Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 25

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 25 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

In Zoe’s office Melody said, “Chenshiq, while we’ve been chatting several things have occurred. But first based on your comment about being scheduled to return to the construction site today Clarence contacted the Construction Superintendent. He asked for you to be assigned to us for a few days at our expense. The Superintendent was initially reluctant but after discussing our need agreed, provided you were willing.”

“Oh, my. I am not sure how my coworkers will react on learning that.”


“Well the biggest reason is that it may increase the time between their visits here. As to assisting you all, I am not sure how much more help I can provide.”

“Probably a lot more than you think. For instance, you are more familiar with the spoken languages your coworkers use than we are. Another reason is that shortly after you joined us in here a Monque Security person stormed into our office and demanded your release. Clarence informed him that you weren’t being detained and that you were assigned to assist us with resolving a missing person issue.”

Chenshiq frowned as she said, “Oh my. I suspect I know who put him up to that.”

“Those you told us about earlier?”


“In that case we should move your things to a different residence area while you are assisting us. As to compensation, we will ensure that your earnings are at a level equivalent to what you would have been receiving from all your activities.”

“Thank you, but that is not necessary. I just want to see Krystal again. I hope she is still talking to me. As to going back to the site, it would probably be wiser for me to find a job at another location.”


“Many of the construction crew are very suspicious and envious of others so it is quite likely that someone will sabotage my work, or even arrange for me to have a significant accident.”

“Really?” responded Melody with a raised eyebrow.

“Unfortunately yes. There have already been accidents that looked very suspicious to me. In those cases the victim was a person others had been hazing. In our work environment an accident is nearly always serious, or fatal.”

Zoe said, “Well I am sure that we can assist you in finding suitable employment. Now let’s get you moved. While we are getting your things Staffing will sort out a new living space for you.”

When Zoe, Melody, and Chenshiq returned to the main office Zoe said, “This is Chenshiq. She is going to be assisting us for a while.”

“We’ve heard,” replied the staff. “Welcome aboard.”


One said, “I believe Clarence wants to speak with you.”

Clarence entered and said, “Yes I do. Hello, Chenshiq. My name is Clarence.”

“It is good to meet you, although I would have preferred it to be under different circumstances.”

“Agreed. All the same, the fact that you brought us Krystal’s communicator has uncovered a problem that hadn’t come to our attention yet. Let’s go to the conference room as there are some others waiting for us to join them.”

On entering the conference room Morrigan was the first to say, “Good afternoon. Chenshiq my name is Morrigan and this is Creidne.” She then introduced Cathan’s Team. Just as she finished the introductions Mi and Ge eased into the room prompting a gasp from Chenshiq. “Relax, they are just as friendly as the smaller version. Besides, they are going to assist us. Go ahead you can pet them.”

Sensing the sincerity of Morrigan’s comment Chenshiq tentatively reached out to touch Mi who moved closer to her in response to the gesture. It only took a few strokes before Mi was purring and Ge was pushing up on the other side of Chenshiq. Sensing the request Chenshiq petted both for a few moments before looking up and saying, “If you had told me this was possible I would never have believed you.”

“Ah, but they are not the animals that you think they are. They do resemble animals you’ve seen on other Worlds, but they are not the same. They are in fact unique. We will make sure you know their distinguishing features before you leave.”

Clarence interrupted, “We need to get this show on the road. Chenshiq, we’ve been comparing images of those entering your residence area to those leaving. In doing that we’ve found multiple discrepancies as there have been a more people enter than have exited. Krystal is one of them but not all the discrepancies are Órarduine. So far we’ve found about two dozen and the comparisons are still in progress.”

“So we are monitored while we are here?”

“Yes and no. We monitor who arrives and leaves Tara Ardchlár. Due to some issues in the past, and recently at the various sites, we record who enters and who leaves a site, along with a time stamp. This is all stored unless we need to know who was where and wish to carry out a search such as we did today. In a broader sense, knowing where people are aids us in responding to emergencies.”

