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Copyright© 2024 by cv andrews

Chapter 3: Road Trip

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3: Road Trip - After my wife of 15 years deserts us, my 14-year-old daughter leads me upstairs to the bedroom - now "our bedroom" - and announces that I'm "the kind of man who needs to have a wife," and that she's going to be that wife - and that I'm going to be her husband!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   mt/ft   Ma/ft   mt/Fa   ft/ft   Consensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Incest   Mother   Son   Father   Daughter   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Double Penetration   Oral Sex  

Remember how this all began, with Ally telling me that she was my wife now?

At first I thought this was ridiculous, impossible. Wouldn’t you? I mean, how could a man go in a matter of days from looking at his daughter as ... his daughter and instead look at her as a “wife?”

And yet that’s what’s happened. It didn’t happen immediately, when Ally “announced” it, but it has happened.

First, Ally. In addition to her immediate – practically instant – assumption of all wifely sexual duties – and entitlements! – she also kind of assumed responsibility for the management of the household (something she’d been doing a lot of the past year, as Janet withdrew more and more).

But she also started doing those little ... those more “proprietary” little things that a wife / lover will do: buying my shampoo, suggesting that I might need to shave, getting my favorite brand of imported caramels at the specialty food shop.

And me. Obviously, the sex thing has caused me to do an abrupt one-eighty about how I look at my “daughter.” But I also began to view her differently in other ways, too. I ask her her preferences more frequently, and I’m finding that I’m actually seeking out her opinions.

And when I look at her, like when she’s at the stove, cooking, I’m no longer a father, smiling at “how his little girl is growing up.” Now when I look at Ally, I’m a man, seeing a woman who is my partner, in every way. I’m seeing a... wife. My wife.

Over this past year Ally and I have... engineered, I guess you could say, a life for us – a life for us as a couple.

I continue to go to my job – in fact, it looks like I might be getting a promotion to V-P – while Ally continues to go to her “job,” as a high school student. She’s still on the track team – she races in the short events, but she’s also on the cross-country team. She’s also the first-string setter on the varsity volleyball team (the setter is the player that “sets-up” the ball for the “hitter,” who’s responsible for hitting – smashing – the ball back over the net). She’s not tall enough to be a hitter or a blocker, but she’s a team leader. She’s not a great athlete, won’t ever be offered an athletic scholarship, but she’s good enough to make the teams and she’s made a lot of friends.

And speaking of scholarships, since we’ve ... since Ally and I have ... anyway, her grades have improved, from solid B-plus to mostly “A”s. Maybe she’s just getting better at school, or maybe it’s because of ... because our relationship has made her more confident in herself – more “centered.”

And when we’re at home during the day, we are partners. We divide up the cleaning, we’re both pretty decent cooks, and we actually have fun doing our laundry together. And Ally still has friends over, sometimes for overnights, and she still goes to friends’ houses, to “study,” sometimes stay for dinner, and sometimes spend the night at their homes.

In other words, a typical high-school girl.

And every night, at least every night she’s home, we sleep together. And whether we have sex of some kind or not, we always fall asleep holding each other – sometimes with her head on my chest, sometimes with my head on hers, often “spooning” (we take turns being big spoon-little spoon).

We like to go places and do things together – movies, shopping, going to her school baseball and basketball games, going out for hot dogs or pizza, even dining out at a nice restaurant every now and then. But you’ve probably guessed the problem here: We feel like a couple, we are a couple – but we can’t look or act like a couple. In any way. That would be big trouble and could jeopardize everything that she and I have made together. No, there’s no way we can let that happen.

All of this to say that since we’ve been a couple – and feel like a couple – for over a year now, it felt like we should take a couples vacation.

Actually, it was Ally who suggested it.

“Daddy,” this is obviously daddy-daughter stuff, “we should take a vacation. We should go on a road trip!

“Nowhere in particular – we can just get in the car and drive and stop whenever we want to.”

That sounded like it would be fun, for both of us. I could seriously use a break – a few days away from work would do me good right now. Ally seemed really excited when she suggested it.

