Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 36

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 36 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

A couple of days after the meeting with the new arrivals from Earth when Wilma of Ann’s Clan said, “Amy’s Clan, I have been reviewing the notes from when the Iridien’s were here and I believe there is an error in them.”

That is always a possibility,” replied Amy. “What is it?”

The amount of cereal grain the Iridien’s are sending us. The notes indicate 60,000 MT. Typically an M in that position indicates a thousand, but it could also mean metric tonnes. Me thinks it is the latter. Also Dizantos’s comments are a better fit for it being 6,000 metric tonnes, otherwise it is close to a 10 year supply for our current population.”

Well, the storage we are building is consistent with 6,000 metric tonnes. We’ll have someone review the recordings.”

Sarah, is there a way to contact Dizantos?” queried Amy.

We have contact information for him. Why?”

Remember the grain he said they would be sending us?” responded Amy.


Well Wilma has found what looks like an error in the quantity. Our notes indicate 60,000 MT. So is the ‘M’ an abbreviation for a thousand or metric.”

Considering how it was stated I would say metric.”

Good. She also thinks it should be 6,000 rather than 60,000 as by her calculations the latter is a ten year supply.”

Well since this was supposed to be on the quiet, we should contact Orgaine and Egulle and indicate that we have a question for Dizantos. We should also indicate that it is likely a sensitive issue from their perspective.”

Good, ‘cause if the quantity is correct we are going to need to shift many of our resources to building a lot more storage.”

That much.”

Oh, yes. On top of that we aren’t sure if the last two-thirds would be edible.”

Well we will all be together this afternoon, why don’t we reach out then as it is the quickest way to raise the question.”


Wilma, thanks for catching this.”

I certainly hope it is a transcription error. I would hate to see that much go to waste.”

You are not alone in feeling that way.”

Amy added, “Wilma, we will let you know what we find out.”


Several days later as the Councilors were gathering at their office in preparation for meeting the Coschenz visitors Amy said, “Sarah, we received clarification on the grain.”

“Was it good news?”

“Yes, we think so. A ship is to arrive around the 14th of Secmonth with 3,000 metric tonnes. A second ship will arrive approximately four months later with another 3,000. There is a possibility of a third shipment but that has yet to be confirmed.”

“Have you shared that with Wilma?”

“Yes. I also thanked her again for raising the question.”


“How do you think our meeting with the Coschenz will go?”

“Well, better than the Elders think it will. We think their difficulty is that they’ve never experienced open discussions like ours. It will be interesting to see how everyone else responds.”

Chuckling Amy responded, “Is it my imagination or do they seem to be a little uncomfortable with their role?”

“Well even though they’ve had the title the other Elders never let them fully fill the role. Based on what we’ve heard, we think quite a few are surprised by how they are filling the role.”

“You mean because they are seeking input and suggestions,” chuckled Siobhan who had joined them.

“Yes. We’ve heard a few question whether they knew what they were doing.”

“What was the response?”

“Generally, the view-point wasn’t supported, along with a comment about now having their perspective appreciated.”

“We need to move over there as it is close to the meeting to begin.”

Sarah, Amy, Siobhan, Maureen, Keriann, Kathryn, Molly, and Jackie advised their spouses that they were leaving and then transferred near the amphitheater together. They then approached the stage to join the Coschenz Elders who were watching their people arrive.

It wasn’t long before Victurcz said, “It looks like nearly everyone has arrived.”

Utezc added, “And it will be that way until we start as there are a few who intend to arrive late, with the intent of causing a disturbance.”

With a smile Sally said, “Well if you want we can close the entrances.”

“So you want to poke the bears,” gasped Wurzick.

“Well only a little. You could note their tardiness.”

Kelly added, “I don’t think you should ignore it.”

“Good point,” responded Victurcz, turning to the other Elders she added, “Shall we?” She turned and walked out onto the stage without waiting for a reply.

The Elders stood together facing the audience and waited until they had their attention, they then said, “Good morning. In a few moments, you will be introduced to Ananu’s Councilors. Once that has been completed, they will review what has been learnt with regard to how we came to be here. Following this there will be a question and answer session. So that everyone who has a question is recognized, please use your communicator to indicate that you have a question to ask. This is done by pressing the raised hand icon. When you are next it will vibrate and the screen will flash. Please wait until the person ahead of you has finished. Prior to asking your question please state your name.”

