The Young Probation Officer - Cover

The Young Probation Officer

Copyright© 2024 by oliver twist

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - A young probation officer struggles with certain clients when given her own caseload. Because of her past she finds it hard not get involved.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   mt   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual  

The first thing penny did when she woke the next morning was to check her phone, slightly disappointed there was no messages. She immediately sent one to Jenny, telling her how much she missed her and couldn’t wait to see her. When there was no reply, she went to the shower pouting and hoping Jenny was just being playful.

There was still no message when she got out, making her pout even more. She went to the kitchen and made some coffee, still naked and feeling very sexy, remembering all that happened the day before. The coffee was hot and sweet as she went to the window and looked down at the street below, her mind wandering from Jenny to Peter, still shocked at what she’d done with them.

No one could really see her from the street, she was five floors up, but she stayed there not caring if someone did. Her nipples already hard and her body tingling in anticipation of the day ahead. She pressed her tits against the cold glass and sighed, enjoying how it felt, her eyes now on the apartments directly opposite, hoping someone was watching her.

She stayed there for a few minutes, openly displaying her body and not caring. When she turned back inside and there was still no message, she sent another one, asking if everything was alright? But there was still no answer, making her more and more anxious. By midmorning she had sent six messages, all unanswered. She was now panicking, pressing the dial button and ringing Jenny.

When there was no answer, she rang Peter, hoping he would know where she was. But he never answered, either, adding to her feeling of doom. She got dressed and went to her car, still ringing them both while she drove to Peter’s, hoping he was just being lazy and not answering.

His car was out front as she pulled up, cheering her up a little. She hurried to his door and banged on it, waiting impatiently for him to answer. She banged again but still no reply, making her angry now. She knelt down and looked through his letter box, shouting his name and banging harder. But he wasn’t there, leaving her sitting on his doorstep and looking at her phone.

It was Saturday morning so she had nowhere to be, which meant it didn’t matter how long she sat there. She tried Peter’s phone again as she slumped against his door, suddenly hearing it through the letter box.

‘Peter, are you there?’ She shouted, kicking the door.

He still didn’t answer her, making her shout louder and kick harder, the noise now alerting his neighbours. The one next door opened his window called out to her, telling her he had gone out early this morning, about eight.

‘Oh, sorry. Thank you.’ She replied, feeling a little silly.

She sat there not knowing what to do, her heart aching at the thought of something happening to Jenny. Tears ran down her cheek as she began to imagine all sorts, nothing too wild for her imagination. After an hour, a car pulled up and Peter got out of the passenger side, looking very disheveled. She jumped up and waited as the car drove off leaving Peter on the sidewalk. He saw her but didn’t smile, walking up the steps.

‘Come inside, i have something to tell you.’ He said, looking very glum.

They went inside and shut the door. Penny sat at the table and waited for him to tell her what was going on, though she already knew it wasn’t good. He was standing by the sink looking at her, his handsome features not quite so handsome today.

‘Jenny’s mum found a video of her and me on her phone, you know, having sex... ‘

‘What!’ Penny gasped, loudly, interrupting him.

He scowled and began again. ‘She found a video and has now sent her to live with her sister in New York, until she’s eighteen... ‘

‘But ... but... ‘

‘Let me finish will you?’ He snapped. ‘She had no choice; it was either that or she take the video to the police and have me put in jail. She did it for me, even though it meant not seeing you again, and that killed her, believe me. I’m sorry.’

Penny said nothing, just sat there crying, heartbroken at the thought of not seeing Jenny again. Peter said some other things but she wasn’t listening, her thoughts on how she could undo this and get her back here.

‘She’s also not allowed a phone and her Facebook page is gone or blocked, something like that. If she can find a way to contact you she will, you know what she’s like, just hang in there.’ He told her, trying to give her some comfort.

Penny stood and walked to the door, saying ‘I’ll see you next week for our appointment.’

Peter let her go, seeing she needed to be alone. Penny drove home and went to bed, crying herself to sleep. When she woke later in the afternoon, that horrible feeling in her tummy instantly returned, the one that won’t let you eat and makes you want to cry.

