The Young Probation Officer - Cover

The Young Probation Officer

Copyright© 2024 by oliver twist

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A young probation officer struggles with certain clients when given her own caseload. Because of her past she finds it hard not get involved.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Ma/ft   Fa/ft   mt/mt   mt   Mult   Teenagers   Blackmail   Coercion   Consensual   NonConsensual  

Being a probation officer meant dealing with some pretty unpleasant people. Penelope, or Penny as everyone called her, still hadn’t got used to this part of the job and her boss, George, had now called her into the office for a little chat. She had been with the department eighteen months now and for the last four months had been handling some cases on her own.

Two of the cases had been especially difficult for her, both dealing with child abuse, something she had personal experience with. One of the men involved had really pushed her buttons and she had reacted, much to his pleasure and her embarrassment. The case was very similar to her own experience with her father, and she had foolishly allowed her emotions to get the better of her, hence the meeting with her boss.

‘Come in Penny, take a seat.’ George said, sitting back behind his desk.

Penny took her seat and smiled nervously, still surprised by how untidy his office was. There were files piled up on every inch of the desk and loose papers scattered everywhere, giving the appearance of a very unorganised office. George pushed some of the folders to one side so they had a better view of each other.

‘So, the Hutchinson case. He’s now put in a formal complaint saying you physically assaulted him. We both know this is bullshit, but Frank has asked me to look into it. Tell me what happened.’

Frank was George’s boss and could be a real stickler for the rules, though he was always straight and had a reputation as backing his staff. George was the same, a real sweetheart who everybody loved. He never got angry and always stood up for his people, never letting them down.

Penny began her account of what happened at the home of Peter Hutchinson. She had gone there after visiting another client close by. Part of her job meant going out and making sure her clients were observing the conditions of their probation, whether this be at their homes or place of work.

Peter Hutchinson had been having sex with his fifteen-year-old daughter, Jenny, at the family home for a period of about twelve months. His wife, Tracy, had come home early one day and found them in bed together. She reported him to the police and kicked him out. The strange thing was, Jenny would not talk to the police or give evidence against her father.

The DA in the end offered Peter a deal, five years’ probation and no contact with his daughter until she was eighteen. He of course accepted this and his file was given to Penny, a month ago. It was over a year since the offences were committed but because of the delays in the system, it was only now he was being dealt with. The incident happened on their fourth meeting.

What made Penny so sensitive about this case was her own experience with her father, Henry. When she was fourteen her mother, Anne, left home and never came back, running off with one of her dad’s friends. Penny had always loved her father the most and after the split they grew even closer, with Penny acting more like a wife than a daughter. She would cook, clean and generally run the house, leaving her daddy to concentrate on running the business. Henry liked this arrangement and together, over the course of a year, they got over the shock of Anne leaving.

Penny had also discovered the joys of masturbation and increasingly used her father as part of her sexual fantasies, which eventually led to her and Henry having sex.

Henry had also begun seeing his daughter as more than just his child. She was growing so fast and her body was now that of a woman, a very sexy woman. She was slim with long blond hair and blue eyes. Her breasts were perfect, not overly big but shaped by the devil himself to tempt any man, and Henry was just a normal man with normal desires.

Penny started dressing differently as well, wearing clothing that accentuated her figure and sexiness, knowing her father would look at her differently when she did. She became flirtatious and seductive, enjoying the effect she was having on him, realising the power of her body and using to get what she wanted. And she wanted daddy, all to herself, giving him the wife he deserved.

On her sixteenth birthday, she prepared a special dinner for the two of them, putting on one of her mother’s more daring dresses. It was low at the back and tight at the front, her nipples easily visible through the thin, red material. It was short as well, letting Henry see just how long and slim her legs had become.

Henry couldn’t help but stare at his daughter, his eyes betraying his desire. Penny saw it and shivered, determined this would be the night she seduced him. Henry said nothing as Penny poured them both a big glass of red wine, his thoughts on that dress, remembering how he tore it off his wife the first time she wore it.

