The Black Halloween Party Dress - Cover

The Black Halloween Party Dress

Copyright© 2024 by Spacer X

Chapter 2

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Tommy Bryton is a handsome athlete enjoying his youth to the max

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Mult   Teenagers   Consensual   Fiction   Humor   Cheating   Incest   Mother   Son   Group Sex   Facial   Oral Sex   Petting   Pregnancy   Tit-Fucking   Big Breasts  

Tommy didn’t attempt anything that brazen with Leah again, at least not yet.

He’d almost blown it by getting carried away by his lusts and going too far too soon when he bounced her on his lap and fondled her tits through her dress. He knew he was skating on very thin ice, and if he overstepped again, she was likely to flee the party entirely.

He was willing to bide his time, because she was drinking alcohol and he figured it would be a big help if she got drunk. He also figured she needed time to get over her shock.

In truth, he also needed to recover from the shock. He still couldn’t believe he’d had the guts to do that.

So nothing that notable happened between them for quite a while.

However, from that point on, things between Leah and Tommy began to drastically change. He’d gone way, way over the line of how sons were supposed to act with their mothers. No matter what happened next, even if there was no more flirting or touching, their relationship would never be the same.

Deep down, both of them sensed they were in uncharted territory, but they didn’t know what to do about it just yet. At first, they were still awkward around each other, with Leah not knowing what to do in case she gave the wrong signals to her son, and Tommy not knowing just how far or little he should go to turn their relationship into a sexual one.

As the drinks began to flow and Leah grew increasingly tipsy, she began to relax more. Once again, they began to lightly flirt with each other, under the excuse they were just trying to prove to other people they were married, of course. Neither of them was enjoying it. Of course.

Tommy let her set the pace for a while. Had he steered her back to sit on his lap and tried to bounce her on it, or tried to pull something else similar, she would have immediately stormed out of the party. But he didn’t, so she reassured herself that the “old” considerate Tommy was back, and everything was okay again.

She couldn’t have been more wrong. Tommy was very suave and savvy when it came to girls his age. He could pretty much literally charm the pants off most any girl who wasn’t already in a serious relationship. But he’d always mentally put girls like that in one box and his mother in another. He’d thought there was no way he could treat his mother like he treated girls like that. She had been completely off limits.

For instance, he had a sort of mental map of the parts of Leah’s body that he shouldn’t ever touch. That basically included everything from her shoulders to her knees, with a few exceptions, such as the arms or the waist, or under special circumstances, like hugs. Normally, if she so much as cracked a dirty joke in his presence, his face would turn as red as a tomato, because he had an entirely different way of relating to her than to virtually all other women.

But ever since he’d psyched himself up in the men’s room, he’d started to change. His special “Mom box” he’d always put her in was melting away, and she was rapidly moving to the “girls I want and am trying to fuck” box.

As the minutes passed, he increasingly reconciled himself to the fact that he wanted to fuck her more than anything in the world, and he would use his considerable charm and seduction talent to make that happen this very night, because he’d never have a better chance.

He didn’t know what his odds of successfully seducing her were, but he figured they had to be way more than zero percent they had always been before. He had to try, or he would never forgive himself. He assumed a chance like this would almost certainly never come again.

One thing he was keeping track of was her alcohol intake. Even though this was a unique opportunity for him to drink alcohol in public, he was deliberately drinking very little, because he didn’t want to ruin his big chance by getting wasted. First and foremost, if he did manage to “get lucky” he wanted to be sure to remember the experience for the rest of his life, and he couldn’t do that while sloshed.

She was frustrated with her husband and wanted to blow off steam for the first time in a long while. Furthermore, she wanted to put the groping and bouncing and all the other inappropriate thoughts and actions with her son behind her, and drinking helped with that too. So she soon had a nice tipsy buzz going on.

