Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 19

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 19 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Sarah’s Clan had just finished making their breakfast selections when Alison saw Commanders Antopolis and Demerti, arrive accompanied by several others. Antopolis paused to look around and then led his group to Sarah’s Clan. “Good morning all,” said both Antopolis and Demerti.

“Good morning,” they replied.

“We would greet you a bit more formally but our hands are full,” added Joyce.

“No offense taken. It smells great.”

Alena said, “We usually sit over there so make your selections and join us.”


After they had chosen their meals as the Iridiens approached Sarah’s Clan they stopped to say good morning to Zoe’s and Briana’s Clans. Once seated Demerti said, “I believe you know everyone in our group?”

Sally replied, “Yes.” Her spouses nodded in agreement.

“How was your outing?”

“Great!” exclaimed many of the Clan, but the children’s voices were distinctly louder than the adult’s. Those around them smiled or laughed on hearing the response.

“It would be nice to have time for something like that,” responded Demerti.

Keri said, “Well you all could come back for a vacation. While we don’t have amenities for vacationers set up, I am sure you would have a good time.”

Seeing several of Sarah’s Clan nodding in agreement he said, “I appreciate the offer and accept but I have no idea when that will be.”

“Hopefully it will be soon as I suspect it has been a while since the last. When the opportunity arrives we hope you remember our offer to both of you and your teams.”

“Keri, thank you for the explicit invitation,” said Antopolis. “Others that we worked with here have also indicated that we were welcome to return and relax. Now, some of us will definitely visit for some relaxation.”

“I don’t understand.”

Her response caused Antopolis and Demerti to look a bit uneasy. Aoife then said, “If I may.” Seeing their nods she continued, “It is a little complicated as it is a question of understanding the sincerity of the people making such an offer. When two groups have different backgrounds, it is often difficult to know whether an invitation like that is sincere or merely politeness. It can have other meanings as well, such as an indication of the willingness of those making the offer to work with those being invited again. There is a difference between working together and socializing with each other.”

“So I stepped in it?”

“No. You’ve simply been much clearer in your sincerity when making the offer than we probably have been previously. I think they accepted so quickly because they saw us nodding our agreement with your offer. Besides, if I remember correctly we’ve indicated to them before, along with several others, that they could return at any time to relax.”

Antopolis said, “So where did you go on your outing?”

Moya replied, “Our first stop was the plateau north of here. From there we went for a closer look at some areas that appeared interesting on the map. Our last stop was a beach. If you are going to be here for our meeting this morning, we planned on showing some images of what we saw and where we went. The presentation isn’t very long as the detail will be in our library later today or tomorrow.”

He looked at Demerti then said, “I think we have time. It sounds interesting. Did you go swimming?”

“No, because we weren’t sure whether it was safe and we didn’t have a barrier net with us.”

“Good thinking.”

“It was, but we were disappointed at first because we didn’t see the risk.”

Demerti said, “In some respects we have the same issue just venturing away from our settlements. However, we are land animals rather than aquatic animals, so we know how to respond on land. In water we are at a disadvantage due to the way we are made, and that we need air to breathe. There are other significant differences but I think those are the most important.”

“Moya, it is time to start,” said Marnia.

Erin, Alena and Joyce walked up to the front of the room accompanied by Keri, Moya and Earnán. “Good morning,” said the group to the now quiet room.

“Good morning,” responded the group.

Erin, Alena and Joyce said, “Our only announcement this morning is a reminder that the Iridien Spec Ops are departing later today. We wish them the best and hope they will be blessed by the Gods and Goddesses on their journey.”


“Are there any other announcements or issues we need to resolve?”

Joyce said, “I see a crew member in the back wanting to speak. Your turn.”

“I just wanted say on behalf of my clan, we are very glad to have you back on board.”

“Yes!” exclaimed the group.

“Thank you,” a smiling Erin, Alena and Joyce replied once it was quiet.

Alena said, “If there are no more comments or questions then Keri, Moya and Earnán have a brief presentation on what we saw while on our trip. It should last no more than 15 minutes. There will be a different presentation this evening after dinner.”

The three children then said, “Our first stop was the plateau north of Tara Ardchlár.” As they began to speak a holographic image of the plateau was displayed. “The location where each photo was taken will be marked on the map as we go through them.” As the photos were shown, the three took turns pointing out certain features. After the last photo they said, “That covers this morning’s presentation. There are a lot more photos. All of them, along with our notes, will soon be in the library. We think that will be tomorrow but no promises.”