By Monday morning Penny was feeling slightly better, though by no means good. She had spent the weekend coming up with ideas on how to find Jenny and this gave her hope, allowing her to carry on with her job. Jennifer’s mum obviously knew where she was and this might be a way for her to get the address, if she played it right. Another way was through a friend on the force, asking her to find her through the police computers. Both ways had risks, but she had to try, what alternative was there?

The first few days she laid the groundwork, updating her files with everyone’s phone numbers and addresses, making notes to visit family members of her clients to make sure no one was harassing them or doing anything else inappropriate. She stayed in the office most of the week, making her clients come to her, including Roger, who had been hoping to introduce her to Barny. He was actually very nice after she told him about a good friend leaving without being able to say goodbye. Of course, he still made some rude offers but nothing too outrageous, even making her laugh. As he was leaving, he showed her a few photos of Barny, telling her how good a lover he was. She looked at them and smiled, telling him he was beautiful and maybe next week they would meet.

When Peter came to the office on the Thursday, a day earlier than usual, she made sure George saw him in her office. He hadn’t heard from Jenny and could give Penny nothing to help her. Penny wasn’t expecting anything anyway, she knew if he could help he would. They chatted for an hour, Peter asking her to come to his that night. It was obvious what he wanted but she felt guilty at the idea of doing anything without Jenny present, so she said no.

When he had left, she went to George and told him Peter let slip that his daughter had been sent to New York to live with her aunt. She raised the idea that something might have happened between them and wondered if she should go visit the ex-wife to find out, emphasising the welfare of the daughter. George took the bait and authorised a visit, but warned her to tread lightly and not to upset the woman. Penny was so happy, believing she could get Jenny’s address now.

Tracy was surprised when Penny phoned but agreed to a visit the following Monday, after work. Penny went home that night and masturbated for the first time since Jenny left. She also drank too much wine, the two going very well together. Her head hurt the next day but she was happier than she had been all week. It was very warm that day and she wore a skirt, the first for her at work. But it was a normal skirt, not too short or tight, just right to let the air up and keep her cool.

She worked at the office in the morning before going to Pat’s in the afternoon. He had told her he was unwell and couldn’t get in to the office, something she didn’t really believe but went along with not wanting him at the office in case he said something out loud and someone heard. If he tried anything today, she was ready, her mace in her handbag, fully loaded.

When she knocked on his door, her heart began to pound remembering her last visit, hating that she had let it go that far, especially with an old man. Pat answered wearing a robe, playing the role of a sick man perfectly. She went in to the table and sat down, not noticing the other man standing in the kitchen area. Pat followed her and sat down, waiting for her to take off the jacket so he could see her tits. Penny looked up at him and then saw the other man, just as old as Pat.

‘Oh, you have a guest. These interviews are private, can he leave?’ She asked, taking her jacket off.

Pat stared at her tits, pleased she was not wearing a bra but disappointed her nipples were not hard. ‘He’s ok, i don’t mind him hearing.’

‘Oh, ok then, as long as he doesn’t interrupt.’ She said, realising Pat was staring.

‘His name is Grant; we’ve been friends for years. I tell him everything, no matter how private or salacious.’ He told her, both the men chuckling.

Penny instantly blushed, the humiliation knowing this other man knew what Pat had done to her was excruciating. She wanted to leave immediately but couldn’t, she needed his signature and he was hardly likely to give it if she fled. Pat liked that she was blushing, it turned him on and he could see her nipples now, they were getting harder.

‘I told him you have the most perfect tits I’ve ever played with, and the hardest nipples. look at them.’ He teased, Grant coming closer.

‘Fuck, i can see them poking out, wow.’ Grant added.

Penny didn’t know what to say, she was too embarrassed to open her mouth. She did look down though, at her nipples, hating her body at that moment, cursing it for betraying her so blatantly.

‘Come on, Penny, take that shirt off, i promised Grant he could touch them.’ Pat said, standing up.

Both men were now standing just in front of her, waiting and giggling like children. Penny reached into her bag and grabbed her mace, slowly, giving Pat the opportunity to easily take it from her once it was out. She hardly resisted, letting him throw it on the table and pull her up.

‘Silly girl, what was that?’ Pat asked, putting his hand under her chin and raising it.