As they mingled and talked, mother and son grew increasingly touchy-feely with each other in general. Nothing really dramatic happened, just a lot of little incremental things. For instance, they held hands most of the time, or Tommy would hold her around her waist. She found herself hugging him more and more, which turned out to be more enjoyable than the drinks she was downing could account for. For instance, he’d get her another glass of wine, and she’d reward him with a hug and a peck on the cheek. Or he’d do a good job pretending to be Carl when talking to someone Carl knew, and she’d give him the same reward.

He found that he was getting rewarded quite a lot, and he loved it. Soon, if he so much as said “Hello” to someone, she felt he’d done a good job pretending to be Carl, and he deserved another kiss. Before long, these kisses were closed mouthed on the lips, or a series of kisses leading to his mouth.

She didn’t consciously realize it, but her behavior was slowly getting out of hand. The Leah of a couple of hours ago would have been appalled, even just by those hugs and kisses.

There were many other good-looking women at the party, and a lot of them were wearing sexy and revealing Halloween costumes, but Leah’s beauty combined with her daring Elvira dress was in another league altogether. She was simply the hottest woman there, and because she usually dressed so conservatively in her business life, she was almost “new” and a fresh face (among other things) among the crowd.

As a result, guys were constantly trying to chat her up or even hit on her, even though she was obviously with her husband. Some men got drunk and really obnoxious. But Tommy was always there to “defend her virtue” - the irony of which didn’t escape him - and keep them at bay. That resulted in even more reward kisses and hugs, as he “saved” her again and again.

After one particularly aggressive guy tried and failed to grope her breasts, she kissed Tommy on the lips again, and purred, “My hero!” Then, she acted all indignant. “Can you believe the nerve of that guy? If you hadn’t swatted his hand away and growled at him, he was gonna take his hand and squeeze my breasts like they were some kind of ripe fruit!”

As if helping him to understand this, she took Tommy’s hand and placed it on her left breast.

That was another pivotal, relationship-changing event. But at the time, she didn’t think about it. She was drunk and horny, and simply living moment to moment with no thought about the consequences.

Without thinking, he started squeezing her ample tit-flesh. He loved it, naturally, but he also was just going with the flow.

She kept on acting indignant - regarding the other guy, not him! “Exactly. Just like that. Can you believe it?”

Unfortunately, an older couple came by to talk to them just then, so Tommy was obliged to take his hand off her shapely globe. But, encouraged by that, he slid a hand around her back as they talked to the couple, and he slowly dropped it until he was caressing her ass cheek.

When the couple left, she playfully slapped his upper arm, and said, “Oh, you!” But then she kissed his closed lips again, and didn’t say or do anything about the fact that his hand went right back to cupping her ass.

Funnily enough, given Leah’s earlier worries, just about the only other people to really notice his obscene erection were some of her most insistent (and usually drunk) male admirers, because he wielded it like a weapon against them. He would stand up if they were sitting, or drop a hand to his crotch as if adjusting himself if they were already standing, or make some other movement drawing the other man’s eyes to his straining boner. Every time, the man would blanch and soon wander off, obviously finding himself quite inadequate in comparison.

Eventually, Leah found herself kissing his face or rubbing her nose against his, or just remaining in a loose hug, for no reason at all. And while they didn’t exactly kiss open mouthed, her tongue came out and licked his lips or entered a little bit into his mouth from time to time. Each kiss seemed to be a little more intense and sexual than the last.

Similarly, while he still was reluctant to push his luck with more tit groping, he found he was able to keep a hand on her ass nearly all the time.

Obviously she noticed, but she pretended not to. Even when he went from cupping an ass cheek to caressing it, she acted oblivious. But his ass play was having an effect, driving her lust even higher.

It turned out that Tommy was right about time being on his side. She was getting more drunk on lust and alcohol with each passing minute. That made her more uninhibited too.

Because there was a lot of drinking going on (alcoholic in her case, usually non-alcoholic in his), they had to use the restrooms from time to time. During one such visit to the men’s room, Tommy felt the time was right to implement a bold idea. He’d been terribly embarrassed by the way his erection was on display in his cheesy 1960s Batman costume, but he’d come to realize it was a very lucky break. The room was dark enough that virtually no one had looked him over carefully enough to notice his lewd bulge (it helped that he was with such a beautiful woman, and all eyes, male and female, tended to focus on her even more obvious and prominently displayed attributes). But Leah remained by his side virtually the entire time, and she was constantly checking out his equipment.

