Echos of Time - Cover

Echos of Time

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 4

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 4 - The theme of this story consists of a common, mother-son incestual time-travel trope with a son traveling back in time to impregnate his mother, becoming his own father.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Incest   Mother   Son   Pregnancy  

I awoke, confused and disoriented, seeing none of the familiar objects in my room, but then the previous night’s events filled my mind. Glancing around the room, I noticed no sign of Mom, but when the aroma of cooking sausage hit me, I knew she was already up and preparing breakfast. Jumping up, I ran into the bathroom to relieve myself. The lingering humidity from a recent shower was evident, so I turned on the faucet and hopped in. After soaping up, I paid extra attention to my cum-crusted genital region.

When I exited the stall, all scrubbed and rinsed, I grabbed a towel off the rack to dry when apprehension struck me. The new robe I purchased for Mom was draped over a hook on the back of the door. “Did she wake up this morning, remorseful that she had crossed the parental boundary?” I asked myself. I could see where she might think she was at fault since she seduced me more than I did her. “Would she be angry and put a halt to our incestuous relationship?” I fretted to myself. My future mom had built up my confidence, but at that moment, I found myself feeling uncertain. The smell of sausage comforted me. I knew she must not be too upset, as she wouldn’t have cooked my favorite if she were.

Donning my robe, I made my way to the kitchen with a sense of unease. Mom faced the stove, cloaked in her old cotton robe. Moving behind her, I gripped her waist with both hands, gently squeezed and kissed her neck. “Good morning, Mom,” I whispered into her ear. “Smells wonderful—the food and you.” I inhaled her scent which was mixed with the aromas of spices from the sausage.

Feeling her body stiffen, I loosened my grip, fearing she was uncomfortable from my touch.

“It’s your favorite—the sausage, that is,” she commented. “Sit down and I’ll serve you.”

Her tone carried neither happiness nor anger, leaving me uncertain about our status. Playing it safe, I opted for silence. As she set my plate down, I couldn’t help but exclaim, “Wow, that’s quite the serving.” Three additional sausage links shared the plate with the largest ham and cheese omelet I had ever laid eyes on.

Mom’s smile warmed me as she commented, “I thought you might be hungry after all the exercise we did yesterday. It seemed to help you sleep better, too. Did Mommy wear you out?” Her light giggle and sexy smirk set the mood.

“Yes, you did. But in a good way,” I jested. We talked for several minutes before I summoned the courage to discuss our relationship. “I notice you’re wearing your old robe. Don’t you like the one I bought for your birthday?”

“I decided to save it for special occasions as it carries some special memories for me. Is that okay?” she asked, her expression begging for approval.

“Of course,” I replied. “I was concerned that maybe things weren’t okay between us. First, your robe, and then you seemed to tense up when I touched you this morning.”

Her smile broadened as she explained, “So that’s the reason for your hang-dog look. I’m not quite used to my son touching me, but I do cherish your affection, and I don’t want it to end. I wondered why you didn’t prance out here bragging about how you bagged your hot mother last night.” That elicited a chuckle from both of us.

“If I were to mention last night, I would present it a little differently,” I responded. Reaching across the table, I held her hands, my gaze locked with her warm, brown eyes. “It’d go something like this: Last night, my beautiful mother and I affirmed our commitment to each other. I’m profoundly in love with her and I’ll cherish the passionate night of love we shared for the rest of my life. But more than that, I see it as a beautiful beginning for our journey together.”

Halfway through my speech, tears welled in her eyes, prompting her to gently pull one hand away to dab at them. “How did I raise such a romantic son? You are so full of surprises, and I absolutely share your feelings about last night.”

Her expression turned serious as she continued, “There is something I need to discuss with you. I’m afraid I’m ovulating and am very fertile. We may need to make a trip to the pharmacy to buy a day-after pill.”

“No,” I blurted. “I want you to bear my child. It’s a gift made from the love we have for each other. You’re my wife, Mom, and I’m spending the rest of my life with you.”

She blushed and replied, “That’s sweet, but you’re young and will most likely meet someone your own age. There’s no need to tie yourself down at this stage of your life.”

“That’s nonsense, Mom,” I refuted her argument. “There will be no other woman.”