“Okay. We do something similar at the site and on the ships.”

“Which is where we began this monitoring. Now, would you look through the images to see if you know anything about the people in them?”

“Sure. Can I ask where this is heading?”

“Yes, you can ... and I will even answer,” he replied with a smile as others in the group chuckled. “Sorry I couldn’t resist. As soon as everyone here has a chance to see all the images we are going to search the site.”

“That ought to wind some people up.”

“Why is that?”

“Well some of them think the residence area is Monque and Atewa territory with a status similar to an embassy.”

“It isn’t. Conceptually they are guest quarters in our World.

“Sherri, please show the images. Chenshiq, please ask Sherri to stop anytime you have a comment about the person.”

“Okay. Who is Sherri?”

“I am one of the Security AIs,” responded Sherri.


“Let us begin.”

It wasn’t long before Sherri said, “That is all the current discrepancies. Chenshiq, thank you for providing names we can now check the departure logs, which will likely lead to more questions.”

“I didn’t know any of them very well. However, I believe some were departing this system either when they returned to the site or soon afterward. The construction company’s HR should have their contract information and departure date, if they left this system.”

“Although we don’t have images of them going through departure processing the logs should tell us when they left Tara.”

Todd of Cathan’s Clan queried, “Chenshiq, how is the senior crew manager able to get away with the stuff he does? Is he part of the construction company, or an employee?”

“He is an employee. Referring to him as a senior crew manager is probably an error on my part. As far as I know he doesn’t have a title. I do know that the foremen will arrange most anything he requests, so to me he is like a foreman’s foreman. Some engineers seem to be a bit intimidated by him at times, but that could just be because they seldom interact with him.

“Rumor has it that he is the son of a senior official in the Monque Central Fleet Office. He does have the same general features and the same family name. That particular official is well respect and a former admiral with an outstanding service record. He has a reputation of acting quickly to resolve any reported irregularities. On a project like this one it is fairly easy to create apparent irregularities that can’t be sorted without a forensic audit. However, I don’t know his full name.”

Clarence said, “We are looking into whether this is true.”

Creidne said, “So if my count is correct, based on the image match and lack of a response to the communicator query, we have 6 Órarduine missing. In addition there are several construction crew members who appear to be missing.”

“Yes,” replied Clarence. “It looks like Mi and Ge are ready.”

Hearing that both Mi and Ge nodded.

“Mi, Ge, do you need to smell any of Krystal’s belongings?”

Both shook their heads no, and Morrigan added, “I believe they did that when they went by Krystal’s area before coming here.”

As they were walking out of the meeting room Morrigan and Creidne were alongside Chenshiq who said, “It seems like I have met you both before.”

“Nope,” replied Creidne with a smile. “We never forget a face. Actually, you may have seen us in the dining or recreation areas as we frequent both of them. However, I believe you are Coschenz from the Oreschre World.”

“Originally, yes. It has been a long time since I’ve been back.”

“We’ve been told that some from your World believe that we look like a couple of their Goddesses, however, we don’t agree.”

“Well it has been a while since I’ve seen Their images but from what I remember I would say that you certainly resemble Them.”

Morrigan laughed, “Well, we’ll give you that.”

Zoe and Cathan were at the front of the group when they walked through the entrance to the construction crew’s residence area. A man stepped in front of them and said, “Hold it, I don’t believe you belong in here. Is there something I can help you with?”

“Sure, we are looking for several people,” responded Cathan as she showed him the photos. “Have you seen any of these people recently?” As they were showing the photos several others paused to look at them.

The man responded, “Sorry, I’ve only been here 2 days.”

Another pointed at a photo and said, “I saw this one in the common room the day I arrived, which was 4 days ago.”

“I’ve seen one of the women who hangs out in our common room with these two,” said another pointing to two photos. “While I don’t know her name, she has purple hair with green streaks.”

