Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 11

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 11 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans along with their children had gathered near the pavilion to watch the sunset. They were discussing the days activities when several exclaimed, “Wow,” drawing everyone’s attention to the sunset. Celia was now halfway below the horizon with the clouds taking on a variety of reds, orange, and blues with golden streams of light passing through the openings between them. The group watched quietly as Celia slid below the horizon.

In the twilight they could see one moon high in the western sky and behind it the second moon was just peeking above the horizon. “Look,” said Marnia, “we can see both moons already.”

“With two moons we can look forward to having some moonlight virtually every night,” said Joyce.

When Celia had set Siobhan said, “Sarah’s Clan, we don’t know who had the idea to do this, but it was a great one. For us it brings a great close to the day.”

Star said, “I need to return all my attention to the ship so I’ll only be with you telepathically for the rest of the evening.”

“Golly!” exclaimed Tiff, “Star, when did you join us?”

“Shortly after you started watching the sunset. It has a much different perspective from down here.”

“Yes it does,” responded several of the watchers.

Sarah said, “We don’t sense a need for you to hurry back. Are there problems?”

“No. Not really. It’s just that ... well it feels different here. There I am more comfortable, plus I can feel and see what you are doing here. Besides, I have some pending tasks to complete. For me this has been an out of the world experience. I love you all.”

“We love you.”

“Today is a day we’ve been dreaming of for years.”

“True. But you’ve had a few more years to dream than we have.”

“Without all of you this would have not come to fruition. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to bless us.”

“Blessings are good,” replied Sarah, “walking with us would be nice as well.”

Aoife said, “To walk with a God or Goddess, an interesting thought indeed.”

“It certainly is,” responded both Siobhan’s and Keriann’s Clans.

“If we did, it would give us a significantly different relationship with Ananu’s Gods and Goddesses than there was with those in Sol,” added Maeve.

“Yes. When you walk with someone, you become better acquainted. While they may not need that interaction, I think all of us would benefit from it. Our relationship with Them would definitely benefit as it would give us a better understanding of Them. Hmm ... perhaps it would help Them.”

“I guess we shall see,” replied Aoife. “Both Morrigan and Aine indicated that the God and Goddesses here had different personalities than those we knew about on Earth.”

Star said, “Sarah’s, Siobhan’s, and Keriann’s Clans it was a pleasure to watch the sunset with you. Sarah’s Clan, I will see you in a little while. All of you have fun.”

All three clans said, “Good bye,” as Star’s avatar faded away.

Kelly said, “You know, Star is a key reason we are all here today.”

“There are many ‘key reasons’ in our family,” added Conan. “We are all fortunate that our paths crossed when they did.”

Moms and dad, we enjoyed watching the sunset and dancing with you,” said Iris. “We should do it again, soon.”

We can do that. Actually, it should be much easier to get together for dances now.”

Keri said, “We’re going back to dance for a while yet but I don’t think we will be very far behind you. All of us are pretty tired.”

They gave their children hugs and kisses.

Sarah said, “Briana’s Clan will be down shortly if you need something and there aren’t any of the Command Staff around.”

“We’ll be fine.”

“Okay. Be careful.”

We will,” replied Moya

Have a good time,” responded the three clans.

“See you in the morning,” added Sarah’s Clan.

“We are heading back to our ship,” said Keriann.

“We are as well,” added Siobhan.

“Well in that case let’s walk back to the spaceport together,” said Erin.

“Terry,” said Sarah, “were the children satisfied with your comments?”

“I hope so. I tried to get across the idea that we had to use the planet’s resources to survive long term, but that we had to do it wisely. It was an awkward lead into the topic. I suggested that they look at the plans we have for developing here and beyond. Apparently they have not looked at them in detail.”

“That is likely true. They have been very busy with their learning modules and they should all be ready to graduate before too long.”

“About another six months for most at the rate they are going,” said Joyce. “Except for doing a thesis they have been immersed in more knowledge than a triple major PhD does on Earth.”

Chester added, “At least that much, and ten times the common sense.”

“Yea, well you don’t live long in space without oodles of common sense.”


A short time later they looked out the shuttle’s windows as it lifted off. The shuttle turned as it rose to give them a view of the celebration still going strong. As they climbed higher Celia came into view, along with the other stars around them.

Rusty looked around at his spouses and then said, “Is it me or does the landscape give you the impression that this planet was inhabited before?”

“Why do you say that?” asked Maeve.

“Mainly it’s the boundaries on many fields. They seem a little too organized.”

“Well it’s possible,” replied Tara, “but we haven’t found any other traces to indicate that.”

“Ah, we’re almost home,” said Sarah as she saw Dóchas take shape out the window.

“Think we will ever feel like Ananu is home?”

“Yes, in time. I’m not sure it will take the place of Dóchas. In any case, Dóchas will always have a special place in our hearts. But my home is wherever the rest of you are. I love you all.”

