Frozen Feelings - Cover

Frozen Feelings

Copyright© 2024 by Mehefin013


Fan Fiction Sex Story: Prologue - Elsa, the bridge between humanity and the spirits, could now readily access Ahtohallan, the magical glacier that was the repository of all memory. While she knew she could use it to see memories of the past, she didn't expect that some of those memories would be so...explicit. Stray thoughts leads to her seeing those closest to her in a very different light, causing her to feel things she never thought she would.

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fan Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Sister   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   Royalty  

It all happened so fast. Elsa, the recently crowned queen of Arendelle, had just been told that her sister Anna, her only family and the one person in the world she cared about above everything else, had just died from the magical curse Elsa herself had accidentally placed on her. Everything instantly went numb. She couldn’t hear, couldn’t feel, couldn’t even think. She collapsed to the ground and the literal storm that had been raging around the kingdom in response to her tumultuous emotions suddenly went dead. In her overwhelming grief she failed to see that Prince Hans, the man who had brought her the grim news, had unsheathed his sword and was about to cleave her in two.


At first Elsa didn’t even notice what was happening. She thought she heard Anna’s voice, but surely that was just wishful thinking since her sister was dead. A sudden commotion and some kind of shockwave from right behind her caused her to look up from her inner torment. What she saw shattered her already broken heart.

Standing protectively above her with hand outstretched was her younger sister. But what was mere moments ago a living, breathing person, was now just a statue of solid ice. A shattered sword and the prince lying on his back a short distance away painted a clear picture as to what had just happened.

“Anna!” Elsa yelled. She scrambled to her feet and moved to look into the face of her sister. Frozen, lifeless eyes stared up in the direction of the foiled attack. “Oh, Anna! No! No, please, no...” she begged, to no effect. It was all just too much. What Prince Hans had told her had clearly been a lie at the time, but that only made this sight that much more painful. She reached out and touched her sister’s face. All she felt was the painful coldness of ice.

As the reality of the situation began to sink in, of Hans’ attempt to kill her and Anna preventing it at the cost of her own life, Elsa couldn’t hold back her despair any longer. She fell to her knees and hugged the statue of ice that used to be her sister as the tears began to freely flow.

Olaf the snowman, who earlier had somehow been brought to life through Elsa’s magic, slowly approached. “Anna?” he asked, himself just beginning to understand what had happened. Likewise, the man who had accompanied Anna to Elsa’s ice palace was there too, along with his reindeer companion. Elsa didn’t even know their names, yet at that moment she couldn’t have cared less about them.

She was so lost in her sorrow that she didn’t notice the gasps of surprise from the others, nor did she notice the warmth that was quickly spreading out from the heart of the statue. Then the statue moved, finally cluing Elsa in that something magical was happening. She opened her eyes and was shocked to see that what she was hugging was no longer ice, but a living, breathing person once more. Her sister was alive!

“Anna!?” she nearly shouted with sudden exultation, the deep pit of sorrow instantly turning to overwhelming joy. She didn’t care how or why this miracle had occurred. All that mattered was that Anna was okay. She jumped to her feet and hugged her sister tightly, and Anna returned the hug just as fiercely.

“Oh, Elsa,” Anna said, her own voice heavy with emotion.

Hearing her sister’s voice was the most beautiful thing Elsa had ever heard. She relaxed the hug and touched Anna’s cheek. “You sacrificed yourself for me?” she asked in amazement, taking Anna’s hands in hers.

Anna gave her a smile. “I love you,” she replied. And really, that was all the explanation that was needed.

Then Anna reached up and touched Elsa’s cheek. “More than anything in the whole world,” she added. Leaning in, she kissed her sister. Not just a quick peck on the cheek, but a lingering kiss right on the lips. One of love, of eagerness, of desire.

Without even being aware of it, Elsa found she was kissing right back. When Anna reached up with her other hand, cupping Elsa’s face and slipping her tongue into her sister’s mouth, Elsa groaned as a desperate need like nothing she ever felt before welled up inside her. She responded in kind, opening her mouth wide and trying to get her own tongue into Anna’s mouth. As their tongues began to dance and play together Elsa could feel her body heating up as an entirely different kind of magic raced through her veins.

Then she woke up.

Heart pounding from the intensity of the dream, from her own arousal, and from no small amount of shame, Elsa stared up at the ceiling of the tent the Northuldra people had gifted her and let out a long sigh of frustration. “What the hell is wrong with me?”

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