Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013

Chapter 11

Fan Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 11 - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

“Are you really sure it’s okay for me to be here?” Kristoff asked.

“Yes I’m sure,” Anna said for what felt like the dozenth time. It was really only the third but she was starting to get frustrated at her husband for asking the same question over and over. “The whole point of this was so we could all relax together. It wouldn’t be the same if you weren’t here.”

Kristoff, Anna, and Elsa were all wearing nothing but towels and were seated on separate benches in the castle’s sauna. For some reason, Anna demanded that Kristoff take the middle bench, rather than herself, so now he was essentially trapped with her on his left and Elsa on his right and the heating stove in front of him. He had thought Anna would want to sit as close as possible to her sister but she was quite insistent that he take that spot for some reason.

“But, uh...” Having been away from his wife for over a week, Kristoff was having a hard time keeping his thoughts in check. Seeing her nearly naked like this made him want to throw away their towels and ravish her right then and there, but with Elsa mere feet away he had no choice but to restrain himself. And Elsa offered up a whole other problem. She was just as exposed as Anna and it took everything he had not to stare and fantasise about what lay underneath that little bit of fabric. He had tried to convince the girls that they should all wear bathing suits to try and avoid this very issue but had been outvoted. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust himself around his sister-in-law, but he wanted to avoid anything that Anna could misinterpret as him lusting after another woman.

The three of them relaxed as the heat and steam slowly built in the tiny room. At least, Kristoff tried to relax. Seeing Anna and Elsa’s skin glistening with a thin sheen of moisture made them look even sexier than normal and he had to really focus in order to prevent his dick from rising and making an obscene tent under his towel. To help, he focused on the item they had brought with them. Next to Elsa was a small box covered with frost. She had used her magic to keep its contents chilled, though the girls refused to tell Kristoff what was inside when he asked, claiming it was a secret.

Anna noticed Kristoff’s intense stare at the box. She knew he was doing his best not to leer at her and Elsa and smiled to herself. He could be so innocent at times. She let the situation go on for another minute before speaking up. “Hey Elsa. Don’t you think it’s about time we dig in?” she asked.

Elsa agreed and opened the box. Kristoff leaned forward to try and get a look inside. Rather than try and keep it hidden, Elsa simply held the box out and showed him. Inside were a bunch of little chocolates, the same kind that Elsa and Anna had shared the last time they were in here. Anna had purchased some more while Kristoff and Elsa were visiting the trolls.

“I should have guessed,” Kristoff said, “knowing how much you two love chocolate.”

“We do,” Anna agreed. “And the only thing better than chocolate is sharing it with those you love.”

Elsa used her magic to levitate one of the chocolates over to her sister, who opened her mouth wide. Carefully, Elsa manoeuvred it into Anna’s waiting mouth, who then captured it with an audible moan of enjoyment.

“You look like you’ve done this before,” Kristoff noted.

“Yes,” Elsa admitted. “Though last time we were sitting close enough that I didn’t need to use my powers to share.” She moved another chocolate with her magic over to Kristoff, who eventually opened his mouth to receive the sweet treat. It was cool and very tasty, though he didn’t moan like Anna.

“Hey, why not let Kristoff hold the box? We can scoot a little closer and then he can give kisses to each of us,” Anna said.

“I, uh, what?” Kristoff asked, blushing.

“That’s the name of the chocolates, silly,” Anna said with a grin.

“Oh, good. For a second there I thought ... never mind.”

Elsa handed Kristoff the box. It was rather cold to the touch and he decided to place it on his lap in such a way as to hopefully hide and calm down any erection should he fail to keep it restrained with willpower alone. Anna and Elsa moved from their benches to sit directly beside him, immediately putting his willpower to the test. Elsa was kind enough to simply sit next to him, avoiding any physical contact, but Anna pressed herself up against him so closely that he could feel the side of her breast against his own chest.

“You and I have already had one, so it’s Elsa’s turn to get a kiss,” Anna said. “The chocolate kind,” she added with a wink.