So his bold idea was to take that to the next level. He’d been wearing a pair of briefs under his costume that kept his penis tightly constrained, but he changed out of them in a bathroom stall and threw them into the trash. Now, his bulge looked even MORE ridiculously obscene.

But he didn’t stop there. He figured out a way to loosen his waistband considerably. One might have thought that the looser pants would have better covered his penis, and that would have been the case if he still had underwear and/or if he was flaccid. But he had a raging erection. Now, thanks to the loosened waistband, it poked forward a few inches, causing the fabric to stretch and strain against it just as much as before. The difference was, when he walked, it bounced around wildly, much like the way Leah’s bra-less huge tits did whenever she walked.

He also found a way to hook his mask to his belt, so he wouldn’t have to wear it anymore. He’d grown tired of having to keep half his face covered.

He’d been wearing the mask mainly to better maintain his cover as Carl, but enough time had passed that he didn’t worry much about that anymore. He figured that, by this time, anyone who cared already knew the guy in the 1960s Batman outfit was Carl. It would take a lot to change those impressions.

When he came back from the bathroom, Leah kissed him like she hadn’t seen him for years. Their lips did open a bit, and they even took turns sucking on each other’s lower lip, but there still was no overt tongue dueling.

That was one boundary she was still trying to maintain. She had decided that as long as their tongues didn’t stray into the other’s mouth, the kiss wasn’t really blatantly sexual - despite all the growing evidence to the contrary.

Tommy was careful not to push that boundary too hard just yet, because he was having so much success with everything else, especially the ass fondling. Even the frequent and prolonged hugs were fantastic, because her wonderful boobs were pressing against his body so very much.

He was quite pleased at his own cleverness, because then he took her to a private, dark corner, and talked to her there.

That’s when she fully noticed his new look. The removal of the mask was a no-brainer. But he wanted to make sure she also noticed the difference at his crotch. He managed to shift his legs this way and that or pace around a little, constantly causing his stiff boner to move about in new ways.

She was so distracted by that, she was even worse than he’d been when he’d first seen her black Halloween dress and couldn’t stop staring at her tits. Her eyes were wide saucers, and she forgot to try to hide her extended gawking.

She had to sit down and try to gather her wits.

Tommy sat next to her, but he cleverly made sure his chair pulled away from the table and angled at her so she still got a clear, direct view of his bulge.

What is going ON?! she thought. Did that monstrous thing GROW another three or four inches?! It sure looks like it! Is that even possible? Do certain rare penises have some kind of “turbo” or “supersized” setting?! I swear, it’s gonna up and burst right through his costume! Gaawwwd! Staring at it makes me so ... hungry! There’s just no way I could fit all that cock-meat in my mouth and enjoy sucking on it ... Or could I? I mean, it would seriously strain my jaw! Or would it? If some of his girlfriends can manage it, I could too! What would it taste like?!

She was still drunkenly ogling the bulge in his costume when one of her favorite songs started to play.

She grasped one of his hands and pleaded with him, “Come on, we’ve got to dance to this. Come on! Hubby, you haven’t danced with me all night.”

Over the last hour, she’d taken to calling him “Hubby” a lot, and it secretly inflamed both their lusts every time she said it.

It was getting easier for Tommy to call her “Leah” instead of “Mom” after a couple of hours of pretending they were married. He wanted to call her “Wife,” but husbands usually didn’t say things like, “Wife, would you like another drink?”

However, in virtually every conversation with strangers they had, he proudly pointed out she was his wife, as she just as proudly pointed out he was her husband. This invariably led to more intimate kissing and hugging, and even some mutual ass fondling if they were both standing up.

She tried to ignore the fact that her pussy and nipples tingled and throbbed every time either of them talked like that.

