Spicing Up the Marriage: The Downfall - Cover

Spicing Up the Marriage: The Downfall

Copyright© 2024 by Quest12345

Chapter 6: Kevin

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 6: Kevin - This is a continuation of my story "Spicing Up the Marriage." In this part Matthew, who in the first part had sexual encounters with Mary in the presence of her husband, returns and turns their married life into a living hell. Beware that the tone, which in the previous story was more playful, with tags "Consenting" or "Reluctant", in this second part will have a 'darker' tone with tags "Non-consenting" and "Blackmail", partly closer to my story "Enslaved Couple".

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Mary builds closer ties with our colleague Kevin.

The weekend and the following week went more or less the same as the previous one. Matthew fucked Mary at home whenever he wanted, slept with her, and forced her to go around the house naked, while I had to watch them off in a corner or listen to them fucking in bed at night while I was on the sofa.

At work, he continued to make friends with his colleagues, trying to be nice and friendly. I began to notice that he was paying special attention to Kevin, our colleague in the sales department.

Kevin was a man of a similar age to Matthew, with dark hair, thin, short, a face that looked like a rabbit’s, brown eyes, and a look on his face that seemed to convey a lack of intelligence. A lack of intelligence that a few minutes of conversation with him fully confirmed. His results at work and his almost-zero level of sales also confirmed this impression. Normally, one would wonder how he got the job or how he was able to keep it, but knowing that he was the son of the owner of the company, it was understandable. The owner had placed him in our department in the hope that he would work and learn something, but after a few years, his progress didn’t seem to be great, not least because Kevin didn’t put much interest or effort into working or learning. Probably the knowledge that one day he would inherit the company and that he did not need to work did not spur him to make an effort.

I noticed that Matthew often had coffee with Kevin, and some days he went out to lunch with him.

One afternoon when we got home, and after Mary had undressed, she knelt down in front of Matthew, who was seated on the sofa, and asked if she could suck his cock, like other afternoons. Matthew said, “Yes, go ahead, and you, Charley, sit down. I have to tell you something.”

Mary unzipped his fly, pulled his cock out, and took it into her mouth. As Mary’s head bobbed up and down the shaft, coating it with saliva and her soft lips around his member, Matthew continued speaking, “I’ve been talking to Kevin this week. I found out that he likes Mary. I told him that I found out that she is unhappy and dissatisfied with her marriage and that Charley hasn’t fucked her in a while, which is totally true, ha, ha! and that Mary has sometimes noticed Kevin. I have told him that I have spoken very favourably to Mary about Kevin’s qualities and that she is increasingly interested in him. In short, I played the matchmaker. The idiot believed it all! He’s even believed that Mary is sexually desperate because she hasn’t had sex with anyone for a long time, ha, ha! What I want is for Mary to behave in a way that confirms what I’ve told him. Try having some coffee with him or going over to his table. Flirt with him. And tell him that I, Matthew, have spoken highly of him.”

I asked, “What are you doing this for, Matthew?”

Matthew replied, “I want to get along with the owner’s son and have him owe me favours. Right now, he is very grateful to me for what I have told him and for mediating with Mary. But this is not enough. To cement it, Mary must become Kevin’s lover.”

Mary paused, raised her head, and exclaimed, “What do you mean? How am I going to do that?”

Matthew replied,” Get back to sucking my cock and let me continue.”

Resigned, Mary continued with the blow job, and Matthew kept talking: “As you know, as a celebration of the company’s 25th anniversary this year, the owner has organised a celebration party at his country house this weekend. It’s the perfect opportunity; taking advantage of the fact that everyone will be a bit drunk and uninhibited, you need to get Kevin in the mood, and you need to end up fucking him. You have to tell him that you love him, and when you fuck, you have to convince him that he is the best lover in the world.”

I said, “Please don’t force her to do that. Besides, if it is discovered...”

But Matthew interrupted adamantly, “There’s nothing to discuss; you obey or you know what you’re in for. They’ll keep it a secret, and no one at work has to know. And if you’re just saying that because Mary fucked another man, this past weekend she fucked six guys, and the weekend before that she fucked a stranger, It won’t hurt a slut like her to fuck one more man. And now, Mary, get on top and ride me, but with your back to me, facing your hubby.”

Mary straddled him, her knees on the couch on either side of his legs. With one hand, she parted the lips of her sex, and with the other, she guided his cock, placing it at the entrance to her vagina. She began to descend, and I could watch as his cock pushed its way in, parting her labia and penetrating that soft opening that I had not enjoyed for so long. He put his hands on her waist and pushed down until she was fully engulfed in his thick, rigid member, her buttocks pressed against his crotch.