“Sarah, we love you too,” replied her spouses as they all hugged.

Near the pavilion three women stood in the shadows. They had spent the day observing those participating in the celebration, paying special attention to the leaders and their families. “So what do you think?” asked Ariu.

The stories told in their songs are consistent with the information from the Old Ones,” replied Iodla. “I’ve mingled with and observed many of them today and at no time did I sense any lingering anger. Based on what we were told about what some of them had endured before being rescued, I really expected to find a lot of residual anger and bitterness. With what I’ve seen I am inclined to believe what others have told us, and that this is a truly remarkable group of people.”

That was my experience as well,” added Cabd. “All the discussions of their past, that I heard, focused on their successes. Those were about either rescuing someone or defending themselves. Some of those events are mentioned in the lyrics of their songs. Many more discussions were about their future here and what they wanted to accomplish. I only heard a few talk about the recent battle with the invaders and that was pilots telling of their encounters. I had to duck a few times to avoid hands waving to support their story.

You know, we could just look at their thoughts and memories as they would never know.”

No!” exclaimed Ariu. “From what I’ve sensed, some of them very likely would know. Their mind-link with each other is ... unusual ... very deep, in fact deeper than I understood was possible for mortals. I would not be surprised if some weren’t already aware of our presence.”

Cabd smiled as she said, “Well we gave Sarah’s Clan a pretty strong clue by returning the plate that held their offering.”

That was a very nice gesture they made,” added Iodla.

I think all of us were surprised.”

True, especially Mother,” replied Iodla. “It seems like all members of their family groups are always in touch with the others. Within the family unit, it seems that they share everything, even senses and emotions.”

Are you sure?” asked Cabd.

I am,” answered Ariu. “I know Mother is reluctant but we really should meet them. This would be beneficial to both them and us as we need to know them better. Perhaps it will avoid issues like Mother and Dad had before.”

I agree,” said Canu startling them as she, along with Laghdha, appeared beside them.

Good evening,” responded the three goddesses as their parents appeared.

Have you had fun today?” asked Canu with a smile.

Yes!” exclaimed the three.

So how would you want to interact with them after we meet them?”

I didn’t think you wanted to meet them,” responded Cabd.

I’ve been thinking about that a lot since our last discussion,” replied Ariu. “I don’t think we want the relationship that the mentors have with them, which is almost like that between young and old siblings. I was thinking that something like the relationship that exists between aunts and uncles and their nieces and nephews might work?”

An interesting idea and I think it would be very appropriate,” added Iodla.

Based on what we now know, it is something to seriously consider,” said Canu.

I would like to know more of their background,” said Cabd, “but I have no objection to your proposal. In fact, I wish I’d thought of it. It would be a way for us to learn more about them.”

I think they will have no reluctance in sharing their history with us,” said Laghdha. “You’ve done a good job of observing them today. We are pleased with the interactions you had with several of them. Aine and Morrigan know you were here as they talked with, I believe, Michaela after Ariu chatted with her.”

Well they were all opportunities that I couldn’t pass up,” replied Ariu, “even though they did go a bit beyond what we agreed to.”

When do you think we should meet them?” asked Canu.

Mother, is this a test?” asked Iodla with a smile.

No,” she replied before sticking her tongue out at her daughters.

I think we should meet them after their visitors have left,” said Ariu. “My inclination is to meet Sarah’s Clan first then the others in the order that they accepted their role in the family. However, I have some concerns with that approach as the others may feel slighted.”

I see you’ve picked up much of what I have today,” replied Iodla. “However, I don’t think any of them would feel that way. I agree with waiting until their visitors leave as it will give us more time to observe them.”

I also agree,” said Canu. “However, a situation may arise where they see you and realize who you are. If that happens, go ahead and introduce yourself. Let them know our plans to meet with them after their visitors depart.”

Good idea,” said Laghdha. “We’re going back.”

We will probably stay for the rest of the celebration,” said Cabd. “Do you want us to link with you so you can see our observations?”

Let’s wait until you are back,” replied Laghdha with Canu nodding her agreement.

On Dóchas the shuttle carrying Sarah’s Clan settled into its cradle followed a short time later by the hatch opening. They found Briana’s Clan was waiting at the side of ship for them to exit.

“Anxious,” said Aoife.


Briana said, “Star told us you were on the way up and that she could hold the fort until you checked in.”

“Okay. Have fun!”

“Oh, we will. We heard you all are great dancers.”

“Boy, news travels fast. We enjoyed every minute of it.”

They watched as Briana’s Clan hurried into the shuttle for the trip down to Tara Ardchlár.

“As soon as we check the bridge and enable our links with it, I’m ready for some rest.”

“Me too.”

“Are we fooling ourselves by not having an active watch on each bridge?” queried Terry.

