Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 41

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 41 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Four clock cycles after Iarracht and the newly outfitted Atewa AHCF21 Task Group returned to the Celia System Rusty and Sally were waiting for their guests in Dóchas’ hangar. They had been there only a few moments when they saw the Iarracht shuttle enter the hangar. As soon it was on the deck they entered the hangar to greet their guests. “Good morning,” they said as Chester, Emma, and Captain Meynote exited the shuttle.

The three cheerfully replied, “Good morning.”

“Captain Meynote,” said Rusty, “it is good to see you again. How was your trip?”

“If you are referring to the one from Fleet Headquarters to here, it was wonderful. However, I am not sure that ‘wonderful’ is an adequate description. It was a very comfortable journey and quite relaxing. Iarracht is certainly very different from any ships that I know of in the Atewa Fleet. I presume all your ships of that class are similar.”

“Pretty much,” replied Rusty. “This ship, Dóchas, is actually the oldest of the seven. We’ve visited Atewa ships in this system and we see the difference as being due solely to their mission parameters or objectives.

“Let’s clear the hanger, so we don’t interfere with operations. Today we are using the conference room off the bridge. Will Merraize or Gathconte be joining us?”

“No, it will be just me. Merraize sends her apologies. She didn’t think that she had anything to contribute but indicated that she was available if we needed her input. However, she does not know the depth of the information that I was given to share.”

As they began walking toward the conference room Rusty said, “We’ve had a few other people ask to be included in our discussion and they will meet us in the conference room. They are Brigit and Cabd, who traveled with you on Iarracht, also Aine and Ariu who I believe you met or saw when you were on Dóchas at Fleet Headquarters.”

Captain Meynote said after a pause, “I found Cabd, Brigit, and I believe Fidelma, to be very interesting people. Their knowledge of history and associated political intrigue in the Atewa World is well beyond anyone else I’ve had those discussions with. I don’t believe I’ve spoken with Ariu or Aine but they struck me as very alert and perceptive when I saw them, so I have no problem with including them.”

Entering the conference room Rusty said, “Good morning. While I believe Captain Meynote has met or seen everyone here, let’s help him refresh his memory. On my left are Erin, Alison, Aine, and Ariu. Erin and Alison are two of my spouses. We consider Aine, Ariu, Brigit, and Cabd to be Special advisors. Aine and Brigit are frequently on Dóchas as they have quarters here. Ariu and Cabd live on Ananu.”

Meynote said, “Good morning, everyone.”

“Good morning,” they all replied.

Ariu said, “To add to Rusty’s introduction, Cabd is one of my sisters. Since you are residing at the Atewa Consulate you will likely see our other sister Iodla around Tara Ardchlár as she lives with us.”

Meynote smiled and nodded in thanks.

Erin inquired, “Before we begin, Captain Meynote would you like something to drink?”

“Tea would be great. I noticed that you are all informal in addressing each other, so would you be kind enough lessen the formality by not using my rank.”

“Certainly. Would you like the Atewa version of tea?”

“If possible, and provided it is easy to get then, yes, please.”

“It is.”

“As soon as everyone has refreshments, we will begin,” said Chester. A little later, when he saw everyone was ready, he said, “While Emma and I have heard part of the information Meynote has regarding activity during our visits to 5th Fleet Headquarters, and other events that appear related, I think it would be preferable for us to hold our questions until either prompted or he has finished.”

“Fine,” replied several with the others nodding.

Captain Meynote said, “I believe many of you think I am in Spec Ops but currently my role is as a special intelligence operative with a primary assignment of gathering information. Prior to this role I was in Spec Ops, as well as several other units with similar missions. At the time that Dóchas arrived at 5th Fleet Headquarters my assignment was to identify how and who was misappropriating Fleet supplies. This included some highly classified equipment. The Fleet Investigation Unit had attempted this without success and lost several people while doing so. My presence on the dock when you arrived was a coincidence, and I believe a fortunate one for me. My role was as a platoon Sargent overseeing pier security in that section and I had only been there a few weeks when you arrived.”