Kristoff pulled out one of the little chocolate drops and held it out for Elsa to take. However, she didn’t take it but opened her mouth and waited. “Of course,” Kristoff thought. “Why make it easy for the only guy in the room when you can torture him instead?” He took a breath and proceeded to place the chocolate in Elsa’s mouth, doing his best to not let his fingers make contact with her lips or tongue. Before he could pull his hand away though, Elsa closed her mouth around both chocolate and the fingers that were delivering them. That slight touch of her lips gave him goosebumps and he yanked his hand away for fear he would enjoy the feeling too much.

Both women laughed at his sudden reaction. “Relax,” Elsa said after swallowing the sweet. “I’m not going to bite.”

“I might, though,” Anna teased. “And it’s my turn.”

Kristoff gulped, more for show than any actual fear, then grabbed another chocolate and offered it to his wife. Anna did not bite, but what she did was far worse. She opened her mouth wide and captured not just the chocolate but most of the fingers holding it as well. She wrapped her lips tightly around Kristoff’s digits and made quite a show of slowly pulling back off of them. Inside her mouth, where Elsa couldn’t see, her tongue sensuously licked along Kristoff’s fingers and the goosebumps he had got from Elsa’s mouth came back tenfold.

Seeing as how it was his turn next, Kristoff took one of the chocolates and tossed it straight up into the air, intending to catch it in his mouth. His aim was true but before it came back down, Anna quickly snatched it out of the air.

“Ah ah ah,” she said, gently scolding him. “You’re not allowed to feed yourself. Someone else has to give it to you.”

“Oh, is that a rule?” Kristoff asked, smiling.

“It is now,” she replied, then held out the kiss.

Kristoff quickly took the kiss into his mouth. He made a point to not do what Anna had done to him, as much as he wanted to. Elsa’s presence had him holding back quite a lot.

Anna didn’t let him off the hook that easily though, as she held out her hand to him. “You missed some.” When Anna had grabbed the chocolate out of the air she had held her hand tight around it, causing some of it to melt and stick to her palm and along a couple of her fingers.

“And?” Kristoff asked.

“You have to eat all of it,” Anna said.

“Really?” he said. “You can’t just get that last bit yourself?” Both Anna and Elsa shook their heads no. Kristoff understood that Anna was trying to tease him, and since Elsa seemed to be on board with it he decided to play along. “Okay, fine,” he added, then leaned over and licked his wife’s hand clean so that no trace of chocolate remained.

They continued like this, Kristoff feeding the two women and them taking turns feeding him, until all the chocolate was nearly gone. With Anna’s last piece for Kristoff she had intended to ‘accidentally’ drop it into her cleavage then insist he eat it from there, but he had quickly moved in and ate it out of her fingers before she could drop it. With that plan ruined she had to come up with something else.

The final chocolate kiss went to Elsa, who ate hers in a surprisingly similar way to what Anna did with the first one Kristoff gave her. Kristoff visibly shivered when he felt her tongue run along his fingers before it found the chocolate and pulled it away. While Elsa savoured the treat, Anna figured out what she wanted to do next.

“Me next,” she insisted.

“But there are no more kisses. The box is empty,” Kristoff said, demonstrating the fact by holding the box upside down.

Anna smiled “That’s not a problem. I know where I can get more.” Before Kristoff could say or do anything else, she took the box and tossed it to the floor then straddled him and gave him a big kiss on the lips. The taste of chocolate lingered on their lips and Anna did her best to get as much of that taste as she could.

Eventually Kristoff gathered up enough willpower to push her back slightly. “Anna, what are you doing?” He glanced over at Elsa to indicate his area of concern. She had moved back to her bench while they were kissing and was blushing and glanced away when he looked at her, but he could see a slight grin on her face.

“Oh relax. Elsa doesn’t mind, do you Elsa?” Anna said, directing her attention to her sister.