“Why are you looking for them?” queried another.

“Because their friends can’t locate them.”

“What’s with the lions?”

“They are very good finding people.”

“True. What are you going to do?”

“Well since you suggested the common room, we’ll have a look there before we begin checking all the rooms.”

“Are you allowed to do that?”


“Do we need to be here?”

“Not really, we are just going to look inside. If we need to do more then we will ask you to join us.”

“Okay. I was going to the dining hall. Wait, if you haven’t seen them since they entered here that means they haven’t used the dining hall.”


“That is weird. Who would want to pass up the best food in the universe?”

Once there were no more comments on the photos Cathan and Zoe led the group toward the common room. On entering a big man hollered, “Hey, this is a private area. What are you all doing here?”

“Attempting to locate some people,” replied Zoe.

“You will address me as Master Geltalzick!”

“On what basis?” queried Cathan.

“Because that is how people of your class are required to address US in our World.”

“Your World is a few light years from here.”

“Wrong! When you stepped through the main entrance to our residence you entered our World so our rules and customs apply. Just by entering you agreed to those terms. Anyone who questions what I say will be punished.” As he finished speaking he was fingering the baton hanging on his waist.

“You are mistaken,” responded Zoe. “The agreement with the Monque and Atewa Worlds was simply for use of this area with no territorial provisions. Órarduine rules and customs take precedence when there is a conflict.”

“We would never agree to such a stupid thing, you disrespectful bitch.” As he was speaking he raised his hand as if he was going to strike Zoe but the barely audible roar by the lions caused him to hesitate.

Cathan said, “We are an Órarduine Security Team. Our only purpose here is to locate these people.” As she was speaking they showed the photos to those around them.

After seeing the photos several people started to ease away from them. One man near Ge caused Ge’s nose to twitch. When Ge moved toward him the man continued backing up until he was against a chair. Once Ge got a good whiff, he turned toward a door at the back of the room and headed for it. Mi quickly moved to follow Ge.

Seeing where the lions were headed Geltalzick said, “You better get your fucking animals under control or they will be on our dinner table.”

“You aren’t capable,” laughed Todd.

Geltalzick pulled a pistol from under his shirt, just it cleared his shirt Ge jumped at the door. It went down with a loud bang which was followed by a loud roar and several screams from the adjoining room. Several of Geltalzick’s associates followed his example and reached for their weapons. Sensing their intent the Órarduine responded immediately, putting all of them down before they could fully draw their weapons.

With Geltalick and his associates down Morrigan, Creidne, Brenda, and Melody dashed toward the other room with Chenshiq close behind. Inside, near a table with a woman bound to it, were two naked men lying on the floor, bleeding from multiple claw marks. Three other women were cornered by Mi. Morrigan saw one of them easing a weapon around another so that she could shoot Mi. Morrigan responded by throwing a dagger, hitting the woman in the neck and nailing her to the wall. The other two women screamed and fainted.

Thanks,” said Mi. Hearing the comment Chenshiq’s eyebrows went up.

Brenda quickly bound the women’s wrists and ankles together behind their backs. When she looked up Súsanna’s and Christina’s Security Teams were entering the room. “We need medical teams.”

“For these vermin?”

“No. For the women on the benches.”

As Zoe was speaking Chenshiq had gone over to the bench where Krystal was lying. With tears running down her face she began releasing her. She had just finished when the EMTs arrived.

When an EMT found an object on the back of Krystal’s head she looked at Chenshiq and asked, “What is this?”.

“I am not sure but one of those women over there probably knows.”

Morrigan came over and looked at the position of the object then placed her hands on either side of Krystal’s head. After a moment she said, “It is blocking everything but her primitive brain functions. Just pull it off. If you want to examine it before doing that there are several laying around.”

Chenshiq handed one to the EMT saying, “This is one of them.”

