Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 7

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 7 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Note: When the conversation is a telepathic exchange, it is indicated by italics font.

It was the morning of the 20th day, Sixmonth, 6th year when the Command Staffs began arriving at Tara Ardchlár for their weekly meeting. Sarah’s Clan was the first to arrive at Central Square. This was the name decided on for the square in the center of the 7 by 7 kilometer area that comprised their settlement. While they often spoke of the area as being flat, in reality it wasn’t. The surrounding area consisted of very small hills of varying heights with gentle slopes. This was easier to see now that the grass had been cut and some scrub brush had been removed. From the square they could see the crest of the hill 12 km to the east where they had watched the sun rise. To the west rose another hill which was almost the same distance from Central Square. It was essentially the same height as the one in the east. The settlement’s East – West center line crossed the tops of the two hills. Although it was not obvious, Central Square was slightly higher than the area surrounding it.

They paused to look around. The first the thing they noticed was that there were now markers at the corners of each square. There was also a marker in the center of each square with a distinctly different label. On seeing the markers, they remembered Amy’s Clan mentioning them the last time they reviewed the plans.

Off to the northeast, they could see the temporary spaceport and its associated operations. Directly to the north, and along the west side of the spaceport, were growing stacks of supplies they had brought down from their ships. Most of these were covered by large dome tents. To the southwest of 1W 2S and 2W 1S were several very large domed tents covering the temporary residences.

Directly south of them, located at 1S, was the large habitat containing their current kitchen, next to it was a large dome tent covering the dining area. The habitat containing the Medical Center was currently located on 1W 1S but it would eventually move to a permanent home at 1W.

Maeve said, “Every time I look around this location I am amazed. While it appears to be relatively flat, it’s not, as we saw when it rained the other day. An hour after the rain finished there wasn’t any standing water.”

“The rainfall only amounted to a few centimeters, perhaps 3, over half a day or so,” said Joyce. “The forecast is indicating a stronger weather front passing over us in a few days. They are projecting a lot more rain with it.”

“Will that affect the tunneling work?” asked Jill.

“It is not expected to,” responded Claudette, “as each entrance is covered, and there are barriers to deflect surface runoff away from them.”

Janet said, “That looks like Siobhan’s and Kathryn’s Clans coming toward us from the flight operations area.”

“It is,” said Alison.

Sarah, on a cruiser returning from An Clochán, said, “Thanks for the view. It is a lovely location, and even more beautiful when you are actually there.”

We agree,” responded her spouses at Tara Ardchlár. “When you get back, you need to tell us if there is a difference between seeing it through us and first hand.”

You know, I don’t think that that is a comparison I’ve ever made.”

Rusty said, “I don’t think any of us have done it intentionally, but my casual recollections are that there isn’t a difference in the visual aspect. However, the other sensations that go along with being at a location aren’t as strong.”

I agree,” responded Aoife.

How is the trip back?”

Not progressing as fast as we would like.”

You must be getting pretty close,” said Joyce, “as your thoughts are much stronger today.”

We expect to be there on the 43rd or 44th. Today we plan on just listening to your discussion.”

Although we’ll chip in if we see you are missing something,” added Siobhan from their cruiser.

Please do,” responded those at Tara Ardchlár’s Central Square.

With the arrival of the other clans they all began greeting each other with hugs and kisses before sitting down in a circle.

Molly said, “What is planned for this square? I don’t remember seeing any notes on the site map.”

Jim of Amy’s Clan responded with, “One suggestion is for it to be a park, another an amphitheater, but that is in the future. At some point in the next few days a dome tent will be set up here. This will provide offices and meeting areas for the Councilors and their support staff. It will also be where we host meetings with visitors. To provide them with temporary office space we plan to set up smaller adjoining tents with covered connector walkways. Within a year or so the Councilor’s offices and meeting areas will move to a permanent building at 1E. Those accommodations will also have provisions to host visitors.

“Another dome tent is to be placed on 1N. This will provide work areas for those involved in settlement operations. Those work areas will also move into 1E when that building is complete.

“Once those two moves are complete we could turn this area into a park. At some point we will need a large amphitheater for family meetings, so perhaps that would be a better choice. We might consider a combination as the amphitheater could be used for shows or similar events. Our site map doesn’t include any parks, but these could be placed in the squares near the residences.”

“What about the knoll for family meetings?” asked Kathy.

