Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 16

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 16 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Upon returning from lunch Secretary Baraska approached Sarah’s Clan. “My staff and I, along with a few others, are going to return to our ships so we will say goodbye now.” Seeing the puzzled looks he hastened to add, “With this afternoon’s discussions focused on fleet activity I think it would be best if my group did not participate. From my perspective it is an interesting topic, however it is something that we don’t really need to know the details. Besides, if we don’t know any details then they can’t be inadvertently disclosed.”

“We understand,” said Aoife as she shook his hand. “As to this morning, we are very pleased with the agreements we’ve reached.”

“As are we, however we didn’t touch on how to document them, in particular the base’s placement and its status in this System.”

“We could start off by referring to it as a “Memorandum of Understanding”? If you are agreeable we could pull together a list of the main points that we think we’ve agreed to. It would be along the lines of our meeting summaries.”

“That is fine.”

“We should have it to you and Sagnoite early tomorrow. As we’ve been doing, you will also receive a summary of our discussions and a transcript this afternoon.”

“Excellent. Those have been very helpful. I believe we will be departing in 3 days, so that will give us more than enough time to finalize the document.”

“If you want to have a formal acceptance ceremony, we could do that in the late afternoon of the day before your departure, with a dinner afterward. This could take place either here or on one of our ships.”

“Dinner following a short meeting to formalize the MoU strikes me as an excellent idea.”

“Fine, we will plan for that.”

While Sarah’s Clan was speaking with the Monque Secretary and his staff, Sagnoite had approached Siobhan’s Clan to say goodbye. “Siobhan, we find its time to say goodbye. We’ve really enjoyed our discussion this morning and are quite pleased with the agreements we’ve reached. We’ll be even more pleased once we have them in written form as it will give us a sound foundation for our association.”

“We feel the same way. If you are agreeable we can proceed like we did earlier this week. As to our discussions this morning, you will receive the minutes and recordings this afternoon. It probably won’t be until tomorrow morning that we will be able to send you our summary of the agreements we reached this morning.”

“That will be fine. By the way you worded that statement I understand that you will keep the morning and afternoon discussions separate.”


“Thinking ahead, on our next visit we should set up a date for you to visit our World.”

“We would enjoy that. While we’ve discussed making a trip like that we haven’t fully sorted out who will be a part of the delegation.”

“So you wouldn’t all come at once?”

“No, we think that it would be too many people and would be an imposition on those we visit. Our current thinking is that the group would consist of about 12 of us, plus security and possibly a few others. While it could be just one Clan, we think a group consisting of at least one person from each Clan would be a better choice.”

“I don’t see the difference.”

“We think each Clan has a slightly different personality. With the delegation consisting of a single Clan, it could cause those we visit to develop misconceptions about us that could lead to problems or misunderstandings. However, by including at least one person from each Clan, those we visit will gain a broader view of us and perhaps a more realistic impression. If we do it that way then we have to decide how to handle the separation.”

“Okay. Hearing that and having spent some time with you, I understand your reasoning. It is a very thoughtful approach and has some merit, actually considerable merit. However, I am not sure it will keep some people from forming misconceptions. Either way, let’s put scheduling you visiting us on our agenda for our next visit in six months or so.”

“Fine. Before you depart for home it would be nice to get together socially, perhaps dinner here.”

“We would enjoy that. It just occurred to me that we should have a brief closing meeting to formally accept the document.”

“Good idea. How about the day before you depart?”

“That would work for us.”

“Fine, then we’ll propose it when today’s transcript and summary are distributed.”

Saying good bye to the diplomats meant that almost an hour passed before they were ready to resume their meeting. Once they were seated Chester said, “Admirals, I didn’t realize that the prospect of discussing fleet operations would cause the diplomat’s to suddenly depart.”

It took the visitors a few moments to realize that he was jesting. Once the Admirals began laughing, the Órarduine along with everyone else joined in.

Smiling Thalmaze said, “They have a general idea of this afternoon’s discussion topic, but both feel that it is best if they don’t know the details. Between us, there are others in our diplomatic service who think that they should be involved in every meeting we have with those of other Worlds.