It was good to see her this way, especially since ... Could it be over a year now, since ... since Janet...? Anyway, like I said, Ally’s been kind of ... I don’t know ... kind of “blah” for the past month. Maybe it’s because volleyball season is over and track won’t start for another three weeks, and maybe that’s why she’s been like this. But now, since this idea of us doing a road trip together came to her, she’s been really enthusiastic.

But a few days before we were to start on our “no particular destination” road trip, Ally changed her mind.

“I got an idea – how about we go to Lake in the Hills. We been there before and we always had a good time, and it should be real pretty this time of year, with all the dogwoods blooming and stuff. I know it’s a long drive, but there’re some places we can stop along the way so we don’t have to do the drive all at once.”

Ally’s school had a week-long break coming up and I had a bunch of unused vacation days I was on the verge of losing so we made reservations for a pseudo-rustic cabin at one of the lodges at Lake in the Hills and started thinking about what we would need to take along.

We promised ourselves that we would pack “light,” unlike our usual vacation trips. But then we started thinking about warm days and swimming and canoeing on the lake, and cool, maybe even chilly evenings – and always the possibility of rain this time of year. So despite our good intentions we ended up with a large suitcase, a large duffel bag, and Ally’s personal carry-on suitcase with all her girl stuff, plus the new all-weather hooded jacket that Ally insisted that she needed.

Friday finally came around. I had some last-minute paperwork to do at the office before taking the next week off so we didn’t actually get started on the drive to Lake in the Hills until 12:30.

We started driving, and an hour later we realized that we’d neglected to have lunch. Fortunately, we spotted a Steak ‘n Shake and pulled in. Two Originals with cheese, two chocolate shakes, and we were back on the road.

It was fun, driving together like this. We talked about ... stuff. About things at school, and friends, and what we were going to do up at the Lake.

And we listened to music. Ally had created a playlist of things she wanted to listen to, so she plugged it into the jack in the Santa Fe and we listened. And I have to admit – not all of it was as bad as I feared. And my wonderful daughter had even put together a playlist for me – country and western, bands and groups of the eighties, plus U2, Hootie and the Blowfish, and all-time fave Aerosmith.

Time flew. Unfortunately so does the daylight at this time of year. Ally seemed to be looking for something, like someplace in particular.

“Last time we went to the Lake I remember seeing this motel along here that looked kinda nice ... there it is!

And, indeed, off on the right was a fairly modern looking “medium-sized” motel with a pine log office and lobby. Behind the office was a two story brick motel building. The pine log lettering on the pine-paneled sign said, “Pineview Motel.”

I figured that pines must be involved in some way.

I was able to slow down and made the turn into the blacktop parking lot. I was relieved to see the red neon “Vacancy” sign.

I pulled the car to a stop outside the office and turned off the ignition. Ally and I unbuckled our seatbelts and got out. I noticed that Ally seemed to be particularly eager to see the office. Vacation excitement, I guess.

We opened the lobby door and walked in. There was a young woman behind the front desk. Her back was turned to us and she was working on something on the desk behind her. When she heard the jingle of the “welcome” door bell she turned around and I could see her better.

She was tall – several inches taller than Ally – and slim, with a happy expression that made it seem like she was smiling, even when she wasn’t. But the most striking thing about her appearance was the fine ginger-colored hair that fell to below her shoulders in kinky curls.

The funny thing is, when we walked into the office the girl behind the desk – “Hannah,” the little plastic name tag said – she and Ally looked at each other, and I’d swear, it’s like they recognized each other. The girl smiled, and it could have been my imagination but Ally seemed to smile back, but only for a second, but then the desk girl turned to me.

“Welcome to Pineview Motel. How can I help you?”

I told her it’d just be us, for one night. She said they had a nice big room in the part of the motel that’s away from the highway, and she told me the rate.

But while I was signing the registration form and filling in the information about our car, out of the corner of my eye it looked like Ally and “Hannah” were looking at each other, like there was some kind of silent conversation going on between them.

I finished filling in our license plate number – it’s been so long, I had to look out the window to read it off the rear of our car – and the girl ran my credit card and gave us two keycards and said, “You’re in 219 – that’s a nice king-bed room on the top level, last room on the left. It’s quietest there and you’ll have lots of privacy.”

