Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 24

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 24 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Sarah’s Clan accompanied by the other Councilors walked toward the operations building at Tara Ardchlár’s space port. On entering they greeted those waiting with, “Good afternoon, all.”

“Good afternoon,” was the reply.

Clarence said, “We are certainly glad that you are back.”

Terry of Sarah’s Clan responded, “While we had a great time and learnt a lot we are happy to be home, well sort of home. What can we do for you?”

“Over the last few days there have been a few issues. We would like to take a few moments to review them with you. Fortunately, so far none of them are real serious but we think you need to be fully aware of them.”

Sarah said, “We were going over to our office area, so let’s do it there.”

As they walked over to the Councilor’s offices they spent the time talking about their observations during the return trip. On entering their meeting room Chloe queried, “Are you planning on sharing what you saw?”

Siobhan replied, “Sure, like we’ve been doing. The photos will go up on the net with their coordinates, date, and time of day sometime within the next clock cycle. Why? Do you think more needs to be done?”

“Oh, sorry, I was hung up on the vivid descriptions I heard. Now that I’ve opened my mouth I don’t understand why I asked as I know that we always post them. Obviously I wasn’t thinking very clearly so my apologies.”

“Not a problem as we all have those moments.

“Now what is the issue?”

Clarence said, “As you know when the construction crews began using the recreation area we had several instances where they didn’t adhere to the off-limits criteria. Some were caught making solo visits into the active construction sites despite being told they were off-limits. We dealt with those individuals by giving them a warning then escorting them out of the area. As we were doing this we noted that failure to abide by the restrictions would lead to them being denied use of the facilities. To alleviate some of their curiosity we set up tours of the construction sites, which seems to have satisfied most of them.

“Since then we’ve identified a few construction workers who are attempting to do more than just look around. Engineering is very concerned that their actions will either result in them being injured, or that they will do something that leads to an accident. While our robots are designed to not respond to tampering, nothing is perfect. Two construction workers even attempted to carry off one of the small robots that was inactive. They were shocked when it started moving on its own, as it is programmed to do, and were almost injured because of that. Several others have been notified that another trespassing incident would result in revoking their access to the facilities here.

“The most recent incidents were in the entertainment area, with a few in the recreation area. It seems that some of the construction workers are seeking more personal entertainment services and expect us to provide them. From their comments many of them see our lack of covering as an enticement to engage in sex. This has led some to consider our rule requiring physical contact to be consensual as inconsequential so they are testing it. To me that is not surprising because as a group construction workers traditionally have the reputation of being on the wild side and pushing boundaries. Now to be clear, we are only talking about a few who frequent the areas where problems have a risen. So far none of the incidents have reached the point of a physical confrontation but it is only a matter of time. They usually begin by making loud off-color comments, persistent groping, and being generally obnoxious. When ever members of this group enter an area, there is a definite change in the atmosphere. Just their appearance prompts some people to leave immediately, but it isn’t long before many others also drift off to other locations.”

Zoe said, “From our perspective there hasn’t been a confrontation because our people have walked away. Those causing issues are of both genders. We’ve also come to realize that some of their females earn extra money by soliciting. This conclusion is based how some of them dress and act as well as the fact that some of us have been approached by them.”

Calvin said, “With the personality traits you are describing it will take a physical confrontation to settle things down, and even then it will probably take several such confrontations. Actually, I am not sure that even a physical confrontation will halt it.”

“Sounds a bit pessimistic, but considering what I’ve seen of this group you are probably right. I wonder how the others will react when it blows up.”

“Hard to say.”

Melody said, “Although I haven’t asked for confirmation it seems like those causing the issues were not among the first to use the area. I’ve based this on when the different groups arrived.”

Brandan responded, “So can we determine any other unique characteristics of this group?”

“We are monitoring the time crew members spend at Tara,” said Clarence. “I am not sure why we started, but it will help us with confirming Melody’s observation.”

“I was referring to arrival at the construction site, not when they arrived at Tara,” Melody noted

Sally said, “I know we monitor who enters and exits our facilities. Do we do that for the visitors’ residences?”

“Yes,” responded Clarence.

“Do they know?”

“Well, we’ve told their Security people. Fleet Security was quite happy with that as it eased their time-keeping task. Contractor Security didn’t respond. Several of our group think that the contractor security people are only interested in ensuring that the crew members return to the site on time.”