“You seem so confident,” Mom responded. “You can’t know what the future holds for you. Don’t you want the option?”

I briefly thought about telling her that I did know the future, but thought better of it. “Mom, trust me when I tell you it’s our destiny to be together and have a child.” I gripped her hands again and squeezed, reinforcing my sincerity.

She smiled widely and acquiesced, “Have it your way. As your wife, I’ll do as you wish.” Her smile turned into a sexy smirk. I wondered if she knew how much that simple gesture turned me on.

With that topic behind us, we spent the rest of our time discussing our weekend schedule. When finished, Mom rose and took our cups to the counter to refill them. As in the past, my gaze locked onto the backs of her long, shapely legs.

She moved to the sink, turned her head to face me, and remarked, “There’s another reason why I like wearing this robe. A woman loves a man that admires her legs and you may not know it, but I’ve known for some time that you enjoy checking me out each morning.”

Caught red-handed, I confessed, “Guilty as charged, but I can’t help it with you having such great legs. I bet you don’t know what else I think about every morning when you’re filling our cups.”

She grinned, “Actually, I do because I’ve had the same fantasy.” She shifted her feet backward while leaning down, resting her shoulders on the counter edge. She wiggled her ass invitingly, and by the time I moved behind her, my prick had grown to full-staff.

I hurriedly sloughed off my robe, before grabbing her hemline and lifting it onto her back. Her perfectly smooth, rounded, creamy ass cheeks stopped me in my tracks. They were perfect and were like a magnet, drawing my hands to them. After squeezing her buns, my palms glided down the backs of her soft thighs, before retreating to her ass.

Several minutes later, Mom asked, “Were you planning on fucking me at some point? I’m soaked, thinking about your prick all morning. If you’re hesitating because I’m your mom, think of me as your horny wife.”

“Easy, Mom,” I replied. “This is the first time I’ve seen your wonderful ass and it’s quite the sight. So perfectly round and soft that I could spend a long time admiring it, but my prick agrees with you.”

I tapped the insides of her thighs, prompting her to widen her legs. Her wet slit became revealed, swollen, and ready for her son’s cock. Inching closer, I dragged my engorged head through her slit, until my cock was smeared with her juices. Lining up with her leaky slot, I shoved in several inches while her pussy walls pulled and sucked in my iron-hard prick. I pushed hard, descending to the bottom of her cunt in one fell swoop. She whimpered and cried from being stuffed with so much cock meat.

Digging my fingers into her soft ass, I pummeled her horny pussy forcing the air out of her lungs with each plunge. My prick scraped across her sensitive areas igniting her nerve centers. Memories of fucking her eighteen years earlier surfaced, causing me to intensify my attack. Her hair was too short to grab and pull, so I gripped her breasts instead.

While my fingertips twisted her nipples, I continued to rapidly thrust in and out of her clasping cunt. She screeched unintelligible sounds as her pussy and tits both sent jolts of pleasure through her body.

“It’s time for your breeding, Mom. Are you ready to accept your son’s sperm?” I taunted her, slamming my cock against her cervix with each stroke. The pressure in my balls increased, signaling my impending release.

“Yes!” Mom exclaimed. “Give me a baby. Seed me, motherfucker!” She gripped the edges of the sink and pushed backward, ensuring my prick would be in the perfect position to fertilize her.

After a dozen more power thrusts, her body shook and quivered as her orgasm commenced. On her second contraction, a stream of cum shot out my tip, splashing against her walls. She screamed and wailed as she received the fucking she had craved. Her pussy squeezed and milked my spitting cock, blobs of semen coating her cervix. Her pussy overflowed with our mixed cum, drooling down the insides of her thighs. Once my balls were drained of every precious drop, I grabbed the fronts of her thighs and continued to pump, packing my sperm to the bottom of her pussy.

The sound of our flesh slapping together was replaced with our panting as we ceased fucking. When I removed my cum-coated cock, her gash oozed out a stream of milky-white sex juices. After I covered her ass with her robe and helped her rise off the counter, she turned and kissed me, hugging me tightly.

“That was unbelievable and as good as I hoped it would be,” she exclaimed.

“It’s always good with you, Mom,” I responded and kissed her.

