The Young Probation Officer - Cover

The Young Probation Officer

Copyright© 2024 by oliver twist

Chapter 3

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 3 - A young probation officer struggles with certain clients when given her own caseload. Because of her past she finds it hard not get involved.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   mt   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual  

Penny realised she couldn’t stay in that flat, it was too dangerous, the five boys would almost certainly come back and want more of what she had so foolishly given them. If and when that happened, the chances of her being caught and ruined multiplied many times over and that was just too risky no matter how much she enjoyed doing it.

She packed two suitcases and took them to her car, going back for her laptop and a few other bits. She had already phoned her landlord and explained to him what was happening, agreeing to pay the remainder of her six months’ rent. Before she left the building, she knocked at her neighbour’s door, Ted, realising he knew her full name and where she worked.

Ted answered quickly, looking just awful in his dirty old vest and boxers and making no attempt to cover himself. He smiled at Penny, his eyes roaming her body and appreciating her sexy figure. She was wearing a summer dress, one that allowed her bruised body some comfort but also showed her off her lovely legs and tits, especially with three buttons undone at the front. They were undone only to stop the dress from pressing against her back but in Ted’s mind it was deliberate, to tease him.

‘Morning Ted.’ She began, ignoring his leering eyes. ‘I ... uh ... am leaving the building and going home to daddy’s, he needs me.’ She lied, not knowing what else to say.

‘Oh, I’ll miss you.’ He grinned, still looking at her tits.

‘I was hoping you might do me a favour, I’ll give you a hundred dollars if you will?’ She quickly asked, trying not to sound desperate.

‘Go on then, ask.’

‘If anyone, and i mean anyone, asks if you know my name or anything about me, can you say you don’t, please?’

Ted now looked at her face, seeing fear in her eyes and knowing he had the upper hand. He smiled again, an arrogant smile.

‘Sure, but let’s make it two hundred dollars and a feel of them tits.’ He proposed, winking at her.

Her first instinct was to tell him to fuck off, but she really didn’t want him telling the boys her name and what she did for work. She could see in his face how much he was enjoying this and knew it was pointless arguing with him.

‘Ok, two hundred and a look, no touching.’ She countered, hoping he would agree.

Ted closed the door and left her standing there, knowing how much she wanted his cooperation. Penny gasped, feeling silly now and knocking again. He opened the door and stood back. She stepped inside, the smell just horrible.

Immediately he began undoing her buttons, pushing the dress from her body as soon as they were undone. Penny just stood there, now completely naked, trying not to gag. He reached out and begun playing with her tits, kneading them and pinching her nipples, which were hard already. She couldn’t look at him, he was too ugly and smelly, his breath reeking of tobacco and coffee.

‘They are perfect, so firm. I think you like this; your nipples are really hard.’ He chuckled, carrying on.

They were hard but that was just a normal reaction when someone touched them, she told herself, his hands now going further down her body. She stepped back, hitting the door, unable to escape. His hand was now between her legs, feeling her pussy and trying to push a finger inside.

‘No, just the tits, stop that.’ She cried, her hands grabbing his and pulling them away.

But he fought back, getting one of them back to her pussy, liking that she was bald down there. She tried again to grab him but he already had his finger inside her, moving it around.

‘Jesus, your soaking, you must really want old Ted.’ He laughed, adding another finger.

‘Oh god, just stop, please.’ She begged, letting go of his hand.

But he didn’t of course, enjoying her sexy body for as long as he could. He could tell she wasn’t a fighter, her whole demeanor now completely different, as though she had given up. He began to fuck her with his fingers, liking that she had submitted to him.

Penny hated herself and him at that moment, wishing he would have a heart attack and die. But he didn’t, his grubby fingers bringing her pleasure instead. She leaned against his door as he fucked her, her eyes closed as he did what he wanted, chuckling to himself. When he leaned down and took a nipple in his mouth, she opened her eyes, not believing this could get any worse. She looked at his greasy hair and wanted to vomit, sickened by her behaviour as a quiet moan escaped her lips.

