Echos of Time - Cover

Echos of Time

Copyright© 2024 by MrCurrie

Chapter 3

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 3 - The theme of this story consists of a common, mother-son incestual time-travel trope with a son traveling back in time to impregnate his mother, becoming his own father.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Science Fiction   Time Travel   Incest   Mother   Son   Pregnancy  

Friday evening, I ate a quick bite and worked outside until dark, doing the bulk of Saturday’s chores. After my shower, I joined Mom in the living room and to address her curious look, I explained, “I want to finish everything else by noon tomorrow. Do you remember that charming conservatory we visited with the cute diner attached to it? I thought it’d be nice to enjoy a late lunch there tomorrow afternoon after our walk through the gardens. On Sunday, we can visit the zoo before going out for Chinese.”

“That sounds wonderful, Adam,” she responded, her expression radiating joy.

On Saturday, all went according to plan with Mom wearing her short skirt and tennis shoes as I ensured we walked an additional loop around the gardens. When she caught me ogling her legs, I didn’t look away, ensuring she knew I was admiring them. Once we ate, we headed home where Mom stretched and said, “Wow, that was a longer hike than last time. Hopefully, the zoo will require less walking.”

When she turned to leave for her room, I clasped her hand, halting her movement. “Just a moment, Mom. I feel bad that I may have gone overboard. Let me make it up to you.” I pleaded.

Guiding her to the center of the couch, I pointed and ordered, “Sit.”

I felt remorse that my tone sounded a little more forceful than I expected, her face displaying apprehension. I sat on the end, lifted her feet, and placed them on my legs. “Relax, Mom,” I reassured her. “I’ll massage your tired legs, so you’ll be more than ready for the zoo.”

“What a sweet and caring son I raised,” Mom said, reclining and closing her eyes.

After removing her shoes and socks, I massaged her feet, paying a lot of attention to her toes and souls. She shifted several times and her soft humming reflected her approval. I moved my hands to her calves, kneading and caressing them, exploring higher every few moments, until I moved over her knees and worked on her lower thighs.

I squeezed her soft muscle on the underside of her thigh causing her to moan. “Oh, yeah. That feels great,” she gushed. Wrapping both hands around her leg, I slowly lifted and stroked her leg. Her skirt slid upward, revealing her opaque, blue panties. I quickly glanced to see if she was aware of her exposure only to find her eyes closed, her smile as wide as ever.

I couldn’t remove my eyes from her undies, which were mounded up and bumpy, most likely from her pubic hair. After a few moments, I switched to her other leg and caressed it while gazing at her crotch. The creamy, smooth flesh of her thigh looked delectable and I wanted nothing more than to suck in a hunk.

Mom broke my reverie when she expressed, “That was wonderful, Adam. Thank you so much.”

I lowered her leg, looking to the side as she opened her eyes. She excused herself and retired to her room for a shower. Once again, my future mom aided me with my present one.

After a delightful visit to the zoo the next day, we arrived home and prepared to dine out. Mom asked, “I know you said we’re going out for Chinese tonight, but how fancy of a restaurant is it? I’m uncertain as to what to wear.”

“It’s pretty typical, nothing special. It’d be nice to show off those long, beautiful legs of yours,” I suggested, with a wishful tone.

“Hmm, I’ll see what I can dig up. See you in a bit,” Mom replied.

When we gathered in the living room to leave, my jaw dropped, looking at my sexily-attired mother. Her skirt wasn’t a mini, but nearly so, exposing the lower half of her shapely thighs. Her thin, tight blouse hugged her body, displaying a silky, blue bra underneath.

“From your open mouth and wide eyes, I take it that you approve?” Mom asked, giggling. She modeled her outfit by swirling around, her skirt rising and exposing even more leg.

“You’re gorgeous, Mom!” I exclaimed. “I’m uncertain now if we should venture out in public. Every man we encounter will make a pass at you.”

She closed the distance between us, wrapped her arm through mine, and led me to the car, stating, “You’ll just have to hold me closer then, won’t you?”