“Don’t think so,” replied Rusty. “I see why you raised the question, but at the moment we are operating as a single entity rather than seven ships. Although resting in our quarters, we are linked to our bridge. During the celebration we have each FCS manned and passively scanning, so that is another bit of insurance. Someone would need to enter the system with a vessel mimicking the characteristics of a piece of space debris in order not to be detected. Even then they would need to stay well away from us in order to keep from attracting attention. I am not saying something can’t get through, but that it’s not too likely. What brought this up?”

“I was thinking about the issue Keri indirectly raised, which is: Are we careful enough with our security?”

“For now, I think so. Once more worlds know of us and visitors become more frequent, we will need to change the way we do things. One item we need to discuss is a spaceport which would also be the traffic control for the system, rather than the FOCs. In the meantime, we need to identify and qualify more staff for the bridges, and as leadership in the different departments. It will come but it will take some time.”

“Okay. ‘Are we doing enough?’ is a question I frequently ask myself.”

“Good, keep doing it.”

It was a couple of hours later that Sarah’s Clan began preparations for bed. Their children returned just before they were in bed so they chatted for a bit getting impressions of their day on Ananu. In bed they arranged themselves so that Rusty and Sara were in the middle, with Maeve and Tara cuddled up next to them and the other spouses next to them on each side.

Aoife asked, “Does it seem like tomorrow begins a new stage of our life?”

Sort of,” replied Maeve, “today we celebrated achieving our goal of moving to a new home, but it also seems like we were celebrating the opportunity to begin a new life.”

To be picky, I would phrase it as ‘we are beginning a new stage of our life’s journey’,” added Sarah.

I like that,” replied Aoife then asked, “Did any of you notice anything unusual today?”

Several times I felt as though I was being closely observed, well maybe not real close,” responded Maeve. “Why?”

I felt that way several times as well but pretty much ignored it because it didn’t feel hostile.”

Well I did see three shadows behind our group at the pavilion this evening when we watched the sunset,” added Tara. “I figured it was just someone else watching the sunset.”

Could you see well enough to tell what they looked like?”

Well let’s see, it was definitely three women. They were a little shorter than us, but not much and they were more slender than us. Surprisingly, beyond that I would be just guessing as I only glanced in that direction a couple of times.”

That is pretty much what I saw, which to me is a curiosity.”


With the capabilities of our vision I would’ve thought we should have seen more detail.”

Sarah said, “Well I think we all knew that they were there. They observed the performance our children gave. They didn’t approach us either time and our senses didn’t indicate a problem, so I think in time the mystery women will make themselves known. Now, I’m tired and I know the rest of you are so let’s get some sleep, tomorrow will be a busy day.”

Yes, mother,” replied several of her spouses followed by chuckles.

Good night my loves and sleep well,” said Rusty.

Good night my loves,” responded all the spouses.

Sarah, Alena, Joyce, Siobhan, Keira, Casidhe, and Ta were walking past Central Square. They had just finished lunch and were on their way to their shuttle. It had rained earlier during their weekly review and it looked as if it was about to resume. When Alena saw a group waving at them she said, “It looks like they are waving to get our attention.”

“It certainly does,” replied Keira. “Let’s wait for them under the canopy.”

“Good afternoon,” said the Command Staff members.

“Good afternoon,” came the reply.

“Thanks for waiting for us to catch up. If you have time, I am curious about a couple of things. Oops, my name is Camellia.”

After glancing at those with her Alena said, “We have some time. I know that some of us are acquainted but why don’t we introduce ourselves first. Camellia has already broken the ice, so I am Alena of Sarah’s Clan.”

When the introductions were finished Sarah said, “So what are you curious about?”

Camellia said, “First, I am glad that we were able to arrive in time for the ceremony and Landing Day celebration. Thank you for making that possible. On the last Tenday there were a couple of music and dancing venues around this area. Will that continue?”

“If the groups want to perform, then yes. Actually, nearly all the activity areas we used during the celebration are still available. Going by your comment I gather that you were with the group who recently arrived from An Clochán.”

“Yes.” After looking at those around her she added, “I think that is true for most of us.”

“On our ships we have activities like those you saw here last Tenday. When on a ship they tend to be smaller gatherings but they also occur more frequently.”

Keira added, “Based on what I’ve heard, in the near future they will likely be occurring several times a week. One concern with them is that they will disturb those living here in what are essentially tents.”

“They didn’t go very late.”

“That is true but we have people working around the clock, and ten days a week, so some could find it too noisy to sleep.”

Rita said, “I am living in one and when I am in my area I haven’t noticed very much outside noise and my area is near the outer edge. They aren’t quite like any tent I’ve ever lived in before.” Several nodded their heads in agreement.

“Good,” responded the Command Staff members.

“I’ll limit myself to one more curiosity. Based on the plans I saw when we were at An Clochán, I had visions of this being more primitive than it is. However, I am very thankful that it is not.”

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