Surrogate - Cover


Copyright© 2024 by cv andrews

Chapter 5: Three More Days, Three More Nights

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5: Three More Days, Three More Nights - After my wife of 15 years deserts us, my 14-year-old daughter leads me upstairs to the bedroom - now "our bedroom" - and announces that I'm "the kind of man who needs to have a wife," and that she's going to be that wife - and that I'm going to be her husband!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

With some lovely wake-up sex – I snuggled in behind Marie, and with only the slightest assistance – a little lean forward here, a little lifted leg there – our day got off to a... “very gratifying” start. Really puts you in a good mood for the coming day. Marie stepped into the shower while I phoned the cafe and ordered breakfast – lots of it, in case anyone might drop by. I asked if they could bring it to our casita around 8:30. They said that it was a real busy time but they’d try.

Then I phoned next door. I didn’t know if this would be a good time to call, but then I didn’t know what other time would be any better. It was picked up on the third ring by a surprisingly alert Ally.

“Hey, Princess – you guy’s OK?”

She turned her mouth away from the phone and I heard, “Hey, Rick – Dad wants to know if we’re OK.” I heard a male voice saying something, and then Ally says to me, “Rick says ‘better than OK.’”

And that silly little exchange reassured me, that Ally and Rick have reached a level of comfort between them and that everything is, indeed, “better than OK.”

“Anyhow, I just called the cafe and ordered a ton of breakfast on the slim chance that one of you might be hungry. No obligation, but if you two can fit it into your busy schedules...”

“We’ll be there.” And then there was a pause. “And Daddy...”


“I love you.”

We rang off and I joined Marie in the shower. We horsed around and played “drop the soap” and did a little back – and front – washing, but it was all good clean fun.

Marie made coffee a full pot of coffee – and got out the orange juice and vitamins, and at 8:40 there was a knock at the door. It was yet another tanned perky young woman with a wheeled cart bearing our breakfasts. I smiled, thanked her, and made a mental note to add to the tip I would be leaving at the end of our stay.

We no sooner got the food on the table when there was another knock on the door.“Rick and I saw them bring all that food to your room and decided that you two couldn’t have worked up that much of an appetite last night – no matter how hard – or how many times – you tried.”

I pulled my daughter in and gave her a kiss, then smiled and put my hand on Rick’s arm and guided them in. Rick went over to Marie, who put down the serving spoon she was using and opened her arms to her son, and with big smiles they held each other, rocking back and forth in each other’s arms.

So we had breakfast and talked about the day. Ally and Rick were going over to the courts to see if anyone was playing tennis. I was going to get on my computer and check in at the office to see if there was anything that truly required my attention. (There wasn’t.) Then Marie and I planned on taking a stroll on one of the four hiking trails the resort had mapped out for guests.

When everyone got back (“Was anyone at the tennis courts?” “Yeah, a few people, but then by ten-thirty they all decided it was just too warm and packed it in.”) I just assumed that we’d all go to lunch together but Ally took me aside and asked if she and I could have lunch alone, here at our room. Of course we could.

Like we’ve done before, we ordered a taco salad and a large chicken burrito and two large iced teas. When they were delivered we spread things out on the kitchen table, got out knives and forks, and sat down to enjoy our lunch.

I could tell that Ally wanted to talk about something but I didn’t want to try and pull it out of her. I didn’t want to ask if she and Rick “had a good time,” because that would already bias her response in a particular direction. Instead I simply said, “How was last night with Rick?”

“Well, like Marie suggested, we decided to take a walk before we went inside to watch that movie Marie talked about – we did, by the way – watch the movie, I mean – lots of fun, plus some sad things, plus lots of gorgeous shots of Hawaii – we’ve got to go there, Jim!

“Anyhow, when we were walking Rick said that when they came in from the pool yesterday afternoon that he and his mom had this talk, about how she loved him but she was afraid that their ... that their ... relationship ... might be keeping him from having the ... the kinds of experiences that he should be having. And she mentioned that I was pretty and that he seemed to like me and it seemed like I like him, and she kind of ended with the idea that I was like him in a lot of ways – ‘cause you and me are like him and his mom – and that I might, you know, understand him better than a lot of girls who ... than a lot of girls could.

