels.

Unable to resist, Kristoff lowered his hands down over Elsa’s body, fingers delighting in the silky smoothness of her skin. He cupped her breasts, feeling their firmness and he could feel her hard nipples poking into his palms. He felt a hand wrap around his cock and groaned, suspecting those dainty fingers did not belong to Anna. When Anna reached up with both hands to run them over his chest, yet the hand on his shaft remained, he knew for certain.

As much as he didn’t want to, Kristoff ended the kiss and reached down to remove his sister-in-law’s hand. “We really need to stop,” he said, panting.

“Something wrong?” Elsa asked, herself breathing deeply as her heart pounded away in her chest.

“Not at all, but if you keep doing that I won’t be able to hold myself back, and I don’t think you want to lose your virginity in a place like this, do you?”

“Kristoff makes a good point,” Anna said, grinning. “A bed is much better for that. Plus it’s big enough for all three of us to stretch out and play. It is a little cramped in here, not to mention too hot.”

“It actually should be a lot hotter than it is,” Elsa said. “I’ve been using my powers to cool the room down so we wouldn’t overheat.”

“Aww, how sweet!” Anna said. “My big sister, looking out for us even when we’re up to our eyeballs in sex. And speaking of sex, how about we wait until tomorrow to properly introduce you to the pleasures that only a man can provide?”

“What!?” both Kristoff and Elsa exclaimed. They looked at each other and smiled, relieved that the other was just as eager to complete this journey they started.

“I’m just saying, Kristoff has already come twice,” Anna explained. “I think you might have a better experience if you can get him with a full tank, if you know what I mean. Plus, if you wait, the anticipation will build and make the moment he finally enters you all the sweeter. I know that’s how it was on our wedding night.”

“I see your point,” Elsa said. “If you think waiting one more day is the best choice, then I can do that.”


“I will agree with whatever I have to if it means I get to make love to the two of you.” The two women giggled at his response.

“Tomorrow, then,” Anna said. “Plus this will give Kristoff a chance to get used to the idea of us all being together.”

“Oh, I think I’m used to the idea already,” Kristoff said with a smile. “But what about you two? Do you need more time to get used to the idea of Elsa and I being together?”

Anna stroked her husband’s chin as she spoke. “Us? No. Over the last couple of days, when we weren’t having sex ourselves, we were thinking of ways to convince you to agree to this little threesome of ours.”

Kristoff shivered in excitement as he pictured what happened while he was gone on his vacation. “How much sex did you two have?” he asked.

“I’m not sure, we weren’t exactly keeping track,” Anna teased. “But let me put it this way, that first day we became lovers? Neither of us wore a stitch of clothing for over twenty-four hours.”

With the decision finalised, the three of them left the sauna and got dressed in soft, fluffy bathrobes. It was already night time so they headed to their bedrooms, Anna and Kristoff to theirs, and Elsa to hers. Before she could leave them, however, Anna pulled her in and gave her a sensual kiss good night. “Rest well, dear sister,” Anna said. “Tomorrow’s going to be a very exciting day.”

In their own room, the door was barely closed before Kristoff and Anna were kissing and tearing each other’s robes off. They were naked in seconds and Anna leapt up and wrapped her legs around Kristoff’s waist, his hands grabbing her ass. He easily carried her over to the bed where he crawled on top and lowered her down onto the mattress.

“I thought you wanted us to wait,” he managed to say between kisses.

“I want you at your peak when you take my sister’s virginity,” Anna said, reaching down and grabbing his cock. “You’ll have plenty of time to recover even if you give me another load tonight.”

Considering how wound up the two of them were, it didn’t take long before they were both crying out one final orgasm for the day.

Kristoff was woken the following morning by one of the most wonderful feelings in the world; that of a warm, wet mouth sucking on his shaft. He moaned and reached down, running his fingers through the hair of his unknown fellatrix. He enjoyed the sensation for another minute before opening his eyes and looking down to see Anna lovingly bob her head up and down along his length.

When she noticed him looking at her, Anna pulled off him with a pop. “Good morning, my love,” she said with a grin, then added, “Disappointed I wasn’t Elsa?”

Kristoff gave another groan at the thought. “I will never be disappointed at finding you doing that,” he said. “But to answer your question honestly? No. The first time she has those beautiful lips wrapped around my cock, I want to be awake for it.”

“Good to know,” came a feminine voice off to his side.

Kristoff’s eyes went wide in surprise and he quickly looked over to see his sister-in-law sitting in a chair, watching them. She was dressed in her usual magic-crafted dress and looking on with interest. “Elsa! I, um...” He blushed and at first was going to say he didn’t really mean what he said so he didn’t come off sounding crass but decided there was no point in dying it. It was true after all. “Good morning.”