“While the site is great for the ceremony we have planned, it isn’t very good for family meetings. This is primarily because of sight lines. The audience can see and hear those on the knoll, however, they can’t see everyone else, and will likely only hear them telepathically. This alone would make family meetings there difficult. It is also a great place to relax and contemplate issues so it would be best left in its natural state.”

“So when do we need to decide how we want to use this location?”

“Any time, but probably before the fourth residence group is started. That group will be at 2E 1N and will be followed by the group at 1E 2N. Tentative plans have residence groups at 1W 2S and 2W 1S next in the sequence. By making establishing the sequence early, it makes it easier to plan tunnel construction.”

Sarah said, “From our perspective here, we think we should build the residence groups as the site plan shows. I think everyone is satisfied with that aspect of the plan. As to the other Common buildings, we should let our needs determine how many are built.”

“We agree,” said Kathryn of Kathryn’s Clan with the others nodding in agreement.

Brandan said, “It seems to me that our plans have the construction moving round the site clockwise with this as the center.”

“Pretty much,” replied Jim. “I am told that it is a bit more efficient that way. The buildings occupying the squares around this one will likely be completed before we have many buildings in the southwest sector. After 1E is occupied, work will begin on 1W. This is an exception but that is the location for our Medical Center. The reason for the exception is that we need the Medical Center and don’t want to move it several times. It will likely extend into 1W 1S.”

“Okay,” said Amy. “When we update the site map on the network, we will add the appropriate comments.”

Kendra of Siobhan’s Clan said, “I like the way you’ve labeled the grid for the settlement. The notation makes it very easy to know the location of everything.”

“Thanks. We like this approach as the grid label tells you how far you are from the center, and in which direction.”

“What is the timing for the group leaving Sol?” queried Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan.

Sally said, “No change in departure date. The passenger ships are all capable of FTL Factor 6 so they may be here as much as a week earlier than initially estimated.”

After discussing the preparations at An Clochán, Erica changed the topic by saying, “The space manufacturing and fort development groups have moved away from placing the forts at the L4 and L5 positions of Ananu’s moons. They are now considering placing them at around 10 ls from Ananu, with Manufacturing at between 2 and 4 ls away. Current plans are to begin moving a large asteroid for Manufacturing into position in about a week. It is expected to take about a month before it reaches its final position. Once they are comfortable with the technique, they will begin moving another, which will also be for Manufacturing.”

“How are they going to move it?”

“I don’t know all the details, but they will use several Badb-2 cruisers to give it a slight push. It is anticipated that it will take several nudges to get it into an orbit around Ananu with the desired characteristics. They plan on beginning site preparation during its move. Besides identifying another for Manufacturing, one has also been selected for a fort. The reason for approaching this step-wise is that the library is lacking in detail on how it is done.”

Lunch had just started when the Command Staffs were finishing their review of the family’s activities. Seeing people entering the dining area Brigid of Keriann’s Clan said, “Do you all realize that they’ve started serving lunch?”

“That sounds good to me,” responded Colleen of Maureen’s Clan. “I think we’ve covered the agenda, and besides I’m hungry.”

Mégane of Maureen’s Clan said, “Before we do that, our medical staff has noticed an increase in rashes and minor injuries among those wondering around our island. Their concern is that some of the scratches took longer to heal than normal. I didn’t see any similar comments from the other groups.”

“We’ve only seen that with people who didn’t clean the wound before coming to see us,” replied Kathy of Kathryn’s Clan. “There were a few who didn’t follow care instructions and had problems. We’ve been reminding them to carry a first aid kit and weapons when out exploring.”

Alan of Molly’s Clan added, “Weapons are a good idea. Several commented that they were stalked by what appeared to be predators when they didn’t have lions with them.”

“As well as, we can tell everyone is signing out with Security before leaving, so we could have them offer a reminder about weapons and first aid kits at that time,” said Terry of Sarah’s Clan. “Besides laser pistols they should take a slug thrower, especially if they want to bring back anything they kill.”

“I take it we have hunters,” said Mairia of Jackie’s Clan.

“Yes,” replied Sally. “Everyone that has asked about it is planning on hunting this fall. Weapons will likely be slug throwers, as well as long bows and cross bows. We should designate an area for that to take place so that it doesn’t impact other activities.”

“Since we don’t have family kitchens yet, what are they going to do with the meat?”

“I would imagine they will bring it back to the food processing area,” responded Conan

“We shouldn’t overlook fishing,” said Brandan, “as there are some similar issues there. Besides, how do we know that what is caught will be edible?”