“And, really, it sounded a lot like the things she told him were a lot like the way you and I talked at dinner last night. And I was wondering ... did you and Marie arrange for this...?”

Given the circumstances and the timing, I could see how she might think that.

“No, Sweetheart, Marie and I didn’t arrange anything, but we did talk a lot yesterday afternoon, and it sounded like we both had the same kinds of concerns, and that we both wanted what’s best for our kids. But yeah, I can see how you or Rick might think that, but no, we didn’t.”

And now that Ally had told me what she had to ask, and that it wasn’t a disaster, I felt just a little more confident in asking.

“Did you enjoy your time with Rick. And by that you know that I’m asking about all of your time with Rick?” And I waited, hoping for the best.

My precious daughter-wife got up and put her arms around me and said, “Thank you, Jim. The night with Rick was wonderful, and I think that it was good for him too. Thank you – and Marie – for making it possible.”

And then, “I love you, Jim,”

I love you, Princess.~ ~ ~

We all decided to have dinner together this evening. But when we arrived at the at the resort’s upscale Southwest cuisine restaurant Marie said, “Why don’t you two get a table of your own and Jim and I can sit together – that way you can talk about whatever you want and won’t have to listen to us.” When the host came, Marie spoke first. “Two for dinner, please,” and the young woman led us off to a table by the window, leaving Rick and Ally to find their own table.

One time during our dinner we looked across the dining room at Ally and Rick. They appeared to be enjoying themselves, laughing, sharing tastes of their dinners with each other, and generally having a good time. And I thought – this is what I wanted – Ally, getting to have a genuine summer romance, with a handsome young man. I felt this surge of happiness.

And then I thought about “us” – Marie and me. Here we are, almost-middle-aged parents, having a vacation “fling.” And the very best kind – no hiding, no cheating, no guilt.

I looked over at Ally and Rick’s table again. This time I caught Ally’s eye, and when I did she looked back at me and mouthed the words, “I love you, Jim.”

Could life really be any better?~ ~ ~

We all walked back to our casitas together, and tonight there was no need for discussion.

“Rick and I are going to our room now. We’ll see you in the morning.” Ally kissed me gently and said, “I love you, Jim.” Rick kissed his mom and said a few words I couldn’t hear.

Then, hand in hand, they walked over to our room – now their room – went in, and closed the door.

“Well, I guess we’ve been sent to our room, huh?”

“Yeah, I guess we musta done sum’pin bad and now were grounded, huh, Mar?”

It’s nice, being able to joke with another person like this, making fun of how we’re not kids any more.

But Marie – I really do like this woman – took my arm and said, “I can’t think of anyone better to be grounded with,” and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek. I figured more would follow once we got to “our” room.

Last night was, I guess, “getting to know you” sex, although we “got to know” each other pretty quickly – and several times. I wondered what kind tonight’s sex would be.

And the answer was: un-rushed, unhurried sex.

We’re not teenagers, our hormones not running quite as high. It seems that Marie had been busy on the internet because we no sooner got inside than she went straight to the refrigerator and brought back a pitcher filled with a refreshing-looking light green liquid.

“It’s a cucumber-lime aqua fresca. While you and Ally were together this afternoon Rick and I took the car and found a market and picked up some cucumbers and limes and some bar sugar for easy mixing. Would you like some tequila in yours?”

So we sat on the “ranch-style” sofa, drinking our cucumber-lime-tequila drinks and holding hands like a couple of teenagers expecting her parents to come down the stairs any minute now, and we watched Casablanca. We’d both seen it before, a long time ago for both of us, and it was nice to remember, together, that were aren’t kids anymore – and that it’s okay to not be kids anymore.

Marie set down her glass and turned sideways towards me on the sofa, tucking her legs under her.

“Wanna fool around, Jim?”

Yes – yes, I did “wanna fool around.”

Nothing frantic. I set my glass down and Marie used the remote to turn off the TV. We went around turning off lights. This time we each undressed ourselves – like I said, no “seduction,” no rush before one of us chickens-out, just two people looking forward to making love, maybe with some hot sex in between.