After a few glasses and opening her present from daddy, a gold necklace, she put on his favourite artist and asked him for a birthday dance. With Diana ross and Lione Ritchie singing ‘Endless Love’, they began to dance, Penny pushing her breasts into Henry’s chest and holding him tightly.

Henry responded, his hands on her bare back caressing her and his hardening cock pressing into her. Penny sighed with arousal, his fingers sending bolts of pleasure through her young body. She felt his cock, it was so hard and he wasn’t trying to hide it, he must want her she thought.

‘Oh Daddy, i love you so much, kiss me.’ She asked, looking up into his eyes.

He looked down and his heart melted, she was so beautiful and sexy and he wanted her, to make her a woman. He leaned down and granted her wish, their lips meeting in a passionate and loving kiss. It was beautiful, both of them giving in to their desires, their tongues playing in a loving dual. For Penny it was the best moment of her life, her daddy tasted delicious, just like she knew he would.

When Henry pulled away, breathing heavily, Penny spoke first.’ Let’s go upstairs.’

Henry took her in his arms and carried her up the stairs, kissing her constantly until they reached his bed. Penny let her dress slip from her body, revealing her naked body for daddy, shivering with excitement. His eyes took it all in, wide and wild with desire. He too stripped before taking her again and falling onto the soft sheets.

She lost her virginity that night and cum three times. Henry was gentle and considerate; his sole aim was to please her and show her how magical sex could be. And it was for her, being taken by her daddy was the best experience of her short life. They fell asleep in each other’s arms, as lovers.

And so began their incestuous relationship that lasted until Penny went to college. They both knew it was illegal but didn’t care, defending it by telling each other their love transcended conventional morals. It was only when Penny moved to college and began mixing with other people and seeing how normal their relationships were that she began questioning what she had been doing.

On her first trip back home, at Christmas, Henry was eager to continue their sexual relationship. Although Penny was reluctant, Henry gave her little choice and insisted they slept together. Penny went along and still enjoyed the sex, but that nagging doubt was growing all the time. By the time the summer came around she was sure their relationship couldn’t continue as it was.

She tried talking to her dad, telling him it must stop and that she must move on with boys her own age. Henry was really hurt and stopped talking to her, even going as far as bringing home a woman and fucking her loudly for Penny to hear. Penny couldn’t believe he would do such thing, making her realise how jealous she was and how much she still wanted him.

The night before she went back to college, she made him a special meal and asked if they could be father and daughter again. Henry opened some wine and agreed, making sure Penny had a very big glass. By the time Penny was ready for bed, she needed help getting up the stairs. When Henry took off her clothes and put in the bed, he got in with her, taking advantage and fucking her until she screamed with pleasure.

In the morning, Penny was more than angry, telling Henry he was a rapist and that she was disgusted with him. She didn’t come home for Christmas that year, going to a friends instead. She sent Henry a card telling him but with no explanation. By the time she left college and started working for the probation services, her relationship with Henry was almost nonexistent. She blamed him for taking advantage of her when she only sixteen and he thought her a cold-hearted bitch. She moved out once she could afford to and only went home occasionally. As much as she tried to forget what had happened between them and move on with a normal healthy relationship, she couldn’t. She had tried plenty of men, too many, but none gave her what her daddy had, and this made her resent him even more.

And to make matters worse, every time she masturbated, she orgasmed to the image of Henry fucking her. And now this, dealing with a man who blamed everything on his teenage daughter.

‘Penny, talk to me. What happened?’ George asked, clicking his fingers in an effort to get her attention.

‘Sorry George, i was thinking. Well, this was our fourth meeting and Mr Hutchinson was still insisting he hadn’t done anything wrong. He wouldn’t accept that being the adult the responsibility to maintain a normal father daughter relationship was all his, and that his daughter, being a child was not to blame in any way whatsoever... ‘

‘Sorry to interrupt. So what was his side of the story?’ George asked, a little confused.

‘That Jenny initiated the relationship, and she was the driving force, seducing him whenever they were alone... ‘

‘Oh, i see. Carry on.’

‘When i told him unless he started cooperating and accepting responsibility i would have no choice but to recommend further action, he got very angry and shouted at me, waving his arms about. When i got up to leave, he blocked my path insisting he had done nothing wrong. I shouted back he was to blame and pushed him, making him fall over the table behind him. I then left quickly.’ She finished, feeling a bit silly.