She didn’t answer or meet his gaze, she just stood there, thinking of Jenny and wishing she was there. Grant began to undo her buttons, her nipples now fully erect and aching, waiting to be pinched. When they were all open, he pushed the shirt from her body, letting it fall to the floor.

‘Holy fuck, you were right, they are magnificent. Those nipples, you cloud cut glass with them.’ Grant gasped, not believing his luck.

He reached out and took them both, twisting them together, making Penny suck in hard, the pain and pleasure just what she expected. Pat was at her skirt now, unzipping it at the back and pushing it down to join her shirt. Her panties were next, Grant taking them and sniffing them loudly before throwing them on the table.

‘I’ll be taking them home with me.’ He laughed.

Penny was now at their mercy, her mental state not allowing her to fight them. She stood there as they looked her over, both of them walking around her and touching her, making comments on her beauty and figure. When Pat took her hand and begun leading her to the bedroom, she let him, her will to resist gone.

When they reached the bed, he pushed her down, both men undressing as she looked up. Her eyes widened as their hard cocks sprung free, both of them a lot bigger than she thought they would be. Their cocks looked a lot younger than their skinny bodies, which surprised her.

‘God bless Viagra.’ Pat chuckled, squeezing his cock.

‘Go on then, hurry up.’ Grant urged, eager for his turn.

Penny felt no hatred toward them as Pat climbed between her legs, just curiosity, wondering what it was going to feel like to be fucked by old men. Pat lay on her and enjoyed the feeling of young flesh against his own, his cock aching as he pushed it to her cunt. Penny looked at his face just a few inches above hers, his minty breath telling her he had brushed his teeth at least.

He slid easily into her, her wet pussy welcoming him and making him groan with delight. It had been so long since he felt like this, the little blue pills working their magic. He begun to fuck her, his old body rejuvenated by the drugs and her beauty. Penny let out a quiet sigh, his cock actually feeling pretty good as he leaned his face to hers and kissed her, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

She was surprised but not shocked, his tongue playing with hers. At first, she did nothing, letting him kissing her with no response, but for some reason after a few seconds, she kissed him back, perversely enjoying the intimacy of his mouth.

‘Oh fuck, look at her kissing old Pat, what a slut.’ Grant cried, slapping his thigh.

Pat’s cock was nice and thick and as he pushed harder and harder into her, she moaned into his mouth as they continued to kiss, her hands on his bum digging into his wrinkly cheeks. It was nice, helping her forget the depression she was feeling, if only fleetingly.

Pat was close to cumming, his old body unable to control his need as her pussy clenched down on his cock. He pulled his face from hers and let out a loud moan of pleasure, his cock going into spasms and releasing his seed, much to Grant’s amusement.

‘Oh yes, you da man, Pat.’ he yelled.

Penny relaxed and enjoyed the feeling of his sperm flooding her cunt, her body taking affection from wherever it could. She wanted to put her arms around him but Grant had other ideas, yanking him from the bed and taking his place, his cock at her entrance instantly. He shoved it in and grunted, his desire taking over his body. It had been many years since he had fucked anyone and a lot longer since they were anywhere near as beautiful as Penny. His cock was bigger than Pat’s and he used it more forcefully, banging into her as hard and fast as his fragile frame allowed. Penny was surprised by his energy, hoping he wouldn’t have a heart attack and die on top of her.

Grant had no real interest in kissing her, he just wanted to cum. Penny watched him as he fucked her, his face contorted as he tried to cum as quickly as he could. She almost laughed but held it in, her hands now on his bum like they were for Pat, squeezing him lovingly. There was no chance of her cumming but she didn’t mind, it was still nice, even if they did kind of force her.

Grant suddenly went rigid and made a funny sound, his face all red. Penny waited, her eyes on his, praying he was cumming and not dying. His hot cum soon told her what was happening, helping her relax as he added his seed to Pat’s. He collapsed onto her chest and sighed with satisfaction, his cock still twitching.

After a few minutes he rolled to her side with a silly grin on his face, looking up at his friend. Pat laughed and took his outstretched hand, helping him off the bed. They slapped each other on the back as though they had just done something extraordinary, both leaving Penny on the bed as they went back to the kitchen area. She watched the from the bed, not moving, wondering if they were done with her.