Until we got down to our “nether garments.” Marie seems to have opted for the “bra-free vacation” package, but she was wearing a lovely pair of robin’s egg blue panties with just a little lace – but not too much, not enough to take away from her lovely round tummy. When I dressed before we went to dinner I purposely put on the aqua low-rise “hip briefs” that Ally had secretly bought me for this trip and sneaked into my suitcase.

That’s when we started to get a little “grabby.” Marie first. She hooked her thumbs on the waistband of my briefs and she yanked. No finesse, just yanked them down to the middle of my thighs and put her mouth around my half-hard cock. Which got fully hard after a few seconds of her mouth and hand sucking and milking it, with the occasional plunge all the way to the back of her throat. I think if you were looking for a picture to go with the words “cock hungry,” this would be it.

Exciting as her performance was, I didn’t want her “hunger” to result in “dinner” being served too soon, so I gently held her while I stepped back – and out of her hungry mouth – saying, “My turn.” I put my hands on the lacy waist of Marie’s panties and paused, just to let the anticipation build, for both of us.

But not too long. I rolled the delicate fabric down, all the way to the carpet, and gently helped her lift each leg and step out of the fallen panties. Then I took her ass in my hands and pulled her to me. At first I just buried my nose in her, eyes closed, and inhaled... her – the scent of a lovely woman, in the process of becoming sexually aroused. And I thought about what I was doing, picturing myself, picturing Marie.

As you must know, it’s difficult to eat a woman who’s standing so I guided her back, so now she was lying halfway on the bed. Anticipating what was coming, Marie lifted her legs and I kneeled down in between them and went right to licking her lovely – and progressively wetter – pussy.

And, yes, I was eating Marie, and by that I mean – eating. I wanted to eat her. Not like cannibalism, but like I wanted to ingest her – to take her body into my through my mouth, that’s how much I wanted this woman.

She put her hands on my head and ran her fingers through my hair.

“Oh, Jim – that’s so nice – eat me, Jim, eat my pussy.”

To comply with her wishes and eat her pussy even better than before I placed my hands under her thighs and lifted them, tilting her hips up, giving my mouth and tongue better access to the lovely delights located there...

But in the process of eating the succulent flesh of her pussy I noticed a cute little butthole just an inch or so below where I was dining.

Cautiously, I let my tongue slide down, ‘til it touched the crinkled flesh, colored somewhere between brown and coral pink, and with just a tiny hole showing. Being a gentlemen, I had to show my appreciation, and the best way for me to do that was with my tongue.

However, I wasn’t sure how Marie felt about this particular sort of intimacy. Well, nothing ventured ... Under the guise of passionate pussy-licking I let my wet tongue wander south, ‘til it “inadvertently” slid over that tight little crinkle. Getting no response, I did it a couple more times, just to communicate that, no, this wasn’t a one-time accident.

And then I found out Marie’s reacting to these liberties.“Oh, fuck, Jim – lick it!”

Not, “It’s okay.

No – “Oh fuck – lick it!”

Green light! You know how I love to lick my daughter’s – my wife’s – sweet young asshole – and how much she likes it when I do! Now, there’s this lovely woman here – my “prettiest cheerleader of the bunch” – and who I’m getting to like more than any other woman in my life except for my own Ally – and she wants me to tongue her asshole.

She like’s it, and I’m going to do my very best to ... do my very best. I’ve already bathed that crinkled little orifice plenty. Now I make my tongue stiff and I start to probe, pushing the tip in, then more forcefully, and I can feel Marie try to relax, to allow my tongue access to her ... to her.

But we can both feel that my tongue – however much it’s enjoying this – is getting tired. And just in time I hear Marie say, “Is that the only thing you’re going to do back there?”

“Are you saying that...?”

“Yes, I’m saying that... There’s a jar of cold cream on the bedside table – get it.”

I looked where she indicated and saw a blue and white plastic jar. I reached over and got it, unscrewed the top, and loaded a big glob onto my middle finger. Not bothering to screw the cap back on (might be needing more later!) I returned to my place between Marie’s upraised thighs and asked, “Ready?”

Her response was to wiggle her butt a little, so I gently touched my cream-loaded finger to her orifice...