At that point several dozen Coschenz entered noisily then insisted on sitting in certain seats, forcing others to move. The Elders paused until the late arrivals were seated. “Well it appears that we must have started early, since the recent arrivals would never arrive late to a function that is as important as this one,” said Victurcz and Utezc in unison. “We shall begin again, so that everyone knows today’s agenda and procedures.”

After repeating their earlier comments the Elders introduced the Councilors standing near them. The Councilors then took turns introducing their spouses. Each time a name was spoken the person being introduced appeared on stage next to them. Initially their sudden appearance resulted in many gasps from the audience. By the time the introductions were complete the Councilors were certain that the showmanship was worth the effort, although they could sense the negative emotions from the late arrivals.

Once the introductions were complete the Councilors said in unison, “Welcome to Tara Ardchlár. It is located on Gaillimh Isle of Planet Ananu in Celia System. We know this wasn’t your intended destination; however, we hope you enjoy your stay here while you consider your future.”

Sarah, Siobhan, and Kelly continued with, “We asked your Elders to arrange this meeting so we could review how we found you and the subsequent events. Since your arrival we’ve made multiple inquiries regarding how you ended up where we found you, and why pirates were waiting for your arrival. We know that you’ve heard some of this, but we are not sure that all of you have heard all of it. Based on questions we’ve been asked we believe that at least some of what you heard was not factually correct. We think it is important for you to know all that we have learnt. Now before going further, let us be clear, it will be your decision as to where you go next and what your future is.

“Our presentation, along with all the available supporting data, is accessible by anyone here either using your communicator or at any of the community workstations. As your Elders stated earlier, after our review is finished there will be time for questions and answers. While you are welcome to ask questions during the presentation, we think it would be best to hold them ‘till the end.” They paused then said, “Now Sally of Sarah’s Clan will begin.”

It was approaching the 2 hour mark when Amy said, “This brings us to the close of our presentation. Thank you for being so patient. Before we begin addressing your questions, we want to thank all of those who have assisted with our various projects at Tara. There are now refreshments at the back. Restrooms are a bit further back. Both areas have speakers so you will still be able to hear what is taking place here. When we answer questions it will be both verbally and telepathically. Now, first question.”

A young woman stood, “My name is Saywu. I am very grateful that you noticed our predicament and came to our rescue. After exiting hibernation I was surprised to learn that I had paranormal abilities. Several years ago, while in school, I was told that I had little ability and that using the little I did have would be a hazard to those around me. As I grew older my abilities would occasionally manifest themselves, and usually scared me. Fortunately I don’t think anyone noticed, but with the admonishment I was given I worried about inadvertently hurting someone or being noticed. Since arriving I’ve learnt that I did have some abilities and have been given assistance in managing them. I don’t think I can convey the relief I’ve felt or the depth of my gratitude to you all. From my perspective coming here is the best thing that could have happened. Do you know what caused the change?”

“I am Kathy of Kathryn’s Clan. To varying degrees it appears that you all have paranormal abilities, regardless of what you’ve previously been told. You’ve always had them. However the age at which a person’s abilities manifest themselves varies. This is also true of their strength. When we evaluated you we found impediments that limited your access to your abilities, which also affected your control of them. Those impediments were not natural, so after consulting with those who are more familiar with paranormal abilities we decided to remove the impediments. Effectively using paranormal abilities takes practice, just like many other skills. Now, if any of you want assistance in honing them there are many of us who can assist you. We would prefer that you make your request at the Medical Center. This is so we can direct you to someone who is familiar with your particular ability and is a good coach as well as a skilled user. Who you ask is your choice. Just remember that you are responsible for your actions.”

“Thank you. If I can ask a further question on this topic?”

Kathy nodded.

“I’ve been using my telepathy to communicate with others and find it is becoming much easier. When I was younger, I was led to believe that opening yourself to telepathic communication, and using it, gave others a way to see your thoughts and memories, and to possibly manipulate you.”

“I thought we dispelled that bit of misinformation.”

Smiling Saywu responded, “Well for me you did.”

“Ahh ... communicating telepathically with others does not by itself open you up so others can go snooping around in your thoughts or memories. Telepathic exchanges are very similar to verbal exchanges, with the advantage that you can see the context and feel the emotional aspect of the communication. So in that respect it is more open or meaningful. You don’t have to converse with anyone telepathically. It is a choice for you to make. We have shown all of you how to minimize letting your surface thoughts leak out during telepathic conversations. As to telepathic ability, we know that each of you can hear telepathically if you open the connection. Initiating a telepathic exchange takes a bit more skill and effort. Based on our experience practice makes it easier to do, whether that is true for everyone, we aren’t certain. As to our community, being able to hear telepathically is a definite benefit. It makes it very easy to notify everyone of an emergency. Does that help?”

