Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 30

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 30 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

After breakfast four days later, Sarah’s Clan said to the Dóchas crew, “Today our exercises are going to become a bit more interesting than just training. When we arrived our sensors detected a group of five ships about 18 lh from us and they haven’t moved since then. Reconnaissance has identified them as a large passenger ship and 4 very large cargo ships. The data collected doesn’t indicate any obvious reason for them to remain there for this long and life signs are minimal. Several hours ago we sent two cruisers, accompanied by their fighters, toward them. Their purpose is to make contact and offer assistance if it is needed.

“The Monque and Atewa have been contacted to see if they were aware of any shipping passing through the sectors between us and the stalled ships.

“In surveying the area around the stalled ships two other groups were detected not very far from them. Based on their positioning and detected activity we believe that these two groups are monitoring the stalled ships. There are several possible reasons for this. The most likely is that these two groups are pirates, which fits with sensor data but needs confirming.

“With this in mind our cruisers will approach the stalled ships cloaked so that they are not visible to the other two groups.

“In an hour we will also head in that direction. Until we have more information on the passenger ship and 4 cargo ships we will be cautious in our responses toward them. The same is true for the other two groups, because after all, we don’t want to put ourselves in harm’s way. Now let’s put our training to use.”

In the pirate’s command ship Tuk said, “While this should be an easy capture, waiting for the drugs to run their course is a pain.”

“Aye,” responded several others.

Another said, “Too bad one of those patrols hasn’t found them. It would be nice to give them a bloody nose.”

“Agreed, which is why we brought as many ships as we did. However, this time that would likely mess things up. We have a buyer for all of the ships and their cargo. Best of all it is for a damn good price.”

“Are we still planning on spacing the crew?”

“Yes, but not here. We need to make sure that we have all the ship’s access codes before we do that.”

“Aye. If this drug works like they claim, that should be easy.”

“Captain, it looks like there are now several people moving around on the ship.”

“How can that be? Where are they?”

“Where are the hibernation units located?”

“What does video show?”

“There aren’t any in that area, just a limited number of motion sensors. No activity is being detected on the ship’s bridge. All AI functions are normal. External doors for the air-locks are accessible.”

“Captain, since the AI hasn’t had any interaction with the crew it may have decided to bring several people out of hibernation.”

“Well just a couple more to space. Next time we keep it simple and board the ships right after the sedative takes effect. While the drugs are expensive they are cheaper than repairing a ship and finding new crew members.”

“That it is,” responded one of the crew, with several others nodding in agreement. “It seems odd that we have to wait even though they are sedated.”

“Based on the suppliers instructions allowing the drug to take affect while the victim is in isolation makes it easier for us to turn them into human robots and do our bidding. Now, it is time to begin our departure preparation.”

“Aye Captain.”

While the discussion was taking place on the pirate ship, DBN02 and PBN05 were approaching the passenger ship. Claire of Cathan’s Clan said, “Spiders have only found 4 people active on the ship. There is no activity on the bridge.”

“Try contacting the ship,” said Sorcha. “The AI should respond.”

Using the directional antenna Enya said, “Hello WZA9000, this is Enya on Órarduine PBN05.”

“Hello Enya of PBN05. This is the WZA9000 AI. Your request is?”

“We would like to speak with the Captain.”

“That is not possible. Can I help you?”

“We were nearby and noticed that you have been sitting here for an unusually long time, so we thought we would check to see if you needed assistance.”


“Is it okay if we come aboard and check?”

There was a fairly long pause as the AI evaluated the request in light of the condition of the crew. She responded, “Based on you being Órarduine permitting you to board is within my directives. Which hatch are you near?”

“The label indicates D04.”

“Hatch is open.”

“How do we contact you inside the ship?”

“My information indicates you are telepathic. Is that correct?”

“Yes we can speak telepathically with some.”

“Okay. Let’s try that once you are inside. If that doesn’t work, I can hear sounds in most parts of the ship and there are handsets at various locations.”

Cathan’s Clan had just entered the ship when the ship’s AI said, “There are four people active in the hibernation area. I initiated their wake-up sequence yesterday. They are up and cleaning up, after that they will eat.”

