Betrayal - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by Jonnyboy

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - A short story taken as a break from Catherine Dixons Punishment, about the beautiful busty thirty five year old Wife and Mother Jenny, finding herself overtaken by family scheming outside of her control, ultimately sending Jenny into a life changing downward spiral of Sex and Submission.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   Mind Control   Reluctant   Slavery   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Cheating   Cuckold   Incest   Mother   Son   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Spanking   Anal Sex   Massage   Oral Sex  

With her head resting upon his upper thigh while naked upon her large bed, the thirty five year old Jenny Stickland was playing her new favourite game of pushing his semi flaccid cock around his groin with her tongue while occasionally retreating her tongue back into her mouth, there to swallow the semen continuing to emerge from within the slit of his plum like head.

A game of patience, as Annie Day explained to her during the time Annie spent instructing her upon the multitude of pleasures Jenny would need to familiarise herself with, during the induction of Jenny Strickland into the world of the high earning whore, catering for both sexes of selected clients with an inclination toward bdsm sex.

It was game won only when the penis so recently inside her once again become erect, fully functional and upright as a flag pole.

A game often played when naked and with Jenny’s wrists secured behind her back encased in sheepskin lined black leather cuffs.

As was now the case, with Jenny seeing her efforts rewarded with the gradual stirring of her ‘Owners’ large thick penis.

‘Her Owner’, words often running through the mind and even lips of Jenny Stickland during the time spent with her Brother in Law Bob Stickland, when three months ago, much to her shock, horror and amazement, Bob Strickland told his sister in law Jenny she was now exactly that, owned by her Brother in Law Bob Stickland

“I am now the proud owner of Jenny Strickland” Jenny was told when naked and tied to all fours corners of his bed ‘Owned by her Brother in law’, despite Jenny being the wife of his Brother John and Mother to Bobs young Nephew Mike.

All because of the the failure of Jenny’s husband to John repay the huge debts he owed to his Brother, who to secure those debts had taken legal ownership of the family home and everything within it, including ‘such chattel as within’, which according to Bob included Jenny, the wife of his brother.

Surely hearing such news would have destroyed many people, even before being told they would then work as his whore repaying all the money a stupid feckless Husband owed and which would surely have tipped most people over the edge.

Strangely that hadn’t been the case with Jenny Strickland, even along the added threat of having porn movies featuring herself posted on porn site across the internet.

For while she dare not tell a soul, those words from Jenny’s obviously dominant brother in law, had for some unknown reason sent a surge of sexual anticipation through the body of Jenny Stickland, although perhaps also linked to the night of no holds barred sex she’d recently experienced with her Brother in Law. albeit when having first been drugged with a spiked glass on wine.

“The sooner you accept yourself and your husband are owned by the boss then the sooner we all move on Jenny”

Mistress Annie had told her when bathing and then making love to the amazed Jenny Strickland on the very same bed upon which she’d earlier been fucked by her first ‘client’.

A client vetted and supplied for her by ‘Mistress. Annie’ Day in her guise as the business partner of Jenny’s brother in law, running the fetish escort agency Bob Stickland had taken over as part payment of another debt. In effect the ‘agency’ being little more than a cover for the business of Annie Day, that running a string of bisexual whores.

No the months on, Jenny realised the words of Annie Day had been prophetic and realistic For during those three months and despite everything that had happened to her and her family, Jenny quite incredibly gradually fell in love with her brother in law, owner and Master Bob Stickland,, beginning from the moment she’d woken the morning after Jennys incredible introduction to her new life as a Whore for her Brother in Law.

The morning three months ago, when tired stiff and sore from the fucking she’d received the previous evening, it had taken a seeming eternity for Jenny to come round from her exhausted unbroken sleep and when finally doing so, to immediately and forlornly recall the events of the previous night, a night Jenny decided had changed her life forever, even before realising she was naked in bed, cuddled up behind and holding the erect cock of her teenage son Mike

As much as Jenny wanted to cover herself with the bedsheets that morning, she realised she must surely get out of her sons bed and then into her own bedroom before her son woke to find his naked mother in bed beside him and worse still, that she was holding his very large tent pole erection in her small hand.