“And good morning to you too,” Elsa replied, grinning at his choice to not backpedal his words.

Kristoff looked to Elsa then back to Anna. “Um, are we starting early?” he asked.

Anna gave the head of his dick a playful kiss, then got off the bed and began dressing, leaving him hard. “No. I was just giving Elsa a demonstration of fellatio. For later, when, how did you say it? When she wraps those beautiful lips around your cock for the first time?” she said with a grin.

Kristoff groaned again, this time from embarrassment.

For the most part, it was a normal day. There were still a few things that needed dealing with as part of the fallout of what Hans had done, plus there was the regular daily management of the kingdom. Olaf was happy to see Elsa mended and well, but was busy doing his own thing so wasn’t underfoot while the adults dealt with Anna’s queenly duties.

However, in addition to their work, any time Anna had the chance she’s whisper to Kristoff about how he was going to fuck Elsa before this day was done. She was very inventive with her use of words and kept coming up with interesting euphemisms for what was going to happen. Whenever Kristoff thought his hard-on would go away, Anna was there with another remark or even a particularly sultry glance, and he’d go right back to full attention.

Elsa wasn’t innocent, either. Although not as frequent as Anna, what she did was perhaps worse. Whenever she was sure there was no one else but them, she’d catch his attention then pull down the top of her dress to reveal her breasts, or even cause her entire dress to vanish in a flurry of snowflakes, leaving her gloriously nude. She would take just a moment to touch herself somewhere sensitive, then magicked the dress back in place a second later, acting as if nothing had happened. Normally she wouldn’t be so bold, but all the teasing from last night had her on edge and, as Anna had predicted, the anticipation for tonight was driving her mad.

Rather than have dinner in the main hall, where servants would look after them, Anna had a lovely meal brought to her room where she, Kristoff, and Elsa could eat in private. In addition to the privacy, she and Kristoff went out of their way to set up a number of candles and flowers around the room, giving the place a very romantic feeling. They even dressed up, Anna in a very fancy dinner gown with lots of embroidery and left her shoulders bare, and Kristoff in one of the few three-piece suits he had that he’d only wear for the most special of occasions.

When Elsa knocked on their door and saw what they were wearing, she took a moment to concentrate, then used her magic to alter her regular dress into something much more elegant, with flowing lines of various shades of blue, and like her sister’s dress, filled with elaborate embroidered details and left her upper torso bare. Both women wore their hair up in tight braided buns, making Kristoff wonder how all that hair could be contained in such a small area. Regardless of how they accomplished that feat, there was no denying they looked absolutely stunning.

Dinner itself was very pleasant, if a little odd. Anna began openly flirting with both Kristoff and Elsa about half way through the meal, trying and succeeding to make the two of them blush. She also encouraged them to do the same, and soon all three were using their feet to tease each other under the table and soft touches and the occasional kiss of a hand had all of them feeling quite excited by the time they had finished dessert, which had been a large bowl of chocolate chip ice cream. That it was a single bowl was by choice and they each ate from it, though more often than not they fed each other rather than eat it themselves.

After they were finished eating, they moved over to the sitting area, Kristoff sitting in a soft high-backed chair, and the sisters sitting together in a love seat across from him. They talked while their meal settled, about what, none of them could really say as their focus was on what was soon to come. Soon enough, Anna took Elsa’s hand in hers and said, “I think it’s about time we move on to tonight’s main event, don’t you?” Kristoff and Elsa met each other’s eyes and smiled, blushing slightly.

Anna stood, gently pulling her sister to her feet with Kristoff following. She led them towards the large, inviting bed where she had Elsa sit once more and gave her a brief kiss before gesturing for her husband to sit down as well.

“Kiss her,” Anna ordered, smiling at the two of them.

Not one to disobey his wife, Kristoff turned so he was facing Elsa and pulled her to him, kissing her on the lips. She responded in kind and they made out for nearly a minute before breaking it off, each breathing heavily.

“Wonderful,” Anna said, watching the whole thing. “Now, how about we get this show on the road?”

Side by side, Kristoff and Elsa watched as Anna undid her bun, long waves of gorgeous brown hair cascading down her back. She then stripped for them, slowly peeling off articles of clothing one by one, making quite a show of it. When she was down to her undergarments she made sure to look each of them in the eye, then reached behind and loosened her bra. The garment came loose, freeing her breasts, though she kept them hidden from view with one arm as she pulled the bra off with the other. She smiled as she held the bra off to the side then let it fall to the ground. She teased her audience of two with glimpses as she moved, moving her arms around and cupping her breasts in both hands before finally removing her hands, revealing very firm nipples.

“We are very lucky, aren’t we?” Kristoff said to Elsa, never taking his eyes off his wife.

