Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 5

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 5 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Note: When the conversation is a telepathic exchange, it is indicated by italics font.

“Good evening and welcome to An Clochán,” said the Command Staff as they opened the evening meeting. “Unfortunately we weren’t here to welcome you when you arrived. When we reached Celia System we were very surprised to learn of you all being here. Before we go any further we need to introduce ourselves. We represent the 8 Command Staffs who oversee Órarduine activities. There are two of us from each Command Staff and currently all of our Command Staffs are clans.”

Aoife then said, “I am Aoife of Sarah’s Clan.” The others followed her lead.

After the introductions they resumed speaking in unison with, “Some of you have been here several Earth months and are likely becoming anxious about your future with us. Let us assure you that all of you do have a future with us if that is what you want. Our culture is different to the one you left so there will be adjustments that you need to make in order to be successful and comfortable with us.

“Now for a slight detour in topics. We referred to Earth months, which should indicate to you that our calendar is different. Too quickly summarize, an hour has the same duration on Earth, Mars, and Ananu. As you know a day on Earth is 24 hours. Here we refer to a 24 hour period as a ‘clock cycle’, and it is exactly 24 hours in length. We use clock cycles for that time period here to distinguish it from Earth time. As a week here has 10 clock cycles. There are 40 cc in a month and 12 months in an Órarduine year. Our days of the week are named Firday, Secday, Thirday, Fouday, Fivday, Sixday, Sevday, Eigday, Ninday and Tenday. Ananu’s calendar is different. There are more details in the orientation videos and library.

“As to this settlement, it is approaching its capacity. This happens to be the greatest number of people who have resided here. Now some of you are thinking, ‘how can that be?’. Well, when this was our sole settlement over half of us lived on our ships and we commuted as necessary.

“While our food preparation is different to the way you did it on Earth, we hope you’ve found it acceptable. By the way, it happens to be the same food that we have on our ships.

“Our trip to Celia System lasted a little longer than was planned. This was due to several unexpected events during our voyage. The first delay was caused by operational problems with the cargo ships. Another involved assisting a stranded passenger ship. The ship was from one of the planets in the Monque World. There were several other incidents. Communications is pulling together an article about the journey which should be available in a few days, but it could be a week. Unfortunately the library here hasn’t been updated with our experiences since leaving here. This should happen over the next few clock cycles.

“Now we have several items to cover before we open the floor to general questions. First, let’s consider safety. To most of you, our settlement here probably seems to be just like a big building on Earth, while in fact it comes closer to having the same characteristics as a space ship. If the exterior is breached, then everyone in that section will die unless they respond immediately and correctly. As you’ve been shown there are emergency environmental suits readily available in each suite. These are to provide you with protection until you reach an area with a safe environment. Once our artificial environment is lost, vocal communication becomes impossible. This is why we rely on telepathy, and why those who aren’t telepathic must carry a communicator with them at all times. In an emergency you must follow the broadcast instructions which are duplicated on your communicator. They will get you to a safer place without distracting the staff. While getting everyone to safety is a high priority, every staff member has specific assignments. The quicker they can begin those assignments the greater the likelihood of avoiding severe damage, injures or death.

“This morning our systems perceived an external threat. In response, everyone was instructed to go to the manufacturing area immediately. This is the cavern that the settlement is attached to, and which extends a considerable distance underground. Most of you did respond as instructed although some were slow in doing so, that is not acceptable.

“The perceived threat was the arrival of 4 space ships. Now, they were a considerable distance from here, but not necessarily a long time from here. They were identified as being from the Dutsuz World but it wasn’t known who was operating them. Breacadh knew that earlier today Durale, who are Dutsuz rebels, were attempting to enter Celia System undetected. So from his perspective the probability of an attack was significant, thus the request for everyone to move to a safer area. While everyone was moving to the cave the staff were activating the weapons systems. If it had been an attack, it could have begun before you were all in the designated area of the cave. It is imperative that you respond quickly when requested to relocate. Again, by following instructions you are letting the staff focus on their duties. Once an attack began the cave would be isolated from the settlement. Anyone remaining outside would be on their own. Why the cave? Let’s just say that it is much more defensible than the settlement buildings.

