Spicing Up the Marriage: The Downfall - Cover

Spicing Up the Marriage: The Downfall

Copyright© 2024 by Quest12345

Chapter 2: A New Life

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 2: A New Life - This is a continuation of my story "Spicing Up the Marriage." In this part Matthew, who in the first part had sexual encounters with Mary in the presence of her husband, returns and turns their married life into a living hell. Beware that the tone, which in the previous story was more playful, with tags "Consenting" or "Reluctant", in this second part will have a 'darker' tone with tags "Non-consenting" and "Blackmail", partly closer to my story "Enslaved Couple".

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Blackmail   Coercion   Drunk/Drugged   NonConsensual   Rape   Slavery   Heterosexual   Fiction   Cuckold   BDSM   DomSub   MaleDom   Humiliation   Rough   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   Double Penetration   Oral Sex   Sex Toys  

Matthew’s presence brings many changes and a new life for everybody.

After hearing Matthew’s voice in our office, appearing as a new employee, I stood up with a whirlwind of questions and emotions in my head: How had he found us? Why had he come to our office? How had he come to work here? What were Matthew’s plans? What could I do now? Should I shut up? Should I talk to him? Should I negotiate in some way? Should I punch him? Should I consult with Mary before taking any action?

Once I was standing before him, and still with all this confusion in my head, Matthew said, “I think we have some mutual friends, Molly and Buck. You know them, don’t you? If you like, we can have coffee, and I’ll show you pictures of them from the last time I met them.”

Hearing that threatening insinuation, even though my blood was ‘boiling’ with indignation and hatred and I wanted to beat him up, I opted to keep quiet for the moment, and out of the corner of my eye, I saw that Mary, who had come up beside me, was also opting to do nothing.

I replied politely and coldly, “Nice to meet you, Matthew. What a coincidence that we have mutual friends.”

Mary, after several efforts that reflected an inner struggle, managed to utter a weak, “Hi Matthew.”

The head of our department, having been introduced and seeing that we had something in common, said goodbye and went back to his office.

Matthew then said, “Let’s go to the coffee room and talk,” and turned to go to the coffee room without waiting for our response.

Mary and I followed him. I thought there was no point in doing anything for the moment until we knew his intentions. Fortunately, the room we had for coffee, rest, or lunch was empty at that time, as it was the end of the working day.

As soon as I closed the door, I put my hand on Matthew’s neck and shouted, “You son of a bitch! How dare you show up here? I should kill you! Tomorrow, you’ll be out of this job! We’ll report you to the police! You’re going to jail!”

He replied very calmly, “Calm down. Nothing like that is going to happen. If you wanted to file a police report, you would have already done it. And I warn you that, in addition to our last ‘party’, I have videos of all our encounters, and I don’t suppose you would like me to share them in this office. This is not the time or place to talk now. Unless you want us to discuss these matters in front of your colleagues.”

I dropped my hand from around his neck, and Mary and I, demoralised, muttered an almost inaudible ‘no’.

Matthew continued, “What we are going to do is go to your house and talk. Also, since my flat was in the city where we were meeting and I don’t have accommodation in this city yet, you’re going to be so ‘nice’ that you will tell our boss that, since we have mutual friends, you’re going to offer me accommodation at your place until I get organised in this new city and in this job.”

Mary couldn’t contain herself. “After what you’ve done, do you have the nerve to ask us to put you up? You’re crazy!”

Matthew replied, ‘Unless you want me to share the videos with your colleagues, yes. Anyway, I insist. Let’s go talk to your house now and review the situation. If, when we’re done, you want to kick me out of the house and go to the police station, you can do that.”

I then said, ‘Well, Mary, let’s go home and see how the situation is and what this is about the videos he says he has. We can’t talk clearly here either. At any moment, someone could walk in who has been left finishing up unfinished work.”

Mary said very angrily, “Okay, let’s go home.” She turned and slammed the door out of the room.

I said to Matthew, “Let’s go to our house then. The address is...”

But Matthew interrupted me and said, “Don’t worry, I know it.”

That Matthew knew our personal address worried me even more.