“No, not really. You two are married after all and I’ve seen you kiss plenty of times.”

“See?” Anna smiled, looking back at her husband. “Now why don’t you give me some more? I think I can still taste a bit of chocolate on you.”

Kristoff wanted to protest, but Anna’s kisses were just too wonderful to resist. Soon he found himself kissing her with gusto and his hands unconsciously began to stroke her back, caressing her through her towel. He was so lost in the kiss that didn’t even notice his member had risen to full attention until a shift in Anna’s position pressed it up against her groin. He gasped at the sensation and pushed her back.

“Um, maybe we ought to cool it for a bit,” he said, feeling slightly embarrassed.

Anna gave a brief pout. “If you insist,” she said, then got off his lap and returned to her own bench.

All three of them were breathing a little heavier than normal, a not so subtle sign of the heat in the room. Anna began to fan herself then said, “You know, it’s getting a little too hot in here.” With no more warning than that, she pulled her towel off and let it fall to the floor. “Ah, much better,” she said as she leaned back against the wall.

“Anna! What are you doing?” Kristoff said in surprise.

“What? I’m hot and it’s not like either of you haven’t seen me naked before. You and I are married and Elsa and I bathe together all the time so this really shouldn’t be anything to worry about.”

“I suppose, but...” Kristoff stammered. It wasn’t that he was opposed to seeing Anna naked, he’d never be against that, but having Elsa there with them drastically changed things. He was sorely tempted to do things to Anna that her sister probably shouldn’t be witness to, and if things were to escalate much further he might just give in to those temptations anyway.

“It’s okay,” Elsa spoke up. “I really don’t mind.”

“I ... I ... fine,” Kristoff finally gave in. In his lust-addled mind he couldn’t think of any good reason not to allow this but could think of several not-so-good reasons to allow it.

For over a minute they simply basked in the heat, though every time Kristoff opened his eyes he couldn’t help but ogle his naked wife. She smiled every time she noticed him staring, and would purposefully angle herself in such a way as to give him a better view.

Eventually, Anna sighed in contentment. “It really is a lot more comfortable without the towel,” she said. “You two really ought to try it.”

“Wha-” Kristoff began, caught off guard by her suggestion. His eyes automatically darted over to Elsa, specifically her towel covered breasts, before he noticed her looking at him. They both blushed and looked away from one another. “Anna, you being naked is one thing, but I don’t think it’d be appropriate for Elsa and I to be naked with each other.”

“Why not?” Anna asked. “You’re basically family, and I’ll be right here to make sure nothing inappropriate happens.”

“I think being naked with a woman who’s not my wife is already inappropriate.”

“Then I’ll just make sure that nothing inappropriate happens without my permission,” Anna amended.

“I still don’t think it’s a good idea.”

“Let’s put it to a vote then,” Anna smiled. “Everyone in favour of ditching the towels, raise your hand.” Her hand went up immediately of course.

To Kristoff’s utter shock, Elsa slowly raised her hand.

“E-Elsa?” he stammered as he stared at her, utterly taken aback.

Elsa didn’t look away or lower her hand, though her blush deepened noticeably.

“There, two to one, unless you want to make this unanimous?” Anna said, grinning in victory.

“But ... but...”

“Why so hesitant? It’s not like you have anything to be ashamed of, believe me.”

Kristoff blushed. “It’s not a matter of shame. But in case it wasn’t obvious, I’m not exactly relaxed at the moment. If you catch my drift.”

Anna looked down at Kristoff’s crotch, not that she had to. She knew exactly what was causing that obscene bulge in his towel. “Good! My sister and I would be insulted if you were. Women like to feel sexy, you know, and nothing says ‘I think you’re really sexy’ like an unrelenting erection. And keep in mind that with her voting yes, Elsa is giving you permission to look, too.” She then shifted down along the benches so she could whisper into his ear. “Besides, it’s not like she hasn’t seen you naked before.”