George was smiling, trying to relax her. ‘Well, it seems you acted in self-defence and have nothing to worry about. In fact, i might just have a chat with my friend at the precinct and see if we can pull him in for the night, see how he likes a bit of jail-time.’ George chuckled.

‘No, please, I’d rather not. If I’m to be a good officer i have to learn to deal with people like this, I’ve got to toughen up, let me deal with him.’ She insisted, not wanting anyone to think of her as weak.

‘Ok, if you’re sure but i will ring him and read him the riot act, like i would with anyone else.’

‘Of course. I’m going to visit him tomorrow, a surprise visit to show him I’m in charge. If he still won’t cooperate, then i will recommend action.’ She said firmly.

‘Go get him girl. But be careful, maybe take Jill with you.’

‘Absolutely not. I’m doing this myself.’ She replied, indignantly.

‘Ok ok. Now go home and relax, have a glass of wine.’ George chuckled, again.

So she did, going to her little flat and opening a bottle of white, really missing her family home less than five miles away. Her flat was so pokey, she hated spending time there, even when drunk. After a few glasses she started to relax, thinking of Peter Hutchinson and her father, wondering if they would be friends if they met.

‘I bet they fucking would.’ She shouted, finishing her glass and pouring another one.

She was angry with them both and herself. It was her who initiated the relationship with her father and as much as she told herself he was the adult, it still ate at her, knowing this. Before she knew it, she was masturbating, thinking of daddy, his big, hard cock and all the pleasure it gave her.

‘Oh god, why?’ She sighed, her fingers working their magic.

Just as she was cumming, a new face appeared, Peter Hutchinson. He was with his daughter, Jenny, and she was climbing on him, lowering herself onto his cock and begging him to fuck her. Penny came with a loud moan, wanting to be his daughter and letting him fuck her.

As soon as she had recovered, she went for a shower, cursing herself, as always. When she was done and lying on her bed, she started to look at photos on her phone, the ones of her dad. She still really loved him and missed him, wishing she had not been so hard on him. She pressed his number, wanting to hear his voice.

‘Hello Penny.’ He answered, sounding pleased.

Hello daddy, how are you? She asked, happy to hear him.

‘I’m fine, just enjoying a takeout, Chinese. And you?’

‘Oh you know. How’s business?’ She asked, not really sure what to say.

‘Booming, I’m even richer now. You sound a little sad, are you sure everything is ok?’

‘Yes, no. I’m just really missing my room, i hate it here.’ She sighed, taking another sip of wine.

‘It’s here whenever you want to come home, you know that. And your Mercedes is still in the garage.’ He taunted, knowing how much she loved that car.

Penny conjured up the image of her silver Merc, the top down as she drove along the coastal road. God, she thought, now i drive a shitty old Volvo.

‘That’s not fair, daddy, you know i love that car. Promise me you won’t try anything and I’ll come home, but you can’t can you?’ She whispered, tears now falling down her cheek.

‘I promise i won’t do anything you don’t like.’ He answered her.

‘You bastard, you know i like it, that’s not the point. Please daddy, promise me?’ She begged.

‘Come home, darling, let’s be together, fuck what the world thinks.’ His turn to plead.

Penny put the phone down, crying herself to sleep. In the morning, she had a headache, reminding her of what an idiot she was. Henry had sent her a photo, one taken when she was twenty. She was naked on his bed with her legs open and a big smile on her face, fresh sperm leaking from her bald pussy. She remembered it, how he had made her beg to cum, promising him she would let him watch her with one of her girlfriends from school if he did.

She closed the phone, determined not to think about him, concentrating on her visits today instead. Peter Hutchinson of course sprang to mind, another man she would rather forget but not able to. She went to her wardrobe and looked for something to wear, glancing at herself in the mirror, liking how she looked.

She was 5ft6” and slim. Long blond hair and blue eyes with a perfect complexion. She was beautiful and she knew it, happy to use it when it was needed. Her tits were slightly bigger than average with nice pink nipples, which sometimes got very hard for no reason. Her pussy was still shaven, like in the photo daddy sent, something she liked from a very early age.