“Likely trial and error. Anything else?” asked Rusty. When no one responded he added, “Well let’s go to lunch.”

“What are you doing after lunch?” asked Conan.

“We plan on going exploring again with some of the children.”

“They’ve told us about some of your trips. They really seem to enjoy them.”

“It has been fun and relaxing.”

“It seems like you’ve looked at a lot of places on the island.”

“We’ve gone back to a few places. Except for the first couple of times they’ve picked the area we explore. We’ve used the IPTP’s to get there most of the time, and then walked around, but always in groups of three or four.”

“I think quite a few clans are doing something similar. We probably will as well once the babies are a little older.”

Terry said, “We would probably do things differently if ours were that small. At Comrie, once ours were very mobile, they went with us when we went for hikes.”

“Now that you mention it, I remember that.”

In the arrival area of An Clochán, Súsanna’s Clan welcomed the officers from the three passenger ships. After greetings were complete Captain Norlanz of Princes Manria said, “This place seems almost like a ghost town now.”

“It’s not quite that deserted,” replied Yvonne. “When we depart tomorrow there will still be about 300 people left. About a third of them are with the 2 cruisers we’ve stationed here. The conference room is this way.”

“Good morning,” said Kara to the group as they entered the conference room. “As before, refreshments are on the counter, please help yourselves.”

Officer Crinique from Golden Knight Astrogation said, “Thank you. Those we had yesterday were very tasty, but I think if I have them too many times I will gain weight.”

“Well it is your choice,” responded a smiling Officer Marsika from Princes Manria Astrogation, “and no one is forcing you to take them.”

Crinique laughed and then said, “But they are so good, I guess I’ll just need to use the exerciser longer.”

Once everyone was seated Pat of Kara’s Clan said, “I think this is essentially the same group that we met with yesterday. Do we need to do introductions again?” After a moment he continued, “No-one seems to want that, so let’s begin. Now that you’ve had a chance to study the operations plan, is everyone okay with it?”

Officer Marsika looked at Captain Norlanz before saying, “After thinking it over and running preliminary calculations, we think it will work just fine. As you know, yesterday I had some concerns about not knowing our exact departure time and vector until shortly before we leave this system. After we left yesterday the Captain and I discussed it. He pointed out some subtle benefits which altered my perspective, so I’ve changed my mind.”

First Officer Qtarkar of Golden Knight hardly let him finish speaking before saying loudly, “In spite of the Captain agreeing to this, I believe the risk is much greater than you think.”

“What do you see as the risk then?” asked Kristin of Kara’s Clan.

“There are at least two very significant risks. One is that with us not knowing our destination we run the risk of exiting FTL into a rock. The other is that our crew is not familiar with traveling in FTL alongside other ships. This greatly increases the risk of a collision.”

Captain Ptrizne said, “I only agreed with the fact that our crew has not operated this way previously. As to nearby ships, it is no different to operating at a busy spaceport. In fact, our plan calls for more separation than is normal in a space port. If Astrogation is comfortable with the plan then we will follow it.” As he was speaking he looked over at Officer Crinique who nodded, indicating that she was comfortable with it.

“I still don’t think we should change our operating procedures just because these people are concerned about space pirates.”

After several more exchanges Captain Ptrizne said, “First Officer Qtarkar, I think it would be best for you to remain here at Sol41.”

“You can’t do that.”

“I most certainly can. You are hereby relieved and will return to Sol41 now! We will send your gear there. The site Commander will arrange your return to Monque.”

As the Captain finished speaking Officer Qtarkar lunged at him, knocking several people aside. Before he could reach the Captain, Zyworki and Eimile had him face down on the table with his arms pulled tightly behind his back.

After a Security team had taken Officer Qtarkar from the conference room Captain Ptrizne said, “My apologies to everyone.”

“Sir,” said the Golden Knight purser, “I am surprised you’ve put up with him as long as you have.”

“There were times when it was difficult. Now we are short a First Officer, and that is a position that will be difficult to work around.”

Officer Crinique commented, “I think you have several people who could be your First Officer, at least on a temporary basis until we reach our destination.”

“That is a solution, but I think we’ve disrupted this meeting and aired our dirty laundry for too long.”

Charles of Súsanna’s Clan said, “We may have staff that we can lend you for the trip. However, we will need to know the position’s duties and knowledge requirements.”

“Thank you. We’ll let you know later today if we need assistance.”