Although unfortunately for Jenny, having feigned sleep for much of the night, young Mike Stickland had through his half closed eyes, seen the legs and swaying buttocks of his slim large breasted beautiful redhead mother, creeping from his bedroom.

Then with the click of the door behind his departing mother, Mikes hand once again found his cock and the erection his Mothers hand had been clasping since late last night, when Mike first became aware of his obviously naked Mother Jenny slipping into his bed and cosying up to him.

There, with his Mothers generous breasts and large nipples pushing against his back with her hand quite incredibly clasping her son’s erection, Michael Stickland spent most of the night desperately trying not to cum all over his Mothers warm hand.

With the memory of the warmth of his Mothers breasts and naked body, Mike began slowly jerking himself off to the recollection of his Mothers hard nipples scratching his back and her small hand clasping his erect cock, before analysing the recent strange behavior of his Mother.

Although fully in the knowledge he probably hadn’t helped matters when using the photo left in his school locker of his Mother giving a head job to his Uncle Bob as a lever with which to pressurise his Mother.

Although he’d at least been pretty open about it with his mother, thought Mike, even though not showing the photo to schoolmates or anyone else, he had in truth used the photo to pressurize his Mother into wearing the sort of clothing Jenny’s son regarded as befitting for his sex on legs Mother.

Although Mike was amazed to shortly find that rather than her being angry and threatening, his Mother Jenny was surprisingly unfazed by the demand of her teenage son and even prompt when doing complying with Mike’s demand, then not even complaining about a fifteen year old son taking a good feel of his Mothers breasts above her new half cup bra on a daily basis before Mike left for school every morning.

Whether his Mothers compliance was out of fear of him otherwise exposing that photo or not, Mike hadn’t really cared.

For surely his Mothers issues must go much further, decided Mike, why else would he have been pretty much told to go stay with his friend Alan for a couple of nights and now, when back home, his having seen a car outside the house late at night, a car in which his Mother was obviously engaging in a long kissing session with another woman, suggesting far more than a simple goodbye.

So was his Mother now a lesbian? Wondered young Michael Stickland.

“Oh well ... looks as though changes are happening around here” decided Mike along with the regretful thought he needed to shower and dress for school, especially when that erection he thought he’d taken care of simply refused to deflate itself...

Having slipped away from the the admitted clandestine comfort of Mike’s body and erect cock from what she thought the sleeping naked figure of her young son, Jenny made her way toward the bathroom adjoining her own bedroom and where she would use soap to wash every inch of her body, along with everything else that had happened to her yesterday.

Although only when entering her bedroom did Jenny realise the bed she’d always shared with her husband John hadn’t been slept in, even though Jenny had fully expected John be at home when telling herself wanting to avoid John him was very reason she had slipped into bed beside her son, even though she could easily have slept in the spare room when returning home after having been fucked by her first ‘client’ as a whore of her brother in law.

Not that Jenny had been expecting John to be in any way amorous toward his wife, when as far as Jenny could remember and even before their marriage, Johns idea of foreplay began with taking his dick from his boxers and ended legs astride those of his wife shoving the thing inside her, while never removing either his boxers and singlet.

The original wham bang thank you man cocksman, thought Jenny Stickland, who even though the night before having been bathed and massaged by Annie Day in the hotel, decided she could now at long last soak herself in the privacy of her own bathroom, trying to make sense of a life turned on its head over the past weeks.

Although looking back, Jenny was by now only too aware her future had been out of her own hands from the moment her husband John thought his wealthy brother Bob was the answer to all Johns financial problems, when thinking his brother Bob was no more than a naive fool he could wrap around his little finger.

A wealthy brother he could use as a bottomless well of cash and once and for all ending all those bailiff threats and court judgments against John.

The latest of which being the threat of bankruptcy, and of John, Jenny and son Mike loosing their home to the Banks circling them like vultures.

And who else to go to in a crisis but Johns loyal brother Bob, and without telling ‘the little woman at home’, to then sign the deeds of the house and everything within it over to Bob.

Although just for a while of course, leaving the house and contents out of reach of the bank’s until John was getting the family finances in order.

After which his loyal brother would of course return the the ownership deeds of the large property back to John and his oblivious wife Jenny.