‘Do you want old Teddy to make you cum?’ He asked, taking his mouth from her nipple and looking up at her.

She stared back at him without answering, wishing he hadn’t been in when she knocked. Ted went back to her nipples, sucking and biting them as he carried on fingering her, bringing her more pleasure. Penny just watched him, unable to do anything about it as her body reacted to his touch. She fought with all her might to stop it, to stop the feeling in her cunt as the pressure began to build. Even in his old decrepit body, Ted could sense the change in her, he realised she secretly liked what he was doing.

He dropped to his knees and pushed his mouth to her pussy, sucking on her wet hole, tasting her honey. Penny was so shocked she let out a loud gasp, wrongly confirming in Ted’s mind how much she wanted this. He reached up and pinched a nipple, eliciting another moan from his neighbour and pushing her ever closer to cumming. His legs were hurting him but he couldn’t stop, this was his last ever chance with a woman such as Penny and he would rather die on the floor than give it up.

As much as she was revolted by him, his tongue on her clit was just as good as any other man’s and she knew it wouldn’t be long before she orgasmed. She opened her legs wider for him, not even realising she was doing it, moaning again as he twisted her nipple. Ted loved how she tasted, it brought back long buried memories and gave him that extra momentum he needed to finish the job.

‘Oh god, no, please.’ Penny cried, her orgasm upon her.

Ted could feel her pussy going into spasms, making him suck harder and swallow more of her juices. Penny reacted by putting her fingers in his greasy, dirty hair and holding him, not wanting him to stop, the feeling just too good no matter how shameful it was. She cried out in ecstasy, unable to hold it in, not believing this old man could give her such pleasure.

What made it worse was just how good it was, probably one of her best orgasms. She let go of him as he fell away, his old bones unable to hold him there any longer. He sat at her feet and wiped his lips, grinning from ear to ear as she gasped for breath, her body twitching against the door as she came down from her high.

Ted looked at her with amazement, wishing he had known this about her when she first moved in. Oh, what fun he could have had, he thought, his eyes taking in her beauty as she sighed quietly. Penny opened her eyes and looked down at him, that wonderful feeling of satisfaction throbbing inside her still. She wanted to hate him but couldn’t, it wasn’t his fault she was a slut, that was all her.

Ted struggled to his feet, his eyes still on Penny, expecting her to be angry and wanting to go. But she didn’t move, her chest rising and falling as she breathed deeply, her nipples poking out like arrow heads, hard and long. She watched him, his face still wet with her juices. He was so ugly and smelly yet she felt something in her tummy for him. It was so weird but she hoped he was happy as well, that he enjoyed her body and it gave him some pleasure.

‘Where’s my two hundred bucks?’ He asked, breaking her thoughts.

‘Uh, in my bag i think.’ She answered, stepping away from the door.

She picked up her bag and looked for some money, counting it out and handing it to him. He threw it on the hallway table and chuckled, his eyes still roaming her body.

‘Come back next Monday evening and I’ll let you know who’s been asking after you. Oh, and wear that dress again, just the dress, ok?’ He demanded, sounding almost cocky.

‘Ok, but i have to go now.’ She said, quietly, bending down for her dress.

He put his foot on the dress preventing her from picking it up, not wanting her to cover herself. She stood back up and waited, not sure what he was playing at, her eyes on his.

‘How good did you cum?’ He wanted to know.

Penny blushed at his question, his directness embarrassing her.

‘It was nice.’ She whispered, looking down now.

‘Just nice? It seemed better nice.’ He pressed, liking how she was squirming.

‘It was good, very good.’ She answered, quietly, really wanting to leave now.

‘Just good? It seemed better than good.’ He repeated.

‘God, Ted. It was fucking good, i really liked it, ok?’ She told him, louder this time.

‘You tasted so good, the best pussy i ever ate.’

‘Thank you, I’m glad. Can i go now?’ She asked.

‘In a sec, we’re just chatting. Why you gotta leave your flat in a hurry? Who’s looking for you?’ He wanted to know, his foot still on her dress.