So you aren’t detecting any other crew activity?”

I am detecting them but shortly after arriving here they quit responding to my requests. While none appear to be active, their life signs are detectable and good.”

Well in that case we would like to bring more people on board.”

Fine as there are some mechanical issues.”

Edana, send Darcy’s team over.”

Aye. After that I’ll move back so DBN02 can access the hatch.”

WZA9000 AI said, “Hatch C02 is available. It is on the port side opposite D02.”

Thanks but we need to detach so we can respond to any threats. Currently we believe there is a potential threat approaching from the port side.”

Okay. Then B10 is accessible. My sensors aren’t showing any other ships in the vicinity.”

They are in two locations in that field of large rocks off your port bow. We suspect they intend to capture you, along with the cargo ships with you, as they’ve been there longer than you’ve been here.”

Edana said, “Cathan, the Ferret on the WAZ has identified a data stream being sent to the port antenna.”

What is in it?”

Ship status, motion sensors, and video of the bridge.”

It would be nice if the sensor and video data became corrupted.”

I’ll pass that along and let you know when it happens.”

AI can you suppress the motion sensors?”

Yes, but why?”

We’ve found a data stream that is being broadcast with that information, as well as the video coverage of the bridge. We would prefer that our presence not be noted in the data stream.”

Oh that is easy to fix. I’ll just change the links without changing the labels.”


Are you all doing something to my systems?”

Only snooping. Our purpose is to avoid surprises.”

Understandable. Is it something I can link with?”

We’ll let the Ferret know that you want to link with her.”


It is our name for the entity you can feel, but first we would like to give you a name. Is that okay?”

Between us that is super! Would Jade be okay?”

If you are happy with Jade then so are we. How many bots are in the crew? Are any of them active?”

There are 38. All are awaiting guidance.”

Are you authorized to give them commands?”

Depends on the situation.”

If there are medics among them, send them to the bridge to check on the crew members and report their findings to you. After they finish there, they can check on the rest of the biological crew members.”

I can do that, however they require authorization by a bio crew member before any treatment can begin. I wonder why I didn’t consider that?”

Good. We will want to know their condition before beginning any treatment. As to why you didn’t consider it, it was likely due to an aspect of your directives. We can check them later.”

I don’t know that you have access.”

We can sort that out later, and don’t let us forget. Now we need to search the ship and a map would be great.”

There are tablets with maps in a compartment labeled DT1011. It should be right close to you.”

We have them.”

Once you activate them key in a name so I have a label for the one you are using, this will let me send you messages as well as monitor your location.”


The four in the hibernation area have finished freshening up and eating. They’ve been discussing what to do next.”

Would you ask them to remain there? A couple of us will meet with them when we reach that point.”

How much should I tell them?”

Tell them what is going on. Several more ships will join us shortly so the pirates should not be a problem.”

Good, ‘cause something is wrong with our propulsion system.”

Was that the issue you were referring to earlier?”

Yes, one of them.”

An hour later Sorcha and Máiréad approached the door to the compartment where the four young adults were anxiously waiting. Just before they reached the door Jade told the occupants of their approach.

Not knowing how the four would react Máiréad knocked on the door before gently pushing it open. When the Órarduine saw the occupants looking at them they relaxed, they could tell that the four were scared but not a threat.

Sorcha said, “Hello,” in Standard. “I am known as Sorcha and with me is Máiréad.”

“Hello,” replied the four softly.

The young man said, “My name is Jar. Next to me are Blee, Winz, and Maz. What is going on? Why are we awake?”

“What did Jade tell you?”


“That is the name we’ve given the ship’s AI.”

“Only that the ship is stalled and that she woke us because she couldn’t get any response from the crew. Oh, she just mentioned something about pirates.”

Smiling Máiréad responded, “I suspect she gave you a few more details than that.”

“She did,” responded Blee. “Jar uses words very sparingly. What happens now?”

“Have you eaten?”

“Yes. We ate the packaged meals Jade designated. She told us that they were specifically for those emerging from hibernation.”

“Good. Until we know what happened to the crew, don’t eat anything unless it is from a sealed package or we hand it to you.”

“Oh. We will do that. What about water?”