Mary and I left the office and drove home in her car, which was the one we had brought to work that day. On the way, we hardly spoke, except to wonder aloud how he could have found us and, more importantly, what his intentions were. After he had shown his true colours, the thought of having to share a job with a bastard like Matthew seemed horrible. When I told Mary that Matthew also knew our home address, her face turned pale. We seemed to be living a nightmare—a bad dream. Little did we know at the time how real this nightmare would become.

When we got home, we sat in the living room, waiting for him to arrive. We were very tense, and the wait made us even more nervous. Fortunately, shortly after we arrived, we heard a car parking, and then the doorbell rang.

I went to open the door, and Matthew came in and followed me into the living room.

We were both sitting on the sofa, and he sat in one of the armchairs.

Matthew then began to speak, “Don’t interrupt me; listen to me all the way through. First of all, I suppose you’re wondering how I tracked you down.”

He continued, very proud of what he was saying: “You see, when I was organising our last ‘party’ at the motel, I realised that it was a great loss not to continue to enjoy such a juicy pussy as Molly’s, or rather, Mary’s, or her mouth or her tits. So I waited in a motel room and kept watch until you left the room and went to your car. I tried to follow you with my car, but I lost track of you in traffic. However, I had written down the number plate of your car. I told you that I work, well, used to work, selling cars. Thanks to that, I have contacts in the traffic department in this part of the country. I cashed in on some favours they owed me and got them to give me your details from the car’s registration number. With that, I was able to keep an eye on your house and follow you to the job, which, remembering the fair Mary attended, I knew was related to book publishing. I sent in a curriculum vitae, and, I guess because of all the new work after the fair, I’ve been hired as a salesman.’

I interrupted, “But you don’t know anything about this business! You used to sell used cars!”

Matthew replied with a smile, “Well, I had to ‘embellish’ and ‘beautify’ my curriculum vitae a bit. But it worked.”

I replied, “But you’re going to be found out in no time! Better! We’ll be rid of you in no time.”

He replied, “In the end, the sale is the sale. And besides, you two will help me in any way I need.”

Mary didn’t hold back. “You’re crazy! You think we’re going to help you, so we have to put up with your filthy face in the office!”

Matthew said, very confidently, “Yes. Of course, you’re going to help me. Now let me explain the situation to you. As I told you, I have videos of all our meetings. I don’t think you’d like me sending them to your co-workers or making them public. Imagine what your parents would think watching Mary fucking another man, enjoying herself like a bitch, with Charles watching it all. Or Mary fucking four men in a row.”

Matthew waited a few seconds for us to digest and reflect on what he had said and continued, “But there’s more. In the video of Mary with Thomas, the captain of my team, it is clear that she charges him and practices prostitution. That is a jailable offence here. In addition, at our last party, while you were all stunned, I recorded how the four of us men who were there paid Mary for her ‘services’. I have also recorded how we paid Charles in exchange for small envelopes, which evidently contained drugs. The recordings do not show your clients’ faces, but they do show your faces in detail. So you would both go to jail. Mary for prostitution, and Charles for drug dealing. And I certainly don’t think you’d be able to go back to your jobs when you got out. I would imagine that a salesperson of educational publications who has to visit schools and colleges can’t have a criminal record.”

I replied, “You’re making it up! It’s a ‘bluff’!”

Matthew said, “I’ll show you. As you could see at our ‘party’, my friend is at the front desk of the motel, and, every Friday, he let me put a camera in the air conditioning vent and pick it up when you were leaving. I also have the video conference with Thomas and the recording of the last day.”

He walked over to the TV, turned it on, and set his cell phone to stream content to the TV screen. On the screen, clips from the motel room began to appear. They showed Mary fucking him on various days and in various positions. Also, as he had said, was the encounter with Thomas, but the worst was the last video. It showed four men handing over money to Mary in exchange for having her for the whole night. I was also clearly seen collecting their money and handing them envelopes containing a white powder.

I was beginning to see the situation as increasingly desperate. Mary’s face was pale, and I could see the desperation in her eyes. I pleaded with Matthew, “Please don’t do that to us. You’ll ruin our lives. Besides, we still have mortgage payments on this house. If we don’t pay, we’ll lose the house. Without a job and without a house, we’d become beggars.”