Penny looked at him and tried to work out what he wanted here. Did he want to know because he was curious or did he want to use it against her? Or maybe he just wanted her to stay longer.

‘Some boys might come looking for me, they seem to have taken a liking to me and want me to ... you know ... do things with them.’ She lied, hoping he might feel sorry for her.

‘Those boys you had in your flat for three hours last week?’ He chuckled.

Penny blushed even harder now, knowing he must know what she did. She shuffled uneasily as he laughed at her, not able to look at him.

‘Yes, those boys. Please don’t tell them my name or where i work?’ She pleaded.

‘Did you fuck them?’ He quickly asked, excitedly.

She nodded not wanting to say it out loud.

‘Jesus, how old are they?’ he asked, sounding genuinely shocked.

‘Fourteen or fifteen.’ She whispered, too ashamed to say thirteen.

‘Fuck, you could go to jail for that. Was it good? Did they make you cum?’ He pressed, eager to know.

‘Please Ted, just let me go. I don’t want to talk about it.’

‘Tell me or I’ll tell them where you work and who you are.’ He threatened.

She had no choice if she wanted his cooperation. ‘Yes, it was good and they made me cum.’

‘You fucked them all that afternoon?’


‘One after the other?’


‘Why? What made you do it?’ He asked, his hand going between her legs.

She gasped when he pushed a finger inside, not expecting it. He added another as she stepped back against the wall. ‘Tell me.’ He demanded, fingering her again.

‘I don’t know, they just seemed so ... god, sexy i suppose.’ She answered, honestly.

Ted laughed, enjoying himself at her expense. She was still soaking wet and his fingers slid in and out effortlessly, making her sigh quietly.

‘And if they come back you won’t be able to say no, is that it?’

‘God forgive me, yes, i can never say no.’ She admitted.

‘You’re a complete slut aren’t you?’

‘Yes, i can’t help it.’ She groaned, his fingers feeling really good.

Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on hers, forcing his tongue inside her mouth. He tasted horrible but she did nothing to stop him, letting him slobber all over her. He then took her tongue and sucked on it, drinking her saliva and letting his own dribble onto hers. It was disgusting and humiliating but the more he did it, the more she responded, even kissing him back and licking his tongue. He was now pressing against her, kissing and fingering her, making her moan into his mouth and become the slut she admitted to being.

Ted had to break the kiss, his lung power not enough to carry on. He stepped back breathing hard, his heart pounding. He was not used to this much excitement and felt faint, needing to sit down. Penny wiped her mouth, watching him step back toward the sitting room. This was her chance, she thought, quickly picking up her dress and putting it on.

‘I’ll see you next Monday, thanks Ted.’ She told him as he disappeared into the other room.

Penny left the flat and rushed to her car, Ted’s taste still bitter in her mouth, making her spit and retch once she was outside. She drove as quickly as possible to daddy’s, wanting to shower and wash her mouth out. When she got there, he was out, almost certainly in his office, which he got to at eight thirty every day. Seeing him in this state was the last thing she wanted and was more than happy that he had left already.

She rushed to her room and brushed her teeth, swallowing the toothpaste as well in a desperate attempt to get rid of Ted’s taste. After making her gums bleed she was satisfied, jumping in the shower straight after and scrubbing her body just as hard. The hot water stung her bum and back but she put up with in order to wash away all traces of her encounter with Ted.

When she was done, she texted her dad and told him she was home for a while until she sorted out a new flat. She told him it there was an electrical problem that couldn’t be fixed so she had to get out. Henry answered a short while later, telling her he was in Europe on business and wouldn’t be back for a few weeks. He told her not to look for another flat and to stay with him, promising he would behave. Penny read it and smiled, knowing he wouldn’t be able to keep that promise. She sent him some kisses but nothing else.

Penny took the whole week off, telling her boss she had a bug. She never left the house, spending her time either in the pool or sunbathing, letting her body heal and hoping her mind might follow. But nothing could erase the memory of what she had done with Ted and the boys, plus all the others. She tried to rationalise it all but couldn’t, even admitting to herself if daddy was here she would let him fuck her.