“King-bed room? Lots of privacy?” There were a whole lot of presumptions wrapped up in her brief instructions.

And then she said something else that I also thought was unusual. Totally out of the blue she says, “I get off at ten – I’ll stop by then and see if you need anything.” And she’s looking at Ally when she’s says this.

And it might have been my imagination, but it seemed like Ally looked back at her, and it looked like she gave the girl – Hannah – just the slightest nod.

We got in the car and drove around to the back of the motel and parked toward the center of the building where we figured the elevator would be. We got out and I popped the hatch lid. I grabbed the large suitcase and Ally’s carry-on, Ally got the big duffel bag, and with her free hand she closed the hatch and together we went in the door and took the elevator to the second floor. We found our room – just like “Hannah” said, last room, on the side away from the highway. Ally slid the key card, and we went into the room.

And I gotta admit – my expectations were rather modest for a fairly ordinary looking hotel on a secondary highway in the middle of nowhere. Instead, the room was spacious and recently redecorated, and most important, it didn’t have any suspicious smells like so many motel rooms do.

And just like “Hannah” said, there was the king-sized bed. Like I mentioned, it struck me as a bit strange when the girl made that remark. I asked Ally, “Did it seem strange, when the desk clerk said that she was giving us a king-bed room and said that part about a lot of privacy?” But it seemed like Ally just brushed off my question, instead focusing on the “incredible herbal shampoo” among the complimentary toiletries in the bathroom.

Each of us unpacked what we thought we’d need for the night.

“After all that driving, I think I’m going to take a shower. Should I save some hot water for you?” Ally said that she was going to take her shower closer to bedtime.

By the time I dried off and put on some clothes we both realized that our lunch burgers had worn off and we were hungry for a real meal. I called the office and whoever answered suggested a roadhouse-type restaurant about two miles down the road.

When we pulled into the lot I couldn’t help but notice that the restaurant was log cabin construction. There seemed to be a lot of that in this neck of the woods. We parked and went inside. The place looked like what it was supposed to be – a Northwoods roadhouse-supper club kind of place. It was pretty busy – not surprising for a Friday evening – and I was afraid we would have to wait. We presented ourselves to the hostess, a later middle-aged woman who looked like someone’s cheerful grandmother. She gave us a benevolent smile, like “Isn’t that sweet – a father taking his young daughter out for a nice dinner.” Well, yes, and no.

Anyhow, despite how busy they were the hostess was able to find us a small table near a window, left us with some menus, and bustled back to the hostess stand. We took time to look around, look out the window into the woods that were behind the restaurant, then started poring over the menus, which were surprisingly large and diverse for a place out in the middle of nowhere.

Ally and I both thought that we were ravenous, but once we took a look at the menu offerings, and especially at the size of the portions, we realized that maybe we should dial it back a bit. It wasn’t that many hours ago that we’d had our Steak ‘n Shake burgers and shakes, and we were going to be spending much of tomorrow just driving. Menu paralysis was about to set in when we saw one of the wholesome looking servers go by with what apparently was one of their dinner salads. We looked again at the menus and decided that maybe a hearty salad was just the thing for each of us.

Ally went with her reliable favorite, chicken Caesar salad with the house-made ranch dressing. I decided to be adventurous and get the oriental sliced beef salad. Since they didn’t have to be baked, broiled, or grilled, our dinners came quickly. Ally’s was huge and must have had a whole chicken breast in it. Mine looked like six large strips of marinated sirloin on a pile of romaine lettuce, cucumber, cherry tomatoes, and just enough red onion to add some “snap.” As advertised, the Thai-oriental oil dressing was spot-on.

I guess our appetites had returned because we dug into our salads immediately, and other than telling each other how good tour dinners were we didn’t talk much. I did notice that Ally checked her watch several times while we were eating. After we finished, the cheerful young server talked us into dessert – we decided to be prudent and ended up sharing a root beer float.