And she moaned!

Yes, she actually moaned at the touch of my creamy finger to her anus. And then she said,...

Ohhh, it’s been a while...”

... which told me a lot. Rick? Someone else?

Didn’t matter. It told me, one, that the woman lying before me was familiar with anal sex, and two, that she liked it.

I rubbed my finger around, wanting to both lubricate and loosen that tight little sphincter, but Marie was more impatient.“Put it in, Jim.”

No more instructions. I guess she thought I’d figure it out on my own.

I wriggled my creamy finger in through Marie’s now far-less tight asshole, and once it was in I worked it around, hoping that this would help loosen her further, as well as stimulating her in those sensitive places.

Still impatient, I guess, Marie bucked her hips, and I changed tack and began sliding my largest finger deep in and out of her ass.

Marie responded, “More...”

I eased my one finger out and rubbed it against my lubed index finger, then wormed the two slippery fingers through her now-much-looser asshole.

And like before, I worked the two fingers around inside her. I slid them out with the intention of getting more of the creamy lube, and that’s when Marie moaned, “So empty ... Fill me ... fill me there, Jim...”

I wanted to. I wanted to fill Marie sooo badly. But I wanted to be sure that I “filled her” the right way.


She reached out and pushed me back away from her, back from between her legs. Then she rolled over, face down, so her body was stretched out the length of the bed. Then she stopped, like she just thought of something. She reached out and grabbed a pillow and lifted her hips and shoved the pillow underneath her, raising her ass in a very fetching – and unmistakable – invitation.

So that’s how Marie wanted it. At least, this first time. She opened her lovely legs, then grasped the cheeks of her butt with both hands and pulled them open. I grabbed the jar of cream and got a final scoop and smeared it all around my cock. I kneeled in between those spread legs and lined my cock up with what Marie was holding open for me so invitingly – and guided my cock, errorlessly, into that warm, waiting orifice.

“Lie down on me, Jim. Don’t worry about the weight – it’s good.”

I did what Marie told me to do – and it was wonderful. My cock went in to the hilt in that warm – hot! – waiting asshole, while the rest of my body was stretched out in total contact with Marie. Every inch of me felt every inch of her, and I was in full contact with this beautiful woman, and her ass was clutching my cock, and the whole thing was just so – complete!

And for a second I wondered why, in all the times we’ve done it, that Ally and I never did it this way. And I guess the reason is that I’m subconsciously afraid of crushing her under my grownup weight. But she’s never complained about me crushing her before. So maybe...

Anyway, Marie – all of Marie – is underneath me now, and this way we’re so close, and in one sense I’m reluctant to move. But then there’s the other thing. So I start sliding myself – my cock – in and out of her asshole. And no – it’s not as tight in there as with my teenage daughter, but it’s still plenty tight. And Marie is doing... things – clenching, unclenching her muscles, and it’s almost like she’s got this kind of rippling motion, almost like she’s able to milk my cock, there, inside her – inside her hot, velvet ass.

And then she takes me completely off-guard when she says, “Use me, Jim.”

I wasn’t quite positive what she meant.

“Are you sure?’

She turned her head so she could look back at me.

“I’m sure, Jim – use me.”

And in the event that I still had any doubt, “Use me like a fuck toy.”I really, really didn’t want to make a mistake here, but on the other hand, Marie seemed pretty positive about what she wanted, and how she wanted to be treated.

So I just started ramming into her, ramming my cock, more aroused than ever, into her hot, clingy asshole.

And I’ve never fucked anyone like this before. And it felt good. So good that I got lost in it, carried away, by ... lust, or brutality, or ... whatever.But if I had any doubts, there was Marie, who each time I rammed my cock into her ass grunted, “Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

This was totally new to me, but now that I’ve had a taste of this “forbidden fruit,” am I going to want more of it? And if I do, will anything less still satisfy me? And if Ally...?

But it was getting to me in another way, too, and my thoughts were getting to my cock, and along with the obscene sensations from Marie’s hot asshole I felt myself headed toward the point of no return.

“Marie, before this is all over I want us to try something else, OK?”

She gasped, “Whatever you say.”