Amy’s Clan stood then said, “Well done.”

“Aye!” exclaimed many of those in the room.

Once it quieted the three said, “Thank you. We will have more photos this evening. Have a great day!”

When the children rejoined their parents Antopolis said, “Well done. I think the information you are gathering will be very important in the future.”

“I agree,” added Demerti. “Your family is fortunate to be able to do this while establishing your first settlement. In most cases the resources are not available in the early stages, then by the time they are the settler’s presence has already prompted some changes. Due to the lack of this information no one ever knows for certain if the changes came about due to the settler’s presence or if they would have occurred naturally anyway.”

“We like doing it and it is a part of our studies.”

After Sarah’s Clan had responded to several individuals Sarah said, “Antopolis, you asked to meet with us but are there others you would like to include?”

Looking at Sarah he said, “Are we ready?”

“Yes. We were going to use the conference room off the bridge.”

“Okay. Zoe’s and Briana’s Clans will likely find this interesting if they are available.”

“Briana’s Clan and a few of Zoe’s are. So, let’s make our way the conference room. What time is your departure?”

“Well we thought it would be late this morning,” then with a frown he continued, “however, our crew has a few issues to resolve before then.”

Claudette said, “Let us know if we can assist you.”

“Certainly,” replied Demerti.

In the conference room Antopolis said, “One of the reasons I requested a meeting this morning was to ask a favor.”

“We will grant it if we can,” responded Sarah.

“The other was to personally say thank you for the opportunity to relax even while we worked.”

Demerti added, “I think our crews will figure out a way to pass this way again.”

“Your visits are always welcome.”

Antopolis continued, “We are sending our formal report on the Durale ships by courier to our Command Center. The courier is to depart just as we leave this System. As you know we’ve had some issues with our couriers disappearing. While many of us have suspicions, it isn’t known whether they are intercepted or given the wrong coordinates. Most of those missing departed from Fleet Command Center, but not all.

“We would like for you to send a copy of the report to Commander Orgaine using your courier system. Besides the formal report, we are including what could be called an enhanced version. The enhanced version includes an analysis that shows how the Durale data fits with our intelligence data. Since analysis is outside our operational area it would be best if it arrives in a way that doesn’t draw any attention.”

“I think we can do that. Do you think the time spent reviewing the data from the Durale ships was worth it?”

“Definitely. The technical information we gained from their ships alone was well worth the time. Fleet Command Center should be quite pleased with it. On the intelligence side, the information is enlightening as we think we have a better understanding of some events. If the analysis is correct it may help identify several people who appear to be either quietly supporting the Durale or working for them in some manner. From our perspective Orgaine is in a position to verify and take advantage of this information as it is an intelligence and security issue for us.”

“So our Intelligence Group has this information?”

“Definitely. Their participation was key to identifying some of the links. There is some concern about the veracity of the Durale records as they contained more detailed information than we would consider having on a ship, especially one of that class.”

“We’ll send the documents to Orgaine. It may be best to wait a few days before we send a courier to him. Will this be a problem?”

“I don’t think so.”

Rusty said, “What is the problem with your ships?”

“We’ve recently discovered that if we scan an area that contains one of our cloaked ships it emits a very brief signal at an odd frequency.”

“That alone has enormous consequences.”

“Certainly does. We are fairly certain that the signal contains some data, but what has not been determined yet.”

“We ran into a similar situation in Sol system after an engagement with a group from the Imperial Council. At some point they managed to attach a device to our ships that when queried would respond. In that case the message was in clear text that indicated that there was a reward for returning the pirated ship to the Imperial Council.”

“In our case the transmissions are coming from a new device on the exterior. Internally it is connected to the astrogation, communications and defensive systems, which is a bit strange. Our difficulty is in determining how the transmission is initiated. Once we learn that we should be able to understand the reason for it, if there is a valid reason.”

“Is there anything in the manuals?”

“No. The manuals were written before any updates were applied. The documentation for the patch does list its purpose but unless you wrote the program it is almost indecipherable.”

“If it is programming, some of our logic based family members may be able to help you sort through the issues.”

Demerti said, “Several from your Security Teams began assisting us yesterday. Their assistance is why we think we’ve found a solution, which is to require Command Authorization before enabling the transmission.”

“Why would you want to do that?”