“Incredibly lucky,” Elsa agreed, also not looking away from the mesmerising display.

Rather than remove her panties herself, Anna swayed up to her two lovers. “I could use some help here,” she said, taking their hands and placing them on her hips.

The other two spared a glance and a smile at each other before each took hold of one side of Anna’s underwear and slowly pulled it down. Anna’s hairless pussy gradually came into view, and they could tell by both the sight and smell how aroused she was. Once her panties were down around her legs, Kristoff and Elsa let them fall to the floor and Anna stepped out of them, leaving her as naked as the day she was born.

“You like?” she asked, making a slow spin so they could see all of her.

“We love,” Kristoff replied.

“You next,” Anna declared, grabbing Kristoff by the hand and pulling him to his feet.

“I, uh, I don’t think I’m very good at ... what you did,” he said, though allowed himself to be led. “At undressing ... sexy.”

Anna smiled at him. “Don’t worry, I’ll help.”

It was obvious that Kristoff wasn’t used to this kind of thing, but Anna made it easy for him. He basically just had to stand there while she undressed him. She took off his jacket and unceremoniously threw it off to the side, and when she had finished unbuttoning most of his shirt she moved behind him and quickly yanked it open, revealing his broad, muscular chest to her sister. Elsa couldn’t help but giggle at her sister’s antics, but couldn’t deny she liked what she saw. Seeing Kristoff’s body slowly being revealed was very arousing and she began shifting on the bed, unable to sit still.

When Kristoff was down to just his underwear, Anna did the same thing as she had done for herself. “Care to lend a hand?” she asked, running her fingers along the waistband of his briefs. Unlike before, she didn’t approach the bed, but curled her finger, beckoning Elsa to come join them.

Elsa’s mouth twitched in a smile and she slipped off of the bed and went over to the two of them. Standing in front of Kristoff, she looked up at him before letting her eyes then her hands roam over his chest and down towards his stomach. As she reached his underwear her hand tentatively caressed the bulge there, then she carefully wrapped her fingers around his shaft. After feeling him for a bit she got down on her knees then reached up and grasped the top of his underwear. She gently bit her lower lip in anticipation, then quickly pulled the garment down.

Kristoff’s erection sprang free. It was extremely hard and pointing up and slightly to the side, mere inches from Elsa’s face. She let go of the underwear and it tumbled to the floor, where Kristoff then stepped out of it. She began to reach for his manhood but hesitated, licking her lip nervously.

Anna was hugging Kristoff from behind. Both husband and wife were looking down at Elsa with eagerness. “Go on,” Anna said encouragingly.

Elsa looked up at them, gaining confidence from their loving expressions, then returned her attention to the throbbing rod of flesh in front of her and carefully wrapped her fingers around it once again, this time with no fabric to separate them. She had touched him yesterday, but with him so close to her face it was a very different experience. She recalled what she had seen Anna do in some of the memories she had spied on and, having no experience herself with this kind of stuff, decided to try and copy that. She began to move her hand up and down Kristoff’s shaft, eliciting moans of enjoyment from him. Feeling emboldened, Elsa leaned closer and ran her tongue up the underside of his shaft.

“Oh fuck!” Kristoff swore. His dick practically jumped in her hand and she pulled her face away quickly.

“Did I do something wrong?” she asked, worried about Kristoff’s reaction.

“No, not at all,” Anna said, grinning. “You did something very right.”


“Why don’t we ask Kristoff? Honey, would you like Elsa to do that again?”

“Yes please!” Kristoff said, shivering with anticipation. He was looking down at Elsa with pleading eyes.

Elsa grinned, then did it again, this time ready for his reaction. She ran her tongue from where his balls met his shaft all the way up to the oddly coloured part near the tip.

“Fuck!” Kristoff swore again. Elsa still hadn’t undressed at all and the contrast of her looking all done up and regal, yet on her knees licking his cock, was a powerful sight. “So good!”

“See? He likes it,” Anna said. From behind Kristoff, she began stroking his chest and feathering kisses along his back. Elsa continued to lick, but she started licking the sides of his shaft as well. She would have licked the top too, but her position wouldn’t allow her tongue to reach it.

“Oh god!” Kristoff moaned. The dual assault from the two women was more than he ever thought he’d experience, and this was still just foreplay.

“You know, one of us is overdressed,” Anna pointed out after a little while. Elsa didn’t even bother to stop her licking, but just waved a hand and her dress vanished, and just like that she was naked. “Aw, no strip show?” she teased.

“Next time,” Elsa answered, pulling back and giving Kristoff’s shaft a few strokes. She was far too engrossed in her current task to waste time undressing for an audience. She pointed his dick straight ahead, opened her mouth, and took him inside.