She could hear them laughing and joking, acting like teenagers, their cum dribbling from her pussy. Her fingers went to it and played with it, rubbing some of it on to her clit. She closed her eyes and thought of Jenny, remembering how she had sucked Peter’s cum from her cunt. The memory added to her arousal, her fingers now rubbing her clit faster as she realised she wanted to cum, too.

Pat and Grant were at the kitchen table, drinking some coffee, still feeling like they were forty years younger. Grant glanced back into the bedroom, wondering why Penny hadn’t moved, his eyes trying to focus on her not sure they were working properly.

‘Jesus, is she doing what i think she’s doing?’ He asked his friend.

Pat looked now, putting on his glasses and squinting, shocked by what he saw.

‘Fuck, she is, look at her go. What a nympho!’ Pat gasped.

Both men took their mugs and walked back to the bedroom, a creak from one of the floorboards alerting Penny to their presence. She opened her eyes and pulled her fingers away, blushing as both men were grinning down at her.

‘Don’t mind us, carry on darling, we won’t tell.’ Grant mocked, taking a swig of coffee.

She didn’t answer him, turning on her front to avoid their eyes, hoping they would go out again. Both men laughed loudly, one of them slapping her bum and making her jump.

‘Turn back over, now.’ Grant ordered, smacking her again when she hesitated.

Penny turned over and stared at the ceiling, not wanting to see their expressions, suddenly very embarrassed with herself. The two men found this very amusing and sat on the bed next to her, touching her pussy and making her squirm.

‘Is that nice?’ Grant asked, playing with her hard little clit.

‘No.’ She answered, quietly, shaking her head.

Pat pinched a nipple to help his friend, eliciting a gasp from Penny, adding to the men’s enjoyment. They worked together now, touching her in all the right places and bringing her the pleasure she craved.

‘Suck her nipple, she’ll like that.’ Grant told his friend.

Pat leaned down and took her nipple in his mouth while still pinching the other one, forcing her to moan loudly. She closed her eyes again, cursing her body for yet another betrayal, not wanting to see their smug expressions. Pat sucked and nibbled her while Grant continued to play with her clit, the double attack on her body rendering her helpless and wanting more.

‘Does that feel good?’ Grant asked.

It did but Penny didn’t want to admit it, not so explicitly anyway.

‘Does it, Penny?’ He asked again, firmly.

‘Mm-hmm.’ She answered, quietly, her orgasm building.

‘Do you want to cum?’ He pressed.

Penny screamed yes in her head but fought hard not to say it, knowing exactly what he was doing.

‘Penny!’ He said harshly.

‘Yes.’ She sighed, her desire to cum overriding her pride.

Both men laughed but carried on, bringing her ever closer to orgasm. Penny let out a moan when Grant pushed two fingers inside her as he rubbed her clit, her hips rising from the bed with pleasure.

‘Are you nearly there?’ Pat asked.

‘Mm-hmm ... Mm-hmm.’ She blurted, her orgasm almost there.

Five seconds later the men stopped touching her, leaving her quivering on the bed and moaning in frustration. She looked up at them as they laughed, her body on the edge trying desperately to get over it but unable.

‘You can go now.’ She was told, the men throwing her skirt and shirt on the bed.

Penny wanted to cry but held back, sitting up and getting dressed while they watched. Once she had her clothes on, minus her panties, which Grant held to his nose, she went to the table and gathered her things, still confused by their actions. As she was leaving, Pat told her they’d see her next week.

She looked a mess walking over to her car, her shirt only partially buttoned and her hair all over the place as she clutched her bag and files while trying to find her keys. Once the door was open, she threw everything in the back and got in, not bothering to tidy herself just wanting to get home.

By the time she pulled into the car park behind her apartment block, which was more a rough patch of ground than a proper car park, she was still feeling very horny, her body wanting that orgasm she was denied. She looked around and parked near the bins, glad there were no junkies or drug dealers this time of day, just a couple of young boys on skate boards messing around.

She sat there for a minute thinking, the two boys whizzing past her window and scaring her, bringing her back to reality. She got out as they raced past her again, gathering everything from the back seat and trying to lock the car. Her hands were full and she was shaking a little, causing her to drop her keys and then everything else.