Once we had barred our souls, our new relationship blossomed and flourished as we transitioned from interacting as parent-child to wife and husband. Our conversations flowed effortlessly and our laughter rang out freely as we grew closer. We dined out on Saturday, no longer concealing the love we held for each other. We enjoyed our walks and promised to continue in the future, while our cuddling on the couch was replaced with making love.

Sunday afternoon, I convinced Mom to allow me to move into her bedroom as I vowed to sleep with her every night. We celebrated with dinner at our favorite restaurant at the conservatory. Alice was once again our server and we ensured our actions demonstrated we were indeed lovers. When we exited to return home, Mom hugged me and with a mischievous smirk, suggested, “Always call me Beth when we come here, but I’d like to go to a different restaurant sometime where you act like you’re my lover but call me Mom.”

“I didn’t realize you were into a bit of covert exhibitionism,” I remarked, with a hint of surprise. “It could be fun though, witnessing the expression of the poor soul that discovers a mother and son are in a physical relationship.”

She was wild in bed that night, fantasizing about our future adventures. I hated concealing my dealings with my future mother but decided to wait until closer to Friday to discuss it with her.

We lay in bed Wednesday evening, freshly showered and nude. Mom’s hands gently stroked my hard cock, studying every ridge and bump along my stem. Wrapping one hand around my bloated head, she twisted it and asked, “Does this hurt when I do this?”

“Oh, god no, Mom,” I gasped and groaned. “Bending it from side to side also feels good. It makes it even better that my mother is doing it.”

She practiced her skills, using different techniques, repeating the ones that elicited a moan from me. My future mom knew exactly how I liked to masturbate and I smiled inwardly that it was the result of me training her. When my tip oozed pre-cum, she licked it off and engulfed my head with her mouth. After a few sucks, she released me and remarked, “Believe it or not, your prick is exactly like the ones I’ve fantasized about over the years. It’s uncanny that it’s so familiar.”

Her statement was the perfect opening to tell her about our future. “It’s not that strange, Mom. I have to tell you something and I want you to keep an open mind. What I’m about to tell you will blow your mind.”

She paused, and looked into my eyes, her questioning expression demonstrating her curiosity.

“Friday night wasn’t the first time we’ve made love,” I started.

“Wait,” she interjected. “Are you saying you’ve fucked me when I was asleep?”

“Nothing like that,” I replied. “An alien helped your future self travel back in time. She’s come back several times to task me with assignments. One of them was to go back and impregnate you. You might say I’m my own father. I know it’s weird, but you have to believe me.”

She giggled and replied, “That’s funny. Knock it off, young man or I’ll have to take you to a shrink to check you out.”

“I’m not joking, Mom,” I adamantly argued. “You sucked Zorro’s cock at a costume party—it was me. You were Catwoman and I pulled you off before you drained me, tossed you onto the bed, and fucked you doggy style until I filled you with the sperm that resulted in me. Afterward, we cuddled and when I explored your sleeping body, I lifted your mask to reveal your face. When I knew it was you, I became so horny that I fucked you again, almost verbally declaring my love to you.”

Her eyes glazed over, her face twisting at an angle as she recalled the events of that glorious night. “There’s no way you could know those details without being there. I’ve never told a soul. Did you hypnotize me at some point and pry out that information?” she asked, her face reflecting her confusion.

“No,” I abruptly replied. “I’ve also made love to you as your future self. She, which is actually you twenty years in the future, has visited me several times to give me assignments to repair the timeline.”

“Seriously?” she asked, unbelieving my wild yarn. “What else did you have to do?”

“I don’t think I can tell you as she said I couldn’t divulge much information without risking changing our future,” I explained. “She did aid me with a lot of hints about how to seduce you. The walks were her idea so you’d wear short skirts and give me an excuse to massage your legs. Acting like your lover, rather than your son when we dined out was her idea. And most recently, she hinted about buying you the sexy robe.”

Mom sat mesmerized, absorbing all the details of our courtship. “If all of this is true, it appears I helped you seduce myself. This is all so confusing. You said you made love to her. How do I know it was really me?”

“She did demonstrate something that might change your mind,” I noted. I gripped my prick, held it upright, and proposed, “Climb aboard and I’ll spill my guts.”