Kristoff was immediately assaulted by intense heat and wetness. “Shit!” he groaned, trying his best to hold back. He knew that if he just gave in to the pleasure he’d be coming in just a few seconds, but he wanted this to last for as long as humanly possible.

Elsa removed her hand from his dick and placed both on his legs, using them as leverage as she took as much of his length into her mouth as she could. She sped up, bobbing up and down, running her tongue along the underside while feeling the top of his head run along the roof of her mouth.

“Look up at him, Sweetie,” Anna said to Elsa. “Look at what that gorgeous mouth of yours is doing to our man.”

“Anna, no!” Kristoff pleaded. “If she looks at me now, I won’t be able to...”

“Good,” Anna replied, standing on her tiptoes so she could nibble on his ear. “Do it, Elsa! Make him come! Make Kristoff blow his load right down your throat!”

Elsa stopped moving with half of Kristoff’s shaft still enveloped by her mouth. She looked up and at the same time quickly ran her tongue around the head of Kristoff’s dick. It was too much for him to endure.

“Oh fuck! Ellllssssaaaaaa!” Kristoff yelled, then exploded. White hot cum blasted forth from his dick and completely coated the inside of her mouth. She started for a moment, surprised by the sudden flavour flooding her mouth, but then eagerly began sucking, trying to coax out everything Kristoff had to give.

When at last Kristoff’s dick stopped pulsing and slipped from her mouth, Elsa gulped, swallowing everything. The taste was not what she expected, though she really didn’t know what to expect. It was warm, a bit salty, and perhaps a little more creamy than what she had thought it would be like. She wouldn’t say she liked the taste, not like how she would enjoy a good breakfast of eggs and bacon, but because it was proof that she was able to give Kristoff the ultimate pleasure she could see herself quickly growing to love it.

Kristoff, now somewhat recovered from his orgasm, took Elsa’s hands and pulled her to her feet. First, he reached up and undid her hair, letting it unwind and fall down to its full length. Then he cupped her face and kissed her, not hard, but long, and from that kiss she could tell how much he appreciated what she did. “Thank you,” he said when the kiss was over. “That was ... absolutely wonderful, although those words don’t seem nearly good enough to describe how it felt. How did you even know to use your tongue like that?”

Elsa grinned. “Anna may have given me a few pointers earlier,” she admitted. Then she felt naked breasts being squished against her back and two arms wrapped around her stomach.

“So, how was your first blowjob?” Anna asked, kissing her shoulder.

Elsa leaned back into her sister’s embrace. “It was ... nice.”

“Nice? Only nice?”

“It was my first time, I don’t know how else to describe it. I mean, it was a bit weird at the start but I enjoyed making Kristoff feel good. And when he came, I felt...”

“Proud?” Anna offered.

Elsa blushed, knowing that was exactly how she felt. It seemed silly, to be proud about having a dick in one’s mouth, but she really liked knowing she could pleasure Kristoff just as well as Anna. “Yes,” she admitted. “And I think I’d like to do it again, but...”

“But ... you want a turn too, don’t you? You’re so turned on you can barely stand it?”

Goosebumps made their way across Elsa’s skin as she did her best to control herself. “ ... Yes.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Anna said, letting go of her sister. “Get on the bed. Let’s give Kristoff a show while he recovers enough for round two!”

Instead of doing what Anna suggested, Elsa spun around and hugged her, squishing their breasts together. Anna was momentarily surprised by Elsa’s move but then smiled, knowing what Elsa wanted. They both tilted their heads and kissed, each moaning into the other’s mouth as hands began to roam all over the other’s body.

Kristoff stared in awe. There was nothing, absolutely nothing in the entire world, hotter than what he was witnessing. Right before his eyes were two drop-dead gorgeous, fully naked women, making out like crazy while their hands touched anything and everything they could reach. That it was two women doing this already carried an element of the forbidden, but adding in the fact that they were sisters carried that sense of taboo to unbelievable heights. There was no possible way to top this sight, ever.

The girls did eventually make their way onto the bed, though they never stopped kissing for more than a second or two. Somehow they found their way to the centre of the mattress where Anna laid down on her back and Elsa crawled on top of her, facing the opposite direction. Kristoff quietly moved around the bed so he could see Anna’s face and the action that was taking place between Elsa’s legs. After glancing at him to make sure he was looking, his wife pulled Elsa’s hips down, raised her head, and began running her tongue along Elsa’s damp slit. Elsa moaned in pleasure and Kristoff could see her dip her head down between Anna’s legs. A moment later Anna dropped back onto the bed, moaning, and it was obvious that her sister was doing the same thing to her. A moment later Anna regained her composure and resumed tonguing Elsa.

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