Pat said, “Now back to the topic at hand. To perhaps clear one concern that was expressed. The destinations for the three intermediate jump points are all in areas that will be free of any significant objects for at least 4 clock cycles either side of our arrival. Cruiser DBN12 will be the lead ship and our clock reference. Now let’s have a walkthrough of our plan.”

It was nearly lunch time when they finished. Captain Ersatz said, “It has been a while since I’ve traveled with a group of ships, and some of those journeys were more interesting than they needed to be. I am looking forward to this one as I think we shall have a pleasant voyage.”

Kara said, “If you think of anything else, let us know immediately because it is always possible that we’ve missed something.”

“Oh, we will,” responded several.

As the crew from the Golden Knight were gathering their things Nainsi of Christina’s Clan said, “Captain Prizne, we would like to follow you up to your ship and pick up the First Officer’s gear.”

“I had planned on sending it down, but your offer will work just fine.”

“Actually, we wanted to do a little more than just pick it up, we want to be involved with gathering it and checking out the areas he frequented.” Her comments caused him to frown. “We don’t have any specific reason to be concerned, but think we should be super cautious due to the way he acted.”

The Captain looked at his officers and then said, “Fine.”

“Captain,” said Crinique, “either Braque or I can show them his area and introduce him to the crew he had frequent contact with.”

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with your duties.”

“I don’t see this as taking very long, but I’ll make sure it doesn’t.”

So what did you guys sense?” asked Kaelee of Christina’s Clan.

Hard to express, even this way. It was like he knew something, or had heard something, about this trip that he didn’t want to think about, so we thought we should see what we can find out about him.”

Kara said, “Okay.”

It was late the next morning when Christina on Badb-2 PBN14 said to the ships orbiting Mars, “We are going to leave for our rendezvous point in 30 minutes. When you are ready, begin your move to join us in your assigned position.”

“Aye,” replied the Commanders of the cruisers.

“Aye,” replied Captain Ersatz of IN404.

“Aye,” replied Captain Ptrizne of Golden Knight.

“We will likely be last to arrive,” responded Captain Norlanz. “A shuttle just docked. As soon as the passengers are on board, we will be ready to leave.”

“We sort of expected that,” replied Sybil of Christina’s Clan.

Alana on IBN13 added, “We will wait and follow them. MBM04 will travel with us.”

“Noted,” replied Mildred of Christina’s Clan.

The 11 ships were outbound from Sol system when Christina said, Grey Eagle Two, formation is optimum. FTL transition in 60 minutes. Standby to receive voyage parameters.”

“Aye,” came the response from each ship.

“5... 4... 3... 2... 1 ... Mark.”

On PBN14 the icons representing each ship showed as yellow for several seconds before turning green, indicating that the data had been received and validated. It was 14:50 when the ship icons began flashing green, indicating that all system checks were complete. During this time Grey Eagle Two had been accelerating. At 14:55 Mildred said, “All ships at Sublight Factor 9. All positions nominal.”

“Sync time base counters on my mark,” said Christina.

“Aye, came the response from each ship.

“5... 4... 3... 2... 1 ... Mark.”

Almost immediately the icons on PBN14’s monitor flashed green, indicating that the time was in sync on all the ships.

A few minutes later Christina said, “Initiate FTL countdown timer on my mark.”

“Aye,” came the response from each ship.

“5... 4... 3... 2... 1 ... Mark.”

The icons on PBN14’s monitor showed the progress of each ship toward FTL transition. As the transition time approached Christina became more and more agitated. It was approaching the one minute mark when she felt an arm rest on her shoulder. The distraction caused her to jump and she nearly screamed until she realized it was Brigit.

“I didn’t intend to startle you.”

“I didn’t feel you next to me.”

“I noticed. Even though it is hard to do, you need to relax so that if decisions are needed your thoughts will be clear enough that you can respond appropriately.”

“I know, but it is difficult, even though I know each ship has an excellent crew who are prepared.”

“All of you have done well in preparing for this voyage. Your interaction with the crews of the passenger ships has had a very positive impact on their attitude. This is especially true for Princes Manria and Golden Knight. While many have heard the story of the Órarduine’s assistance to Emprika, there are some who doubt whether it really happened.”

“I think all of us were surprised at how quickly that became known.”

“For the most part ship’s captains and officers share their experiences. They all realize the benefits of this and even make some observations about them. The stories from these crews will add to your reputation.”

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