He described his observations during their visit and how they later fit with the information included in the letter Sarah’s Clan left for Admiral Pentalia. “Both the Admiral and I were impressed by your skill in dealing with the incidents quietly. Our observations complimented each other and together were sufficient to apprehend several spies and thieves. The follow-up was done by another group using our combined information, during that period I continued in my role on the pier.

“Shortly after the last of those identified were captured rumors began circulating that the crime syndicate had lost several ships. Around this time I received a warning that the syndicate had offered a substantial bounty for my death. Apparently they learnt of my involvement and blamed me for interfering with their business which caused their losses.” Seeing the puzzled expressions he laughed, “Oops, I didn’t tell you how the station is organized. While it is mainly a space station style habitat it was built on a large rock to be primarily a Fleet Base. At some point a civilian entity was established to handle logistical support for the Fleet base. In this role it managed warehousing, the commercial portion of the harbour, and the other aspects needed to support the base. Although I haven’t confirmed this, it seems that the government politicians chose to do this as a way to offset the cost of operating the Fleet base. This change shifted the function of the harbour to serve both commercial shipping and Fleet ships. Several years later the government decided to sell the complete station to a management group then lease back the Fleet base. Over time this led to a significant increase in the size of the civilian section of the station and an enlargement of the harbour.

“With this arrangement the main source of the space station operator’s income was from the use of the harbour by commercial shipping and the associated warehousing. Due to the preferred shipping lanes the station’s location is an excellent transfer point for cargo. Another income source for the station operators was the fees received either directly, or indirectly, from the residents. As I said, harbour operations were the prime income source and these had fewer restrictions on rates. Until recently the pier assignments for the two groups were intermingled which resulted in a security headache for the Fleet. Based on my observations this was a key contributor in enabling the thefts.

“It was shortly before Dóchas and the Atewa Task Group arrived that the intermingling of pier assignments ceased. The area the Fleet used was consolidated to one end of the harbour, and no commercial ships were permitted to use those piers. The civilian authorities were already unhappy over the amount of pier space allocated to the Fleet and isolating it just stoked that fever. With the change in pier allotment the Fleet adjusted the fees they paid for use of the harbour. These were still consistent with the fees at other similar sites.

“Fleet pier consolidation resulted in making it harder for the syndicate to steal items. To address this the local politicians, along with the company, took their case to the Atewa government. Fleet Command responded by suggesting that they move their piers to a new location which would have a different approach. The Atewa government told the station operators that the changes were consistent with the contract and that the Fleet were free to exercise their termination notice. It was during this time that the Fleet Dependent Housing Manager began outsourcing the operation and maintenance of off-base housing. It wasn’t long before the accommodations at the space station were in poor shape and unhealthy. You have probably figured out who was contracted to do the work. Anyway, with Laonize and Reyonte bringing their crew’s dependents here a significant portion of off-base housing was left empty. That move caught the civilian managers flat footed and very unhappy, which is puzzling.

“To digress for a moment, it appears to me that when setting up a common harbour for Fleet and commercial operations careful consideration needs be given to its design and management. Based on the 5th Fleet Headquarters situation a common harbour doesn’t seem to be a wise choice, but that may be a management issue.”

Several present nodded their heads in agreement.

“It wasn’t long after I heard about the bounty that a skid of freight fell over just as I was passing by. An investigation found no identifiable cause and as a result I decided that it was the first attempt to collect the bounty. It was after the 2nd attempt that I advised the other mission operatives not to contact me unless absolutely necessary. Subsequently there several more attempts to kill me, each being more aggressive which seems like a strange approach. After the 5th attempt I arranged a quiet meeting with the Admiral to discuss my situation with respect to the mission. Our conclusion was that I needed to disappear. He proposed arranging a quiet transfer as that should avoid disrupting the investigation. It would also avoid any potential collateral damage due to my response to those attempting to kill me. While it was a good idea there were complications as I was neither officially a Fleet member nor was I in his chain of command. After discussing alternatives he decided to look into it. It was shortly after that when Iarracht arrived with Reyonte’s Task Group that word quietly reached me of my new assignment and what I needed to do.