“Identifying friendly nearby cloaked ships could be helpful in responding to an intrusion. If this is what the intent was, then the implementation has some significant short comings. We believe the signal is only sent when cloaked, and in a known friendly system. It is triggered by being scanned.”

Antopolis said, “After we leave this system, we will test our theory as to the reason why at our next jump point by scanning one of our cloaked ships. The shipyard wanted feedback after we’d logged some hours in these ships. They will likely receive the first assessment a lot sooner than they expected.”

Cass of Briana’s Clan said, “This discussion reminded me of a situation where we could use something similar. That would be when the crew is incapacitated and the ship is barely functioning. For us those circumstances would prompt a search. The search would go much quicker if scanning an area would prompt a transmission.”

“Good idea,” replied several.

Claudette said, “Would you like for me to mention this idea to our rescue development staff?”

“Certainly, although I would be surprised if they haven’t already considered the idea, as a ship with no, or very limited, activity is very difficult to detect.”

“Dang,” declared Antopolis, “I didn’t expect you all to have that problem since you always seem to know what is around you.” His outburst had everyone laughing.

When it was quiet Sally said, “We wish. The almost unnoticed arrival of the Durale ships reminded us that there are limits to what we can do.”

Jill said, “Antopolis, Demerti, besides what is in the reports, what is your opinion of the Durale’s claim against the Dutsuz?”

“I don’t know a lot about the Dutsuz World’s history,” responded Antopolis. “It is well known that in the distant past the Durale played a prominent role in the Dutsuz World, even though they were a minority. One of the critical points in their World’s history was joining the Alliance. The Durale believed that the terms were unfavorable and even demeaning. It was shortly after this that the Durale essentially withdrew to one planet although they did continue limited participation in the Dutsuz World. How the friction between them and the other segments of their World came about aren’t clear to me. One trait of theirs that grates on many who deal with them is their unbounded arrogance, which impacts all of their interactions with others.”

Demerti added, “There should be a history of the Dutsuz World in the library that the Alliance provided you.”

“There is, but it seemed rather limited which is the reason for the question,” responded Jill.

“If my memory serves me correctly, I believe the Durale were minimizing their participation in Dutsuz World activities well before they joined the Alliance. As you would expect, we’ve heard quite a number of stories about them, but most of the knowledge I have is from interacting with the Dutsuz Spec Ops teams. When there were Durale involved, it always seemed like there were issues in accomplishing a mission. However, that could simply be luck of the draw.”

By the time the chime sounded for lunch they had discussed several other topics besides revisiting the earlier ones a few times. On hearing the chime Antopolis queried, “Is it lunch time already?”


“Guess since I haven’t received any messages that that means the crews haven’t run into any more problems.”

“You are welcome to join us for lunch,” said Joyce.

“Thank you, but we should see how our crews are doing. Besides, we’ve already taken up too much of your time. Another time perhaps.”

“Certainly,” replied the three clans.

“Again, thanks for the opportunity to study the Durale ships and to enjoy your hospitality.”

“You are certainly welcome,” said Sarah then as she hugged Antopolis to start the goodbyes, “May your journey be a safe one and may the Gods and Goddesses aid you as needed.”

“Thank you,” replied the Iridiens.

Demerti added, “While I am not familiar with Celia’s Gods and Goddesses, we hope that they continue to bless your activities here.”

“Thank you,” replied Aoife as her spouses and friends nodded.

Later, as Sarah’s Clan was just about to leave the bridge for their before dinner exercise session, System Operations Command Center advised them that the Iridien Spec Ops ships had departed.

Maeve said, “I wonder where they are off to.”

“About 24 parsecs from here,” replied Sally. “From what they said, their orders were rather short on details. The reasoning behind the assignment is an increase in activity in that area. It is either quite widespread or the activity is suspicious, as two more teams will join them on the way there.”

“So they have at least a 2 week trip before them.”

“Well I hope they do well,” said Joyce.

Aoife said, “I’ve been thinking about the comments we made about Gods and Goddesses when we said goodbye to our friends.”

“I noticed,” responded Tara. “It is a good discussion topic to have with our Mentors when we have a chance.”

“What?” queried Alison.

“When we pray, we direct the prayer to a deity. Since leaving Sol we’ve learnt that the family of Gods and Goddesses differs between inhabited solar systems. So who should we pray to when not in our home system? By home system, I mean this system as it is our home now. Another question is, once we establish a home in a new system, how do we transfer our allegiance? I don’t care for my word choice but I couldn’t quickly think of a better explanation. Perhaps I am odd, but I think the most important aspect is that you believe or have faith.”

