The Family Way - Cover

The Family Way

Copyright© 2024 by Mark Gander

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - A married man wakes up with a younger woman who isn't his wife and quickly discovers that both she and his wife, among others, have plans for him and themselves at a special camp/retreat devoted to free love, naturism, and other wonderful notions, to which he adds proposals of his own.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   BiSexual   Humor   Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   Cousins   InLaws   DomSub   Light Bond   Rough   Spanking   Gang Bang   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Double Penetration   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Pregnancy   Sex Toys   Menstrual Play   Nudism  

I was busy pounding the hell out of Amy and Lola in turns, well aware that my batteries needed to recharge a bit, when I saw the sky darkening a bit, as if to signal either sundown or inclement weather. Maybe both, I thought, even as I felt Amy tighten up on me a bit and clench her pussy muscles enough to extract my seed from my balls through my prick. I spurted a few ropes and then pulled out as she relaxed, in order to dump some of my jizz inside Lola as well.

I was evidently one of those lucky guys who tended to make a bundle of swimmers, so I had plenty to spare for both ladies. To me, in my mind, that was a kind of confirmation that I wasn’t cut out for monogamy or any such nonsense. All that extra sperm was wasted on one chick, right? One shouldn’t put all of one’s tadpoles in one pond, after all. That was one of a host of reasons that monogamy made no sense to me at all.

Why should the better genes be limited and the worse ones be given equal standing? Why should all of one’s needs be fulfilled by one person or all of that pressure be placed on them? Why should anyone care what one did with others, unless it excited or aroused them or they could participate? What one did with others was otherwise largely none of their business. People were just far too nosy for their own damn good! Just look at the Inquistion and the Sharia law courts, right? People needed to stop sticking their noses in other people’s affairs.

I had only been monogamous in the past out of a mix of habit, indoctrination that I had to take years to shake off, and the subconscious belief or fear or presumption that few others saw the world and the natural order with the clarity that I had. Well, evidently, Martin, you got that one wrong. It just brought a fresh thought to me, borne out by history, literature, music, etc. I had just assumed that those like me were in the minority in the past, but there was too smoke for there not to be fire in the notion that monogamy was only truly honored in the breach. The illusions of the past had been truly shattered by now. Any remaining vestiges of my old worldview were swept away and tossed onto the ash heap where they belonged.

I was truly a free man now, and I wasn’t alone, I surmised. There was no room for the morality of the sheep, of the herd, as Nietzsche would say, not anymore. I wasn’t merely a bridge to the Overman now. I was the fucking Overman! I would show the way for others to follow my lead, but they would have to huff and puff to catch up with me. I was never one to walk slowly, after all. Anyone who hiked or worked with me could tell you that much, but that was the same thing. Did I mention that I was a game warden? It was a solid profession here in Colorado, I could say that much. Anyway, I didn’t stroll. I marched headlong toward my destiny.

As we all headed back to the main campsite, I couldn’t help but notice how absolutely gorgeous each of my lovers were, including my wife. Ladies and gents alike, they all had some kind of sexual allure to them, at least in my book. Yeah, my tastes were far too eclectic to be any kind of monogamist. No fucking thanks! It had only led to misery and frustration in my experience, along with all of the other false values that came with traditional, organized religion.

If even the church fathers struggled with it, why did they try to impose it on the rest of us? Misery loves company, perhaps, I thought cynically. Well, I did have a certain streak of that kind of dark, unsentimental, insensitive, cold, dispassionate, realistic analysis to me, didn’t I? I wasn’t all mushy romanticism in the least. If God was real, he’d have a lot of preachers’ bullshit to answer for, wouldn’t he? Not to mention that anthology of cruelty, propaganda, pederasty, junk science, mythology, allegory, polemic, vitriol, and self-loathing known as the Bible.

That was when it hit me ... I could go further than starting a fucking naturist club or even colony. I could found my own religion and reframe the world’s dilemmas in a brand new paradigm or vision. If someone like Joseph Smith or Muhammad or Jesus or Paul could do such things, why not me? I at least knew where the Sun went at night, which gave me a leg up over all of those other guys. I at least didn’t misinform people and tell them not to worry about putting food-borne pathogens in their bellies, as Jesus once did. I didn’t claim to fly to Jerusalem, as Muhammad did, and I didn’t marry some kid, either. I definitely wasn’t a fraudulent gold prospector or whatever like Joseph Smith. I wasn’t a repressed, tormented, self-despising homosexual like Paul of Tarsus.

I quickly slipped Talia a note asking, “I got a crazy idea and I want to run it by everyone. Let me know if I should. Shouldn’t we just ... start our own church or faith or sect or religion or whatever?”

She winked, smiled, and leaned over to whisper, “Hey, we couldn’t do any worse than every other cult in history or whatever you wish to call them. I’m game. Let’s see who else we can bring on side.”

She then passed my note to Rosa, who sent it on down the line. Within minutes, the others were catching up with me, and by the time that we reached the primary campgrounds, they were all deathly silent as if to hear me out. What would they make of my ideas, though? Would there be any dealbreakers for them?