“As to a confrontation, we’ve heard fleet crew members warn them that they were playing with fire by antagonizing us,” said Belinda of Zoe’s Clan. “The warnings were just laughed off or ridiculed. Also a few trouble makers carry weapons such as a baton or knife. The fleet crew members carry the same self-defense weapons that we do.”

Zoe said, “Well the fleet crew members seem to avoid being around the construction workers.”

Terry queried, “Have you discussed these issues with their security staff?”

“Yes. We also pointed out what is likely to be the result if there is a physical confrontation, that their employees will likely bear the brunt of the injuries. They are reluctant to deal with anything other than who is here and whether it is time for them to return to the site. Several have alluded to the fact that at least one of the instigators has political connections, which appears to intimidate them. Too whom those connections are to, we don’t know yet.”

“Fucking wonderful,” responded Chester. His comment prompted quite a few of the group to chuckle.

Clarence responded, “Yea. At the suggestion of Zoe’s Clan we’ve sent a courier to our teams on both Worlds asking for the crew members’ backgrounds. In the message we listed them in order of interest. It will likely be a couple of weeks before we receive a response.”

Maeve said, “While I don’t like this approach, have we tried listening to their thoughts?”

“Not that I am aware of,” replied Belinda. “It could be a challenge as there are multiple breeds so there are multiple languages among them. They all speak Standard when interacting with us, and most of the time when communicating between breeds.”

“When chatting with the fleet crew members,” added Melody, “we’ve tried to draw comments out of them regarding the construction workers. So far we haven’t learnt very much, but we aren’t sure how well they know the construction workers”

“What about monitoring their residences here?”

“We’ve talked about that, but haven’t taken that step,” responded Clarence. “However, we are tracking their movements and associations. Some who associate with them appear to be doing so out of fear.”

“That wouldn’t surprise me,” said Conan. “It is real easy to cause someone to be seriously injured on a construction site especially in space. Plus it can be done in a way that makes it look like an accident and even the victim’s fault.”

After discussing the situation a little more Keriann asked, “Clarence, is there something you wanted us to do?”

“Not at this point. Discussing this with you all has given us some more ideas on how to deal with it. A key reason for meeting you on your return is that we feel that it is about to come to a boil. Since you have a good relationship with their Task Group Commanders we didn’t want you all to be blindsided when it happens.”

“Okay. If we are done, we need to exercise before dinner.”

As breakfast was ending on the 18th of Tenmonth, Amy said to the Councilors, “Are you all ready for the ribbon cutting at Common Buildings 1E 2S and 2E this morning?”

Yes,” they replied.

At 10:00 hours, right?” queried Kriss of Molly’s Clan.


It was a little before 10:00 hours when the Councilors arrived at the building’s entrances. They had chosen to do the ribbon cutting simultaneously at each of the entrances. This was to be achieved by having a group at each door consisting of at least one member from each clan. Drones were positioned to record the event so that all of their family would have a chance to see it.

When it was time the Councilors standing outside the ribbon turned toward the observers and said as one, “These two building are the first of many to be completed. The fact that they are ready for us to use is a testament to our capabilities when acting and working together. We thank the Gods and Goddesses for providing us with such a wonderful place to build our new home.

“As we cut this ribbon we ask for the Deities to bless and look over us as we begin using these facilities and to assist us in further establishing our home here.”

When the ribbon was cut those watching the ceremony cheered. The Councilors quickly stepped to the side to let those entering the building move past them. Several of these stopped to talk to the Councilors before entering.

It wasn’t long before the crowd dispersed leaving mostly just Councilors by the entrance. Sarah, Tara, Maeve, and Aoife were discussing their plans for the day when Jodie and Leisl joined them saying, “Good morning.”

“Good morning,” they replied.

Maeve added, “How are you both doing?”

“Pretty good we think,” replied Jodie with Leisl nodding her agreement. “We still don’t understand some aspects of how we managed to survive.”

“But we are definitely not complaining,” quickly add Leisl.

“We didn’t think you were,” said Aoife. “You appear to be really close friends.”

“Oh we are now, but we hardly knew each other before the incident.”

“Common experiences tend to bring people together,” suggested Aoife.

“We noticed that you all frequently mention Deities but I don’t ever remember hearing a name. Why is that?”

“Simply because we believe in Them. We think some of Them played a role in us meeting in Sol.”

Maeve added, “There were times just before I was rescued that I prayed to be delivered from the hell hole I was in. I can tell you that at the moment I was rescued I thought those who released me were Goddesses, or at the very least their agents.”