“The next topics presume that you’ve come to be a part of the Órarduine family, so we are going to go over several things we need you to do, and also to tell you of our plans.”

With that they reviewed the need to complete a full health scan, to have a telepathy evaluation, and to use the learning centers. This was followed by a review of activity on Ananu, including the plans for Tara Ardchlár.

“In order to be able to transport everyone to Ananu we’ve asked the Iridiens, Monques and Atewas if they have passenger ships available that we could lease. We are expecting an answer within the next couple of weeks. However, we want to complete the health and telepathy evaluations before the move.

“Since arriving many of you have assisted the staff and that is greatly appreciated. As to the items we’ve requested you to complete, you will be automatically provided with appointments either via your communicator or telepathically. Whenever you have questions, concerns, or don’t understand something, ask the staff. The site AI and departmental AIs can also assist, but you need to ask. Breacadh can be reached any place in the complex just by beginning the question with his name.

“Now let’s hear your questions. Please stand first so we can call on you. We would prefer that questions not be repeated, but if in doubt let us decide.”

Several people stood. Kathleen nodded toward a woman and said, “Ester, your question.”

The woman gasped on hearing her name but then said, “Why do we need to have another physical? I thought we received one when we arrived.”

“You did receive one, but its purpose was to determine whether you had health issues that needed immediate treatment. This probably won’t sound right, but the health scan we are asking you to take is essentially a complete physical. With our technology it does not take very long. A clock cycle or two after completing it you will have an opportunity to review the results with a physician. You can do this alone or invite friends to attend the meeting with you. If an issue is found the doctor will describe it, and its consequences, as well as offer treatment. Whether you accept any treatment or not is solely your choice.”

“Thank you. You didn’t mention telepathy.”

“Everyone will be evaluated to see if they have telepathic ability. This actually takes longer to do than the health scan. Currently I believe they plan to do the evaluation right after the health scan, if there is a long wait then it will be scheduled for one of the times you are in the Medical center. Carrying a communicator around doesn’t mean you are not telepathically active. Many of our family carry them because they are great for keeping track of notes, appointments, and other stuff.”

“Again, thank you.”

“Evan your question,” said Kelly.

“If I enable my telepathy, does it mean that everyone will see my thoughts?”

“Not unless you want them to. There is a difference between thinking, and telepathic communication. One way to visualize this is to think of our brain as having multiple compartments. Communication is handled in one area. Memories are in another. Thoughts can be in one compartment, or several, if the topics are divergent. You determine who can see more than a specific communication. Unfortunately, there is the possibility of ‘telepathic hackers’. When we assist you in enabling your telepathy you will be shown how to detect and deal with intrusions. Not activating your telepathy doesn’t protect you from those types of attacks.”

“How does this fit in with what is referred to as a ‘mind-link’?

“Our knowledge of ‘mink-link’ relates to Órarduine clans. This is a sharing of memories, thoughts, and thought processes within the clan. How open it is, is something that a clan establishes for themselves. It is a part of the bonding among clan members. We do know that the more extensive their sharing the stronger their bond. However, each must participate in this of their own free will or it will negatively affect the family’s bond. We don’t know if this attribute is specific to Órarduine. Does that help?”

“Yes. I will probably have a better sense of this after my telepathy is activated.”

“To an extent. If you have more questions speak with either our medical staff or us.”

“Thank you.”

“Sonia, you are next,” said Kylie.

“Do we have to become Órarduine in order to move to Ananu?”

“Nope. Definitely not if your intent is to just live and work on Ananu. Currently you must be Órarduine to qualify as a crew member on our ships, or to fly Star Fighters. This is also partially true for our Security teams. Whether you become an Órarduine or not is a choice for you to make and it is something you must request. The Medical staff can answer your questions. You can also ask others who have made the change. Ask the Medical staff about this as they may be able to direct you to someone who had a similar background to yours.”

“Thank you.”

“Tyler, you are next,” said Aoife.

“What is the currency? How do we get paid?”

“Currently there isn’t one. However, everyone in our family does have a savings account. What is going into those accounts are credits which are based on longevity in post, responsibilities, and contributions to our growth. It is envisioned that when we begin using a currency, these credits will be converted to it. When everyone begins receiving a salary all of our services will be assigned a value. Currently we see our family as being several Ananu years from making that transition. These decisions will be made by the whole family.”