“So, this ... new religion of yours ... what would you call it, and could we still use the Naked Lake Club as a gateway for it?” Spiro dared to ask me first.

“Basically, a harmonious balance between society and nature. Not too far in either direction. Man has grown so distant from nature that it has distorted or confused, even disoriented him. Yet we don’t dare get too close to nature, or we become mere savages. That’s why the golden mean, the happy medium between the extremes, that’s the best policy. Also, it’s necessary for the human race to evolve into something higher, a kind of transhumanist evolution that can’t happen if we ignore our process of natural selection of genes. Anyway, I prefer to think of our new faith as a kind of family...

“Let’s call it the Family Way. It sounds very innocuous, doesn’t it, and it mostly is, except that we will be undermining all of the tenets of the present social order, in order to restore the proper balance of the polarity. That is something that might be construed as sinister by certain folks, even folks with whom we might well agree on other points,” I laid out the principles and to my relief, everyone embraced me ... quite literally.

“On that note, I have an announcement that I wish to make. I want to ... marry Aletheia! Full-on lesbian wedding, once loverboy here gets his new church started, of course. Gets ordained, that kind of thing. I also want it to clear that ... and I think that Aletheia would agree with me on this, we will have a husband. It will just be Martin. We will consider Talia to be our sister-wife, or wife for short.

“We just can’t do a polygamous marriage yet, so this is the best alternative at this stage. Maybe in time, once our new faith has gained enough converts, a groundswell, then we can do that. So, Aletheia Mavros, sorry about the lack of a ring, due to this being so last minute, but will you marry me?” Bianca suggested, getting on one knee as she outright proposed.

“Yes, yes ... yes!” Aletheia told her with a very sweet and tender soul kiss planted on her mouth at last as they embraced, ‘but I have one condition. I hope that it’s not a dealbreaker.”

“Which is?” Bianca asked her while pressing her naked body against Aletheia’s.

“I want us to be ... collared by Martin. I want us to wear his collar, and as much as we can get away with it, nothing else. Well, maybe shoes at times and a trenchcoat in bad weather, but you get the point. I want us to be his ... slaves, servants, submissives, whatever you want to call it, full-time, as much as possible. Maybe we can someday marry him, but in the meantime, we can serve him, as we rightfully should. We should sign a master-slave contract with him, too,” sweet Aletheia stunned everyone with this “indecent proposal.”

“Did you fucking read my mind, babe? I’m totally on board with that. In fact, from now on, he’s not Martin to me, or even sir. He’s Master. Plain and simple. Of course, in Spanish it translates to a fairly innocent-sounding word: senor. I can say that all I wish and no one would be the wiser most of the time. How about it, guys? May we get married to each other and serve you, but especially our Master?” Bianca enthusiastically consented to that pact now, even looking at my sweet Talia in case it bothered her somehow.

“Why are you looking at me, beloved cousin Aletheia, dear Bianca? It’s not up to me. I might be Martin’s wife, but we exchanged vows out of love, not obligation or duty or whatever else. We don’t own each other. We retain our bodily autonomy, do we not? The questions that you should ask are for him and for yourselves? Are you ready to do whatever it takes to please your chosen Master ... and will he accept your surrender, conditional or not?” Talia insisted.

“Si, senora!” Bianca bowed her head and then prostrated herself before me.

“Yes, my dear cousin! The only thing is that it will mean that you have two slaves constantly in your presence. Can you handle them, or rather us?” Aletheia pointed out now.

“Definitely, but the real issue is this? Will my husband have you? Well, will you, honey? I sure hope so. These girls have been in love with you for a while now, anyway. Please don’t reject their gift of abject submission and obedience. They adore you and this is the only reward that they ask of you. Pretty please, claim them both, dear!” Talia now lobbied hard for this new arrangement to take place.

“Alright, but on one condition. I don’t mind at all, but I think that it’s also plain that Chuck wants to serve you in some capacity as well. He puts you on a pedestal and practically worships you, babe. If I can accept their submission as a boon to them, you can with him ... on whatever terms you two work out together, of course,” I pointed to how my former best man, Chuck Hanson, groveled to Talia now.

Both girls somersaulted for joy, though it went badly for poor Bianca and she landed rather awkwardly before a bunch of us pulled her back upright. Well, she was a bit heavier than Aletheia, after all. That stood to reason, I smiled at my new ladies, even as Talia’s face softened toward Chuck.

“Okay, but I have a condition of my own. Chuck has to propose marriage to Collette. If she rejects him, I will still accept him, but not if he refuses to pop the question. I hate to throw in that old monkey wrench, but that’s how it goes. I don’t have the time or energy to give a full-time slave his due. I will need to delegate some of that responsibilty, and Chuck just strikes me as an uxorious husband type, so a wife like Collette would be ideal. When he’s not being whipped by me, he’s getting pussywhipped by her,” Talia set an unorthodox demand that I half-feared would doom everything, but I chose to trust her, anyway.