Matthew replied, “No problem. You just have to obey me in everything I tell you, including helping me keep my new job. I’m not going to change my mind. You only have to choose between two options: one, go to prison for a few years, lose your jobs and careers, your home, and the respect of your families, friends, and colleagues; and the other, obey me in absolutely everything I tell you. That includes hosting me in this house until I decide to leave, and of course I will fuck Mary as much as I want. She’s been cumming a lot when I’ve fucked her, so I don’t think she’ll mind. As for you, I might let you touch her sometime, but until I give you permission, her body is forbidden to you. Her body will be my property, and I will decide who can fuck her, including my friends.”

Both Mary and I were speechless. We looked at each other, weighing the predicament we seemed to be in.

Finally, I said to Matthew, “We need to think about it and talk about it. Can you give us time?”

He replied cockily, leaning back on the armchair like he owned it, “Yeah, sure. Go to the kitchen and get me a beer, and you can talk it over while you’re at it.”

Mary and I got up and, dragging our feet and, I would say, our whole bodies, went to the kitchen.

Once there, I asked Mary, “What do we do? This bastard has us trapped. He can ruin our lives, but the thought of having to obey him, and especially the thought that he’s going to touch you and fuck you whenever he wants, using your body at will, is insufferable to me.”

“Me too, but I don’t see any way out. With all that we have worked and dreamed of, if he makes these images public, apart from the shame and humiliation, we could possibly lose our jobs. But if he also sends the police the latest footage, we go to jail. Even if it’s only a few years, to get out of prison and find ourselves without a job or a home ... it would be terrible.”

“But we could claim we were drugged.”

“I don’t think so; if we get tested, surely there won’t be any more traces of the drug they gave us a week ago. Besides, there’s the recording with Thomas, and we can’t justify that one. If they call him, he’ll swear I was a prostitute he hired. Furthermore, the friend at the motel can testify that I was a prostitute who went there on other days. I don’t see a way out, Charley,” Mary finished, leaning her head on my chest and bursting into tears.

I stroked her hair as tenderly and lovingly as I could and said, “We’ll do whatever you want. From what that son of a bitch said, you’ll bear the brunt of it, as you’ll have to endure him fucking you whenever he feels like it.”

“I think I can take it. When he fucks me, I’ll close my eyes and think it’s you. We’ll have to accept his blackmail, and in the meantime, we’ll try to find a way to get rid of him.”

I hugged her tightly and said, “Whatever happens, I love you, Mary.”

“And I love you, Charley. Madly.”

We grabbed a can of beer to take to Matthew and went back, holding hands, into the living room. I handed the can to Matthew and, with great difficulty, managed to get out of my mouth, almost inaudibly, the words, “All right, Matthew. You can stay here, and we’ll obey you.”

He sat up in the chair with a smile and said, “I didn’t hear you, Charley. Say it louder.”

I repeated, “You can stay in the house, Matthew, and we’ll obey what you say.”

Matthew then stood up, walked up to Mary, stood behind her back, and, sliding his hands from her hips to rest on her breasts and squeeze them, he said, “And you, Mary, do you agree? Will you obey me in everything I command?”

Mary lowered her head and said, “Yes, I will obey.”

With a satisfied look on his face, Matthew said, “Perfect. I’m glad we understand each other. For starters, Charley, show me my new quarters.”

When Mary called me Charley, it was an expression of trust and affection, but Matthew used it with an air of superiority, as if he were addressing a child or someone very inferior.

Matthew moved to Mary’s left side, rested his right arm on her shoulder, and reached down inside her blouse and bra, kneading Mary’s right breast as he said, “Charley, show it to us like we’re a newlywed couple. In a way, I feel like that. I’m going to start a new life with a new job and sleep every night pressed against this exciting body. And of course, like all good newlyweds, fucking all the time. There are couples who ‘debut’ the house by fucking in every room. What do you say we do that, Mary?”

In an inaudible voice, Mary replied, “No need, Matthew. And besides, we’re not newlyweds.”

“Too bad you don’t think so, Mary,” said Matthew. “But in any case, it’s not your decision; it’s mine.”

I was devastated at how calmly Matthew took advantage of us and humiliated us. I would have liked to punch his smirk and smug expression off his face, but I knew I had to restrain myself; the alternative was worse, though sometimes I wondered if it was really worse. But for the moment, it was better to hold back. Maybe he’d get tired, or we’d find a way to get rid of him. The other option had no ‘way back’.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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