After examining it the EMT pulled the one off of Krystal and called for a stretcher. When they were preparing to move Krystal Chenshiq queried, “Can I go with you?”

Zoe said, “Chenshiq, we really need you here to help us for a while. As soon as we are done we will take you to the medical center so you can see Krystal. Well, that is if they let her have visitors that soon. Right now we really need your help.”

Chenshiq squeezed Krystal’s hand and gave her a kiss on the cheek before saying softly, “I’ll see you later.” Turning to Zoe she said, “How can I help?”

“First we need to figure out who is involved and who is not.”

“Well those who drew weapons certainly were,” she responded with a smile.

“Okay smart ass, good observation. However, there are a bunch people staying here that we need to interview. While you may not really know them, your insight should help us figure out who has useful information.”

“Okay. Some of those who filled roles similar to mine might be willing to assist with that because I really don’t know very many of them that well.”

“Yea, but you are familiar with the languages. One of my Clan will be with you at all times. Morrigan and Creidne will be nearby. They will monitor your thoughts so you won’t need to comment verbally unless you want too.”

“Okay ... how will I know if they catch my thoughts?”

“They will either tell you telepathically or you will know by their actions.”

“What about the construction site?”

“Some of Morrigan’s sisters are there now, and several Councilors are also on their way there.”

“Can you expand on how you envisage me assisting?”

“Well one way is that you know, or have seen, who belongs to the different social groups. You can use the images we have of the construction crew to group them. This should give us some leads on who to focus on. Our next step will be to interview them about what went on in here, although some of it is pretty obvious.”

“But they won’t speak truthfully.”

“We can deal with whether they are truthful or not. In most cases we just need them to remember what they don’t want us to know. That alone usually gives us critical information, some of which can be used in our inquiries. Don’t forget that Ge and Mi will know who has been with Krystal and the other women.”

“Okay, I guess.”

“Trust me, it should work. I can go into more detail when we have more time. Right now we want to get this sorted as quickly as possible as we don’t want to keep anyone from enjoying their time off. Go with Melody.”

Zoe turned to Anna of Christina’s Team and said, “Have several of your team pair up with the Monque Security people and check all the rooms the construction crews are using. As soon as that is done we can let them back inside. Charles, this room needs to be secured until the forensic technicians have gone over it.”

“They will be here shortly. Our team will cover it.”

“Good. Thanks.”

“Is someone going to tell the residents what happened back here?” queried Nainsi of Christina’s Clan.

“Clarence should be out by the entrance,” responded Cathan.

Morrigan said, “Creidne and I will join him as we think you all have this under control.”

At the entrance Clarence stood with several others facing the crowd that had gathered. They had not prevented anyone from going inside but had instead asked them to wait until the situation was settled.

The crowd muttered when Creidne and Morrigan came out of the entrance. Seeing them Clarence said, “I presume the situation is under control.”

“‘Appears to be’ would be a good description,” responded Creidne with a smile.

Morrigan queried, “Would you like us to join you in making an announcement?”

“I can’t think of a lovelier pair to join me, that way they will forget I was even here,” he grinned.

“What are you buttering us up for?”

Smiling he replied, “Who, me?”

They stood on each side of Clarence and together raised their hands to draw the crowds’ attention. They waited a few moments until everyone quieted down.

Together they said, “Good afternoon. Many of you are probably wondering what is going on inside, and why you were asked to wait out here. A short time ago one of our Security Teams entered looking for several people who have not been seen around Tara Ardchlár for several days. The last time they were seen was entering this area. A moment ago the Security team were involved in a confrontation with a group in the common room. During this confrontation several residents drew weapons and our Security Team immediately put them down. Several residents were injured but none seriously. Those that drew weapons are being detained.

“In the room at the back of the common room three of the missing were found tied to benches. Of the five people with the restrained women, four are in custody and one died as a result of her actions. The women tied to the benches were the Órarduine that we were trying to locate. They have been taken to our medical center. Unfortunately, one is not expected to recover. We can assure you that those involved in this will suffer the consequences of their actions. There are still several Órarduine missing. We also believe that there are some members of the construction crew missing.