She giggled while scrambling into position. My prick easily slid into her tight crevice until her ass hit my pelvis. After several bounces up and down on my slippery pole, she grinned and ordered, “Okay, time to pay the piper.”

“She said that this is one of your favorite fantasies, coming into my room in the morning and jumping onto my prick to wake me up,” I divulged. “She explained that she feared damaging our relationship and didn’t want to overstep her boundaries.”

“That has to be a common fantasy for any horny mother with a studly son, so that isn’t very convincing,” she argued. “Is that all you got?”

“There’s more, but I’ll have to show you,” I replied. I held her hips and humped into her, elevating her excitement level. She gripped my ribs and using me for leverage, she rode me like a wild bronco. Her panting and gasping were telltale signs of her impending orgasm.

“Lean over and feed me a breast, Mom,” I ordered. Releasing my ribs, she complied and pressed her rock-hard nipple into my mouth. While I sucked her tit, my fingertips dug into her ass. Her thrashing body made it difficult to find her g-spot, but when she suddenly shrieked, I knew I had found it. Holding her in place, I sawed my hard cock across her rough patch, causing her to scream with carnal lust.

She clamped her hands onto the tops of my shoulders while digging her nails into my flesh as her body stiffened. Her pussy contracted and released her sex juices which oiled my ram, enabling me to glide through her folds even faster. Her orgasm continued to escalate as I humped my hips, plunging my cock to the back of her pussy. After she chanted for another minute while her pussy kept firing off shocks of pleasure, I felt my prick succumbing to her squeezing walls.

Lightly biting her engorged nipple, I pulled and shoved my cock in deeply, sending out a stream of cum. She wailed with delight, her channel constricting harder than ever. Wads of cum spewed out of my cannon, coating her walls with my virulent sperm. Her grip tightened while her body shook with excitement as her pussy spasmed, milking my prick.

When our orgasms subsided, she pulled her tit off me and collapsed on top of me, much as my future mom did when she fucked me.

Catching her breath, she gasped, “Jesus, that was something. She taught you that?”

“Pretty fantastic, wasn’t it? She told me it’d send my mother to heaven. Do you believe me, now?” I asked.

“It’s obvious that she, or rather I, knows how to please my body. Will she ever return to give you more assignments?” she asked, her sexy smirk reflecting that she’d like my training to continue.

“Sorry, Mom,” I replied with a light giggle at her hint. “We’ll have to practice ourselves to improve our lovemaking. There is one more thing I may be tasked to do, depending on whether I successfully impregnated you.”

She listened intently as I described my assignment with our daughter.

Afterward, she commented, “Now I see why you were so confident of our future. I have to admit, I still had reservations that you’d want to remain with me, but with this information, my fears have completely vanished. I’m already excited, thinking about meeting our daughter and watching you plant a baby in her. No more sex for you until Friday night.” Her broad smile reflected her high spirits with the latest news.

She slept on me for the rest of the night and when we awakened, she was still melded to my body. The reassurance of knowing our future had a calming effect on her. True to her word, she wouldn’t allow us to make love Thursday night, but insisted we spoon each other to sleep.

Friday night, we showered and anxiously awaited nude underneath a sheet. Mom slowly stroked me, keeping me hard, while we waited for a sign of the portal. At precisely eight, the familiar humming and blue light occurred, causing my heart to race in anticipation. Mom’s hand, wrapped around my prick, ceased stroking and squeezed, reflecting the same apprehension as I held.

We were both awestruck when our daughter stepped through but for different reasons. Mom hadn’t fully bought into my story so she was shocked to see it actually happen. On the other hand, I was surprised to see a young lady, who bore the uncanny appearance of my grandmother, Madeline, whom I bred first in my time-travel journeys. I knew it wasn’t her, but her appearance was eerily similar. Her golden hair was identical, but it was long, flowing down her back, and ending at her waist. Her features bore more resemblance to a French woman than my mother, yet they were similar to the familiar contours of my grandmother’s face.

Breaking the silence with a warm smile, the woman greeted us cheerfully, “Hi Mom, Dad.”

We sat silent, still shocked at the presence of our beautiful daughter. Sensing Mom’s doubtful expression, the young lady continued, “Mom said you might be doubtful of this situation, so she asked me to tell you something only you would know. My name’s Maria, by the way.”

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