I paid and we got in the car, and by the time we got “home” to our room it was after 8:30. I saw Ally check her watch again. She decided that she’d take her shower now, and while she was showering I changed into a pair of drawstring pants and a good T-shirt with a Hawaiian design on it. When When Ally came out of the bathroom I saw that she hadn’t bothered with anything special – just a plain tee and panties, not unusual when we’re home alone and not expecting any company.

At 9:00 we turned on the TV and watched one of our favorite hospital drama shows. Ally was sitting on the bed with her back propped up against the headboard. After our four hours of driving, I opted for the single large upholstered arm chair. As the show was ending and they were running the final credits I started thinking that it might be time to enjoy some nice father-daughter – or husband-wife – vacation sex...

But just when I was about to suggest that there was a knock on the door.

I was wondering, “What the hell?” when Ally rushed to the door. And I’m really surprised, because Ally’s wearing only the T-shirt and panties she came out of her shower with. And she’s answering the door?

She flipped open the security latch and opened the door, and it’s the girl, Hannah, who checked us in, and it is just after ten, like she said, so I guess that shouldn’t be a complete surprise. But, still...?

What was a surprise, however, was how Ally grabbed the girl’s hand and pulled her into the room and closed the door and turned the lock – and put her arms around the girl, and they immediately kissing – long, slow, mouthy kisses.

And if that wasn’t enough, while they’re still kissing Ally grasped Hannah’s small breast and began squeezing it. That’s when Hannah dropped one arm from around Ally and started pressing her hand into Ally’s barely-panty-covered crotch.

Of course I looked at them! A young woman comes and knocks on our motel room door and Ally lets her in and immediately they’re all over each other! Of course I want to see what’s going on.

And to see what’s going to happen next...

That’s when I noticed that the girl – Hannah – who’s still locked in her kiss with Ally, turned her head and eyes enough that she was able to glance over to me.

Ally broke their kiss long enough to half-whisper, “Don’t worry – he’ll understand.”

I will? What is it that I’ll understand??

Hannah was still wearing the same clothes she was wearing when she checked us into the motel – tan slacks and a light blue button-down oxford shirt with “Pineview Motel” and three little pinecones embroidered on it. Thanks to Ally, the slacks came off quickly, and the shirt right after that.

Standing together, I could see that Hannah was four or five inches taller than Ally. (I learned later that with her longer legs Hannah competed in long jump and and high jump and ran hurdles.) What hadn’t registered on me when she was checking us in – her eyelids had this sleepy look that was very... alluring​? Anyhow, the curly hair and the smile – and the eye thing – made her very appealing.

But this thing with Ally??

Remember, Ally’s wearing only panties and a tee, and Hannah’s motel shirt and tan slacks are on the floor and she’s standing there in only her emerald green silken bikini panties and no bra. Standing there, that is, until Ally takes her hand and falls onto the bed and pulls Hannah down on top of her and they start going at each other like wolverines. Well, not exactly like wolverines – maybe more like a couple of minks.

And all the time I’m still wondering, “What the hell??” but also the more practical, “Do they know each other? How??”

Well, obviously they know each other. And then I remember that look they gave each other when Ally and I first went into the office and how it struck me at the time as a look of recognition. And how when I was filling out the motel registration and looked up, and it looked like Ally and Hannah were looking at each other, like there was some kind of silent conversation happening between them. So, yeah, I guess they knew each other. Or I guess I should say, know each other.

And then it hit me: They must have arranged this in advance, and why Ally decided that we should go to Lake in the Hills and why she was “looking” for this motel.

But that didn’t explain the “how” part of them knowing each other. Guess that’ll have to wait, ‘cause right now Hannah and Ally are busy with other things.

I’ve never seen anything like what I’m looking at now. Never anything with the two or three girls I dated in college, and definitely never with Janet. Of course I’ve seen lesbian porn, but I’ve never watched it, if you get what I mean.

So what I saw right in front of me on the bed, on Ally’s and my bed, was a first for me in several ways. Like I said, I never watched two women or girls having sex before. And I had no idea that Ally – my “wife” – was like... this. Based on our life the past year, I’d surmise that she’s definitely not “a lesbian.” So does this mean that she’s, what, bisexual? And what would that mean for ... for us?

