Tara Ardchlár - Cover

Tara Ardchlár

Copyright© 2024 by Cainneach McEinri

Chapter 9

Science Fiction Sex Story: Chapter 9 - The Órarduine led by Sarah's Clan and several other clans have reached the planet Ananu, and begin establishing their new home. In doing so they are assisted by the alien sentient species they met in Sol System. They are again threatened by the alien species, known as the Durale, that they crossed swords with in Sol. There are pirates who lurk in the vastness of space. This is a chronicle of their adventures.

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Consensual   BiSexual   Science Fiction   Extra Sensory Perception   Paranormal  

Note: When the conversation is a telepathic exchange, it is indicated by italics font.

One after the other the shuttles carrying the Command Staff Clans slowly moved away from their parent ships. Each then turned toward Ananu’s North Pole as they moved into a chevron formation before beginning their descent toward the planet. The shuttle carrying Sarah’s Clan led the formation, with subsequent positions being in order of acceptance of the Command Staff role. Once they were well north of Gaillimh Island they made a sweeping turn to the west as their descent continued. Their turn continued until they were heading east toward Gaillimh Island. This approach would bring them to a special landing area just short of the eastern knoll.

A large number of Órarduine were already assembled around the new pavilion on the eastern knoll with more arriving. They were gathered in a circle around the knoll’s crest with an opening between the landing area and the pavilion. The open air pavilion was centered on the knoll’s crest. The pavilion consisted of 4 levels of octagons with each centered on the one below. The sides of the top octagon were 4 meters in length. Descending from the top, the radius of each level increased by 3 meters. At the corners of the lowest level stood 4 meter tall round columns with a beam at the top connecting it to adjacent columns. Centered on the top level stood a large Órarduine mark, with one apex of the octahedron resting on a pedestal.

When the Command Staffs’ shuttles were on final approach they shifted to single file. Sarah’s Clan landed first and once they disembarked they formed four columns and began walking toward the octagon. As they took their first step the musicians began playing the Órarduine March.

As Sarah’s Clan began moving their shuttle lifted off to let the shuttle carrying Amy’s Clan land. Amy’s Clan exited to also form four columns and begin walking toward the pavilion. Amy’s Clan was followed by Siobhan’s, Maureen’s, Keriann’s, Kathryn’s, Molly’s and then Jackie’s Clans. The timing was such that each Clan reached their position around the pavilion at the same moment. Sarah’s Clan was at the eastern-most side flanked by Amy’s and Siobhan’s Clans.

As each Clan reached their position, they paused and then turned to face the pavilion. At each point of the octagon’s second level stood a mentor. Aine was at the point between Sarah’s Clan and Siobhan’s Clan. Morrigan was at the point between them and Amy’s Clan.

With everyone in position, the Órarduine mark began to slowly rotate on each axis in a random pattern. This gave everyone an opportunity to see each face. At this point the Command Staffs stepped onto the platform. After a few moments the images on the octahedron’s faces began to alternate between the image of a Command Staff and the Órarduine mark. This continued until the music stopped.

The Mentors then said as one, “We are gathered here this morning to hear these eight clans accept the challenge you’ve asked of them. By their actions today they commit to being the first members of The Council of Celia. Each clan, in the order that they were chosen for the position of Command Staff in the Órarduine World, will in turn say the oath.”

Just as the sun broke the horizon the Mentors said, “Sarah’s Clan.” As they spoke a golden glow began to slowly illuminate the pavilion and its immediate area. Its appearance and the resulting glow prompted a collective gasp from the audience. Those who took a moment to look around were puzzled as there didn’t appear to be a source for the light.

As one Sarah’s Clan said, “In the presence of the Gods, Goddesses, and our family we, Sarah’s Clan, as one and as individuals, do solemnly and sincerely promise and declare that we will maintain the Constitution of Celia World and uphold its laws, that we will fulfill our duties faithfully and conscientiously in accordance with our Constitution and laws, and that we will dedicate our abilities to the service and welfare of the people of Celia World. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to direct and sustain us.”

Amy’s Clan,” said the Mentors.

As each clan’s name was called, they repeated the oath both verbally and telepathically so that everyone in the family could hear them, regardless of their location, either in Celia system or at An Clochán.