“How will you pay for leasing the passenger ships?”

“Possibly by mining minerals. Actually, that is how we earned money to pay for the purchases we made on Earth. The choir’s earnings all went to military relief and dependent support organizations”

“That makes sense. Thank you.”

After answering several more questions Sarah said, “Let’s close this session because it is getting late. Traditionally, after breakfast each morning we’ve gone over the day’s programmed activities, and we plan to do that while we are here. Health scans won’t start for a clock cycle. Your communicator will alert you to your appointments. In the morning a schedule will be available indicating time and place for the showing of the orientation videos. Anyone who would like to assist the staff, let Staffing department know. We are certain that they can match you up with something that fits your skill set.”

The Command Staff representatives then said, “Good night and sleep well.”

It was the beginning of their first full day at An Clochán and the Command Staff representatives were freshening up. Aoife said, “I think yesterday went fairly well.”

Agreed,” replied the others.

It really didn’t register until I saw the group assembled, but we have guests from every part of Earth.”

I noticed that as well,” responded Calvin. “Although it was touched on yesterday, one aspect really stands out, especially after meeting Mark, Kenshin, Egan, Norma and Elanor. Nearly all of those here due to security concerns are people we interacted with as Órarduine. Those that weren’t knew Sarah and her friends before they arrived at Comrie.”

I thought that was the case but hadn’t looked into it,” added Sarah.

It’s valid,” responded Siobhan. “Zoe’s group was watching the crowd, so they may have a better sense of our guests.”

Melissa said, “Based on our observations Effie increased monitoring on 33 people.”

I saw that,” added Chester. “Our Security Teams determined that the others they were concerned about were telepathic. In each case the team pushed a couple of thoughts to them. For most they simply reminded them of the Medical staff’s reputation and followed that with a prompt to visit them. Some they had to push pretty hard before they decided to see the Medical staff.”

Why is that?”

In spite of knowing we are telepathic, they had pretty well convinced themselves that they were crazy. They felt that if the Medical staff found out then they would be sent back to Earth. All were deathly afraid of returning to Earth. The teams alerted the Medical staff so that they can attempt to determine what was behind that fear.”

Good,” replied the others.

After breakfast,” said Sarah, “we need to remind everyone that both Ananu and here have a different calendar and time keeping period to those used on Earth. Today is clock cycle 4425 ÓT and 3545 AT, but the actual time of day is different.”

Breacadh has both dates and times displayed,” said Alissa. “Earth time is also available.”

Good. Our planned departure is in approximately 15 ÓT clock cycles.

After our morning meeting, let’s all go to Medical so we can help them with those who came with Norma and Elanor. Following that we should circulate in groups of 4 and keep our link open.”

Are we still planning on getting together before dinner?” asked Katia.

Yes, 16:00 ÓT in the Security center conference room.”

While seeing the videos is important,” said Erica, “we shouldn’t require those familiar with them to sit through them again. Systems should know who has seen them more than once, so why not ask them to just take the test, that way they won’t be perceived as being treated any differently than the rest.”

Good idea,” replied everyone.

Let’s go to breakfast as I am hungry,” added Chester.

Zoe said, “We are in the corridor. We’ve been thinking about what we observed yesterday. There were a couple of dozen people last night who only paid cursory attention to what was being said. It was almost like they were marking time. They were pointed out to Effie and Faolán. It is our understanding that they were going to look at their past activities and background. In the meantime they are being actively monitored.

As to everyone else, they seemed anxious to get on with their future. Some had concerns about whether they had made the right choice in coming here, but their concerns had more to do with the delay than anything else. We didn’t sense any who wanted to return.”

As Zoe finished speaking, the Command Staff representatives joined them saying, “Good morning.”

“Good morning.”

Belinda added, “When you go wandering around today, two of us should be with each group. We’ll have to borrow from another team.”


Zoe, were you speaking of a different group to those who Security noted for closer monitoring?” questioned Calvin.

Sort of, there is some overlap.”

Breacadh, what is the word on the Dutsuz ships?” asked Sarah.

They are on their way here. Currently it looks like they will arrive in 3 clock cycles. Power transfer worked. Currently they are working on sealing leaks in the hulls so that the atmosphere can be restored.”