All of which would have been fine, had Bob not been as slippery as an eel in his own business dealings and more importantly for Bob, his having a long held crush on the large breasted slim redhead wife of his brother ever since they’d first married.

A sister in law who’d twice cruelly rebuffed Bob’s amorous advances toward her.

And Bob Stickland had a very long memory, so much so, even the opportunity of taking her home from Jenny Stickland wasn’t enough to rectify that slight upon Bobs masculinity from his sister in law, far from it in fact.

Not when Bobs scheming could result in his slim beautiful large breasted sister in law joining the ranks of the stable of whores Bob had recently ‘inherited’ from a business rival, now down on his luck and looking to cash in on these women.

That really would be the icing on the cake of Bobs revenge, requiring the kind of detailed planning Bob saw as being his forte, planning made that much easier with his target not only being close family.

All with the help of a specialist Media technician, not only already working for for Bob, but also a close friend of Jenny Stickland’s son Michael.

And for Bob that icing would be in the form of of the tall mature Annie Day, a mature dominant lesbian with short cropped grey hair, running Bobs new call girl operation, who having been shown bikini clad holiday photo of Jenny was already champing a the bit to recruit a prize such as Jenny Stickland.

To then convert and to train Jenny into a submissive bi sexual whore, whose earnings from her male and female punters would after expenses, go straight to Jenny’s brother in law Bob.

And on the night it worked a treat, with Bobs employee Alan, under cover of a regular visitor to young Michael Stickland, first planting remote cameras around the house, before armed with a doctored bottle of wine, an amenable Bob soon had the sexually drugged Jenny eating out the palm of his hand upstairs in her bedroom, all of it being recorded under the gaze of the Cameras installed earlier by Alan, while Jenny’s son Mike waited patiently for him in Alan’s house...

A week after Jenny’s first paying punter, just like a pair of naughty schoolchildren Jenny and John Stickland were called into Bobs office.

“You both know why you are here, that I own your home and the both of you until all my money has been paid back, mainly by Jenny as my whore, even though it’s all your responsibility and your fault John” explained Bob while Jenny was glaring daggers at her husband.

Then looking and speaking directly at Jenny, Bob told her.

“Remove the Dress and Come over here Jenny”

“This one comes with the added bonus of being a submissive getting off on humiliation big time” Bob had earlier been told by the lesbian Annie Day.

And so it proved, when without hesitation or even glancing at her husband, Jenny slipped off her short black dress, : before climbing upon Bobs large inlaid wooden desk, still wearing her back four inch heels along with a set of red satin lingerie, a quarter cup bra displaying and pushing up her large breasts and nipples, together with black stockings, a red suspender belt and tiny red thong.

All brought by Jenny after the demands of her son Mike she do so...

‘Sex on legs’ was Bobs immediate thought, when instructing Jenny to sit back on her knees with her buttocks resting on her ankles and hands clasped together behind her back.

“This I like very much” began Bob Stickland when running his fingers over Jenny’s sexy new lingerie, taking time to touch her large freely available nipples and bringing a gasp from Jenny when slipping a fringe beneath a tiny thong to push inside what we’re Jenny’s already wet cunt lips, all of which under the angry glare of Jenny’s humiliated glaring husband.

It was nothing less in a deliberate act of Bob Stickland demonstrating his control over Jenny and aimed at her husband John, who himself couldn’t help but feel the unusual stirrings of an erection at what was undoubtedly a very erotic scenario.

A scenario designed by Bob to tell his Brother John that Johns wife Jenny was now his brothers prized possession, one Bob was displaying to prospective purchasers, rather than to her cringing totally humiliated husband.

“This is what your stupidity has cost you John” began Bob, standing up behind and holding Jenny by the shoulders to face her husband and then cupping Jenny’s breasts from behind while adding.

“Meaning you no longer have the right to fuck or even sleep with your wife without my permission ... so now go move your things out of her bedroom and into a spare room ... and do it today”

Leaving Jenny looking at her husband in pity while for some unknown reason, feeling more excited and sexually energised than she could ever recall by her brother in law’s demonstration of domination over herself and her husband.