“Let’s be clear about a couple of things regarding this location. It is a part of the Órarduine World, and their World’s rules apply to all activities occurring here, just as they do for the whole planet. We know that this information has been provided to you several times. We have no objection to anyone engaging in sex with another provided the choice was freely made without coercion or intimidation. We don’t even care if it involves a monetary transaction. The second thing to remember is that we do not tolerate non-consenting activities, sexual or otherwise. If anyone forces someone to physically interact with another by force or intimidation, then the perpetrator will be punished. This also applies to taking another’s possessions without permission. Depending on the incident, a rule-breaker’s actions could result in them being recycled along with our other biological waste.

“Currently our security people, along with your employer’s security teams, are checking all the rooms. Their purpose is to check for any similar issues. When that investigation is complete, you will be allowed to return to your rooms. However, the room where the incidents occurred will be unavailable for an indefinite time, but that shouldn’t affect anyone.

“Our Security staff will be questioning everyone currently residing here. So, just because a Security member has spoken to someone does not mean that you should presume the topic of their conversation, or that it has a hidden significance.

“Since this incident has disrupted your time off we will be asking your employers to consider extending your time here by 1 day, at no cost to you. We suspect that they will agree.”

“Now, questions?”

“Are they going to search our rooms?”

“Yes, in the sense that they are carrying out a visual check. If they see a reason for an in depth search then you will be contacted so that you can observe it.”

“If that happens can we have a witness join us?”

“Yes. We also video our searches when we can.”

After several more questions they waited a few minutes before Clarence said, “See you all at dinner.”

When the group had dispersed, Morrigan said, “I think we will go back inside and look around.”

“So you also thought it felt odd,” noted Creidne.

“Well I don’t know that I would characterize it as ‘odd’.”

“I would. I don’t think it is serious but it is definitely something we should check out.”

“Let us know what tweaked your curiosity,” said Clarence as the two turned to reenter the building.

A woman came up to him and asked, “Is Chenshiq in trouble?”

Smiling he said, “No not at all. We asked her to assist us as she is more familiar with the languages the crew speaks. Are you a friend of hers?”

“Good acquaintances would be a better description. She is very reserved. I will say that she is someone I can depend on, and that is not true of many working at the site.”

“Based on the few hours I’ve known her she does seem like good people.”

“I agree.”

“There is no reason that you can’t go speak with her.”

“Another time would be better. Thanks,” replied the woman as she walked away.

It was late that evening when Zoe, Melody, and Chenshiq entered the Medical department on Phoenix. The Medical AI said “Hello, Zoe, Melody. How can I help you?”

Zoe said, “Where would we find Krystal?”

“Are you referring to the patient brought up from Tara this afternoon?”


“She is in B3. She is awake. I just told her that she has visitors.”


Zoe led them to the compartment. As soon as she was inside Chenshiq rushed over to the bed with the intention of hugging Krystal. She stopped when she got up close as she saw the multiple wounds on Krystal’s body, and that her mouth was covered. The realization of how much Krystal had suffered prompted Chenshiq to begin crying.

Krystal said, “Don’t cry, Chenshiq. This wasn’t your fault.” Chenshiq looked up as she thought Krystal was speaking to her even though her mouth was covered. Sensing her confusion Krystal continued, “Chenshiq, I am speaking to you telepathically because I am unable to move my mouth at the moment. My hearing is fine.”

“I am so sorry; I never should have left you alone.”

It wouldn’t have made much, if any, difference.”

“What do you mean?”

They knew we were going to hang out there and were waiting for us.”

“How do you know that?”

What I heard after they moved me to the room where you found me. Although now, looking back, my memories seem really fuzzy about what went on around me.”