Matthew began to guide her with his hands, moving her up and down the length of his cock and fucking her slowly. When she got into the rhythm he wanted, he brought his hands to her breasts and began to fondle and knead them as he said, “What do you think, Cucky? This weekend, that stupid Kevin will be sticking his cock in this pussy that you haven’t stuck your cock in for a month, and Mary will be moaning under him and begging him to fuck her. She’ll tell him that you’re impotent and you don’t satisfy her. Every day at the office, you’ll have to watch Kevin look at you, proud that he’s fucked your wife and convinced that you’re a poor sucker who doesn’t know that he’s turned you into a cuckold. And every time he fucks her, because once he and Mary become lovers, I want them to meet at least once a week, he’ll look at you with more superiority and think you’re an asshole who doesn’t know what his wife is doing. I will help them and ‘cover their backs’ so they can get together and get Kevin to owe me more favours. What he won’t know is that you will be informed of everything, and you will even see it. I’ll try to let you watch as Kevin fucks Mary, see her cum when he puts his cock in her, and say words of love to her. Watch as he has free access and gropes these breasts that you can’t even touch. It will be so much fun.”

Matthew kept rubbing Mary’s breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples as Mary moved up and down, impaling herself on his member. I thought he enjoyed the penetration and the sex itself as much as the power he had over us. He enjoyed humiliating us, especially me. I came to think that he was envious of our marriage, of our happiness, and of me in particular. I had achieved what he had not: I had a wonderful, intelligent, sensual woman for a wife; I had a good job in which my worth was recognised and in which I would almost certainly be made head of the department when the present one retired in a few months; I had a house that, if not large, was nice and cosy.

He had none of that and was somehow trying to take it away from me and, moreover, humiliate me.

After a while, Matthew picked up the pace, started panting, threw back his head, and I could see, between Mary’s spread legs, his testicles and scrotum contracting and starting to squirt jets of semen deep into Mary’s vagina. He held her tight against his body as he ejaculated inside her and held her for a while as the whitish, sticky semen oozed out of the gap between Mary’s vagina and his cock and slid down to wet his testicles.

Mary got up and went to the bathroom to clean herself, and I thought about what Matthew had said and how Mary and I could handle this new situation: her pretending to be unhappy in her marriage, pretending to be in love with Kevin and even having sex with him, and me pretending not to be aware of Kevin and Mary’s relationship.

During the rest of the week, Mary, following Matthew’s instructions, approached Kevin several times with questions and took the opportunity to have coffee and chat with him.

Saturday finally arrived. As on previous Saturday mornings, Matthew went to train with the swim team, and we used the morning to do various chores around the house, shop for food, read, and chat. Given how overwhelming the situation was, we chose not to talk about what was going on or about Matthew, as that put us off even more. We talked about anything trivial. Also excluded was any amorous outpouring, knowing that the cameras were recording everything and remembering the punishment Matthew had imposed on us last time, forcing me to ask a stranger to sleep with Mary and her to endure being fucked without limit by an unpleasant stranger.

However, despite all the limitations, we found a renewed pleasure in being together, sharing time doing chores, and talking. In a way, not being able to have sex or have much contact and being limited made us value those shared moments more. Sitting and having a coffee, walking around the supermarket, and shopping became precious. In a way, it was like when we were courting, it was enough to be together, to feel each other’s presence next to each other, and to talk about anything.

In the evening, we got ready to go to the party. Matthew chose a purple dress for Mary, quite low-cut and very close-fitting, leaving her back exposed and showing part of her thighs. He told her not to wear a bra, as she ‘had to finish making Kevin fall in love’.

During the drive, as was now the norm, I drove while Matthew sat in the back seat with Mary, reaching down her cleavage and rubbing her breasts. After a while, he guided Mary’s head to his crotch, and she had to give him a blow job.

Arriving at the house, we saw a lot of cars parked on the driveway. Fortunately, there was still room to park, although I thought that when all the staff cars arrived, there would be no room.

The house, an old farmhouse, was very big and had several outbuildings (barn, stable, hayloft,... ) and in an area in front of the house there were round tables with food and drinks. A band played music from the top of a small stage. Some of the employees, with their wives or husbands, had already arrived.

Near the stage, we saw Kevin with a drink in his hand. Matthew gestured to Mary, saying, “There he is. You know what you have to do. If you don’t end up fucking him tonight, I’m going to have to punish you.”