‘Fuck!’ She cried out, bending down to pick it all up.

She started shoving things in her bag and looking for her keys, which were just under the sill. The two boys stopped next to her, flicking their boards up into their hands. Penny saw their legs and thought they were going to help her, pleased with their kindness. But they just stood there, looking down at her, her shirt nicely open and showing off her tits.

Penny didn’t realise she had left her shirt open that much and carried on, suddenly stumbling as she reached for her keys. She managed to get them but fell back on her bum with her back against the door. The boys carried on staring; her nipples almost visible.

Penny now looked up at the boys, their wide eyes and expressions instantly telling her they were not admiring the car. She looked down and saw her tits, almost giggling with amusement.

‘Of course, what else did i expect after the day I’ve had.’ She sighed, smiling.

The two boys saw her smile and took it wrongly, thinking she liked them looking, so they carried on.

‘Really, you’re not going to help me just stare at my tits?’ Penny asked, still sitting there.

‘Show us your tits and we’ll help.’ One of the boys said, cheekily.

‘Nice, how gallant of you.’ She answered, rolling her eyes.

‘Come on, they’re almost out anyway. Have you just had sex in the back seat? You look like you have.’ The other boy added, both giggling.

‘What gave me away? And how old are you?’ She asked sarcastically, putting a few bits in her bag.

‘Old enough. We can see your nipples poking through so you might as well show us.’

Penny put out her hand asking to be helped up, not answering them, knowing how her nipples looked. The taller boy took her hand and pulled, helping her stand. She stood just in front of them, brushing her skirt off as the boys got another good view of her tits.

‘There’s still something under the car.’ The boy told her.

Penny looked and saw it, cursing loudly. ‘Do you mind, please?’

‘What do i get?’ He asked.

Penny looked around the car park and saw no one, her heart racing at the idea of letting these two boys see her tits.

‘I’ll let you see them if you get it for me.’ She told him, quietly, bushing slightly.

The boy quickly bent down and picked up the few bits left under her car, handing them to her and waiting. She put them in her bag and looked around again, her heart pounding as her fingers went to her buttons. The boys stared hard, so excited to see some real-life tits.

Penny undid the two buttons and held her shirt closed, hesitating to expose herself like this. One of the boys reached out and took her hands, moving them away from her chest and letting the shirt fall open. Penny let him, feeling daring, her nipples still hidden, just. The boy now took hold of the shirt and pushed it from her shoulders, exposing her beautiful, hard nipples. Both boys gasped in disbelief.

Penny stood there trembling with fear and excitement, her eyes darting from the boys to the surrounding area, still worried someone might come. After ten seconds or so, she pulled her shirt back on realising how silly she was being. The boys didn’t move, still looking at her chest, not wanting it to end. Penny tried to pick up her things from the front seat, her hands shaking even more after what she’d just done. She couldn’t do it, dropping things as she tried.

‘Here let me, we’ll carry your stuff to your apartment.’ The taller one offered, taking her bag while his mate picked up the things from the floor.

‘Thank you, but don’t expect another treat.’ She told them.

‘That’s ok, this ones on us.’ He answered, laughing.

Penny led the way with the boys just behind, her legs a little shaky, too.

‘What are your names? And how old are you?’ She asked, her curiosity getting the better of her.

‘I’m Duncan and he’s Terry, we’re both thirteen, plenty old enough.’ Came the confident reply.

Penny giggled, looking at him. ‘And both real lady killers, i bet.’

‘We got you to show us your tits, didn’t we?’ He shot back.

‘You’re right, i couldn’t resist that charm. Do you live around here?’

‘A couple of blocks away, we come here coz it’s good for boarding.’ Duncan told her.

‘And to pick up broads.’ Terry quickly added.

All three now laughed as they reached the entrance. They went to the elevator and waited, the doors opening a few seconds later. Penny pressed floor five as they got in, still laughing. The boys were still looking at her nipples, enjoying how hard and long they were. When they got to her apartment, she opened the door and turned to take her things, but Duncan insisted on taking them in.

‘Have you got something to drink, please?’ Terry asked.