“Well together we’ve reviewed what we remember of the events after we were dumped in the water,” said Leisl. “Both of us thought we were going to drown. We prayed as we struggled to get free. Neither one of us are sure who we prayed to or what we asked for. At some point we felt a warmth around us and the next thing we knew we were on land. We wondered at times while waiting whether we would be found, or if we would be able to find our way out. There always seemed to be something to eat and drink so waiting seemed to be the best choice.

“So we were wondering if the deities’ names for this solar system are the same as Sol. If not, who are they and how do we thank them?”

Sarah replied, “We’ve been told that most solar systems have their own family of deities, if there is a habitable planet. There is a family here and their names are Laghdha, Canu, Cabd, Ariu, and Iodla. Laghdha is God, Canu is the Mother Goddess, and Cabd, Ariu, and Iodla are their daughters who live here. There are other children but they live in another solar system.”

“Those names seem familiar.”

Smiling Sarah responded, “Yes, Their names are similar to some of those in Celtic history.”

Maeve added, “As to how to thank them. We’ve come across several grottoes that when you enter have a special atmosphere or feeling. You might visit one and see if it feels right. If it does, leave an offering.”

“An offering? I have no idea what that would be,” responded Jodie with a puzzled expression.

“Well if old Earth literature is correct then a loaf of bread, a wedge of cheese, and a flask of wine with a glass would be appropriate.”

“I’ve read that,” replied Leisl, “but I think it was in a fiction novel.”

“Don’t fictional stories often use real facts?”

“Good point. Where would we find these sites?”

“Ask Ta to show you. Actually I believe any of the lions could show you the path to one.”


Aoife smiled, “Just ask them like you would anyone else. If you feel uncomfortable doing so we can assist you. Or you could ask any of those you see with a lion. The lions are really quite friendly.”

“We know that now,” said Jodie. “It took me a while to be comfortable near them. My feelings were quite the opposite after the incident.”

“They are very protective of us, all of us.”

“Thank you for your time,” said Leisl with Jodie nodding.

“We are glad to see both of you doing well,” replied Sarah. The four of them then gave Jodie and Leisl hugs before going their separate ways.

As they walked to their office Aoife said, “Tara, you didn’t say much.”

“I didn’t see a need as you were doing great without my input. Their experience has firmed up their faith, which has in turn boosted their feeling of worth. Did you notice them holding hands as they walked away?”

“Yes,” they replied.

Feeling a presence join them they said, “Good morning, Ariu.”

Chuckling she said, “Good morning.”

“What can we do for You?”

“You already have. I saw you speaking with Jodie and Leisl, so I listened in. Hope you don’t mind?”

“Not at all,” they replied.

“Well, have a good day.”

“We wish You one as well,” they responded as they felt her drift away.

A couple of days later Sarah, Joyce, and Alison were leaving Central Square when they met Lorraine of Lorraine’s Clan and Marsha of Ann’s Clan. After the greetings Alison commented, “That was a great presentation you gave on our need to expand food production and the issues related to that.”

“Thanks,” replied Lorraine and Marsha.

“Did you decide to go ahead with the settlement you mentioned in the presentation?”

“Yes,” replied Marsha. “However we’ve moved it to a slightly different location. When we visited the original location we discovered an even better one a little further south. The terrain around the new location is well above the valley floor and is on the southeast side of some fairly steep hills. A little farther east is an area with a slight slope which we are designating as a commercial area.”

“You sound really excited about it,” said Joyce.

“We are,” they both replied.

“Have you established a timeline for the development?” queried Sarah.

Lorraine responded, “We’ve started one several times.”

Smiling Sarah said, “Well you should be familiar with that issue.”

“This time the perspective is different. Our first timeline was created before we had the project plan well defined. As you probably guessed, when more details were added to the project plan it altered the timeline. One key goal is to avoid disrupting the workflow here.”

Marsha said, “We are moving the unused residential modules there to use as temporary living space. They will be located near where we intend to build our homes. The modules will be used until we can occupy the homes. The first homes will be partly underground with multiple levels.

“The fields are defined but they need to be staked. Once that is done any clearing required will be done to prepare them for planting. Our goal is to have them ready for the next planting season.

“One advantage of this new location is a blind canyon near it. If we had gone and only explored the area surrounding our initial site, we would have missed it. It was on the terrain maps, but didn’t really stand out. The advantage is that we can use the canyon for the livestock we capture to domesticate.”

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