When Jackie’s Clan finished their oath a flight of 16 Star Fighters passed quietly overhead from west to east. They were followed by seven flights of eight. As they reached the coast, the lead ship of each flight separated to form a tetrahedron formation with a fighter at each point. Holding this formation they turned back toward the island flying just 100 meters above the ground. When they were above the Council of Celia the formation rotated and flew straight up toward space and was soon out of sight.

Sarah said, “So now we know where our children were this morning.”

All the ships in the first flight were flown by your children. In the subsequent flights there was one of them in each flight group,” responded Aine.

Once the Star Fighters were out of sight, the chorus began singing the Órarduine anthem. They were quickly joined by everyone assembled on the knoll and at the other locations.

When the anthem finished, the eight clans turned around to face their family. Together they said, ”Órarduine, we wish to thank you for the trust you have placed in us by selecting us to be the first members of the Council of Celia. Together we have come a long way, and during that time we’ve learned a lot. Together we’ve met and overcome many challenges. Now our journey through life is taking another turn as we begin establishing our new home. As we grow we will face many new challenges together. We will be successful in meeting those challenges as long as we are respectful of each other and support each other in our endeavors, both collectively and individually. Our success is always dependent on us working together to make everyone’s future the best it can be.

We are very thankful for the blessings we’ve received from the Gods and Goddesses as well as the assistance provided by the ‘Old Ones’, who are represented by our Mentors. Without those blessings it would have been a struggle for us to be here today.

We must continue to be vigilant in order to maintain our security and continue our prosperity. We have faults which we must work to overcome. We have been granted abilities that many believe are impossible, implausible or even god like. To succeed and prosper, we must use those abilities wisely as we grow to populate this planet and continue our journey through the stars. To do otherwise will destroy us and those we love.

We love and admire each and every one of you for your accomplishments, and for just being you. May the Gods and Goddesses continue to bless us, our Mentors, and the ‘Old Ones’.”

When the Councilor’s stopped speaking, it was very quiet for a few moments before the applause began, which was quickly followed by cheering and multiple chants of ‘hip hip hurray’.

Sarah said, “Does everyone realize that the celebration starts now and that breakfast is available at the settlement site? Should we make an announcement?”

An announcement wouldn’t hurt,” replied Siobhan. “How will you be heard over this noise?”

Let’s ask the band and chorus to play a song, then at the end of it we can make the announcement.”

After the song of praise and thanksgiving ended, together the Councilors said, “As our first act, we would like to propose that this location be set aside as a place of contemplation and meditation as well as future ceremonies. We envision this area as consisting of this knoll and the surrounding field to the tree line.”

Yes,” was the reply.

We would like to remind everyone that our Founder’s Day celebration starts now, and lasts until the second sunrise from now. So let us begin.”

After they finished speaking many of those attending the ceremony came up to offer their congratulations. It was over an hour before those staying to congratulate the Councilors departed.

The Councilors gathered in a circle with the Mentors. Sarah said, “Is there anything we need to discuss before we join the celebration?”

Not that we know of,” replied Kathryn. “We need to leave soon as we go on duty at 08:00 hours but we will be back after our shift.”

Brigid of Keriann’s Clan said, “All the comments I heard about our oath of office ceremony were very positive. Several commented on the gold column of light. They thought it really set the scene but wondered how it was done as they couldn’t see a source.”

Aine replied, “We think we know the source of the light, but would like to confirm it first. As to the ceremony, it was perfectly executed. When we see them, we will congratulate the group who planned it. Before it began our only concern was whether each clan would reach their position in time so that you could all step onto the platform together.”

The band’s tempo and our link with each other probably played a big role in achieving that.”

Creidne responded with, “In any case, the ceremony was well done in planning, orchestration, and execution. Your acceptance comments were very appropriate as they establish consistency with the families stated goals.”

“Thanks,” replied the Command Staffs.

Joyce said, “I think it’s time to have breakfast.”

“We’ll see you guys later,” said Kathryn’s Clan. After giving everyone a hug they hurried toward their waiting shuttle.

The rest of the group started toward the settlement area when they saw the children of Sarah’s Clan running toward them. The children stopped just before reaching them and together said, “Congratulations.” They then moved to hug and congratulate everyone while paying special attention to their moms and dad.

Once the children had greeted everyone and they were again headed toward the dining area Sarah asked, “So how long have you guys been practicing those maneuvers?”