“So if we are having difficulty, we can come to you for assistance?”

“Yes. Definitely. Now as to manipulation via telepathy, we provided you with tools to detect and block that. If you believe someone is attempting to do that to you then you need to contact us immediately so we can assist you in sorting it out.”

“Thank you.”

Kathy said, “Before we move to the next question I should point out that we prefer for you to be an active telepath while on our ships. Why? Primarily because we use that form of communication during emergencies.”

The next several questions all related to paranormal abilities and their nuances until one of the late arrivals stood to ask his question. “Can you tell us what happened to the three Elders who were at the meeting with you shortly after our arrival?”

“Elder Partik, Goddess Canu moved them to a small isolated island. We know nothing more of their situation, nor have we inquired,” responded Sarah.

“This Goddess thing is nothing but fantasy bullshit,” screamed Elder Jacqiz. “Just as your presentation is a fantasy story. What about the other Elders and their advisors who were on the ship? You claim to have brought everyone out of hibernation but by my count there are over 3 dozen people missing. Although some claim to have seen them during their recovery from hibernation, no one has seen them since then.”

“You saw the video of that meeting, so based on Goddess Canu’s comment, and your observation that they have not been seen recently, they are likely on the island with the initial three Elders. We did just as we promised and successfully brought almost everyone out of hibernation. Unfortunately several died due poor health. What those missing did after their release from hibernation is beyond our control. You could petition Goddess Canu or God Laghdha for assistance in finding them.”

“We’ve never heard of those deities. They are figments of your imagination.”

“How can they be figments of our imagination and also be in the videos?”

“Because the scenes in the videos are phony,” he shouted.

Chester responded firmly, “The video recordings of the meeting show exactly what occurred, as well as the arrival of this Systems Deities, Goddess Canu and God Laghdha. As to the information we presented, most of it came from your people, your records, and the ship’s crew members as well as the ship’s log.”

“You are lying,” growled Tquriz. “You are accusing us of arranging to enslave our people. None of us would do that to our family. Now, if you don’t comply with our request to return the others here instantly you will regret it.”

“Yes!” exclaimed Partik.

The other Elders who arrived late stood and exclaimed, “Yes!”

All the Elders among the audience pointed toward the Councilors on stage and began launching what looked like pins toward them. When the pins were near the Councilors, they stopped. When the Elders saw the pins halt and remain suspended in air they were astonished. They gasped in disbelief when the pins turned and flew back toward them. Several ducked, managing to avoid being struck by all the electrically charged pins they released. Unfortunately those sitting near them were not as lucky and screamed as the pins briefly pierced them. This caused a scramble as members of the audience attempted to distance themselves from the standing Elders.

Seeing their attack fail Tquriz, along with the other Elders, began chanting and waving their hands in a specific pattern. This lasted for a few moments, then was suddenly very quiet as those chanting stood like statues with their mouths gapping open and their arms still raised. At first their expressions were one of shock, however they soon changed to one of rage and anger but there still wasn’t a sound. During this the audience eased even further away from those standing.

It took a few moments before the audience began to notice the three women who had joined those on stage. The women were a lovely sight and were dressed in white chiton. They stood slightly in front of the Councilors clearly waiting to be noticed. By their appearance they were obviously not Órarduine although they were of about the same stature. The audience could sense the power that these three were radiating. The first members of the audience to notice them also saw the Councilors greet the women with a salute.

Cabd waited a few moments after the audience became aware of their presence to give them time to consider the implications of the events they’d seen. She then said softly to the Councilors, “Do you mind if we take care of this?”

Sarah replied loud enough that many could hear her, “Your presence indicates that your Mother Goddess Canu agrees, so we have absolutely no objection at all.”

“Oh, she does.” Cabd turned to the audience and said, “I am Goddess Cabd. Next to me are my sisters Goddess Iodla and Goddess Ariu. You have seen our mother, Goddess Canu, and our father, God Laghdha, in the video. Those among you who cannot move have questioned our existence, among other things. With our Mother’s approval we are here to assist those seeking to join the missing Elders in their quest. The opportunity to join those standing in their quest is available to each of you. All you need to do is stand so that we know of your wish to join them.