“My new role is to assist Fleet intelligence as a member of the Atewa Consulate staff. While I didn’t see it my transfer was posted along with the other Fleet transfers. My presence here, while not hidden, was not publicized either. The Admiral let me know that I should receive a message via courier during the next week or so and that it would provide the appropriate details of my assignment. Those details should give me a better idea of what my role here entails. My concern is that those parameters may be unfamiliar to me as that has happened in the past. I hope I can come to you all for assistance in sorting them out without compromising each other’s interests.”

Emma said, “We will help you in any way we can.

“So based on the information you have, the syndicate has placed a bounty on you due to them losing some ships that were apparently recovering their transponders.”

“Pretty much. However, it is not clear what the ‘cargo’ ships that were lost were doing or who was responsible. While it’s likely that the ships were following the transponders, it could just as easily have been another group. From their perspective I likely appear to be the only common denominator in those events, well besides you all. I am certain the syndicate wanted to know the destination of the cargo ships that traveled with your group. That cargo was especially valuable, both in terms of money and technology.

“Although I agreed to this assignment, out of the several the Admiral proposed, it is likely those seeking to silence me will come here. I don’t expect their success will be any higher here though.”

It was quiet for several moments as the group thought over Meynote’s information.

Erin said, “While our security is not perfect, and you should continue to be cautious, we think it is very unlikely that they can succeed on Ananu. As to security on Atewa Fleet’s Celia base, you should know that we are assisting them. Also, on Ananu attempted murder is treated like all intentionally violent crimes and carries the same penalty, which is to experience biomass recycling first hand.”


“Most definitely.”

Emma inquired, “If I remember correctly you said that Admiral Pentalia thought it would be beneficial to share with us what the Atewa had learnt about the incident involving Dóchas?”

“Yes. I believe this was for several reasons. One was to reassure you all of how beneficial we view the relationship between us, in particular the Atewa Fleet, and the Órarduine. Another was to alert you of the interest some people have in this location, your technology and in disrupting it.”

Alison said, “Captain, you alluded to the criminals or syndicate losing some ships when they sought to recover the transponders. I find it quite interesting that they were able to so quickly determine the transponders location. While we waited for Laonize’s Task Group to leave the harbour we placed all the transponders in an electronic isolation chamber. We also discovered that some of the dependents were given gifts that could act as beacon.”

“They likely obtained your course information from the System Control Center, which is a civilian operation. The only reason I make the distinction is that security often seems to be more problematic in those cases. To address this Fleet ships depart along a vector substantially different from their intended destination. As to beacons, I believe Iarracht’s crew also found some among the dependents on our trip here.”

“They did,” confirmed Emma. “While they did all function as personal rescue beacons, several had additional hidden functionality. An evaluation by Engineering is indicating that they would not function as intended on our ships due the difference in how ours operate.”

“Interesting,” said Meynote softly.

“Meynote, I would like to shift the topic a bit to something a bit more personal,” said Ariu. “Which Atewa Deity are you pledged to?”

Meynote sat very still as he considered how to respond because the question had surprised him. Earlier he had sensed that Ariu and Cabd were distinctly different from the other Órarduine. While he was considering his response he realized what the now obvious difference was. They both had grey eyes just like Goddess Leité. Then it dawned on him that if these two were Goddesses, then those in the room knew it as well. Next he wondered, ‘how would Goddess Leité react to me disclosing my relationship with her, but wait, she asked who I was pledged to.’

“Goddess Leité.”

“We’ve heard her tenets as expressed by the Atewa people and believe they are well stated and fair. Why did you choose her?”

