Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 40

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 40 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Sarah’s Clan had just finished freshening up after their morning exercises when Dóchas FOC said to them, “Secretary Sagnoite and her party will arrive in 15 minutes.”

Thank you,” responded Maeve. “Would you inform Operations that we will be there to meet them?”

Certainly,” responded Sabrina.

Once the Atewa shuttle had settled onto the deck Sarah’s Clan entered the hanger. As the Atewa exited their ship Sarah’s Clan welcomed them. Once greetings were finished Sarah said, “Breakfast is being served, so let us go see what the offerings are today.”

“I am looking forward to it,” responded Sagnoite. “I’ve heard a lot of stories about the selections you all have at each meal. The food last night was delicious.”

Aoife asked Merraize, “What did you think of yesterday’s activities?”

“From my perspective, they were perfect. Sagnoite feels the same way. Even though they were warned, many of the delegation seem surprised that you all weren’t pushing specific trade items. I don’t believe they’ve ever encountered a situation like the one we have here.”

“What do you mean?”

“Normally, the people we visit have specific trade items they are pushing to export. In a similar fashion, we have a list of items to offer. To me the situation here is unusual in that you have the knowledge to produce and export many items that we could use, but you aren’t ready to do that yet. Probably the most significant accomplishment we can achieve is to establish an exchange of raw materials and basic manufacturing materials. By raw materials, I am referring to metal ores and similar types of basic materials. By basic manufacturing materials, I am referring to refined raw materials such as metal ingots, etc.”

“I am a bit surprised that you are seeking, or need, mineral ores.”

“Why is that?”

“Because you have more resources to find them and bring them to where you need them than we do.”

“We do pretty well looking for things we currently use. In doing so it is easy to overlook new materials that at first glance don’t seem to be useful as they don’t match current expectations. From what I’ve seen since arriving here your material knowledge appears to be quite different than ours. With some collaboration, it will hopefully improve and expand each other’s list of useful resources.”


After they sat down to eat Sagnoite said, “Sarah’s Clan, I would like to discuss some items this morning and to not share them beyond those here for the time being.”

“We are agreeable provided that we can share with the other Councilors,” responded Sarah. “The information would go no further, until you told us differently.”

“This would be through your link with them?”


“Based on my understanding of how it works, I think sharing with them would be fine. One item is in regard to establishing formal relations between our Worlds. In a way we currently have that via our joint Fleet activity, and that makes some members of our government uncomfortable. Since that began there are Fleet dependents living on Ananu, at least temporarily, and it appears that trade will soon begin between our Worlds. Based on those considerations we would like to establish a Consulate here. Its focus would be to assist with trade and people issues.”

“We can see the benefit to you of doing that. But since we are currently a closed system, it is difficult for us to see a benefit in us establishing a Consulate in your World at this time.”

“From our perspective the agents you hired fulfill some of what we consider to be a Consulates’ functions. I presume you plan to have some Órarduine there on a continuing basis.”

“Initially that wasn’t our intent but our view has changed. Currently we plan to have at least a clan there on a rotating basis. Plans are to continue this for a year or two at which time we will reassess our position. As to our office there being designated as our Consulate, I think we would be okay with doing that. However, we need to discuss the change with our agents as it would be a significant change in their responsibility.”

“As to here?”

“I don’t see us having an issue with the Atewa having a Consulate here. Facilities could be an issue as space is currently fairly limited. Would those manning the Consulate be subject to Órarduine law with respect to personal interactions?”

“Personal interaction?”

“Murder, mayhem, abuse, non-consenting slavery, etc.”

“Yes, I believe that would be appropriate. As to facilities, the space we are currently using in Central Square would be sufficient, at least in the beginning.”

“Fine. Do you have a candidate in mind for filling the role?”

“Yes. But I haven’t asked her if she would be interested.” Sagnoite slightly nodded toward Merraize as she spoke, causing Sarah and several others to grin.

“She would be a very good choice,” responded Tara, with Maeve and Alena nodding.

“Who are you referring to?” queried Merraize with a puzzled expression. “She didn’t mention anyone.”

Maeve responded, “It was obvious to me, and I think it would be an ideal position for you.”

“Well I would be surprised if she was referring to me since I haven’t been in the Off World department very long. On the other hand, it would be a new position so all the policies and procedures would be unencumbered by the past.”

“So you are interested?” queried Sagnoite with a smile.

“I’d be a fool not to be, although I didn’t ask to spend time working here with that as the goal.”

“We understand that,” said Sarah’s Clan.