He looked up at her bending over to pull him up out of his chair with her hands, and stared straight at her large twin globes. Her deep cleavage was simply amazing, and it looked like it would be a very close thing if she had a serious “wardrobe malfunction” or not. It seemed like there were two fleshy, pale bowling balls pressing against each other on her chest. Except that description didn’t do her justice, because her tits were all real and didn’t look fake at all. The way her curves sloped up to her collar area was a true work of art.

He had some reservations about dancing with his erection essentially completely unsupported. That’s why they hadn’t danced yet, even though they were in a dance hall, and that situation had gotten much more critical after the changes to his costume he’d recently made in the bathroom. But he couldn’t resist her plea; she was just too hot.

“Okay, okay, come on then, sexy,” he said as he let her pull him up.

Calling her by more and more intimate names had also come easier now; he barely had to think anymore. It was like this hot woman really wasn’t his mother at all. He varied between calling her “sexy,” “hot stuff,” “babe,” and the like.

But still, some part of both of them still remembered the reality, because if she had been anyone else, he would have taken his shot by now and he knew that he would have gotten it. True, she was getting much more kissy and touchy-feely with him, but he still had to constantly fight uphill against the incest taboo to take it to the next level.

They walked up into the middle of the dance floor, which was quite crowded by other couples dancing away, and most of them not caring that their moves were far more than just suggestive.

The song was “This Magic Moment,” a 1950’s song by The Drifters. It was perfect for slow and romantic dancing.

So he gently placed his arms around his mother’s waist and held her tightly.

She rested her head against his chest as they slowly swayed to the music. Her F-cup-sized tits pressed and flattened deliciously against his hard chest, and her arms lightly rested around his neck.

His hands slowly moved down to cup her luscious ass cheeks yet again. But just in case she was about to object to such a move, he murmured quietly to her, “This IS a magic moment, isn’t it? I’m having such a great time with you. I love you so much. You’re my mom, but you’re also cool. You’re not afraid to tease and joke around, and treat me like an adult.”

She was a bit wary about such intimacy on the dance floor where the lighting was brighter and others were watching them, but she felt she could hardly berate him about holding her ass cheeks after he’d said that. However, she felt she had to say something, since the way his hands had started caressing her ass cheeks was so clearly not the way a son was ever supposed to touch her. She whispered, “Yeah, but don’t forget I am your mother.”

They weren’t worried about saying words like “mother” because they were a ways from the other dancers, and the music made it impossible to eavesdrop. Besides, they were careful to whisper.

Between her bouncy and unsupported tits and his equally bouncy and unsupported erection, they both had their reasons to stay in the darker corners as much as they could. They continued to drift further away from the well-lit center of the dancing action.

To her surprise, he replied firmly, “No you’re not. Not tonight. Tonight, you’re my wife. And I must say, I made a most excellent selection when I married you!”

She laughed. “Who says you chose me? I recall it was the other way around, buster!”

He just smiled at that, and sang along to the song that was playing:

“Sweeter than wine, softer than the summer night
Everything I want I have, whenever I hold you tight.”

She felt powerful tingles shoot up and down her spine, and then all over her body. It wasn’t a lusty thing for her so much as it was a loving and intimate thing. She couldn’t help but pull him closer and hold him tight, just like in the song lyrics.

She’d been trying to keep her distance from his lower body as much as she could, due to his huge erection lightly bouncing between them. But caught up in the heat of the moment, she forgot about that until she felt its long and hot length pressing against her. His package was hanging away from his body so much that she could actually feel his balls brush against her pussy mound while also feeling the stiffness of his long pole snaking up nearly to her belly button. She could feel it so well that she had to remind herself that it still was covered by his costume.

Feeling the sheer girth and length of his package made her dizzy with desire. Carl didn’t have a small penis by any means. His actually was longer and larger than average. But it seemed dwarfed by Tommy’s.