By the following weekend her back and bum were pretty much healed, though there was still some discolouring. She had spent most of the week naked and outside, the sun darkening her skin and helping cover the marks. She liked how tanned she was, it had been a long time since she was this colour and it looked good on her.

George had called a couple of times, asking how she was and telling her who dealt with her clients and how it went. Penny listened hoping no one had said anything, especially Pat, scared he might want to brag about what he’d done. But everything was fine, Brian Donnely being the officer George gave her workload to. He was on old-timer who was just waiting to retire and wanted no drama.

On the Saturday, it was cloudy and cool, the first day Penny was unable to sunbathe, much to her disappointment. She phoned peter and asked if he’d heard anything but he hadn’t. He did moan about Brian though, saying how ugly he was with an even worse body. Penny laughed and promised him she’d be back next week. Peter wanted her to come over but she still felt guilty over Jenny and declined.

Henry phoned her in the afternoon, saying he wouldn’t be back for at least two weeks. They chatted for ages, Penny so happy to be home in the luxury of her father’s wealth. As Henry told her all about his plans to take her to New York to see a new play one of his friends was putting on, she began to feel horny, the first time since arriving. His voice was so sexy and relaxing, she could listen to him all day. Her hand went to her pussy and rubbed it, letting out a little moan of pleasure.

Henry carried on talking, not hearing her moan, just happy his daughter was home. Penny told him she loved him and missed him and that she couldn’t wait to see him, everything he wanted to hear. She was still touching herself when he told her a gift would be arriving at one pm.

‘What is it?’ She squealed, like a child.

Henry laughed, telling her to be patient. It was midday so not long to wait he added, his cock rock hard thinking about fucking his daughter again. Penny kept asking but he wouldn’t tell her, only that it was very expensive. She could hardly contain her excitement, so happy she was home. When Henry had to go, some meeting or other, she promised him a present as well when he got home, her voice dripping with sexual inuendo.

She rushed upstairs and threw on one of Henry’s shirts, liking that it still had his smell on it. It was nearly one as she gazed out of the window at the long driveway, waiting for someone to appear. She could feel her pussy throbbing, wanting attention, but she resisted, knowing it wasn’t the right time. At one on the dot, she saw a car approaching, a red sports car convertible.

By the time it was outside the door, Penny was waiting, jumping up and down and clapping her hands. It was a Mercedes and it was beautiful, her favourite make. A young man got out and came to her, his eyes all over her as she carried on jumping about. She didn’t care the shirt only had a few buttons done up, so what if he saw her tits, she thought, too excited to care.

He told her it was from her father and that it was the AMG SL model. She hugged the young man before running around the car and jumping in, giving him a nice view of her bum as she did so. The young man left her and walked back down the driveway to his co-worker waiting, the image of her sexy bum firmly imprinted on his brain.

Penny couldn’t believe how beautiful the car was, it was perfect, so sporty and sexy. The interior was as good as the exterior, luxurious with no expense spared, she loved it. She pressed the start button and revved the engine, almost cumming to the sound of its roar. It was a beast of a car, just what every daughter of a rich man should have, she told herself, giggling loudly.

The cool, white leather felt so good on her skin, making her squirm a little as she pressed into it, her arousal rising. She put it in gear and accelerated back down the driveway, pulling out onto the road when she reached the gates. It was cool still but she left the top down, wanting to feel the wind in her hair. By the time she reached the main road, she was already doing eighty miles an hour, her foot hardly halfway down. She screamed with delight as she floored it, overtaking the few cars ahead of her. When the clock read 140 mph, she slowed down, not wanting a ticket on her very first drive. She drove to the coastal road before turning for home, taking it to 160 on a very quiet stretch, her pussy still throbbing with excitement.

When she got back home, she was ready to cum, her fingers inside her cunt as soon as she stopped. It took less than a minute for her orgasm to hit, her juices wetting the beautiful, white leather underneath her. As she came down, she got her phone and reclined the seat, undoing her shirt and taking a selfie, sending it to Henry.

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