I was yanked out of my ruminations by a sudden “Ohhh!” from one of the girls, I couldn’t tell which. I focused on the bed, and on the two appealing young women on it. They were still kissing pretty wildly, with a lot of hands on breasts and asses and crotches. I guess somehow I thought that when girls did it, that it would be a lot more... tender. Well, not from the way Ally and Hannah were going at each other.

Add that to the list of things I thought I knew but didn’t.

Then Ally put both arms around Hannah and flipped her over on the big bed – I guess that’s why Hannah made a point of giving us a room with a king bed like this – so that now it was Ally lying on top of Hannah. She gave Hannah one more quick kiss and then slid down the bed, down Hannah’s legs, and grabbed the waist of Hannah’s silk panties and yanked them down, although somehow she managed to do it carefully, respectful of her friend’s good lingerie.

With the panties down and on the floor, Ally practically dived in between Hannah’s legs, which spread almost magically to allow my daughter’s face and lips and tongue complete access to Hannah’s pussy. From where I was sitting – yes, I’d moved the chair to a place where I had full view of the bed and the two young women on it – I could see Hannah’s pussy, and I noticed that it seemed to be a lot “meatier” than Ally’s. The inner lips were darker and fleshier and they protruded more than Ally’s do.

Which, as I was now able to see, made them more accessible to Ally and her lips and tongue and, apparently, to her teeth. And now I was watching, close up, something I never expected to see – my Ally, eating another woman’s pussy. She would stick her tongue out as far as she could, then run it up Hannah’s slit, then swirl it around where Hannah’s clit must be (I couldn’t see that well), then back down and up and down the folds in Hannah’s fleshy outer lips on each side.

Then Ally opened her mouth and grabbed several of those meaty lips, and she squeezed them with her teeth. And Hannah hissed, “Oh, you little bitch!” and grabbed Ally’s head, digging her fingernails into Ally’s scalp and pressing her face even tighter into Hannah’s pussy.

And I’m thinking, “Holy crap – girls actually go after each other like this?” But before I can waste more time on these pointless thoughts, Hannah grabs Ally and flips them both over, so now Ally is lying face up on the bed and Hannah is lying on top of her. They look in each other’s eyes again, and then another one of those fierce kisses and then Hannah pivots around, and now I can see where this is going.

Hannah spreads her legs and lowers her hips, so now her ginger-haired pussy is right above Ally’s mouth. Then Hannah lowers her head and Ally spreads her athletic legs, and I don’t know who got where first, but they are both eating each other. I can’t see what’s happening at Ally’s end at the head of the bed, but at the end were I am I can see Hannah eating my daughter’s very familiar pussy.

And I wondered, is this what it looks like when I’m eating Ally? Could I actually see what it looks like when I lick her labes or swirl my tongue over her clit and suck on it, and get the full picture of how Ally is responding when I do this? And if I could, if I was somehow able to watch myself doing Ally, would it turn me on?

And then I realized something that I never understood before: This is why people make their own sex videos.

I still couldn’t see what was happening at Ally’s end – or at least, the end where Ally’s head was – but I could see Hannah’s hips moving and it looked for all the world like she was grinding her pussy into Ally’s mouth – like she was trying to fuck my daughter’s mouth.

And it wasn’t just mouths and tongues. Both of them were sticking their fingers into the other’s pussies. And not merely probing or sliding or exploring – they were jacking each other off – they were finger-fucking at the same time they were eating each other.

The whole scene was so insanely hot. If I every thought about being angry, that Ally would ... deceive me like this, or that the other girl was using my daughter –my Ally – this way, those angry feelings disappeared many minutes.

And, yes, you know that my hand slipped down, first to the crotch of my pants, then loosening the drawstring so I could slip it inside – I hadn’t put on any underwear, hoping that the evening’s events would make them unnecessary. So, yeah, I squeezed and stroked my thickening cock while I watched the amateur girl-girl show going on three feet in front of me.

And I watched as Hannah’s curly copper hair bobbed up and down in between my daughter’s legs and her slender fingers probed the apparently not-so-delicate insides of my wife’s cunt and ground her hips again Ally’s face and mouth, and I could see enough of Ally’s arm to know that several of her fingers were well up inside Hannah.