She guessed it was maybe three or four inches longer than her husband’s, but in terms of volume, it was more like double or even triple the size. Good Lord! That damn thing is almost frighteningly thick. I wonder how his many girlfriends take it inside their pussies. He says most, but I’m sure there are some who don’t dare. I’ll bet some of them pull his pants down, take one look at it, and say, “Sorry, but all I can manage with that is a handjob.” God! Have mercy on the poor girl.

I keep thinking what a struggle it would be to suck on it. God, that would be hot! I meant, uh, difficult. Even to slide my fingers around it, would my fingers be able to wrap all the way around it? I don’t think so! And to feel it in my pussy - it would split me in two!

Now she was in a really difficult spot, because his hands were still on her ass cheeks, and they were gripping her tightly. She’d only worn thong panties (something she normally never did, but she didn’t want panty lines to ruin the effect of her outfit), and that meant it practically felt as if his fingers were directly grasping her bare flesh. But worse, his hold there pretty much made it impossible for her to pull back from his raging boner.

She wanted to say something to warn him about this, but in her tipsy state, she couldn’t think of the right words. What am I supposed to say? “Son, could you please not rest your gigantic cock-log against your poor mother who hasn’t been fucked in a couple of months and desperately needs it?” This whole thing is just so embarrassing. And he can’t help if he gets an erection and it stays that way all night. I probably drove him to it, thanks to this dress. The way my big breasts are rubbing all over his chest is probably frazzling him just as much as the way his big cock is frazzling me.

She had a sudden realization. Oh my God! How could he not notice how deeply my hard nipples are poking into his chest?! I’ve been thinking so much about his big, hard cock, I didn’t realize just how much I’m sensuously dragging my tits up and down his chest!

Er, I mean, I’ve been so busy trying to figure out how to disengage from his oversized engorged penis, that I’m overlooking some of the other ways we’re touching. Like his hands on my ass! I would complain, but I don’t want to ruin the mood. He looks so transported by the song.

He did look transported, because he was feeling that way. In fact, he resumed singing:

“This magic moment, while your lips are close to mine
Will last forever, forever till the end of time.”

In her highly impressionable state, she had to suppress the urge to kiss him deeply after hearing those lyrics. They did kiss on the lips, and their tongues danced a little bit in each other’s mouths before she remembered where they were and who she was kissing. She reluctantly pulled her mouth away.

She was worried that others had seen that far too intimate kiss. Even though they were supposed to be husband and wife, she was mindful that they weren’t, so she was extremely embarrassed. The problem was, her great beauty tended to make her the center of attention. But luckily, the room was vast, and she steered him further into the darkness, away from all the other dancers.

To her great relief, the next song was an upbeat one - “Let’s Dance,” by David Bowie. As a result, she was able to pull away from him without having to bring up the embarrassing topic of his erection pressing into her body far too much.

The two of them started to boogie and “get down.”

But she soon discovered this dancing style created two new problems for her. One, her huge melons really did have no support whatsoever. They began bouncing around crazily, and even crashing into each other like colliding basketballs. She couldn’t dance as freely as she would have liked because of this. She had to keep her hands and arms on or near her rack most of the time, to contain the wilder tit bouncing. It wasn’t so much a problem of other people seeing anymore, since they were so far off into their own dark corner by now, and for some reason she didn’t mind Tommy seeing, even though she was putting on a totally erotic display. But her tits were so big that really unrestrained bouncing could actually hurt her a little, and it threw off her sexy dancing moves.

And two, as disturbing and arousing as it was for her to feel her son’s erection burning into her lower abdomen, those feelings were just as bad watching it swing as he danced. Had he been naked, his dick would have bounced so much that it would have been more comical than anything. As it was, there was just the right about of give in his costume to create an obscene spectacle that she couldn’t tear her eyes away from.

By the end of the song, she actually welcomed the fact the next song was another slow one (“Take It to the Limit” by The Eagles), so she could escape all of their mutual erotic bouncing.

But in fact there was no real escape from the sexual heat, because she immediately found her son’s hands back on her ass, his “cock-log” rubbing against her front like before, and her tits sliding against his chest some more. Even her clitoris was engorging now. She became more aware of the way she could rub it against his balls even as his boner rubbed her lower belly.