“Well if offered and I accept can I continue to do the work I’ve been doing?”

“Certainly,” replied Joyce. “You’ve made some very valuable contributions and suggestions. We would hope that you continue to do so regardless of whether or not you fill this new role.”

Sagnoite said, “To be clear, it was you I had in mind. We need to find a secure location to discuss this before I ask the Ananu Councilors for permission to set it up.”

“Not to be pushing you into making a decision, how much time do you need?” queried Alison.

“At least an hour, and perhaps two.”

“Well you could use our conference room off the bridge after we finish breakfast. That will give Gathconte an opportunity to visit with our Intelligence group. After that it is up to you. We can give all of you a tour while we discuss any other issues or we could use a conference room while Gathconte has a tour. We don’t need to return to Tara until after lunch although you may need to leave before then.”

“That will work for me,” responded Sagnoite. “Merraize, Gathconte, are you okay with that?”

“Yes,” responded Merraize. “We could ride down to Tara with Sarah’s Clan, so our shuttle could return to your ship for the others to use.”

“And it would give us more time if we needed it.”


They finished their tour of Dóchas just after lunch began. As they entered the dining room Sagnoite said, “I am impressed by the accommodations and facilities on your ship. They are better than those on some of the passenger ships I’ve been on.”

Janet replied, “Several visitors have made similar comments. The design of our ship started out as an exploration ship which would be the crew’s home for an extended time. We kept that aspect when we refitted to become the ship it is today. A key reason for our accommodations to be the way they are is due to the inclusion of families in our ship’s crew.”

“Once established on Ananu will you continue to include families in the crews?”

“We plan to,” responded Jill. “By doing so, our ships can take longer voyages without disrupting family dynamics. However, we don’t intend to require that a crew member’s family be a part of the crew. Currently, every adult member of a clan fills an essential role on a ship. In an emergency even the older children augment the crew in ways that are consistent with their capabilities.”

“I wasn’t aware of that. It is certainly different than the way our Fleet operates.”

At lunch two days later Sarah said to Monque Off World Secretary Baraska, “What are your thoughts on our meeting this morning?”

“They were perfect for those here for the first time and also a good review for those of us who’ve only been here once before. I gather this is typically the way you welcome visitors.”

“Well I think referring to it as ‘typical’ is a bit of stretch as we’ve only had four Worlds officially visit us. We do take a similar approach with people who end up here for one reason or another, such as the Atewa dependents and those we’ve rescued.”

“Are you planning to continue this approach when you have more visitors?”

“Good question and one we haven’t considered as we see that being some distance in the future. I suspect we will always offer something to first time visitors. Convincing seasoned travelers to watch the video may require an incentive.”

“True. How have your meetings with the Atewa been?”

“I think very productive. Our joint session this afternoon will, I believe, make them even more productive.”

“Did us letting the Atewa take the lead on our joint base raise any concerns?” enquired Monque Admiral Fraizloe.

“We weren’t concerned because the Monque and Atewa stationed here were not. I will admit that some of us speculated on the reasons behind the shift.”


“The most popular reason was politics, but not knowing the intra workings of your World very well finding a more definitive reason was elusive.”

Secretary Baraska responded, “It was politics. There were some who thought the extent of our cooperative effort with a World that had such a small population was demeaning. It was representatives with this view who were unwilling to agree to the necessary funding despite the strategic consequences. To an extent that is now sorted.”

“Great. I guess that is the reason that there was such a large group of ships with you.”

Admiral Fraizloe chuckled, “To an extent yes. We brought new ships for our people here. They are in the midst of transferring crews and equipment at the moment.”

“Captain Reyonte’s Task Group is on their way to 5th Fleet Headquarters to do the same thing.”

“Yes. We could have taken the same approach, but that option never came up during planning. Personally I am glad it didn’t as it gave me the opportunity to visit again.”

“You all are always welcome.”

“Would you all be receptive to our Fleet dependents living on Ananu?” inquired Fraizloe.

“Receptive, yes. However, there are a number of issues we would need to sort out. Such as, when, how many, their status, support infrastructure, etc.”

“We understand those issues and would be willing to assist in resolving the infrastructure shortfall. The advantage to us is that it increases the length of time crews can be here.”

“We understand your reasons. Our solution to that is crewing our ships with families where appropriate. In some respects this is even true for Spec Ops members.”


“Yes. Two clans share the responsibility for the children. The second clan may or may not be Spec Ops but they are crew members.”

“Actually, some of our families do something similar but it is not officially recognized. I gather you all do.”