‘Uh ... orange or lemon juice? She offered, knowing she couldn’t really refuse.

She went to the kitchen and got some juice from the fridge and poured two glasses, feeling a little nervous. The boys took the glasses and sipped from them, looking around.

‘I know, it’s a dive but i can’t afford anything better.’ She told them, embarrassed by her flat.

‘It’s fine, we’ve seen a lot worse. Ok, we better go. Thanks for the drinks.’ Duncan said.

‘And the free show.’ Terry added, grinning.

‘You’re welcome, i hope you enjoyed it.’ She said.

‘Maybe next time we can touch them?’ Duncan asked.

‘Maybe, if you’re lucky.’ She teased, walking to the door.

‘What about now, can we touch them now?’ Duncan asked, hoping she might say yes.

Penny was at the door, looking back at them, their cute faces smiling expectantly. She sighed and leaned back against the wall and didn’t open it, her body wanting to be touched even by these cheeky brats, though she knew how wrong it would be.

‘Just for a minute, then you have to go, ok?’ She said quietly, feeling so daring.

‘Whatever you say.’

‘Ok then, go on.’ She told them.

Duncan stepped forward and opened the buttons, pulling the shirt off completely this time. Terry reached out first, taking one of her breasts and fondling it gently. Duncan did the same, both now playing with her tits.

‘Oh god, why does that feel so good?’ She sighed, leaning back.

The two boys couldn’t believe their luck, a woman this beautiful letting them touch her. They had never felt a breast before and were amazed by how soft they were. Duncan felt her nipple, which was the opposite, it was rock hard and long.

‘Oh god, yes, pinch my nipples, hard.’ She asked them, sounding desperate.

The boys looked at each other with shock, her whole demeanor changing as they played with her. They both pinched her nipples, making her cry out with pleasure and shocking them again.

‘That’s so good, harder, twist them, please.’ She begged, losing all composure.

The boys did as she asked, twisting them viciously, bringing another loud gasp from her lips. She could feel her orgasm coming, the two boys were bringing her so much pleasure her body was on fire. She had never cum with only her tits being pleasured before but it was going to happen, she could feel it.

‘Don’t stop, please, harder ... bite them ... suck them ... oh god, yessss.’ She cried out.

Duncan put his mouth to her nipple and sucked hard, his teeth nibbling it as well. Penny pulled his head onto her, gripping his hair as her orgasm arrived. Terry then joined his friend, biting down on her pink nipple as she screamed with ecstasy.

The two boys were scared by her scream but carried on, her hands holding them as she thrashed about, her orgasm hitting her hard. Penny slid down the wall, her legs unable to hold her as her body reacted to the waves of pleasure washing over it. The boys fell with her, sitting on their bums and watching her, amazed by how she looked.

Penny was in a state of pure bliss, that wonderful feeling of satisfaction engulfing her, just as she wanted. When she opened her eyes, the boys were smiling at her, still on their bums opposite her. She smiled back at them, her heart full of affection for the youngsters after what they did.

‘Thank you, that was wonderful.’ She told them, smiling seductively as she stood and walked to her bedroom.

She took her skirt off and laid on the bed, her eyes the door, waiting to see if the boys had followed her, hoping they had. Duncan and Terry watched her go and looked at each other confused, wondering if they should leave or follow her.

Penny smiled when they appeared at the door, her arms stretching out to them. Duncan walked to the bed, hesitating as he looked at her body, nervous and unsure.

‘Come Duncan, let me give you a treat.’ She said.

Duncan began undressing, excited and scared in equal measure but determined not to show it. Penny watched with excitement, too, his lithe young body appealing to her much more than it should. He looked so young and his skin was perfect, a shiver going down her spine when his cock sprung free. It wasn’t big but that didn’t matter, it was simply beautiful and she wanted it inside her.

‘Oh Duncan, fuck me, i want you so badly.’ She said, her voice quiet and sexy.

Duncan lay between her legs, his chest on hers and his cock on her pussy. She held him in her arms and kissed him, her tongue going to his, playing with it as her lips pressed against his. He kissed her back, his hips moving forward without really any idea of what to do. Penny took his cock and guided it to her hole, whispering to him to push in.

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