Tommy continued to move his hands all over his mother’s firm and tight ass, squeezing it at every opportunity. He even squeezed it in time to the beat. It just felt so damn good in his hands that he couldn’t help himself. He knew he couldn’t squander this chance, as it might be the only chance he got to knead his mother’s soft and unyielding ass cheeks for so long, if he ultimately failed at fully seducing her.

He wanted to venture into more daring territory and play with her huge tits as well. The way they were rubbing on his chest, they were just begging to be squeezed and fondled. But he managed to restrain himself and confine his wandering hands to her succulent backside, at least for now. Ass grabbing was a common thing during the slow dances, but tit fondling would have been an entirely different thing for other people to see. Besides, the way her tits kept sliding across his chest was plenty arousing.

Already, he knew he would never, ever forget this magical evening.

And so it continued. The songs often alternated between slow and fast, but either way, Leah was inevitably getting more and more turned on.

The kept kissing on the lips at every opportunity, especially during the slow songs. It was very gradual, but the kisses slowly turned from closed mouth ones to open mouthed ones.

Neither of them could point to the exact moment things changed. But, by and by, they wound up fully French kissing each other, complete with overt tongue dueling!

At one point, she realized with a start, I’m making out with my own son! We’re swapping spit like two teens on a hot date! Gaaaawwwwd, he IS my date! And I’m acting like a totally easy big-titted slut! This is bad! This is over the line! It’s bad enough that he keeps fondling my ass so much, and my breasts keep rubbing sensuously all over his manly chest, but I really have to stop this kind of kissing!

But she felt herself incapable of breaking the kiss, until she was “saved” by the start of the next fast song.

However, she was only “saved” until the next slow song started playing. She wanted to resist further kissing by keeping her mouth closed, but her mouth didn’t cooperate. She consoled herself that at least she kept the kiss relatively short. And the next one. And the next. They were getting in the habit of French kissing at the end of every slow song.

A couple of slow songs later, she found her hands on his ass too. She hadn’t wanted to do that, but it just kind of happened. But once she did, it felt so good and so right that she kept them there nearly all the time, cupping him closely against her.

The next time they kissed between songs, their necking grew hotter than ever before. They got so into it that they kept on kissing for the first two minutes of the next song, until another couple came close and startled them into remembering where they were and that they were supposed to be dancing.

Another slow song or two after that, his hands weren’t just grasping and caressing her ass cheeks, they were roughly kneading them. And again without thinking about it, she found her hands freely fondling and kneading his muscular ass cheeks as well. He even slid his fingers into her ass crack sometimes, ostensibly to get a better grip, but really to check it out.

Not to be outdone, she started doing the same to him.

All that ass groping pressed their bodies ever closer together. She thought, I have to stop this! He really DOES have a monster-sized cock-log, and I feel like I’m sitting on it! It’s getting to the point I can actually feel the veins and the pulsing in his huge boner! Worse, things are getting out of hand AGAIN with all this kissing! I can’t forget he’s my SON! I’ve been acting like some kind of shameless slut all night! The passionate kissing especially REALLY has to stop! After this song ends, no kiss! Period!

But even as she mulled such thoughts, his erection slid up or down an inch or two on her each time he or she took another dance step, and her hands holding his ass kept him pressed against her so tightly, it felt like his hot shaft was practically welded to her front side. It was getting more and more difficult for her to remember why that was supposed to be a bad thing.

She was feeling dizzy and giddy all the time now, and she couldn’t tell how much of it was from the alcohol and how much was from her sexy son intimately touching her everywhere.

Naturally, Tommy was totally loving his life right now. Simply dancing with and touching his mother was a more powerfully erotic experience than fucking any high school girl. His main difficulty was holding back from going too far, too fast, and spooking her.

But then he got another lucky break. Another slow song came on, “It’s Now or Never” by Elvis Presley. Tommy couldn’t have asked for better or more appropriate lyrics:

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