Meynote paused as he thought, ‘how do I explain this without saying too much, and remain truthful.’

“Simply put, by prayer. I pleaded for her assistance and in doing so vowed to serve her as she wished. She was able to assist me in rescuing three women who subsequently became my spouses.”

“Did you realize the implications at the time?”

He laughed and said, “I think so, but thought it was worth it then, and still do.”

“Do you plan on bringing them here?”

“Doing that would be awkward since they are not listed as my dependents and this is a closed system. However, once I know more about this assignment, I may consider it.”

“Where do they live?”

“On Atewa Prime, where we have a very comfortable home in a remote area. The area is largely unsettled and so rugged that it makes development extremely difficult. Due to this the government still owns the land and treats it as a preserve. We found a site in it that suited us and were able to purchase it. Why so remote? It is because my spouses are often very uncomfortable in populated areas.”

“Do you have any children?”

“Yes, 7 girls and 5 boys. The oldest is 16 and the youngest is 8.”

“If you decide that you would like to bring them here, let us know as we would be pleased to assist with the move. I suspect your Órarduine friends would to participate in the effort as well. By working together I am sure we can achieve the move with no one knowing. By taking the approach we have in mind you all could return there later if you so choose.”

“From the sounds of it, it is a very tempting offer.”

“We can tell. Before we stop distracting this discussion we are curious about a couple of aspects of the Atewa World. Are there people there with magical abilities?”

“Not that I know of, but there are many stories that tell of people with magical abilities. These are all regarded as fiction or fantasy.”

“What about people shifting between species?”

“If you mean like me turning into a wolf, lion, or some other predator, there again there are stories. They are also considered either fiction or peoples’ overwrought imagination. However if you had that ability, I doubt you would tell many others.”

“True. Thank you. Sorry for taking the discussion off track.”

“You didn’t take us that far off track,” said Rusty. “You’ve asked several questions that I believe Chester or I would have asked at some point.”

The group spent the rest of the morning discussing the implications of the events at 5th Fleet Headquarters. In doing this the Órarduine gained a better understanding of the dynamics of the Atewa people, their government, and Fleet operations. While it was just Meynote’s view it gave them another perspective of the Atewa to interleave with what they knew.

It was close to lunch time when their discussion was winding down that Rusty said, “It seems like we are close to going in circles, so let’s close this meeting and go to lunch.”

Everyone nodded in agreement before Erin offered, “We are going down to Tara for lunch with our family so you all are welcome to ride with us.”

“Thanks,” said Emma. “I released our shuttle earlier so now I don’t need to call one back.”

Forty-five minutes later the group was approaching the dining area at Tara. Meynote paused when he saw a pair of lions ambling toward them. The sight surprised him and made him a bit uncomfortable.

Emma said, “Relax. They are well known to those living here, although it took the first group of Atewa dependents some time before they were comfortable around them.”

“Well, their presence in an area like this is a surprise. At our home on Atewa there are several prides nearby. We are comfortable with each other, but it took time.”

Erin said to the lions, “Good afternoon.”

Both purred in response as they moved next to her and rubbed against her in greeting. They then went to each member of the group and greeted them leaving Meynote to last. They were surprised by how relaxed he was when they finally rubbed up against him.

Ge said to the Órarduine, “This Atewa is very familiar and comfortable with us.”

His name is Meynote. He told us that his home is in a remote area and that there are several prides in the area.”

His acquaintance is deeper than that. Perhaps it is more accurate to say, closer to them than your words imply. We will think about what we sense and tried to express it.”

When the group entered the dining room they saw both their families sitting together eating, and waved. After getting their food, they joined them.

Merraize said, “Meynote, was I missed?”

“Of course,” he replied with a smile. “In spite of that I think we had a productive morning.”

“I agree,” responded Emma. “The insight he gave us into the events at 5th Fleet Headquarters during Dóchas’ visit were quite illuminating. Except for a few odd facts, I don’t think you missed anything important. I trust you had a productive morning.”