We went over to greet him, and after a while, Matthew told me he wanted to talk to me about something, so we had an excuse to get away and leave Mary and Kevin alone.

For the rest of the afternoon, Mary and Kevin talked quite a bit, with logical interruptions due to greetings and conversations with other people approaching. I noticed that, when they were alone, Kevin’s attitude was changing; he was moving closer, resting his hand on Mary’s arm or shoulder, moving his head closer, and generally showing more trust and intimacy.

Having to watch with my own eyes, without being able to intervene, as my own wife flirted with and seduced another man was a very hard experience.

At dinner time, the four of us sat at the same table, along with four other people. I was seated to Mary’s left, Kevin to her right, and beyond that, Matthew. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that Kevin’s left hand more than once disappeared under the tablecloth, and I was sure he was stroking Mary’s thigh. Occasionally, it was Mary’s right hand that disappeared under the tablecloth, probably caressing Kevin’s leg.

After desserts, the owner of the company gave a speech, talking about the history of the company, founded by his father, congratulating all the employees for their great work, which had made the company grow, and welcoming the new employees.

When he finished, the musicians resumed their performance, with more danceable music now. Mary and Kevin danced to several songs and then went to the tables where the drinks were. At that point, I was talking to George, a fellow salesman in our department. He introduced me to his girlfriend, Helen, whom he had told me about in the past, and commented that they were going to get married soon. George was one of the younger employees and had joined the company a few months before Matthew.

We spent a long time talking about their plans, and when they walked away, I started to look around, but I didn’t see Kevin or Mary anywhere. The one I did see was Matthew, who motioned for me to come over to him.

When I got to his side, he said, “Come on, follow me; I think the ‘lovebirds’ have already ‘sprung into action’.”

I followed him, leading us away from the tables, the dance floor, and the busier areas, moving forward almost in the dark, until we came to a haystack. There was a door, but Matthew ignored it. We walked around the building until we saw a window high above that lit up. Climbing onto some boxes leaning against the wall, we could see inside. A small light bulb illuminated the room. On a big pile of straw were Kevin and Mary, kissing ardently and hugging each other. He was on top of her, had his hand inside Mary’s cleavage, and was fondling her breasts while she was stroking his head and neck.

Matthew pulled out his cell phone and started recording, saying to me, “You never know when it might come in handy.”

Kevin left her mouth and began to kiss Mary’s neck. Slowly, he moved to her shoulders and slowly lowered the straps of her dress until Mary’s perky breasts were in full view. He continued the tour and focused on the now bare breasts. With one hand, he caressed one, while with his mouth, he sucked and licked the other. He kept this up for a while, switching from one breast to the other with his mouth and hand.

His actions were clearly arousing Mary, who not only ‘let herself be done’ but seemed to be enjoying herself, her eyes closed, panting through her half-open mouth, and her hands resting on Kevin’s head.

After several minutes, Kevin raised himself up and moved down until he was on his knees between Mary’s legs. He pulled her dress up until the bottom was around her waist, revealing her panties. He took the panties and pulled them down to her ankles, removing them completely. He then spread Mary’s legs apart, moved his head closer, and tentatively licked her sex. Mary gasped and moaned as she felt the warmth and wetness of his tongue slowly sliding over her vaginal lips.

Kevin kept licking and fiddling with her mouth, thrusting his tongue inside her vagina or flicking her clitoris with his tip. I watched as she became more and more aroused, approaching orgasm. As always, when she was aroused, she was even more beautiful, and her naked body would attract any man. The scene was very exciting, and I, in spite of myself, noticed my cock struggling with the bars of the cock cage and trying to get an erection. A whirlwind of sensations swirled in my mind: excitement at the scene of two bodies enjoying and approaching orgasm; envy that it was another man and not me who made my wife have pleasure; jealousy that Mary was enjoying herself with another man; satisfaction thinking that, since she was forced to have sex with a man, at least she was enjoying herself; shame that I was turned on by watching my wife enjoying herself with another man; hatred of Matthew for organising it all.

Kevin continued to attack her pussy with his mouth and also brought both hands to her breasts and began to knead and rub them, rolling his thumbs over her nipples. Mary was very excited, moaning and mumbling, “Yes! ... Huuuummm ... Yes! ... Like this! ... Huuummm ... Don’t stop, Kevin ... Don’t! ... Arggg ... I’m cumming! ... I’m cumming!...”

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