Good. Do you know if Sol41 sent a message home?”

Yes. They think it will be 3, perhaps 4, clock cycles before they receive a response.”

They had been at An Clochán a week when the Command Staff representatives gathered in their suite. Tonight they were going to try a very long distance meeting of their eight clans. Earlier they had asked Zoe’s group to be gatekeepers so that no one would interrupt them. Morrigan and Brigit immediately indicated that they would also keep an eye out.

Zoe had responded with, “Would it be okay if we include Debrah, Rachele, and Sean?” Before they could respond she added, “We will likely ask that they return to Ananu with us.”

Aoife was the first to respond, “I don’t have a problem with including them. As to the other, we will say congratulations when the announcement is made.”

The others nodded their agreement with Kylie adding, “They are good people.”

In their suite the Command Staff representatives sat in a circle facing inward holding hands. Together they said to their spouses on Ananu, “Good evening.”

Good evening,” came the reply from Ananu.

This is amazing,” said Amy. “Even though we’ve shared thoughts since you’ve been at An Clochán, I had some doubts about this.”

Agreed,” replied the others.

We sense that you are on Ananu rather than on one of the ships,” said Melissa.

Yes,” replied Joyce. “It was easier for us to form 8 interconnected circles here. We are in the meadow at the east end of Tara Ardchlár. Briana’s and Cathan’s Clans are ensuring that we aren’t disturbed.”

Zoe’s group, augmented with Sean, Deborah, and Rachele, are handling ours,” said Chester.

Who?” asked Molly. “I’m not sure I recognize the names.”

You may not have met them,” said Jill. “Deborah and Rachele were Mossad and we helped them shortly after the conference for Alliance of Worlds. Sean was an Irish Special Ops who knows Clancy and a few others.”

Very good,” said Aoife. “They’ve spent a lot of time together since reconnecting here. Anyway, we’ve sort of kept each other informed but several of us thought we should link together like we always do.”

Great,” responded several.

We’ll let you all go first,” said Sarah.

Let’s start with growing our food,” responded Jim. “Ann’s, Lorraine’s, and Jean’s Clans, along with several others, are almost ready to begin preparing for planting. This should start within the next 4 weeks. Fields for produce will be on Tara Ardchlár, but animal husbandry and field crops will be some distance away. They think it will be possible to harvest two field crops per season. This presumes that crops grow as fast here as they did on Earth. Ananu’s wheat, corn, oats, and barley are essentially identical to Earth’s. This year they will focus on planting and harvesting what we brought. As for what they’ve found here, they are going to gather what they can and plant it, basically as an experiment. For meat, they plan to just manage what is here for the time being.

Our spaceport at Tara Ardchlár is operational for shuttles, Star Fighters, and Cruisers. The excavations for 3 Common Buildings are progressing as planned. Two Residence Hubs, which are a variation of Common Buildings, are at about the same stage. We think that the sublevels on most of them will be complete about the time you all return from An Clochán. All the Common Buildings and Residence Hubs are connected by underground tunnels. These tunnels are progressing very quickly but need to be further along before construction of the sublevels can progress much more. We are well within the timeframe that we planned for at this point.

Last item for this part. All the habitats we brought have been set up dormitory style. Those commuting between orbit and Tara Ardchlár are using them on alternate weeks. This just started so we will see how it goes. After the three passenger ships arrive we will probably alter the rotation.”

Aisling of Siobhan’s Clan said, “Intelligence received a message from Orgaine asking if we wanted escorts for the passenger ships. We let him know that we planned on having some of our cruisers escort them, but hadn’t decided on how many. Our plans still call for at least 6 but we didn’t want to include that in the note, although a comment was included to the effect that we thought a cruiser compliment of half the size we use with our ships should be sufficient.”

Siobhan said, “He ought to pick up on the comparison. Have you made any progress on the weapons platforms?”

Yes,” answered Sally. “Several asteroids have been found that are large enough for both a platform and a manufacturing site. Engineering is currently working out the details for shifting them to where we want them, with the required vector and velocity. This will be followed by site preparation, followed by occupancy and more improvements. The orbital issue is more complicated than I expected.”

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