I took a deep breath ... and waited. Chuck didn’t disappoint me. He got on one knee himself to Collette and she didn’t even wait for his words. She beamed, pulled him up, kissed him madly on the lips, and locked her arms around him like a python with its coils. She then put his hands on her bottom and placed hers on his own tush. She didn’t stop kissing him for what felt like an eternity before she came up for air.

“Yes, honey, I’ll marry you. Just remember who wears the pants in our marriage. It ain’t gonna be you and we both know it,” Collette warned Chuck, even as Sam dropped the mic.

“I don’t know, Collette, baby, none of us seem to be wearing pants at all, married or not,” Sam quipped, making everyone burst into laughter.

“A fair point. I just know my man pretty well already and I know what he needs. A firm, guiding, but very soft hand. A woman’s touch. He’s just not the domineering type, cop or not. Well, to be fair, that’s a very stressful job. I can see why he’d want to be more ... laidback at home. More passive, for lack of a better word. If that’s all it is, baby, I got your number and I will make your life so fucking awesome that you won’t know how you ever did without me! Just remember to do as you’re told,” Collette encouraged her brand new fiance in his submissive ways.

“So, when Chuck is with my wife, he’ll serve her, and when he’s with his own wife, he’ll submit to her, too. Well, hey, Chuck, buddy, at least you know what you are and what will make you happy. So many men lead lives of quiet desperation, as Thoreau observed. Just be happy that you’re not still searching for yourself, because that’s most people who’ve ever lived,” I told the guy.

He was one of my best friends, after all, as why else would he be my best man, right?

“I can’t wait to hear your wedding vows!” Pandit teased Chuck now, but all in a good-natured, roasting manner.

“This will certainly get interesting. No doubt of that. Welcome to the ranks of subbies, Officer,” Bianca winked at Chuck, who was now handcuffed again after a bit of a break from that.

“I’m curious as to how that bachelor and bachelorette party business will go, for that matter. I suppose that we’ll need to have ourselves a little ... discussion, right, sweetie? Don’t worry, I don’t mean to prohibit such things. After all, we’re hardly exclusive, are we? There’d be no point to such restrictions, right? I just want to figure out the logistics for both of us ... and for our wedding, that kind of thing. Main thing is that it should be done according to our brand new religion, right? Fuck Christianity, am I right?” Collette remarked in a tone of playful dominance.

“Hopefully, I’ll get to be his best man, too,” I commented with a wink.

“Oh, I imagine that we got his best man, his groomsman, his matron and/or maid of honor, and all of his bridesmaids right here. It probably won’t be a large affair, but still ... we can have a lot of fun with it!” Collette laughed as she took custody of his keys for now.

“So, how do we go about getting incorporated by the State of Colorado, as a church, I mean? Not to mention the ordination? We can purchase the land here as a church and save a lot of grief, as it won’t be marital assets, not that I anticipate any divorces or whatever. We can live communally and camp here as much as we wish if we run the church and the church owns this whole campsite. That alone will draw converts, I think. The Club can be another way to lure them in, of course. We wil need a dungeon for the kinky stuff that we aren’t ready to show the outside world,” I thought aloud now.

“Naturally,” Talia licked her lips, staring at Chuck as if to say, “you’re going to find out that I play for keeps.”

“If we live communally, maybe we can have one large, communal bath and shower area, complete with a hot tub? We can cite health reasons and everything, but it can be an excuse to hold slippery wet orgies and all that jazz. Imagine all of the kinky sex we can do in a big-ass communal shower! Get clean ... and get dirty all at once! We might well limp our way out, but it would be well worth it! To say nothing of the rooms ... maybe adjoining rooms that can open into each other to make swapping partners easier. It will be great times, no doubt!” I continued now, thinking very much of the possibilities for all of us.

“Oh, just imagine the options for siblings who want to mate incestuously, too! I’m sure that you have plans for that as well, my love! You are quite the big ... thinker, after all!” Talia winked at me as all of my disciples considered the prospects for the future.

“But for now, let’s enjoy the retreat!” Spiro declared, getting full support from all of us on that point.

“So, Chuck and Collette are engaged, ditto Aletheia and Bianca. What about Pandit and Rosa, Lola and Hung?” I turned to the other unmarried couples among us.

“I’m good with marriage, as long as it’s not monogamous and it’s conducted in my kind of church, such as the new one that we’re building together. What about you, Lola? Want to get hitched? I know that’s not the most romantic proposal, but hey, it’s a new way, a new family way, right?” Hung popped the question next.

“Works for me! Let’s do it! This is certainly romantic in its own way, happening right out here in the presence of Mother Nature, nothing on but our smiles. It’s cheaper, too, than the twentieth century business of a dinner date and a rock that costs a whole month’s salary. I just want to be Lola Chan. Imagine how confused people are going to be with an Italian woman with a Chinese surname, right?” Lola kissed Hung passionately as she heard his offer, making it evident that she was thrilled with him.

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