Driving proved to be challenging with my attention riveted on Mom’s elegant, bare legs. Once in the restaurant, we indulged ourselves by ordering an array of delectable dim sum. With her legs concealed beneath the table, my gaze lingered on her blouse, her bra clearly visible, pressed against the thin fabric. I no longer disguised my lustful glances, heeding my future Mom’s advice that women appreciate being admired.

Her approving smile when my eyes connected with hers emboldened me to gawk even more intently. Partway through the meal, I found myself staring at Mom’s pretty face and I knew at that moment that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with my mother. Convincing her to accept me as her lover would be paramount in the days ahead. The conversations and actions I’d had with my future mom convinced me that this was to be my destiny.

Our routine for the previous weeks, when arriving home after a night out, consisted of a hug and gentle kiss. When Mom wrapped her arms around me that night, she whispered in my ear, “Thanks for another delightful evening, Adam. At least we didn’t have to worry about my legs attracting men with my big, strong man to protect me.”

“I’ll always be here for you, Mom,” I emphasized, pulling her closer. “Your legs aren’t the only magnets for men’s eyes.” When we kissed, Mom’s eyes remained open, a little curious as to my meaning. She soon realized my subtle hinting, when my hand traveled up her ribs and cupped her breast. She moaned in my mouth, her eyes filling with lust. Fearing she would object to my forward behavior, she surprised me by sneaking her tongue through my lips, connecting with mine.

I gently squeezed her thinly covered mound of tit-flesh while we open-mouthed kissed for the first time. Her breast heaved in my palm as her breathing deepened. After a few moments of enjoying our blissful connection, she backed off and croaked, “Thanks for the splendid evening. Good night.” She turned and left, my eyes glued to the backs of her bare legs. Before she entered her room, she glanced in my direction and smiled, acknowledging that I was checking her out.

I contemplated following her into her bedroom, professing my love and hope for the best, but the fear of rejection prevented me. Once in my room, I slowly stroked my cock, reliving the erotic events of the evening. Not long into it, the portal appeared and my future Mom stepped out, adorned in a thin, light-blue, kimono-style robe. It more resembled a nightie, rather than a nightgown. Its silky, see-through material left nothing to the imagination. Secured by a belt, her hemline fell to mid-thigh. My eyes traveled from her matronly breasts, capped by brown nipples, before lowering to her hairy pussy. My cock throbbed and I ceased stroking, not wanting to cum.

“Looks like someone needs some relief from their sexual frustration,” Mom noted, staring at my erect cock.

“I took your advice by paying attention to her legs and it paid off big time,” I related. “Are you helping me seduce her? I’m not sure she’s ready to accept me as a lover. When we made love in the past, she didn’t know who I was, but now she does.”

“Obviously, I don’t mind as I’ve fucked you,” Mom argued.

“True, but my mind still struggles to perceive you as my mother. How do I know you’re not some alien from the future, assuming the guise of my mother?” I asked, the intricacies of paradoxical time travel continuing to baffle me.

“Why don’t you hold me and see for yourself if I’m your mother?” she asked, her voice laced with seduction.

Mom or not, I wasn’t passing up a chance to be with her. If nothing else, she could assist me with my greatest fantasy. As we embraced, the thin fabric of her robe created the sensation of her bare tits pressing against my chest. I inhaled her scent and noted, “It’s difficult to dispute your claim, as you smell like Mom.”

“In that case, how would you treat her if she wore this?” she asked, her hot breath washing across my ear.

My fingers fumbled with her satin belt, eager to unwrap her. Before I could finish, her hand gripped mine, stopping me. “Hold on there, tiger. I’m your mother, not some slutty Catwoman. Don’t you think I deserve a little foreplay?” she asked.

I released her belt and apologized, “Sorry, guess I was excited and got ahead of myself.” I licked her neck before nibbling on her ear, remembering how it affected her before.

She moaned and whispered, “Oh, that’s nice. When you kiss me, I love the feel of your fingers gliding across my scalp, pulling gently on my hair.”

Washing her ear with my hot breath, I whispered, “Like how I pulled your head up with your long hair when I bred you as Catwoman.”

“Jesus, that was hot,” she gasped. “Kiss your mother, Adam.”