“This afternoon we wanted to discuss some concepts for fleet operations in this System. We think now is an appropriate time as there will soon be three groups operating here. While the distances between the groups will usually be very large that doesn’t eliminate the potential for accidents. To accomplish safe fleet operations with a minimum of issues we have established standard protocols. These are basically guides for Task Group Commanders to use in deciding how groups should interact. Captain Laonize noted that we should share those with you.”

“Thank you,” responded Rebeca of Kathryn’s Clan. “Those should be quite helpful. In light of what we agreed to this morning we realize that we need to advance our plans for formally establishing a System Control Center. As you probably suspect we do have one, but with the increased activity it needs to be modified.”

“How are you monitoring?” queried Captain Reyonte.


Smiling Captain Laonize murmured, “So that’s why our systems aren’t detecting anything.”

After glancing at Calvin, Rebeca continued, “Basically our systems look for anomalies. It was an anomaly that alerted us to the Durale’s arrival.”

“And ours?”

“Yes. The arrival both of your task groups was straight forward since you didn’t try to hide your presence by cloaking or reducing emissions. Obviously doing either of those makes detection more difficult, but also shows intent.”

“It certainly does,” declared both Atewa Captains.

Captain Reyonte noted, “If I remember correctly you oversee flight operations, so does that mean your group is filling that role?”

“No, our focus is overseeing those who manage our ship’s flight operations,” responded Elana of Kathryn’s Clan. “Currently the FOCs coordinate their operations with Dóchas FOC taking the lead role, mostly because Sabrina’s group is very good and has more experience.”

Tara said, “Seeing as you are departing in a few days, when do you think you will be back to build your base?”

“Ideally within a month,” responded Thalmaze causing several surprised looks. “Our task force should be back here within 2 weeks by your calendar. The construction crews and supplies should arrive about 2 weeks later.”

“That is much sooner than we thought.” Several others nodded in agreement.

“Fortuitous circumstances are the reason that we can do that.”

To the other Órarduine Molly said, “I wonder if they came prepared to do this.”

I don’t sense that intent,” responded Judy with several others agreeing.

Alissa of Molly’s Clan said, “That seems impossible, based on the distance your Worlds are from here. If my calculations are correct, it would require a fairly high FTL Factor in order to be here that soon. We are under the impression that Factor 4 FTL is the typical upper limit for cargo ships, and that they usually operate at 2 or 3.” As she was speaking several of the visitors smiled. “Based on the expressions I see I get the impression that you arrived with this as a goal.”

“It definitely wasn’t,” replied Fraizloe with Thalmaze nodding in agreement. “But you’ve drawn a very reasonable conclusion based on our comments and the smiles you saw. Our two Worlds are jointly sponsoring the construction of a facility very similar to the one we’ve proposed for here in another System. Its construction was scheduled to begin there in about 8 weeks, and the location lies toward the center of this sector. Currently there is a convoy on the way there with people, supplies, equipment and construction materials. By now site preparation was supposed to be nearing completion. However, they have encountered a significant problem, which is debris. It now turns out that this seems to be a characteristic of that System so it will continue to be an issue. A key element in the choice of that location was that it is very near the center of this sector thus minimizing travel time, it also has clear approaches. While the System is currently unoccupied it does have a planet that is in the early stages of developing a biosphere. So that is what we had in progress. By switching the effort to this System those issues go away and gives us the resources to very quickly begin building here.

“Not long after arriving here we came to the conclusion that your System is a far better location, even though it is further from the sector’s center. Based on several chats we’ve had with you we went ahead and sent a directive several days ago diverting the convoy here. While we weren’t certain that you would agree to our request we felt it was worth the minor delay the change would cause. If you declined our request, then it is just another course change. Since then we’ve learnt that due to site problems they would still be there before any significant work could begin.”

“Why is debris a problem there?” queried Allan of Molly’s Clan.

“It is the quantity and size of it. It is substantially more than was predicted, which means it requires more resources to achieve the original goals. While we have the capability to build and operate in that environment, it has a significant effect on capabilities and operations. A few wits have suggested that it is like living and working in a never ending hail storm. The increase in debris didn’t begin until after the site preparation was underway. The only reason for pressing forward was that we need a base in this sector, but preferably one without the distractions even if it results in more travel time.” By the time he finished his voice showed the depth of his frustration with the situation.