I eased myself out of the clutching hospitality of her rectum, but I didn’t want this to take too long or lose any of the excitement I was feeling.

“Turn over, Sweetheart.”

Yes, I slipped and called her “Sweetheart.” She didn’t seem to mind.

So she rolled over onto her back, and I told her, “Pull your legs back – farther – now a little farther,” and like that I was able to slip in between her upraised legs and slip my cock into her upturned, gaping asshole.“Oh, Jim...!”

“What good is a great fuck if you can’t see the person you’re fucking?”

She liked that, and like she does so often, her smile indicated her approval and appreciation. She loosely locked her legs around my hips.

And this way – kind of “missionary-anal” – we were able to look at each other, and watch each other’s expressions, and for us to press our bodies together and to hug each other and to kiss and to whisper sweet and nasty things to each other. We’ve had our rough anal fuck, and now we could share our loving anal fuck.

Marie’s hand found it’s way down between us and she stroked herself in synch with the way my cock was stroking her ass.

And we did this until Marie said, “Anytime, Jim,” and I said, “Sure?” and she said, “Anytime.”

So I bent to kiss her, and I came in her while she kissed me back and hugged and held me.

And I collapsed – gently – on her, and she relaxed her legs and let them come to rest on the bed, and we held each other, and it was all just so damned good.

And for just a sec I thought of Ally and Rick, and I smiled and hoped that whatever they were doing, that it was as rewarding for them as what Marie and I are doing.“Thirsty?”

“How’d you know?”

She smiled, I smiled, and she let go of me, and for the briefest second I felt the loss, but then I got out of bed, then held out my hand and helped her up, and we stood and kissed, and then she took my hand and we walked to the refrigerator for whatever was left of the cucumber-lime drink.

After, we went into the bathroom and together we took a shower, not because we were “dirty” from what we’d just done but just to rinse off the perspiration and cool down from our ... exertions. We turned off the water and stepped out of the shower stall, and in maybe the most intimate thing we did all evening we carefully – and lovingly – toweled each other off.

We sat there, naked, at the kitchen table and talked. I told Marie I wasn’t sure how she felt about anal sex, and how I was kind of afraid when I finally put my tongue on her... there.

“Anal wasn’t part of my sex repertoire. In all my years of fucking around I never even got close – although I bet a lot of my boyfriends would have jumped at a chance to stick their horny dicks into my ass. But I never let them or encouraged it.

“That is, until my dirty little boy started poking his nasty little cock around there and sliding it over me there whenever he was behind me.

“But like I said, anal was never part of my sex repertoire before. I had friends in school and some of ‘em said they hated it and some of ‘em said they didn’t like it but did it for their boyfriends, but some of them, though, raved about it, like it was the best thing ever and if I tried it I’d never want to stop. But like I said, I never really wanted to try it until my dirty little Rick started poking around. And I was horny, and his dick there felt interesting, and then I remembered the girls at school and how they talked about it.

“So I let him. Actually, that’s unfair – we did it, and we had to learn about it all on our own.” Then she got this wicked little smile. “The learning about it was lots of fun!”

“How about you?”

“Only Ally. We started kind of early in our relationship, and since then it’s been a more-or-less regular thing for us. I gotta admit – that thing you and I did – the first thing? Ally and I’ve never done it that way before.” And I told her how maybe I was afraid of hurting Ally.

“You know, Jim, your daughter – your wife – is a pretty strong, athletic girl. She might be up for a lot more things than you think.”

And I thought: Marie might be right – that Ally might be up for a lot more things than I think she is.

“Wanna go right back to bed?”

The way she put it, it sounded like there might be an answer other than “yes.”

“What’d you have in mind?”

“I liked us watching the movie together. Would you like to do that again?”

“What’s on?”

Going through the movie “thumbnails” on the screen we see one called “Definitely, Maybe.” The plot summary caught our interest and we settled-in to watch it. This time we traded the cucumber-lime aqua fresca for some plain-old OJ and club soda.

But then, strangely, the phone rang. Marie and I looked at each other, surprised, and a little fearful. She picked up the phone.


Then Marie says to me, “It’s Rick. He says he and Ally noticed the light through our shutters and thought we might be up so they thought they’d give us a call. Jim, get on the phone by the bed.”