“We worked it all out on the flight simulators then did a practice run late last night. Did you like it?”

“Yes,” replied the Command Staffs.

“So which do you like better, flying in space, or in an atmosphere?” asked Chester.

“That is difficult to answer because they are really different environments,” replied Keri. “Flying in the planet’s atmosphere is a bit more challenging because the ship’s response to commands feels different to how it feels when in space.”

Kennith added, “While some of us did some flying in Earth’s atmosphere, most of those activities were in shuttles, and mission orientated, as opposed to what we did today. For the last few weeks we’ve used the flight simulators to become more accustomed to atmospheric flight. Once the planning group decided to include the flyovers, each of us was closely monitored when we made some practice runs. Then earlier this week we made several runs through the whole sequence on the flight simulator. Yesterday afternoon, we did it for real. I think our instructors were linked to us when we were flying but I am not certain. Anyway, our practice was apparently realistic enough that we only needed two practice runs. We are very fortunate to have the simulators.”

Joyce said, “The flight simulators have a link with our operational ships so they get real time data to improve their routines.”


Erin said, “I thought none you were big enough to fly the Star Fighters yet.”

“We can fly them, but are limited in what we can do. The maneuvers we did today were designed so that we didn’t exceed those limits. Although I can’t say for certain, I think our instructors do nothing but focus on us when we are flying.”

“Good. Why do you think they agreed to let you do this?”

“Because we’re very good,” replied Keri with a straight face that didn’t last as all the children immediately began laughing. When it died down she continued, “I guess, because you all were selected to serve; we are your children; and this is a significant event for the family. Based on the comments and encouragement they seem to think we are pretty good.”

“Fine,” replied their mothers, “just don’t forget your studies.”

“Yes, Mother,” replied all the children causing many in the group to chuckle as it brought back memories.

As they started through the buffet line Aine said, “This looks very good.”

“The meals here always look good, and taste that way as well,” added Morrigan. “I definitely can’t say that for every place I’ve been.”

Alison said, “It looks like we have a wider selection this morning. Typically our meals focus on a few dishes with the focus changing day to day. It makes the meals more interesting as there is something different each day.”

“Aine,” said Branwen a recent addition to Aine’s group, “you didn’t tell us about the food selection.”

“I did too, when I told you how good everything tasted.”

“Well if I’d realized how good, I would have been here sooner. How do you keep from gaining weight?”

“Exercise and not eating too much. I’ll admit it is still very tempting to overfill my plate.”

Once they had their plates filled the group moved over to an open area and sat on the ground. The food was obviously well liked because hardly a word was said while they ate.

“We are fortunate that the Connemare developed an excellent replicator for food. However, when we first began to use it the taste of the food it produced wasn’t all that great,” said Erin.

“So this is synthesized?” asked Branwen.

“Partially. The replicator’s capabilities have been improved so that the texture and taste matches what is expected of the real thing. Besides the food from the replicators, we grow some food on the ships. It is not nearly enough to feed everyone, but it gives us some variety. The gardens on the ships provide all of our seasonings as well as quite a few greens.”

“Atriums? That is unique.”

“Yes. Each Dóchas class ship has one. Besides providing fresh food, it also provides the crew with a place to relax and pretend they are on a planet.”

Claudette added, “Most space ship designers avoid including an atrium because of the added environmental issues, which are mostly from the additional moisture. We find that problem is offset by other benefits. The personal swimming pools give us more of a moisture issue until we learned how to accommodate them.”

“Personal swimming pool, what is that?”

“It is a tank just large enough for a person to float or swim without touching the sides. Once the person begins swimming the water flows past them fast enough to keep them in the center of the tank. Yes it is different to swimming in open water, but it is excellent exercise. The tanks serve other purposes as well.”

“Swimming pools and atriums are not something I’ve seen on a warship,” replied Branwen.

Rusty smiled as he replied, “Well strictly speaking, our current ships aren’t warships. The core design can be used for either an exploration ship or a warship. Initially Dóchas was an exploration ship with limited weapons. When our group began to form, Dóchas had to be refurbished. In doing that, and during its subsequent upgrades, it was expanded into to what you see today. Now it is closer to a classic space warship than it was when it arrived in Sol system, however, its mission doesn’t quite fit either a warship or an exploration ship.