“Referring to it as a ‘quest’ isn’t actually a good description of what will happen to them. Those choosing to stand will join the three Elders in the video, and their associates. At some time in the near future all of those at that location will wake up to find themselves at the destination they had chosen for all of you. Their physical condition and paranormal abilities will be as they were when they emerged from hibernation. If that is your choice then all you need to do is stand. However, if you choose to continue on your current path, which is being able to choose your own future, then you should be sitting down.”

Ariu said, “To be clear, stand if you want to leave with the Elders who are standing. Sit if you want to choose your own future.”

Sitting Saywu said, “Goddesses, may I speak?”

“Certainly,” responded Cabd with a smile.

Looking at those around her Saywu said, “I’ve chosen to stay as I am tired of being their slave and puppet. I know that choosing to remain here has risks but they are risks that I’ve chosen to take, not ones forced upon me. Consider what life was like before we started this trip and what living here has been like.” Turning toward the Goddesses she said, “Thank you.”

Immediately after Saywu spoke many of those still standing quickly sat down. Over the next few minutes more made sure that they were seated. In the end there were only a few standing with the irate Elders.

Goddess Iodla announced, “Time has come. Everyday hence forth those who are still standing will remember the choice they made today.”

Together the Goddesses raised their hands and snapped their fingers. There was an immediate breeze as 63 people vanished from the amphitheater.

The three joined hands and said to those remaining, “We think you’ve all made a wise choice. That doesn’t mean that your future will easy but we believe it will be satisfying. Blessed are all of you.” They raised their arms toward the audience and then vanished.

The expression of many in the audience was one of surprise or amazement. Others looked confused. As the reality of what they had seen and decided took hold, many expressions became a combination of happy but concerned.

Siobhan, Maureen, Kathryn, Keriann, Molly, and Jackie said in unison, “Based on our own experience we know the decision you just made was difficult. As the Goddesses said, we think you made the right choice.”

Sarah added, “How you organize your group is obviously up to you. If you examine our structure carefully we think you will see that fundamentally yours isn’t that much different. However the differences in how it works are significant. First, we are very open with each other and get along without rancor, we believe telepathy aides in achieving this. Second, we see each other as equals, due to that who in a family takes the lead on an issue often varies. If you have questions please ask any of our Family. We believe the seven elders who oversaw your emergence from hibernation, and other activities here, have already made changes in their family structure, so you can also ask them.”

Victurcz said, “Are there more questions?”

A woman raised her hand and when Victurcz nodded she inquired, “Out of curiosity, what will happen to them?”

“We don’t know. However, based on what we remember Goddess Canu saying, in the near future they will wake up on the planet that they intended as your destination. Anything beyond that is speculation. We are thankful that our Deities resolved this issue for us.”

“Well, I think, after what we’ve seen today, we know for certain that there are Deities here and in the universe.”

“Yes!” exclaimed many of the audience.

A man stood and when recognized said, “My name is Tzuwq. My understanding of our situation is that we are waiting for a response from the Oreschre World. Which is fine, and hopefully they won’t be long in responding. In the meantime, how can we help as I don’t believe any of us want to be a burden to our rescuers? Besides, sitting around is boring.” Many of the audience chuckled and nodded in agreement.

“The easiest and most effective way,” said Amy, “is to visit one of our Learning Centers. Tell the console AI who you are and that you want to take an aptitude test. I can assure you that this is unlike any aptitude test you’ve had before. It is likely that the results will surprise you. After reviewing your results she will show you a listing of positions that match your strengths and interests. Once you have read through the list and had a chance to think about the options she will ask for your preferences. If your preferences match any open positions they will be shown to you. Depending on your response, she may suggest taking courses so you can qualify for other openings that fit your interests and skills.”

“What if we like it here so well that we want to stay? Can we?”

“The short answer is ‘yes’. We suggest taking your time to reach such a decision. Once you are comfortable here and are still serious about staying then you should discuss the idea with Tara’s Staffing Group. You will have the choice of being either a temporary or a permanent resident. This must be done on an individual basis as we see it as being an individual decision. It is not a group decision. Staying will entail another more extensive medical evaluation. Some take these conditions as us not wanting you to stay. This is not the case; our goal is to make certain that you aren’t overlooking something that will negatively impact you and your relationship with those around you.”

“Okay. Thanks.”

The questions continued until Elder Nuqarz said, “We will take one more question before we bring this to a close.” After waiting several minutes for another question she said, “Well I guess we have your answer. There is a chat site on Tara Ardchlár’s network, so if you do have a question, ask it. If you don’t ask, you won’t learn. There are still refreshments at the back and lunch is not too far off.”

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