Waters Run Deep - Cover

Waters Run Deep

Copyright© 2024 by Roof Rat

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - Meet the Waters, an upper-class family living in Ohio. We start our story as the twins Bill and Sara share an apartment as Bill finishes at Ohio State. Later we'll meet the youngest, Tina, and the folks who love their children deeply.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Ma   Fa   Mult   Consensual   Drunk/Drugged   Romantic   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Brother   Sister   Father   Daughter   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   Massage   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Voyeurism  

In unison, their heads snapped to the door, and saw Tina standing there, holding a plant. “I brought a house plant. I guess I should have brought condoms. You two? What the fuck?” Tina asked in shock.

Sara, covering us with the sheet, almost screaming said, “It’s not what it looks like.”

Tina smiled, “Looks like you just swallowed your brother’s cum.”

I knew we were busted, Tina wasn’t crying, so that was good. Sara was freaking out, but she would be okay, I thought of a joke to break the tension. So, I said, “Fake news, fake news. What you thought you saw was an AI fake.”

Tina walked over, grabbed the sheet, and pulled it off of us, exposing our nudity. Her gaze fixated on Sara. She stepped up looking closely at Tina’s face. She reached out her hand and Sara flinched. “Don’t move, you got something there.” And she used her index finger to gently wipe something off her big sister’s chin. Tina held to her face and looked at it, then turned it to us and said, “Cum.”

My smile went to an expression of amazement when Tina put the cum covered finger in her mouth, sucking my milk off it. Then without a thought, Tina looked at me and said, “You’re going to be useless for a while, so, get your asses out of bed and fix me breakfast.” As she went through the door she yelled, Let’s Go! We’re burnin’ daylight.”

Sara looked at me and she had tears in her eyes, and I comforted her and said, “It’s okay, she’s not mad or upset. I think she was turned on, she sucked my cum off her finger. Who does that? I’ll tell you, someone who thinks she has something on us and is going to use it to benefit. And what was that comment about not being useful?”

Ah, sister rivalry, I watched her expression change from sadness to deviousness in half a second. That disturbed me a little. “That little bitch.” She whispered. Sara was back and I could see her mind racing. “You’re useless because you just came.”

I continued, “My tongue works fine. Anyway, we can’t show her our hand.”

“Why not, she has seen everything else,” Sara said, bemused.

“Let us see what her plan is. We’ll play along and see where she wants to take this.”

Sara thought out loud, “What if she wants to join us? What if she wants to fuck you too.”

I looked at Sara, raised an eyebrow, and whispered, “What if she wants to fuck you?”

Sara, stunned at the thought uttered, “Oh my. I have never done that with another woman let alone my sister.” My cock stirred at the thought, and I had a new mission in life. “I can’t deal with this right now, I’m going to get a shower, please put on some coffee.” With that, Sara crawled out of bed. I watched her cute butt cheeks roll back and forth as she walked away. She must have suspected I was watching because just as she was about to disappear into the lavatory, she reached back and spread her ass cheeks, giving me a quick look. I am a lucky man.

I wandered out and found Tina sitting at the kitchen table, a bottle of Heineken in her hand, sipping on it. I started, “If my memory is correct, you are only nineteen.”

“Really, you want to start with me drinking a beer? I just watched my sister swallow my brother’s cum and you want to give me shit about a beer?”

“How does ... my cum taste?” Tina stared at me and sipped her beer, ignoring my question. “How did you get here?

“Big Brother, you only live a hundred miles from home. I told Mom I was going to come stay a week or so, and she seemed very cool with it.”

I’ll bet I thought. “A week ... or two? How did you get in?”

The front door was unlocked. Are you saying I can’t visit my brother and sister?” She asked in that baby voice that some women do. Gets me every time and they know it. In that voice, she continued, “If you want ... I’ll go...”

“Stop it. You’re not going anywhere.”

In a flash, her whole demeanor changed, and she was excited, leaning forward in her chair and starting her inquisition, “Are you fucking Sara? I saw her suck you off, but are you laying pipe? How long have you two been fucking? Does Mom and Dad know?”

A loud voice from behind us stated, “Mom and Dad will never know.” She approached and sat at the table with us. Looking at Tina she said again, “Mom and Dad will never know. Promise me that.”

Tina, feeling she had the upper hand began, “Well, I ... don’t ... know ... I guess if I was allowed to stay for a while and you follow my every command, I might, and I said might, think about it.” I could see the anger boiling up in Sara’s face. Tina could see it as well and said, “Relax Sis, your secret is safe with me. I don’t want to kill the folks. I do want to stay a while though. Mom is driving me crazy, and Dad has been away on business a lot lately.”

I asked, “Are Mom and Dad fighting?”

Tina blew out a puff of air and said, “Just the opposite, I can hear them fucking all the time and Mom is getting louder. I think she is doing it on purpose to drive me nuts.”

“Or to drive Dad’s nuts,” I added.

“You swear, you’ll keep your mouth shut?” Sara asked.

Then the little vixen looked around the table at my crotch, then looked up at me with her brown eyes and said, “I promise I won’t tell your secret.” Dropping her gaze back to my stirring crotch, continued, “I can’t promise to keep my mouth shut though.”

Sara and I looked at each other, with that WTF expression. Then Sara said, “I’m going to make some breakfast. Did you bring a suitcase?”

“Two and a couple of boxes,” Tina replied to her sister.