“I realized afterward that the appointment was bogus, so I agree with your assessment. What happened after I left?”

Well a few minutes after you left a woman entered your room. She told me that it would be a couple of hours before you would return and that you had asked her to keep me company. Her comment didn’t feel right, but I went along with it anyway. As we chatted, getting to know each other, she became more and more flirty which added to my unease. Visually she was a very desirable woman but her advances seemed insincere as she was a shallow person. It was when she pulled me into a kiss that I sensed that she intended to place something against my neck. As soon as she did that I knew I was in trouble because I began to lose consciousness. When I came to my hands and feet were bound and I was lying in a laundry bin. My mouth was covered but I could hear people talking.”

“That must have been awful. As you’ve guessed, I earn extra money by letting them use my body for sex. Although in some ways it seems to be a requirement of continuing working at the site. While most of the crew are pleasant to be intimate with, with others it is a nightmare.”


“Why can’t you talk?”

They cut a slit in my neck so I didn’t need to breathe through my nose. It was done so they could fuck my mouth and throat without worrying about suffocating me. Another reason was that one of them didn’t like the way my teeth rubbed his cock. He thought I was trying to bite him, so after whipping me he pulled most of my teeth.”

Hearing Krystal’s comment caused Chenshiq to begin to cry again.

Don’t cry. Our doctors told me that they can fix me up so I’ll be as good as new. With respect to the orgasms, the wires that you saw attached to me were used to keep my arousal elevated between sessions. The stimulation kept me constantly aroused so that I was wet all the time. At times they were used to cause pain.”

“Do you feel up to answering a few questions?” queried Melody.

So you think that by talking about this it will help me get past it?”

“Well, it did help us,” Melody replied with Zoe nodding. The comment shocked Chenshiq.

Seeing Chenshiq’s reaction Zoe said, “It was a long time ago. Talking about it with understanding friends did help us, but it still took time.”

Krystal was quiet for a few moments then said, “I don’t know if the names they used were correct, but I am pretty sure that I can identify those I heard.”

“If I don’t recognize the name and you can describe them, I should be able to help you find their photo. That is if you don’t mind being around me after what happened.”

I don’t mind being around you at all and that approach should work although I didn’t see many of those who fucked me. So Zoe, I suppose you would like to hear my story now.”

“Only if you feel up to it. Now would be advantageous as it should help us identify those involved.”

While in the laundry bin I heard a heated exchange between a man and two women. He was berating them for not having my communicator. That was followed by the sounds of someone being hit, which interspersed with moans and screams. When it quieted down a man lifted me out of the bin and laid me on the bench. He was a big man and everyone seemed to immediately follow his directions.”

“That sounds like Geltalzick. He was the one who said I had an appointment with him. I was surprised that you were not in my room when I returned. If my appointment had been with anyone else I would have rescheduled it. There was no way I could refuse him. I did find your communicator when I straightened up the room. It was under some bedding. When I found it, I went looking for you so I could return it.”

I am glad you did or I would still be there. Anyway as I was saying, he placed me on the bench. The women then positioned me and fastened the restraints. He attached the wires to me then removed the cover over my mouth. As soon as the covering was removed I screamed as the first wave of pain arrived. He then began asking me questions about us. He hardly waited between each question before he gave me another jolt of pain which elicited another scream. I don’t remember the questions, or what I told him, but he kept it up until I lost my voice and passed out. When I woke I was strapped down to the table and they were performing a tracheotomy on me. It was awful as they didn’t give me anything to numb the pain. After that Geltalzick fucked me.

It was some time after that when they pulled my teeth. My mouth was held open with a jaw spreader while they were pulled. Afterward it felt like they put a covering over my gums before removing the jaw spreader. It was hardly out of my mouth before a cock entered it. After that it is a confusing jumble as it seems like there was a cock in my mouth, pussy, or both all the time. During this period it felt like I went from one orgasm to the next with hardly any pause.

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