After a moment Alissa responded, “If they weren’t noted in the System survey then it sounds like the site is in, or moving through, a large cloud of gravel, or perhaps minor asteroids. The original survey could have missed them if the orbit you’ve chosen periodically passes through them. As to this System, I don’t think we’ve noted any significant debris zones that straddle a planet’s orbit, but you should check our surveys to be sure. As well as I can remember there are some, but they are not very dense or very large, and they are further from Celia than we are. Alternatively, I can check for you.”

“Good point. We will have one of our engineers contact you on where to look for the info.”

“As you wish. I may go ahead and check it anyway to see when the next meteor shower is due.”

“Alissa, do you want more detail?”

“No. In your shoes, I think I would have made the same choice. I wonder why your search didn’t find this when they did the survey.”

“While I don’t know for certain, I suspect that it was outside the criteria. I understand that the guidelines gave a high priority to location in the sector.”

Captain Tuska said, “Going back to the issue of a System Control Center, we have a manual that outlines the capabilities needed, organization and staff duties. If it would be helpful, we are more than happy to give you a copy as it is in Standard.”

“That would be quite helpful,” responded Rebeca. “Thank you.”

Captain Laonize said, “While not trying to start a competition we will provide you ours as well, but it needs to be translated to Standard. I know from entering the Monque Systems that there are differences between them. Knowing those differences may be helpful.”

“We’ll review them before you depart to see if we have any questions.”

“I am sure both of us will assist you where we can but I’ve only used them so I don’t know the concept details.”

“For us it was a part of our training,” added Tuska, “but I have not been actively involved in their operation. We can review what you plan to adopt from a user’s perspective.”

“I suspect that it will not be until after you return that we will have completed its implementation.”

“From our perspective, what you have now is sufficient. So even if it takes longer than that to set up it shouldn’t be an issue.”

Conan said, “One more lightweight topic before we get to the one that scared the diplomats off.” After the laughter diminished, “Did you all reach a decision on recreation?”

Captain Tuska replied, “Yes. We think that continuing to join you in the use of the entertainment and recreational areas is the wisest choice. When our task groups return we will bring enough tents to provide accommodations for our people at Tara. Besides providing food, we will provide your dining staff with help. Our intent is for those provisions and assistance to more than offset the additional burden caused by our presence.

“As to another location for joint use, we think it is an excellent idea but one that we should set aside for the time being. At the moment revisiting it in, say 6 months or so, seems like a good idea as by then we will have a better idea of future needs. From what Admiral Thalmaze and Admiral Fraizloe have indicated, the current Task Group Commanders can handle our side of that activity.”

“That will work.”

Kelly said, “Now that we’ve cleared the deck, what are your thoughts on fleet operations here?”

Thalmaze responded, “Before we get into that I need to modify what I said this morning regarding composition of our task groups. A group usually consists of 2 battlecruisers, 4 cruisers, 12 light cruisers and 4 support ships. We often use the terms battlecruiser and heavy cruiser interchangeably. This next part we need to keep among ourselves; we are deploying a newer version of both our battlecruisers and cruisers with little information being published about changes in their capabilities. A key upgrade is the new weapons systems that have significantly more power. There are several other improvements that add to their capabilities.

“Also, both of us plan on having the same Task Groups rotating through here. For us the Commanders will be Captains Laonize and Reyonte. I understand that the Monque will have Captains Tuska and Marika as their Commanders.” Fraizloe nodded confirming it. “The ships that comprise their groups will change with the changes depending on circumstances. At some point the Commanders will also change, but you will have a chance to become acquainted with the new Commanders well before the transfer takes place.”

“Thank you for the consideration.”

“With respect to joint operations, what would you think about us operating as a single ‘navy’ in this System, with each World’s ships operating as a separate fleet. Your fleet would take the lead and the role as overall command for joint operations.”

“An interesting idea,” responded several Councilors.

Keriann added, “This is something we will need to discuss.”

“We see no reason to rush into this.”

Chester said, “Actually, easing into it would likely be the best way to move forward if that is the way we want to go.”

“We agree,” replied Fraizloe. “But let’s be clear about one aspect, this is your System. We see our role here as supporting you as well as protecting our staff and defending our facilities.”