“Yes. I’ve interviewed and hired experienced staff for our Consulate. Well not experienced in Consulate activities, but with a variety of other essential experience. The only awkward issue is how to pay them.”

“We gather that that is because we don’t have a currency yet.”

“Sort of.”

“We expect that to change around Landing Day or soon there after. We’ve been close to taking that step before, but each time a flaw was discovered before a date was set. Each time the flaw was associated with legal issues. It was decided to delay the introduction so those could be resolved.”

Maeve added, “Since the Fleet is providing food and housing you could set a salary then deduct, say half, for what they are currently being provided. Without going into details all of us receive compensation for our work. Currently this is in the form of credits which are based on responsibilities, skill, hazard, and time. When we initiate a monetary system our credits will be converted into currency.”

“The group setting that up has come to me with questions on how the Atewa monetary system works and relative values,” responded Merraize. “I am looking forward to observing your systems’ implementation.

“To change the subject, I’ve been asked whether shrines can be established to honour the Atewa Gods and Goddesses.”

“Offhand I don’t see a problem with that but it is something that we need to discuss,” replied Tara. “Obviously, if someone decided on their own to do establish one we would be reluctant to respond negatively. At the same time we do not want to see discord develop between worshipers due to some thinking their Deity is better than another.”

“So I can respond by saying that an announcement will be made soon.”

After a pause Tara replied, “Yes. It will take at least a week, but it could be a couple of weeks.”

“Also some dependents have found some small glades that appear to be places landscaped for meditation. A few indicated that the locations reminded them of a shrine or grotto on Atewa. On Atewa such places were often dedicated to a deity. Does this System have its own Gods and Goddesses?”

After a pause Tara answered, “Yes, it does. My hesitation was due to not knowing the relationship between the different families. Now, it looks like that information needs to be included in our response as well. Perhaps They will visit one of our gatherings and introduce themselves.”

“What do you mean by different families?”

“It is our understanding that most solar systems with viable planets have a unique family of deities overseeing its evolution.”

“Thanks. Now I have a response I can use.” A few moments later the wording Tara used registered with Merraize. While tempted to ask a follow up question to determine whether she had heard her correctly, she decided to let it pass. She never noticed Tara and several others smiling.

Over a week later Sam and Kelsey were walking from Residence Hub 1E 2S toward their office when they saw Meynote exit the building at Central Square and waved to him. He returned their wave and paused to wait for them. When they were close Kelsey and Sam said, “Good afternoon.”

“Good afternoon to you as well,” he replied. “Seeing you two out wandering about means you must be searching for another story.”

“Not really, we were just doing a follow up on the articles about moving into the residence towers,” responded Kelsey. “As to another story, we could always do another on the Atewa Consulate with the focus on you.”

“While I like the idea of an article on the Consulate, I am not keen with it being focused on me. As to your stories regarding the new residences, I thought they were very well done. The accommodations appear to be very nice.”

“They are. I gather you didn’t come to the open house?” queried Sam.

“I thought about it, but another task came up so I didn’t have the opportunity.”

“Well if you’ve time now, we can show you our clan’s suite although it is still pretty messy.”

“I would love to see it, but I need to look in on some dependents. Could I have a rain check?”

“Sure, if you are available, how about after dinner?”

“That should be fine.”

“Is your upcoming visit with the dependents something you can talk about?”

“Well ... sure but definitely not for publication,” he replied with a harsh voice. As soon as the words were spoken he regretted his tone. “Sorry, I forgot where I was.”

Sam and Chelsey chuckled. Then Sam said, “Don’t worry, we didn’t take it personally. Besides, your response was much nicer than what some cretins have said.”

“I can imagine, still my tone was inappropriate. As to the issue, a group is pushing to establish a place where they can worship the deity they worshiped before coming here.”

“I can understand their desire. So why would that be an issue?”