Secretary Baraska said, “I’ve heard that you now have agents on the Monque’s home world.”

“Yes. Currently we have a couple of clans there to assist them. Half of the agents were here for a month and we expect the other half to visit before long.”

“Do you intend to always have clans there with them?”

“We don’t know the answer to that question. We now realize that some might consider our agents as filling the role of an Órarduine Consulate. So now we need to discuss this additional role with them and make adjustments as appropriate.”

“So if we wanted to do the same thing, would it be acceptable?”

Smiling Sarah said, “Probably, but I am only one Councilor. You should consider raising the issue this afternoon. If it was me, I would provide an outline of the role you would see it filling.”

“I got the feeling that I should just ask the question this afternoon but I am so used to testing the water...”

“We understand. You should realize that you are not alone in that regard.”

“So Sagnoite will ask to establish an Atewa Consulate?”

With a smile Sarah replied, “Perhaps.

“We’ve covered some topics that should be brought up this afternoon. With all three of us being here we should be able to set up the basic framework for addressing any concerns and opportunities. From my perspective this would be more efficient than trying to do it individually which could potentially lead to confusing differences, or worse, misunderstandings.”

Admiral Fraizloe inquired, “Do you know if Sagnoite has a limit on how long she can stay?”

“Not for certain. She did indicate some flexibility. Why?”

“So far the three of us have an excellent rapport on items of mutual interest. I think we should establish a framework for interacting with each other concerning activity here. The advantage is that it will guide those who follow us on how to proceed. From my perspective, there will always be changes in the representatives you interact with from both our worlds. Your relationship with the Atewa seems more advanced than the one with us, which I see as due to political issues at home. Formalizing how we co-operate will give our representatives, and Fleet, a solid basis for any continuing interaction with you. Doing so will also give Baraska something to show those at home although I suspect he doesn’t need it.”

“Well this afternoon is probably the best time to raise the issue considering who will be there.”


Seeing that the others were ready to leave Sarah said, “It looks like everyone has finished lunch, and are waiting on us.”

“Sort of,” said Aoife as she stood and picked up her tray.

After seeing everyone was seated in the conference room Kathryn said, “We hope you found the selection at lunch acceptable.”

“Certainly,” replied several of the visitors.

“It is always a pleasure to dine here,” added Captain Thomnria. “Due to my inability to limit my selections I am certain that I will need to set aside more time for exercising.” Several laughed as they nodded in agreement.

Secretary Baraska said, “Since our visit is to foster commercial trade between all of us, it seems that it would be wise for us to establish a small Consulate here. We hope that that would be acceptable.”

“The purpose of a Consulate is something I am not familiar with,” responded Molly. “Even so I don’t think we would object, however it is something we haven’t discussed, so how would it benefit our interaction with the Monque, or the Atewa if they wished to do the same?”

“In many respects if would fill the role here for us that your agents are doing for you in our World, although the role is a bit larger in scope than just that. It would assist our citizens with issues whether those issues are here or in their home world. While your agents may act as freight acquisition and forwarders, the Consulate would not. With respect to commercial issues, its role would be to assist people or organizations in making the appropriate contacts.

“Another benefit is that it gives our citizens an obvious way to reach out to you, thus making it easier to interact with you. We know that office space and accommodations are currently at a premium so our initial staffing would be small, perhaps a half dozen.”

“We have already raised the point that we would like to open a Consulate here,” said Secretary Sagnoite. “Since there are now dependents of Atewa Fleet personnel here full time, we think it would simplify their access to their home World.”

Siobhan said, “Molly is correct with respect to us agreeing to the establishment of Consulates here by both your Worlds. Would either of you have a presentation on the responsibilities of a Consulate, its staffing and their duties?”

“As a matter of fact,” said Sagnoite with a smile, “we do. I think it would be appropriate for Merraize to make the presentation as she is our choice to lead ours.”

“Excellent, and an excellent choice.”

Merraize said, “Before I begin the presentation I was surprised, although I think your term ‘blindsided’ is a better characterization of how I felt, when I received this offer. When I asked to spend some time here working with you all benefiting in this way was something that never occurred to me. Even though I’ve accepted this role it is my intent to continue working as I have been. Since I was made aware of this possibility, I’ve reviewed the backgrounds of all the Atewa dependents here. There are some that have the qualifications appropriate for working in the consulate. We shall see if they are interested in that opportunity. Now for the presentation.” A little over 2 hours later Merraize said, “That completes my presentation. There is a copy of it in the Órarduine library. Now, are there any questions.”

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