Sarah offered, “Based on what I’ve heard Aine and her sisters say, we shall know the answer to that, and related questions, in due time.”

“I remember that, and now that the question has been broached, I hope it is soon.”

“I read an interesting story some time ago entitled “Kalliste”, which also happens to be the name of one of the main characters. She is an agent for a Goddess who was, I believe, named P’dana. In the story she commented several times that their perception of time is very different from ours. Perhaps that is also something we should confirm with our Mentors.”

“That is a very interesting story,” said Aoife. “Even though it is fiction, there are many interesting gems in it. It has caused me to rethink and review some of Earth’s history.”

Jill said, “When you read history, you should never forget that it is the victors, or survivors, who record it. That alone gives it a bias, which over time can grow for many reasons.”

“For instance?” responded Joyce.

“To me a key reason is the loss of detail over time due to records being lost or misplaced. This can be compounded by an historian discarding an item as unimportant when it doesn’t fit their view of the activity around the event. Some of this loss occurs when those maintaining the historical records change, because perceptions and word usage change. Some loss is undoubtedly due to a historian not understanding the circumstances, or being unwilling to accept what was recorded as accurate, due to cultural differences. Then there is the issue of languages changing with time as well as how words are used. To me the worst amendments are the deliberate changes made to satisfy current political objectives.”

“So you distrust recorded history?”

“I won’t go that far, but unless I feel that I fully understand a past event, I avoid using it as an example. On Earth I tried to read about historical events that were written by authors with different points of view. I felt this gave me a better understanding of the situation leading up to an event. While I haven’t seen it yet, we may have similar issues in our current library.”

Tara said, “You left out pillage and plunder as a reason for lost details.”

Jill laughed, “I thought that was obvious. With respect to our current library, the Connemare didn’t seem to embrace the pillage and plunder mentality for very long.”

“I agree,” said Tara and Joyce.

“It looks like we are done exercising, let’s shower,” said Erin. “We can continue this while we eat as I am hungry.”

“I agree,” responded several.

“Who is facilitating the meeting this evening?” queried Terry.

“Cathan’s Clan.”

“So we can relax this evening?”

“It looks that way for now.”

“Good. I think we need to relax so we can reflect on past events and think about the future.”

“An excellent idea. I was thinking about reading this evening. I still haven’t finished the book I started a month ago.”

Sarah said, “We’ve also been fairly lax in keeping our Aikido skills honed. Should we schedule a time for that?”

“That is a good idea,” responded Sally. “We should probably do the same thing for our psionic skills. From my perspective this has only been an issue since arriving here. I think I’ll schedule a time twice a week that begins 2 hours before dinner.”

“At dinner this evening, let’s sit at different tables,” said Joyce. “We haven’t done that in quite a while.”

“Suits me,” replied several of the clan with the others nodding in agreement.

The next morning Sarah’s Clan had only been on Dóchas’ bridge a few moments when Aoife responded to an incoming message with, “Go ahead System Control Center, you have Dóchas Bridge.”

Nikki replied, “Good morning. Data from the Sentential Ring indicates that the Lonstradaze will arrive late tomorrow. We expect them to contact us shortly after FTL transition. At that point we will give them an Ananu orbital assignment along with a preferred flight path. This will be followed with an offer to connect them to you.”

“That sounds fine. Let us know when you have a firm time on their FTL transition.”

“Will do. We presume you plan to welcome them like we did our previous visitors.”

“Probably not. We did it that way the last time because we knew them. At that time we were filling the role you now have, so the circumstances were a little different. Since then we’ve learnt that an informal greeting is typically done once visitors reach their assigned orbit over Ananu.”


“Have you informed the other Command Staffs?”


“Thank you.”


Jill said to Maeve, “ET?”

“It means “End of Transmission”. Not sure I like it but it gets the idea across.”

“Yea, once you know what it means.”

It was 21:00 hours on the 39th of the Eigmonth when the two Lonstradaze ships reached their assigned position over Ananu. Star said, “They are ready to establish a full communication link.”

“We’re ready,” replied Sarah.

Just moments after she spoke their monitors showed the interior of one of their visitor’s ships. When they saw that the link was established Sarah’s Clan said, “Welcome to Celia System.”

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