Kristoff’s eyes went wide “What? When? How?” he whispered back, though was still loud enough for Elsa to hear.

“Shh, I’ll explain later. Just know that you’re not going to scar her for life or anything like that by letting her see you nice and hard.”

Kristoff gulped then, against his better judgement which seemed to have fled somewhere far away a long time ago, he nodded.

Anna kissed his cheek. “Thank you,” she whispered, then reached down and tugged on his towel.

Kristoff felt like he was in a dream, like he wasn’t in control of anything, let alone himself. He lifted his butt off the bench from a gentle prodding from Anna, who then pulled his towel away completely, tossing it to the floor next to hers. He was completely naked in front of his sister-in-law, who stared wide-eyed at his throbbing dick. It was pointed straight up and was as hard as it had ever been, literally pulsing along with his rapid heartbeat. He resisted the urge to cover himself and instead let her look, the exposure both embarrassing and thrilling in equal measure. No, that wasn’t quite true. The thrill was quickly overwhelming any feelings of embarrassment.

Then Elsa stood and turned to face her brother-in-law directly. The two of them locked eyes and they could each see the nervousness and excitement there. She raised her hands to where she tucked the towel into itself and began to pull.

“Don’t look away,” Anna whispered into Kristoff’s ear. There was no need for that, as he was utterly mesmerised by the sight and couldn’t look away even if he wanted to.

The towel came loose and after a few painstakingly long heartbeats, Elsa let it drop to the floor. Kristoff’s jaw hit the floor at around the same time. “Oh my god!” It took Kristoff a second to recognise that he was the one who spoke. There was his sister-in-law, completely naked in all of her glory. Impossibly long legs met at a hairless groin. Those legs were slightly crossed but did nothing to hide her bare womanhood from sight. A tight stomach led to firm breasts tipped with pale pink nipples, which were rock hard. Her skin was pale and utterly flawless, though much of it was coloured with blush. There was not a wrinkle, not a freckle, not a scar, not an ounce of excess fat anywhere to be seen. And she didn’t just stand there letting Kristoff look, she presented herself to him.

Even as Kristoff’s brain struggled to absorb the magnificent sight, Elsa began to turn. Slowly she turned around, giving both Kristoff and Anna a full view of her entire body. Her backside was just as spectacular as her front and Kristoff let out an involuntary groan when her shifting weight made her ass jiggle ever so slightly.

“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?” Anna asked, breaking Kristoff out of his trance. He stammered, at a complete loss of words. “It’s okay,” she continued. “I’m not going to get jealous if you think my sister’s sexy.”

Kristoff gulped then nodded, his brain still incapable of forming words.

Finished with her spin, Elsa returned to her seat, crossing her legs to hide her vagina, but leaning back and letting her breasts remain prominently displayed. Kristoff continued to stare, for how long, he didn’t know. All sense of time was gone. Eventually the novelty began to wane and any worry that Elsa would cover up if he looked away faded, allowing Kristoff to think again.

“Thank you,” he said without really meaning to, although once the words were out of his mouth he knew he meant them.

If Elsa could have blushed further, she would have. “Um, you’re welcome. Thank you too.”

The sexual tension was high, almost uncomfortably so, yet the three of them managed to settle down and enjoy the sauna, for a little while at least. Anna was snuggling against her husband, their close contact making it a little warm but very much worth it, as she was able to run her fingers lovingly up and down his thigh. Eventually her playfulness and need drove her closer and closer to his groin until she suddenly reached out and grabbed his shaft.

“Anna, what are you doing?” Kristoff shuddered and half-shouted. “Elsa’s right there!” Elsa was staring wide eyed at the spot her sister was touching, not even blinking. He was already on edge and if Anna started jacking him off now he knew he wouldn’t last long. He also lacked the willpower to make her stop himself.

Anna didn’t remove her hand, but she didn’t move it up and down either. “So? Remember what I said earlier about Elsa having seen you already. Maybe now would be a good time for her to confess.”

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