“Two!” Sara snapped, “How long are you planning to stay?”

I jumped in, “Tina, let’s go get your things.” And led her out. Glancing back at Sara and holding my hands up silently indicating, take it easy. We brought her things in and set them down in the living room.

Tina quipped, “I guess I get Sara’s room?”

Sara, looking up from the stove, said, “What?”

Tina went on, “Well, you two are sleeping together, I figure I get the spare bed.”

“Nope, sorry.” I said, “You get the pullout couch, Dad insisted on buying us. I think he planned this whole thing. I’m not going to explain why I’m sleeping with Sara. Besides, Sara leaves pussy juice all over the sheets.”

“What about you Stoke Boy?” Sara fired back. “You probably have cum on the ceiling and walls, not to mention your crusty carpet.”

Tina jumped in, “You two should get a room ... oh, wait, you already did.”

“Funny girl,” Sara came back, “Just how long are you planning to stay?”

Again, with the brown puppy eyes, “Two weeks?”

Fucking with Sara, I teased, “Ah, come on, can she stay two weeks? Can the pretty little girl stay two whole weeks? Well, can she?”

Sara shooting me “The Look”, replied, “We can start with two days and see how it goes.”

Looking at Tina, I said, “You’re in. Now my rules.”

“Rules, I’m nineteen.”

I continued, “You will not bring boys back here. If you want to spend some alone time with them, explain to Dad why you put a hotel room on his card. If you are going to be out late, please let one of us know where you’re at. I won’t sleep not knowing if you’re safe. No boys, let us know ... ya I think that’s it for now. Any questions?”

“Ya, when you’re fucking my sister, do you cum inside of her?” She trailed a finger across the back of my neck, sending a shiver down my back.

“Who said I was fucking your sister?”

“You know, I’m going to find out.

Sara added, “You know what you saw earlier was me administering first aid to your brother. It was, I admit, embarrassing, but it had to be done.”

In a judgmental tone, Tina remarked, “What happened? Did a rattlesnake bite him on his hardon and you were just sucking out the poison?”

Smiling, I laughed a little and said, “She did suck out the poison. God bless her, but she swallowed it.”

Tina whispered, “Was there a lot of poison?”

Sara leaned into Tina’s ear and whispered, “Yes, a small girl like you, couldn’t have handled it all. By the way, it tasted wonderful, I can still feel the warmth of it in my belly.”

Tina felt her nipples harden under the spandex leotard she was wearing. She was wearing a Van Halen T-shirt and a short pair of gym shorts. Nobody noticed her condition. Her Sister, got her pussy to juice up, talking about her brother’s cum. Tina had an epiphany, this morning she was hoping her siblings would let her run away from home for a couple of weeks and now she is wondering what her brother’s cock tasted like and her pussy was starting to leak.

I could see Tina in thought and asked, “Penny for your thoughts.” For the first time I think, I saw Tina blush.

Without hesitation, Tina said, “I was thinking about your cum in my belly.”

Now I was the one blushing. All I could get out was, “Ah ... ah...”

Sara walked by and said, “Close your mouth, Jr.”

I think she was jealous. How cute. We ate our breakfast, well, I did. Tina had bacon and beer. Sara said she had eaten earlier and started putting Tina’s things away. Tina blurted out, “Yeah ya did.” This is going to be an interesting couple of weeks.

I got an idea. “How about we get dressed up and go out to dinner tonight? I’ll make reservations. What do you think?”

Tina said, “I didn’t bring any dresses, just clubbing clothes.”

Sara offered, “I have a few things you could wear. Yes, let’s do it up.”

They wandered off and I cleaned up the breakfast dishes and then sat and watched TV. I got on my laptop, found a nice place, and called. A bright voice answered, “Angelo’s.”

I began, “Yeah, I know it’s Saturday, but by chance do you have any opening tonight.”

A cute southern drawl came back, ‘It’s your lucky day, I just had a cancellation, is eight-fifteen doable?”

“That’s perfect, Waters, a party of three.” She thanked me and I hung up. I yelled, “We are out of here at seven-thirty. So, be shit, showered and shaved, and ready to go.”

Tina said to Sara, “He sounds like Dad when he does that.”

“Yeah, I know. Sometimes it sends a shiver up my back.”

Tina was studying Sara now, and asked, “What do you mean?”

Sara blushed a bit, “Oh, nothing.”

Tina’s eyes opened wide, “Do you think about fucking Dad?”

“NO! How could you say that?” Sara bellowed, trying to be shocked.

Tina reached out with both hands and before Sara could move away, Tina palmed her Sister’s breasts and said, “Because your nipples are hard.”

“I’m not talking about this,” Sara said, handing Tina a dress to try on.

Tina took the dress and laid it on the bed. She pulled off her t-shirt, let her shorts slide down, and put the dress on over her spandex. “I want to hear about the first time you fucked Bill.”

Looking through her closet she said, “Who said I fucked Bill?”

“Come on, I know you have, and I promised not to tell,” Tina whined.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I told you what you saw. It was all very innocent.”

“Bullshit, I’m going to get to the bottom of this,” Tina promised.

The girls went out leaving me to watch TV. Returning later, bags in hand thanks to Dad’s credit card. As I understand it, he gave us all a card with a thousand-dollar limit. I use it for food and drink. The girls, I don’t want to know. Would like to be a fly on the wall when he gets the statement.

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