“The water appears to be okay, but we would prefer that you share ours.”

“Who are you?” queried Winz.

“We are Órarduine, from planet Ananu in the Celia solar system.”

Cathan’s and Darcy’s Clans, the pirates are starting to move,” said Edana. “The rest of the task group will arrive shortly. It is not clear how much closer the pirates will be to you when the task group arrives. As planned we are moving to a different position, which should to draw them away from you when they see us.”

As Sorcha and Máiréad listened to Edana their distraction was apparent to the four with them. Seeing their expressions Sorcha said, “We were listening to a message from our ship. Now, all of us need to head for the bridge.”

As they walked Máiréad said, “Do you know any of the crew?”

Maz said, “Sort of ... well not really. We entered hibernation the second day of boarding. Several crew were going to be up during the voyage. We were told we wouldn’t wake up until we arrived at our destination. This was due to the ship not being designed to have all the passengers up and about for more than a day or two.”

“Good. That will help us distinguish between passengers and crew.”

“From what I remember, most of the crew that I saw were different than any of us.”

Brid of Darcy’s Clan said, “The ones we’ve found so far are from four different species.”

Sorcha said, “Is the group you are with all one breed or species?”

One species. There are several subgroups but the differences are minor.”


Jade said, “There was an undercurrent among the passenger’s representatives, and somehow it involved the ship’s leaders. As to the crew, my records indicate that only few are the same species as the passengers.”

Okay. As we wake each crew member we will need you to tell us their background and position in the crew. Please tell us if you have any concerns about the individual.”

I will. Thank you for the opportunity.”

Hearing her response Sorcha looked at Máiréad and winked, prompting Máiréad to smile. Jar, Blee, Winz, and Maz were puzzled as they felt they were missing something.

Sorcha and Máiréad, along with the four passengers, met the rest of Cathan’s team on the bridge. After introducing the four passengers Cathan asked the Órarduine medics, “What is the status of the crew members?”

“Well we’ve only examined those here. They are alive but their biological functions are near a hibernation state. We noticed a peculiar odor around them. While we haven’t identified it, it did lead us to discovering that all of them have been consuming the Durale drug with their meals.”


“Dóchas or Phoenix will send us some when they arrive.”

“Any idea how long the sedative will last?”

“It will likely last for several more days.”

“That long?”

“Yes, if we don’t do anything to help them. Since no provisions were made for bodily waste functions, it will likely become quite smelly before then.”

“What are the alternatives?”

“Well the simplest is to disrobe them and place them in the showers.”

“Is there enough room?”

“Should be.”

“Once all the compartments are secured, do it. Actually you may want to do that now with those you’ve examined. They should be separated by gender and restrained.” Seeing the passenger’s expressions, Cathan said to them, “Can you help them?”

“Sure,” replied Maz, “but why the restraints?”

“Primarily to avoid any incidents due to them not knowing us. We are separating the genders since we don’t know your culture. Many cultures avoid mixed gender nudity.”

“Good guess. Do we need to assist with both genders?”

“How much you assist is up to you. They won’t know unless one of you tell them.”


Outside WZA, DBN02 and PBN05 had moved away from the ship while keeping it between them and the approaching pirates. They were nearly 200 km from WZA and considerably above the imaginary plane containing the pirates and stranded ships. To minimize the chance of being detected they had accelerated while the ship blocked the pirates view. Just before coming into detection range they minimized external radiation. When their FOCs advised them that the pirates were moving, but apparently hadn’t detected them, the cruisers significantly changed their course to head back toward the stranded ships. As soon as they did this the pirates detected them and changed course to intercept them. The cruisers began shedding Star Fighters which then took up positions around their cruiser.

DBN02 and PBN05 scanned the approaching pirate ships. Caoilinn on DBN02 said, “AI, hail the approaching ships.”

“Aye.” A few minutes later, he said, “Link established.”

When the image stabilized Caoilinn said, “We are Órarduine DBN02. Who are you? What are you doing in this sector?”

“We were asked to assist these stranded ships,” snarled Captain Tuk.

Smiling she replied, “Sitting among the rocks is an interesting way to spend your time, it appears to us that you were waiting for them.”