She took a white shirt from the wardrobe and put it on, minus her bra for the first time since she started at the probation service. She then put on some panties before her black trousers, liking how tight they were and turning to look at her perfect bum, wiggling it. She buttoned up the shirt and tucked it in, noticing her nipples sticking out but not doing anything about it.

Before leaving she made some coffee, having another look at her nipples and feeling sexy as they grew harder, wondering if she dared take her jacket off during the day. By the time she got to the office, her black jacket on, her nipples were back to normal, though having her tits jiggle about was distracting.

She wasn’t sure exactly why she wore no bra or felt sexy that day but knew talking to daddy and seeing that photo had played a big part in it. It seemed he still had a hold on her no matter how hard she tried to ignore him. Once in her office, she took out her files and went over them before leaving. George popped in to check on her, being the good boss he was.

Her first three visits all went well, no problems and the men were very polite and cooperative. She deliberately left Peter Hutchinson for last, giving George time to phone him and tell him to cooperate or else. When she arrived at his house, she suddenly felt very warm and nervous, unsure of herself and how to handle him.

Her jacket was on the passenger seat as she climbed out, her tits jiggling as she reached down for it, wishing she could leave it off. But she put it on and left it open to get some air circulating, hoping he wouldn’t notice she was braless. When she knocked on the door, she thought she heard a female voice inside.

Peter answered in a bathrobe, looking very surprised to see her. He was a handsome man about the same age as her father, perhaps slightly younger. His chest was big and smooth and he did nothing to cover it as he stood back to let her in, saying nothing.

‘Mr Hutchinson, after the other day i have decided to visit again and give you one last chance to cooperate before things escalate. May i come in?’ She asked, even though he had already stood back to let her in.

‘Come.’ He said, curtly, still not covering his chest.

Penny went straight through to where they usually sat, expecting to find someone else with him, probably his daughter. He lived in a one bedroomed apartment on the ground floor. His kitchen formed part of the lounge which only left his bedroom beyond the closed door to her right. There were two glasses on the table and two empty pizza boxes, plus the smell of perfume in the air.

‘Who else is here, Peter?’ She demanded to know.

‘No one. I had a friend over but he’s gone now.’ He answered, angrily, not liking being questioned.

‘And your friend likes to wear women’s perfume does he?’

‘What can i say.’ He laughed, sitting down on the sofa.

‘As an officer of the court i am allowed to look through your apartment to make sure you are complying with the conditions of your probation.’ She told him, going to his bedroom door and opening it.

‘Hey, get out.’ He shouted, obviously worried she would find something.

But Penny went in and looked around anyway, opening his wardrobe and looking under his bed, surprised no one was there. She stood and went to his window, which was open, and looked out. There was a girl running down the street trying to pull on her top, looking very much like his daughter, though she couldn’t be sure.

When she turned back to Peter, he was grinning, knowing he had got away with it. Penny was angry but held back, knowing she mustn’t react like last time.

‘Was that Jenny? Are you continuing to have sex with your daughter? She asked, calmly, a bead of sweat running down her neck.

‘Of course not, that would be a violation of my conditions. I’m offended you would ask such a thing. He sneered, his robe even further open now, showing more of his body.

Penny looked at him knowing he was lying but also knowing she had no proof. Her eyes accidently looked at his body, his cock almost visible. She quickly looked back at his face but he had seen her looking and she now started to blush, feeling even hotter.

‘Can you dress, please.’ She asked, noticing the wet patch on the bed.

Peter walked past her to his wardrobe, pulling the covers over the wet sheet, chuckling as he did so. Penny blushed some more, looking in the mirror and seeing him behind her drop his robe. His cock was soft but still very impressive, reminding her of Henry’s. Both of them had good bodies, powerful and strong, just like real men should have. She looked at him for longer than was necessary before walking out of the room to the dining table.

When she turned and sat, he was still naked, smiling at her before picking out some track suit bottoms. She averted her eyes again and took off her jacket, not thinking, just wanting to be cooler. Peter came out still naked from the waist up, holding a T-shirt but not putting it on.