“Hey! Come on, get real Bob!, this has gone far enough, you can’t just throw me out of my own bedroom ... that’s my house ... my home! ... my wife for Christ’s sake ... that agreement was just a temporary thing between brothers until I get the business back in its feet!!” Growled John Strickland angrily in reply.

“Your problem always has been the small print little Brother, perhaps you should read the agreement document and deeds we both signed, transferring to my ownership all said properties, goods and chattels ... meaning I own the house along with all its contents, including you and Your lovely wife here...

In short that means I own your wife and that I am her Master ... doesn’t it Jenny”? Concluded Bob, caressing Jenny’s breasts and nipples.

“Yes Master, you own me “ replied, Jenny almost instantly and much to the consternation of her husband, who although sexually aroused at the sight of his brother so casually toying with his wife’s breasts, was horrified by even the thought of moving out of the room shared with his wife their entire marriage ... even though not seeing much action in there these days.

“Six o’clock John boy, any more arguement from you and you’re out of the house, in fact if you and any of your belongings aren’t out of your wife’s room by then, I’ll have my guys not only throwing your stuff out of the house but you along with it” Bob went on to tell his stunned brother before adding insult to injury.

“And You tell me to get real John?

Well how real is this, no one but no one gets to sleep with or fuck this little lady in her bedroom other than myself and Annie Day, although to keep your boy Mike sweet and onside, Jenny will be sleeping with the boy in his bed twice a week”

Words which while stunning her husband into shocked silence, left Jenny Strickland more sexually energised and almost trembling with sexual anticipation than she ever before experienced and only too aware of the juices now seeping from between her pussy lips as her husband heatedly exclaimed

“What the fuck! ... that’s my wife ... my family for fucks sake!”exclaimed John before recalling his Brothers warning, and so his anger subsided to a glare toward his brother as Bob added.

“Whether the boy decides to fuck Jenny is up to him because she no longer has a say in such matters, although right now Jenny can show us how much your wife enjoys giving me the kind of head job you were never interested in” concluded Bob, bringing yet another horrified glare from John and then more so when Bob lifted Jenny from his large desk and then lowering her onto her knees, where Johns almost naked wife once again slipped her lips over Bobs now familiar cock, partly horrified, yet also strangely aroused at thoughts of sleeping alongside her son Mike again.

Then on her knees and under the eyes of her furious husband and fully aware she was now no more than his whore doing the bidding of her brother in law, Jenny Stickland performed the head job of her life upon a brother in law she was unknowingly already falling in love with, greedily swallowing Bob’s torrent of hot semen when eventually he came in her mouth.

All under the eyes of a Husband who although furious with his wife and brother, was nonetheless more aroused than for years, as was the cock, rock hard and bursting for attention within his y fronts ... a very rare experience for John Stickland...

Now three months later, in the bedroom from which Bob had evicted a husband at that moment watching TV in the lounge, Jenny Stickland was using her mouth and tongue to toy with the increasingly hard erect cock of her Owner and brother in Law.

When doing so Jenny’s thoughts couldn’t help but return to those incredible life changing events she’d been subjected to since first being duped into a sex session with her burly brother in law, a sex session Jenny never in her wildest dreams thought would result in her becoming his whore ... or one of them.

Although that’s where Jenny Sticklands crazy roller coaster ride had taken her, from her being dismissive of Bob Stickland, to eventually leaving her husband in all but name to become the property, lover, whore, plaything, sex slave and so much more to her husbands brother.

And of course lover and whore of her Lesbian Mistress Annie Day, with whom she’d spent three incredible days and nights learning every technique imaginable in the art of pleasing men and another woman...

Although shortly after Bob evicted her husband from their bedroom, Jenny then witnessed the ultimate humiliation of her husband John by his own Brother.

The night Bob arrived and with Mike asleep in his room, used his own key to open the front door, before shortly afterward, in her bed the naked Jenny was watching Bob leading the boxer shorted furious glaring figure of husband John into her bedroom from the lounge where he’d been watching TV.

“Go stand over there in that corner” the angry John was told, while the curious Jenny threw back her bedsheet to reveal to Bob the naked body he’d instructed must now always be on display, either naked or dressed in sexy very revealing lingerie ... even during her housework.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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