“We were. Their owner asked us to meet them here as they reported propulsion stability problems.”

“Well we are here now so your assistance isn’t needed, you can continue to wherever you were going before you arrived six days ago.”

“No, we are going to assist the ships like we’ve been paid to do.”

“We are already rendering assistance, which you should have done several days ago. You are too late and we don’t need your help, so run along.”

As they were talking the distance between the ships was decreasing.

“Wrong. You are not taking them from us. We are going to assist them. Your puny ships are not capable of stopping us. Now we will take your ships, and the five we were hired to assist.”

“Are you threatening us?”

“No, I am claiming your ships as well. Fire!” With that the communication link broke and the pirate fleet released a barrage of missiles.

Caoilinn said, “Shields, standby. Arm RF lasers!”

“Aye,” replied PBN05.

Caoilinn watched the pirate’s missiles approach. When they were a third of the way across the distance between the pirate fleet and PBN05 she said, “Fire RF lasers.”

“Aye,” replied PBN05.

Caoilinn’s and Darcy’s teams watched as RF laser pulses were sent toward each pirate ship as fast as the laser could be recharged. Once the pulses were sent both Órarduine ships launched their missile defense and activated their shields. When the range was optimum the rail guns of both cruisers began throwing slugs at the pirate ships. Each slug contained an explosive and a timer. They were designed to explode either after penetration or after a set time.

The engagement had barely begun when more Órarduine cruisers joined in. With the additional fire power the pirate losses quickly began to grow. It was when Dóchas and Phoenix joined the battle that Captain Tuk gave the command to flee. The pirate ships turned and fled in small groups with each taking a different vector.

Seeing the few remaining pirate ships fleeing Rusty said to their ships, “Limit pursuit to 6 lh from here. Maintain strike groups during pursuit. Keep an eye out for Ferrets.”

Aye,” came the response.

Over the next several hours the Órarduine recovered the pirate’s damaged ships and treated their injured crew. During this Dóchas and Phoenix moved into a position on either side of the five stranded ships.

On WZA9000 Maz said, “Sorcha, why did you let the pirate ships get away?”

“Why do you think we let them get away?”

“Well it just seemed that once the attacking ships started to leave the distances between your ships and them grew rapidly.”

“While it did look that way a good part of that was due to the relative speeds and vectors. None of the ships that escaped were undamaged. Another reason was that we need our ships to help recover our people.”

“What would have happened to us if you hadn’t arrived?”

“You probably would have woken up some time in the future as a slave. We may have a better idea after we interrogate the crew and the leaders of your group.”

“Where are we?”

“We are roughly 38 lh from Ananu in the Celia System.”

“Where is that in relation to our former home?”

“We don’t know as we don’t know where you started your trip; however, we should be able to tell you later today.”

While Sorcha, Maz, Winz, Blee, and Jar were talking more Órarduine boarded the passenger ship. This included numerous engineers, medical technicians, and security.

Shannon said, “Excuse me Cathan, how soon will we able to question the crew?”

“I don’t know. We’ve put them all in restraints and moved them to the showers so their uncontrolled biological functions won’t be a big smelly issue. Judy or May can probably answer your question.”

“Good point. Who are your helpers?”

“Sorry. This is Blee, Winz, Maz, and Jar. They are the passengers that Jade brought out of hibernation when she couldn’t get a response from the crew.

“This is Shannon. Her clan is a key part of Dóchas’ Intelligence group.”

After they exchanged greetings Shannon said, “We are really glad that Jade woke you up.”


“Well hopefully you can help us understand why you are here.”

Blee responded, “I don’t think we will be much help as we entered hibernation shortly after entering the ship.”

Before Shannon could respond Maz queried, “While I understand the name for your department, I don’t understand what it does.”

“We listen to, and watch, activities surrounding us and try to anticipate how they will affect us. More specifically, whether there are any threats to us. Also, what are the benefits of interacting with an unknown group? So my first question is; why were you moving?”

“How do you know we were moving?” queried Jar.

“We don’t know for certain, but the contents of the cargo ships leads to that conclusion. So what prompted the move?”

“Our World was looking for a group to settle a new planet,” responded Winz.

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