“The mission for Dóchas class ships was to get us here and provide weapons capability to defend ourselves. Each ship is really a traveling community as our families travel with us; in fact they are part of the crew. Facilities are provided for the children to play and learn. As the children grow, they are assigned tasks appropriate for their age and knowledge. These are especially important during emergencies as they can provide support in responding to those emergencies, releasing older crew members for other tasks. They probably grow up a little faster than someone on a planet because of the inherent danger of living in a spaceship.”


As they ate, Sarah’s Clan, Aine, Brigit, Branwen, and Morrigan told stories about their adventures and people that they’d met.

“We’re going over to the volley ball courts,” said Keri as she stood.

“Where are they?” asked Jill.

“Over to the west of the spaceport. They found some sand, so the courts are covered with a thick layer of fine sand, so we have real beach volley ball. There are four soccer fields as well.”

“Playing volley ball on a sand court will be a lot different than what we are used to,” said Moya of Sarah’s Clan.

“Well it’s approaching time for us to leave for Dóchas,” said Sarah. “Our tour on the bridge starts at 10:00. We’ll be back shortly after lunch, probably a little before 17:00 hours.”

“The singing and dancing starts midafternoon,” added Janet.

“That starts at 18:00 hours,” replied Jordana. “We are on stage just before dinner at 22:00 hours.”

“We’ll be there to hear you,” said Sarah’s Clan as they gave their children hugs in preparation for leaving. Turning to Aine, Morrigan, Branwen, and Brigit they said, “We hope you enjoyed this morning as much as we did, hopefully we will see you this afternoon. In the meantime, if you need anything or have a question, please don’t hesitate to ask.”

“Oh we will,” replied Morrigan and Branwen.

Sarah’s Clan gave their friends a hug and kiss before heading for the shuttle to take them up to Dóchas. As they neared a shuttle they heard Keriann’s Clan say, “Could we ride with you?”

Turning they saw Keriann’s Clan hurrying toward them. “Sure,” they replied.

Once they were in the shuttle, the AI said, “Good morning, Councilors. Congratulations.”

“Thank you,” replied the two clans as they settled into their seats.

“Which ship will be our first destination?”

Looking at Sarah, Keriann said, “Would you mind if we spent some time with you on Dóchas?”

“We would love to have you. However, we are scheduled to be on the bridge. Does that work for you all?”

“That will be fine,” replied Kelly.

“Alpha9 AI, we will be going to Dóchas,” said Rusty.

“Dóchas, it is.”

“So what was your impression of the ceremony?” Janet asked Keriann’s Clan.

“It was probably the most formal thing we have ever done,” replied Kelly causing everyone to chuckle. “Well as an Órarduine. Graduation from the academy was a pretty formal event, but that was really in another life.”

“Well,” replied Alena, “what about the meeting we hosted on Mars for the Alliance of Worlds and selected Earth’s governments? That was pretty formal.”

“True. But we weren’t really in the middle of that,” responded Brigid of Keriann’s Clan.

“This was just another milestone in our effort to grow our family and establish a home,” replied Joyce of Sarah’s Clan. “It may seem much more significant in 100 years or so.”

“Good point,” said Eleánóir of Keriann’s Clan

“Several people told me that they were quite pleased with our acceptance speech,” said Chester. “They all thought we put our situation into perfect perspective.”

“Good,” replied Tara. “We heard similar comments. The flyover was a big surprise.”

“Yes. We think everyone was surprised. It was well done.”

“How are your babies doing?” asked Joyce.

“They are doing great,” replied Keriann.

“Mine too,” added Oriel. “I didn’t realize how beneficial it was to have helpers. Karen and the others are worth their weight in gold.”

“We thought so,” replied Joyce. “We are glad they decided to join us.”

“Aren’t Maureen’s Clan’s babies due in a few weeks?” queried Alison.

“I remember someone saying that they are due in about seven weeks,” responded Eleánóir.

Keriann added, “They are expected about the time we think our visitors will depart. We visited with Siobhan’s Clan a few days ago. Their babies have really changed in the few weeks since they were born.”

“How many children are we expecting to arrive over the next six months or so?” asked Oriel of Keriann’s Clan.

“If I remember correctly,” responded Judy, “there will be just a little over a thousand. We’ve asked each clan to give us an idea of their plans so we can be ready.”

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