‘Would you like some coffee?’ He asked her, liking that she couldn’t look at him.

He didn’t like this young woman, she was only just older than his daughter and had no right speaking to him as she did. Yes, she was beautiful, but that didn’t give her the right to act so high and mighty. But today he could see a chink in her armour, she was acting differently, seeing him like this was unsettling her.

‘No, just a glass of water please.’ She answered, looking up at him, wishing he would put that damn T-shirt on.

She didn’t realise but her sweat was now making her shirt cling to her, showing her nipples very clearly. And they were hard, the sight of this man naked and knowing he had just fucked his own daughter had aroused her.

When he returned with her glass, he saw them, his eyes widening in surprise as he handed her the drink. She took it and gulped it all down, spilling some down her shirt. When she looked to wipe it, she took a deep breath, shocked by how visible her nipples were. Her eyes shot to his, desperately hoping he hadn’t noticed. But he had and was grinning down at her, slowly putting on his t-shirt and letting her see his abbs.

She grabbed her file and held it to her chest, not knowing what else to do, angry with herself for allowing him to see her like this.

Too late, Penny.’ He laughed, sitting down opposite her.

She was embarrassed and flustered, unable to speak, feeling like a little girl again with her father. Peter said nothing, letting her stew, enjoying how uncomfortable she was. Penny knew she had speak, to take back some control, no matter how small.

‘Could i have some more water, please?’ She eventually asked.

‘Of course.’ He answered, taking her glass and going over to the sink.

She knew if she suddenly put her jacket on it would hand him a victory and she didn’t want that. So, she put the file on the table and opened it, brazening it out, not giving him what he wanted. Peter returned and sat down, pushing the glass over to her.

‘Thank you.’ She said, drinking half the glass.

‘Would you like a towel?’ He asked, making fun of her.

She didn’t answer, just began speaking and telling him exactly what she now expected of him. She went through all the programmes available and help groups, telling him he had to start one next week. Every time she looked at him as she was talking, he was just staring at her nipples, not paying attention and enjoying the show.

‘Do you understand, Peter?’ She asked once she finished talking.

He was still staring at her tits, miles away.

‘Peter!’ She called, loudly.

‘Yes, uh yes, of course.’ He mumbled, still staring.

He was of course doing it deliberately, knowing how uncomfortable she was. Penny wanted to slap his face but managed to control herself, just.

‘Do you want to go to prison, not see Jenny again?’ She asked, exasperated by his attitude.

‘For what?’

‘Peter! Jesus, she’s just a teenager who loves her father and wants to be with him in the wrong way. You should know this and help her, not give in to her. Do you know the damage this will do to her? She won’t be able to have any normal relationships, always comparing other men to you, none of them coming up to scratch. God, she’ll go from man to man, trying them all, not really wanting any of them, thinking of you the whole time, wishing it was you making love to her.’

Penny suddenly stopped, knowing she had revealed too much, looking at Peter, both of them knowing she was talking about herself as much as Jenny. She couldn’t hold his gaze, taking the glass of water and finishing it.

‘Just because that’s how you feel, it doesn’t mean Jenny will feel that way, too. She’s stronger and knows exactly what she wants.’ He replied, smugly.

Penny was mad again, shouting: ‘Don’t be stupid, of course she’s going to regret, i should know.’

She wanted to take it back straight away, but it was too late. Peter was grinning again, just staring at her.

‘I think maybe you’re a little jealous, look at how hard your nipples are, you wish it had been you this afternoon, you and your dad fucking, admit it, you can tell me.’ He teased.

He was right of course but she couldn’t say so. She began writing in his file, not knowing what else to do. He grabbed it after a minute, reading what she had put down. It was nothing though, just her account of their meeting, saying he had agreed to start therapy and admitting he was to blame, nothing about what else was said.

‘That’s a pretty bland description, aren’t you going to put in that you used your own experience of incest to help me?’ he asked, smiling arrogantly this time.

‘I think i should go now, I’ll see you next week. I’ll email you what day and time.’ She told him, getting to her feet, his eyes still on her tits and not hiding it.