“Hi, Jim.” Ally. “Rick and I saw the light – we hope this isn’t a bad time to call.”

“Never a bad time to talk to you, Sweetheart.”

“So, ... you guys having a good time...?”

“Yeah, we are. We decided to stay up and watch a movie,” and more about the movie, etc., etc. “How about you and Rick?”

“Yeah, Rick and I get along real good. It’s easy with him.”

And I thought: That’s the perfect thing – that’s what I want it to be for Ally, with Rick – easy.

“I know, Sweetheart, because that’s how it is with Marie – just... easy.” After a few seconds I saw Marie gesturing. “I think Marie would to talk to Rick some more.”

“I love you, Jim. More than I ever knew.”

“I know, Sweetheart, I feel the same way.”

I put down the bedroom handset and Marie and Rick talked for a while. It sounded like they were exchanging the same kinds of thoughts that Ally and I had.

“I love you, Rick. You and Ally have a nice evening.” And then she added, “And thank Ally for letting me get to know her ... husband.”

The movie ended, and we brushed our teeth and rinsed and got back in bed, and we snuggled under the light blanket, and we were happy and content.

Sometime during the night we became less content, so then we had to do some sex stuff to get contented again.~ ~ ~

We were startled awake by the phone ringing. I looked at the clock. 7:10? WTF?

Marie picked up the phone but only listened for about ten seconds and put it back on the base.

“That was Rick. He said we need to be over at their place at eight for breakfast.”

“Do we still have time to cuddle?”

“We do.”

But not for too long. No time to fool around – just headed for the shower, threw on some morning clothes, and showed up at “their” casita by 8:04. Ally and Rick already had the food laid out and the table set and two pots of coffee. Marie went straight to Rick and I went to Ally, and we spent most of breakfast that way. After breakfast Marie and Rick headed back to their room. After that they were going to go shopping, hoping to find some Indian or Southwestern art that was still affordable. I wished them luck with that.

I remained at ... Ally’s place. I finally got on my laptop and checked in at the office while Ally spent phone time catching up with friends and checking on track and volleyball team announcements.

And it was all good. Ally’s still Ally – we’re still us.~ ~ ~

That afternoon out by the pool Marie was wearing a bikini I hadn’t seen before. The color was a flaming red, and it was made of an exceptionally clingy material that clung to her “lower parts” in a way that has come to be known, crudely, as a “cameltoe.” She caught my eye. She glanced back and forth to see if other people could see, then lifted her hips slightly and pulled up on the waist of her bikini bottoms – and the fabric that was so lovingly clinging to her nether parts disappeared into that cameltoe, leaving those two plump, plush lips completely exposed – and bare!

I looked at her, a stunned expression on my face. She smiled. Yes, Marie had shaved off that lovely strawberry blond fluff, ‘til there was only a little triangle left, right above... .

I looked at her again, the question in my eyes unmistakable. She turned her head, very slightly, in the direction of her door. I practically jumped out of the lounge before my hard-on had a chance to become too obvious and grabbed her hand, and we tried to force ourselves to walk to her casita. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Rick and Ally – doing their best to hide their amusement.

I did manage to close the door behind me. Marie fell backwards onto the bed, and she didn’t even bother to take off her bikini bottoms – just pulled the crotch aside, and I yanked my trunks down far enough that I could get my dick and balls free and I fell onto Marie, and like that, with our swim suits still on, we fucked.

And we rolled back and forth on the bed, and we kissed, and we laughed.~ ~ ~After dinner – Rick and Ally, Marie and me – the evening was pleasant so we took a longer way back to our casitas. When we got there Marie and Rick went straight to preparing two batches of the same cucumber-lime aqua fresca. Their morning shopping excursion had resulted in them finding one thing they were willing to spend on, a small but exquisite piece of Mata Ortiz pottery from Chihuahua, Mexico.

But also more limes and cucumbers, plus an inexpensive blender – “My arms were killing me after mashing all the cukes the other night.” We settled in and watched a comedy special on resort cable TV, then decided to call the evening. But before we split up, or paired off, or whatever it is we’ve been doing these past nights, Marie turned serious.

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