“So by operating as three fleets in a ‘navy’ you believe we would be more effective in supporting each other. How many Task Groups do you plan to have in System?”

“One from each of us would always be here. Once the base is operating, there could be three or more from each World for short periods due to arrival and departure timing as well as nearby operations. We plan to limit the number of crew who visit Tara so that we stayed well within its capacity.”

“I hadn’t thought of that issue yet as I was still considering the operational requirements.”

Calvin of Kathryn’s Clan said, “How do you envision this ‘navy’ gaining the skills it needs?”

“In general terms, each fleet would do the exercises and drills as they normally do but would keep the other fleets informed. We would conduct joint exercises so that the crews become acquainted with each other’s formations and the transitions between them. Another training opportunity could be mock interceptions and battles. These could be done fleet against fleet, although it might be better to do them with mixed groups. When I say ‘fleet’, we are not suggesting that all ships of a fleet would participate. We already do this sort of joint training in other systems where we both operate.”

“I think I can speak for all of us and say that we are intrigued by the idea,” responded Kelly with the others nodding. “We have concerns. One has to do with how we communicate. A solution will take some thought, but we should be able to find a workable solution.”

“We think we understand your concerns as communications during fleet operations are often an issue due to distance. The use of Standard formations has helped. Joint tactical exercises have also helped.”

Keriann said, “Another concern is whether our knowledge of tactics and their implementation is sufficient for us to take the lead you are suggesting.”

“If I may?” said Captain Laonize, “We don’t think that your perceived lack of actual battle experience is a shortcoming. In fact, some of us see it as a benefit, as you look at the situation with a fresh perspective rather than comparing it to your last engagement. It is also a perspective that is different from ours. The other thing to remember is that by holding joint exercises we will all have a better understanding of our combined capabilities. Both Reyonte and I will not hesitate to ask questions if we don’t understand your tactics, and if appropriate offer suggestions. I suspect our Monque colleagues will do the same.”

“We would,” responded Captain Tuska with Marika and others nodding their agreement.


“When operating joint forces like this we see asking questions as an essential element in insuring that the operations are successful. This is something that is very difficult to convey to new ship’s commanders as some feel that it goes against their training.”

“Blindly following orders is usually a good way to end up dead, along with a lot of others,” remarked Calvin. “Another thought process that is hard to teach is the importance of knowing your opposition. Currently our information is very limited in this area.”

“When you visit us you should include key members of your Intelligence group so that they can meet ours,” responded Fraizloe.

They spent the rest of the afternoon discussing various aspects of joint operations in Celia System. Included in this was the Atewa’s and Monque’s assessment of threats in the area around Celia and throughout the sector.

It was late in the afternoon when Sarah said, “I believe we have covered a lot of ground this afternoon. We will be reviewing our discussions very carefully as they contained some excellent concepts. At this time, I think it is correct to say that we view the idea of joint operations very favorably.”

“If we agree to go in this direction when would you want to begin?” asked Conan.

“Whenever you want to,” replied Fraizloe. “All four Captains are familiar with operating in this manner as it is similar to the joint operating protocols we have with each other. After the Task Groups return, it is your call on whether we go forward or not.”

Captain Reyonte said, “As it now stands, we expect to be back here before the 39th by your calendar. The convoy should arrive before the 8th of Ninmonth. With a project like this we’ve learnt to have security in place before the convoy arrives with people and supplies.”

“I gather you expect someone to steal the ships.”

“It has happened before, actually several times. The supplies are easier to replace than construction crews. However, Intelligence thinks they’ve identified the leak and plugged it. Even so, we continue taking precautions.”

“So out of curiosity, where are you going when you leave here?”

“We are going to a resupply rendezvous. There we will restock and make some crew adjustments before returning. Thalmaze’s group will head for a different resupply rendezvous. In our case, Admiral Thalmaze, his staff, and the diplomats will then leave with a different group of ships for their next stop. When we depart the resupply rendezvous to return here, we will be accompanied by several supply ships. Thus the return journey will likely take longer due to their velocity limitations.”

Keriann said, “To understand the impact on resources we need to do some ‘what ifs’ for the concept of operating as one navy. While some of us are familiar with the requirements of a navy, we haven’t actually created or interacted with one.”

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