“Are you aware that each solar system, or groups of solar systems, has a unique group of Deities?”

“Well ... not really,” replied Kelsey. “Wait a minute, I remember one of Sarah’s Clan saying something about deities here, but I don’t remember the details. Hmm ... or maybe it was someone else.”

“Well it is true, and something I only recently learnt. As to the Deities in this System, I suspect that those living here have already met some residents.”

“You’re kidding,” gasped Kelsey.

“Nope. In fact I see those whom I suspect are Goddesses around here almost every day. I think I saw you talking with one of Them several days ago.”

“Now that I find hard to believe, so what did the person look like?” queried Sam.

“She was a tall as you, perhaps a little taller, with dark red hair. Her colouring was slightly darker than yours. She...”

“Good afternoon,” said Ariu and Branwen interrupting Meynote and causing the group to jump.

After recovering Kelsey, Sam, and Meynote responded with, “Good afternoon.”

Ariu said, “Our apologies, we didn’t intend to surprise you all. We didn’t realize that you were so engrossed in conversation that you wouldn’t notice us approaching. If we had we would have made more noise.”

Sam laughed then said, “Your movements are always so smooth and coordinated that you make hardly any noise.”

Smiling Ariu retorted, “So I should be more ungainly in my movements.”

Her commented drew shocked reactions from the group, especially Meynote, which prompted her to wink at him.

“Oh, no,” stuttered Sam with Kelsey blushing as they realized Ariu was teasing them.

Sam continued, “I am simply envious of your graceful movements and wish I moved as gracefully and quietly as you do.”

“We think you do quite well,” responded Ariu with Branwen nodding in agreement.

“May I ask what the topic is that had you all so focused?” queried Ariu.

Sam said, “Meynote was telling us that he thought that some of Celia’s Deities spent a lot of time here. He was about to tell us who he thought they were.”

“Well wouldn’t it be better for those living here to figure that out when they were speaking to Us,” responded Ariu with a grin.

“It would be nice to know what they look like and their names,” replied Kelsey before she understood the full meaning of Ariu’s comment. “Ah ... you are a Goddess aren’t you?” she stammered.

Smiling, Ariu nodded.

“This is unbelievable,” gasped Kelsey with Sam starring wide eyed. “We are honored by Your presence. In all the times we’ve chatted, it never occurred to me that you were a Goddess.”

Smiling Ariu said, “We hope, that now knowing, it does not cause a significant change in how you interact with Us. After all, you all seem to very comfortable with Brigit, Aine, and their sisters.”

“Having a conversation with a Goddess, is well ... a concept that is difficult accept. It is just well...”

“Relax,” said Branwen. “Think of Them as your favorite great aunt or great uncle, and treat Them with the same respect. Now take a deep breath and relax. Ariu is still the same person you’ve known for some time. All that has changed is you now know more about her.”

“I’ll try.”

Sam looked at Meynote and said accusingly, “You knew.”

“Nope ... well, I suspected that she was but I wasn’t sure how it would affect me.”

To Meynote Ariu replied, “It won’t. She knows that you are here, and is pleased with the situation.”

“Thank you,” he replied with a slight bow.

“I don’t understand,” said Sam.

Meynote hesitated as he looked at Ariu, then to Sam and Kelsey, before saying, “I have a special relationship with Leité, who is an Atewa Goddess. It is something I very seldom share with anyone and She may scold me for not asking Her before doing so. I would appreciate it if you did not share this information.”

Ariu said, “I don’t think She will be upset with you, just as I am sure that your link with Her is safe with these two.”

Then to Sam and Kelsey she said, “My sisters and I have a similar request as we would appreciate it if you would avoid linking the personas we use when we are among you with our true identities. At the same time, we think that both of you knowing who We are could be advantageous in the future. If your spouses figure it out, please share our request with them. In the near future everyone here will become aware of our presence and our names.”

“Well, we can create a private space to hold that information that only our clan can access,” said Kelsey.

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