Then the tempo of their actions picked up for maybe five or ten seconds and then apparently both came, almost at the same instant. The funny thing was, they both made the same kind of sound when they came – a kind of scream-gasp-sigh. I guess women are more sensitively calibrated to each other’s feelings and experiences than we are.

And I got to watch Hannah gently, reluctantly withdraw her fingers from Ally’s pussy and nuzzled her nose, lovingly, it seemed, in Ally’s soft fuzz. And I could see Ally’s hands gently stroking the smooth curves of Hannah’s slim, firm ass.

I couldn’t even let myself cum. It was actually kind of beautiful, the way they seemed to care for each other after the ... wildness of their sex. I was going to need some kind of explanation.

Hannah turned around on Ally, and they smiled and kissed each other. Then Hannah rolled off Ally and the lay there, their arms around each other, cuddling on the bed.

I just smiled, more to myself than to anyone else, and I got this strange, quiet feeling of affection, for both girls.

After a while they broke off their cuddling and Ally turned on her side, on her hip, so she and I could look at each other.

“So Dad...,” I guess that at this moment she wants to explain things to her dad, “Dad, I guess you kinda figured out that Hannah and I know each other, huh?”

“Yeah, I somehow managed to figure that out. So ... how’d the two of you become such ... good friends?”

“‘Member when I was at the spring Regionals in April, and Alicia, the girl I was supposed to room with, got sick and couldn’t come? Well, the coordinators assigned me to room with another girl.” She paused for what I assume was meant to be dramatic effect. “Can you guess who the girl was?”

I responded, “I think I have a good idea. But I don’t want to spoil a good story, so go on.”

Ally smiled a big smile. I guess she still thinks her dad can be funny sometimes.

“Anyhow, we got to talking about boys and stuff – no big surprise, huh – and Hannah asked if I’d kissed a boy, and then she asked if I’d like to practice, ‘cause that’s something girls can do together. And, well, she said that when there wasn’t a boy around, that there’s ways that girls can make each other feel good.

“So you can guess where things went from there, so for the three nights of the meet we tried all sorts of different ways of ... making each other feel good.”’

She stopped talking and looked at me and waited, to see how I’d react to what she just told me – what she’d just confessed – and whether I looked mad or not. I guess she decided that no, I wasn’t mad – at her or at Hannah.

“So we promised to keep in touch with each other, and when I told her we were going to take a vacation road trip, and then I remembered that she lived somewhere around here and that’s when I said that we should go to Lake in the Hills, ‘cause I knew that she’d be working here.

“She needed to work over the summer and jobs are scarce in the little town where she lives, but friends of her mom’s owned this motel and needed staff for the summer. It’s 50 miles from where she lives but they gave her a room of her own so she could live here at the motel over the summer.”

So that’s how come Ally suggested the Lake, and how we just happened to stop for the night at this motel.

But then she went on.

“One more thing, Dad. That time, with Hannah – that was my first real experience with sex. And when I felt that, that’s when I knew. Remember, I told you how lots of girls want their fathers but they don’t really know how it is that they want them? Well, that’s when I knew that that’s how I wanted my father – that’s when I understood that what I was feeling about you was sexual, and that’s what I wanted with you.”

In those few short sentences my daughter – my wife – had manged to tell me “how” she knows Hannah, and how she came to want her father, me, sexually, and maybe started her along her path of wanting to be my wife, and me to be her husband.

A whole lot to unpack in those few sentences, but at that moment I felt this overwhelming love for the special woman who is my daughter, and, I guess, to Hannah for helping Ally to come to this conclusion.

“Dad?” Still Dad. Still in “father” role.

“Yes, Sweetheart.”

“Dad, there’s something that Hannah’d like...”

“Yes?” This got my interest.

“I hope you don’t get mad...,”

Mad? What could make me mad?

“ ... but I’ve told her how great it is, with you and me...

“ ... how great it is when we’re making love,” she hesitate here, I guess to check my reaction so far, “ ... and fucking ... and stuff...”

Yes, I could understand how girls might want to share something like that, no matter how private – and in our case, downright dangerous, sharing something like that could be – to us.

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