The Big Babes of Paradise - Cover

The Big Babes of Paradise

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - An IT wizard gets a new job - working for a BBW Porn Company! Soon our IT wizard and his BBW wife are in paradise, joining in on the kinky fun.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Consensual   Lesbian   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Sharing   Slut Wife   Wife Watching   Group Sex   Orgy   Swinging   Anal Sex   Analingus   Exhibitionism   Facial   Oral Sex   Squirting   Tit-Fucking   Voyeurism   BBW   Big Breasts  

Their tummies full, Lisa and John wandered to the doctors office. “Come in!” bellowed a voice from behind the door. Entering the couple found a middle age woman wearing a white lab coat. It was open, revealing the fact that all she was wearing was a white lab coat.

“Dr. Williams, I’m John Taylor, this is my wife Lisa.” John introduced them.

“Please, everyone calls me Steph.” She was certainly a friendly women, her blue eyes sparkled, her black hair was cut short with a few wisps to one side. Like the other women in the compound she had a sizable belly, probably bigger than most. Her breasts, although a D cup looked a bit small because of it.

Steph had the couple sit, and took their basic vital signs. She reviewed the results of very thorough pre-employment medical exam both had been required to take. “I’m glad to see,” she concluded, “you are both in excellent health. Do you have any questions for me?”

“Well...” John began. “Everyone keeps telling me we should ask you for some, uh, hmm,”

“You want the pills we give the actors to keep their cocks hard and pussies wet right?” she laughed.

Both John and Lisa gave a relaxed grin. “Yeah, them.”

“Not a problem, everyone here uses them. I’ve actually selected a good one for each of you.” She reached into a drawer and pulled out two bottles, one for each. “If you don’t mind go ahead and take one now, just so I can check for effects.” John and Lisa did as requested, then they sat around in idle chit chat waiting for the pills to kick in. Doc then took their readings again, pronouncing them good to go.

“I’d like to talk to you both about one more thing I can do to spark your sex drives.” Doc said. “It’s a, well, booster if you will, it amplifies what ever sex enhancing drug you take. It’s still experimental right now, I’m working with a lab to develop it. Problem is there’s only a few people with the right chemistry for it to be effective.”

“And you’re telling us this because...” Lisa prodded.

“Oddly enough both of you happen to have the right type, which is a unique combination, something the lab greatly wants to study. I’d love to get you into the study.”

Intrigued, John asked “So what’s it do?”

“It’s a shot I give you once a month. In men it greatly increases semen production, your loads are thicker, you shoot further, and can cum within minutes of a previous orgasm. You may also experience some swelling in the penis, in essence it makes it look bigger.”

“And for women?” Asked Lisa.

“You secrete more vaginal fluids, in other words your pussy stays wetter. If you don’t currently squirt during orgasm, you will. You will also notice an increase in sensitivity which will make it easier to orgasm. In some ladies there has been an increase in breast size from one to two sizes, sometimes accompanied by lactation.”

“Sounds too good to be true.” John said. “What’s the downside.”

“Well, it could have no effect at all. As for side effects, in men there can be a weight decrease as your metabolism rises. You might feel restless and will probably need to engage in physical activity more often in order to burn off your excess energy. You’ll also experience great discomfort if you don’t ejaculate frequently.”

“What about in women?” Lisa asked.

Stephanie sighed. “Well, that’s a different story. You’ll likely notice a thickening of body hair.” She removed her lab coat, now nude she held up her arm revealing a light layer of hair in her armpits. “Most notably in your pits and pussy. I finally gave up on my pits. Fortunately around here no one seems to care. The other thing is weight gain. Average weight gain is 50 pounds, although in my case I jumped up almost 100. Of course while the lab lists it as a negative...” the doctor patted her big belly “ ... here it’s considered a great thing.”

John and Lisa looked at each other, unspoken words between them. Both knew the feelings of the other. “We’re in!” they said in unison.

“Great!” Stephanie said a big smile on her face. “The batch I got in this morning is new, the lab says its supposed to be really potent.” She got out two syringes, and filled them from a bottle. She then had Lisa bend over, and injected the medicine into her big bottom. She repeated this a moment later with John.

After a few minutes the doctor asked how they felt. “Great!” Lisa said. “I can tell my pussy is nice and juicy already, and I definitely feel horny. Look how stiff my nipples are! How about you baby?”

“Not so good.” John looked woozy. “Sort of light headed.” The doctor and Lisa helped him onto the exam table, and laid him on his back.

“What’s wrong? What are your symptoms?” Stephanie asked John.

“I feel all warm, like the blood is rushing through me. My cock is so hard it hurts, and my balls, fuck my balls hurt so bad I feel like they are going to explode.”

“Oh my god look at him, his cock is huge!” Lisa exclaimed.

“I’ve seen this once before,” The doctor said. “His system is overloading on testosterone and his semen producing system has gone into hyper mode.”

“He’s got too much cum?” Lisa asked.

“Not quite but that’s close enough.”

“What can we do?” Lisa pleaded.

“Quick, we need to make him cum, and fast. What’s his favorite sex technique?”

Lisa stuttered a moment, confused, then said “Blowjobs! He loves blowjobs.”

“Great! Get to it while I monitor him.” Doc grabbed Lisa’s face and guided it to Johns cock. She want to it, sucking and pumping his massively thick prick. It felt red hot in her mouth. Within seconds she was gagging as a huge load of cum filled her mouth. She barely swallowed a fraction of it, his cum sprayed everywhere soaking Lisa’s face, tits, as well as John’s crotch and belly. John’s cock remained rock hard.

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