She took her jacket and put it on, stretching her arms and giving him an even better view. But she didn’t care, she just wanted to leave.

‘I’ll be your daddy if you want?’ He suddenly offered, just as she was opening the door.

She gasped in shock, clutching her bag to her chest as he took hold of the door and prevented her from pulling it any further. His big hand was right next to her face, looking so strong and masculine.

‘You can call me daddy while i fuck you, i won’t mind. If you want, we can pretend all the time, be like a real family.’ He added, his other hand now touching her cheek.

‘Let me go, please.’ She whispered.

‘Are you sure? We both know how much you want this.’ He added, still stroking her cheek.

‘Yes, if you carry on I’ll report you.’ She added, trying to sound serious.

Peter chuckled but let go of the door, letting her leave. Penny breathed a huge sigh of relief as she walked across the road to her car, his words still ringing in her ears. When she was in her car, she looked back over at his apartment, cursing herself as he waved back at her, grinning. She quickly turned the key and drove off, thinking she should pass this case to one of her colleagues.

What made it worse was she was so fucking horny and she knew exactly why. She cursed herself again, hating what she had become and blaming her father completely. As she turned the corner, she saw Jenny, sitting on a wall wearing the same clothes as the girl she saw running from Peter’s apartment. She pulled up and opened the window.

‘Jenny, I’m Penny, your dad’s probation officer, get in please.’

Jenny knew who she was, she had seen her before. She stood and went to the car, leaning down to look at Penny. Both of them were very beautiful and recognised this as they looked into each other’s eyes. Jenny was sixteen but had the body of a woman, just like Penny had when she was her age.

‘What do you want?’ Jenny asked.

‘Just a chat, please get in.’ Penny asked nicely, trying to put the young girl at ease.

Jenny opened the door and got in, her short skirt rising well above her knees and almost revealing her panties. Penny looked at her thighs and admired them, thinking how much Peter must enjoy getting between them. Jenny saw her looking, liking that she was, thinking she was no different to all the other adults who stared at her.

She shifted her bum and slid a little further down the seat, letting Penny see her pink panties. Penny was still looking, thinking how soft her skin looked and how it would feel. An image of Peter fucking her came into her head, just like Henry would fuck her.

‘Are you just going to stare at me or do you want something?’ Jenny asked.

‘Sorry ... i uh, wanted to talk about your father. This has to stop, Jenny, surely you can see that?’ She asked, her eyes now on Jenny’s face.

‘You want me to say something so you can lock him up, but i won’t.’

‘No, honestly, i just want to talk. Anything you say now will be confidential and i won’t be allowed to use it, i promise.’ Penny reassured her.

‘Why should i believe you?’

‘Because I’m an officer of the court and don’t lie about these things. You can trust me, please.’ Penny said, again, her eyes going back to Jenny’s thighs for some reason.

Jenny saw her looking at her again and thought she might actually like her, in a sexual way. It made her feel funny, like when her dad looked at her.

‘I like sex with my dad, i can’t help it, it’s just so fucking good.’ She said boldly, opening her legs slightly.

‘I get that, i really do, but if you’re caught he will go to prison and i don’t want to see that. I know you love him but can’t you meet boys your own age?’ She asked, knowing if she was anything like her, other boys just wouldn’t cut it.

‘I’ve tried but they’re useless. Daddy makes me cum so good, it’s wonderful and i feel good for days after.’

‘Oh god, i know. This is a waste of time isn’t it? You’re just going to carry on, i see that now. Please be careful, don’t get pregnant and don’t let me catch you.’ Penny sighed, her hand now caressing Jenny’s thigh in a reassuring way, not realising she was doing it.

Jenny didn’t answer her, just watched as Penny stroked her, her heart racing with excitement.

‘Ok, you better go.’ Penny whispered, still touching her.

But Jenny didn’t want to, she liked this woman and her hand felt nice on her skin. So, she just sat there, waiting. Penny looked at her when she didn’t move, seeing that look in her eyes, the one that said you can do whatever you want to me. Her hand was just above the girl’s knee, squeezing gently, not letting go.

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