With her soft lips pressed against mine, our tongues danced and swirled around each others’ mouths. While I stroked her back with one hand, my other pulled her head tightly to mine. My fingers slid along her scalp, playfully tugging tufts of hair along the way. She moaned and hot air rushed from her nostrils as her breathing rate increased.

My hand lowered to her rounded ass and pulled her groin into mine. She twisted her hips and ground her pelvis onto my hard cock. Proceeding higher, I grabbed her belt and untied it. Without breaking our kiss, we removed each other’s robes and melded our nude bodies together as one. Her soft, hot body squirmed and wiggled, attempting to make contact with as much flesh as she could.

While tightly holding me, she backed up until the backs of her legs hit the bed. Dropping backward, she grunted when my weight fell on top of her. “Fuck me, Adam!” she croaked, widening her legs, opening herself up for her son.

Snaking my hand between us, I ran it through her hairy mound and stopped to teasingly pull her bush. My fingers found her slippery slot and dove into her steamy snatch. She humped her hips, signaling her desire for more than my fingers. Moving closer, I slipped the tip of my cock through her outer ring and held it in place. Kissing her, our eyes locked together, staring into each other’s souls while my prick descended to the bottom of her pussy.

Her eyes, filled with lust and love, sent waves of pleasure through me, knowing I was fucking my mother, albeit one from the future. I slowly pumped in and out of her clasping cunt, enjoying the feel of her juicy, slippery walls. Our kissing intensified along with our pace of fucking. Her hands gripped my ass while she bounced her body off the bed, shooting shocks of pleasure through my body. It was as if she knew exactly how to please her son.

“How long has she been fucking me in the future?” I asked myself. With the realization that I would be fucking Mom sometime in the future, my thrusts became more frenetic as my body tingled with pleasure. I slammed into her, causing her to grunt and pull off my mouth as she gasped for air. She wrapped her legs around me and squeezed tightly, pulling my cock in deeply.

“You’re fucking Mommy so good!” she exclaimed. “Fill me with your seed and claim me. I’m yours forever.”

The sounds of flesh slapping together filled the room, as I slammed into her hungry hole. “I love you, Mom,” declaring my innermost feelings. Her body shook as she bumped her hips upward. For the next ten minutes, we relished in the forbidden act of incestuous love.

When her pussy walls wrapped around my cock and squeezed tightly, my prick shot out a load of searing-hot sperm, splattering her walls. She groaned and mewed while I deposited my payload of cum into her spasming snatch. We panted and grunted until our bodies were both spent from our exhaustive sex liaison.

Rolling off her, I kissed her and said, “That was amazing. It’s like you know exactly what turns me on when making love.”

She returned my kiss and replied, “Because we’ve been doing it for a long time. It’s time to explain your next assignment.”

She rolled off the bed and closed her robe, securing it with the belt. “You know how your mother has hinted about needing a new robe and you’ve ignored her because you like seeing her in that old thing she wears?”

I blushed and replied, “Sorry, I guess it was selfless of me. Her birthday is Friday, maybe I’ll pick one up.”

She thrust out her chest pushing her nipples against the thin material. “Don’t you think a robe like this would look better on her?”

“It’s more like a sexy negligee than a robe,” I remarked, my eyes roving up and down her scantily-clad body. “I doubt if she’d wear it when around me and if she did, she would definitely wear a bra and panties underneath.”

“She’ll wear it for you,” she replied, sexily smiling.

While imagining Mom cloaked in the sexy nightwear, my cock twitched and came to life. Remembering what she said earlier, I asked, “Who is the target this time, and how far back in time will I be going?”

“No portal this time. The woman you’ll impregnate is your mother in the present time,” she explained, grinning widely.

My prick throbbed and filled with blood, standing proudly erect. “Really? It’s my greatest fantasy. What if I blow it and she rejects me as a lover?”

She laughed and responded, “Your naivety is so cute. It’s her fantasy, too. Pick up on her hints and treat her like the woman you love, not your mother.”

Reflecting on Mom’s flirty behavior for the prior few weeks, it dawned on me that my fantasy was about to be fulfilled. “Since I won’t be traveling back in the past, how will I know I’ve impregnated her since there won’t be a portal to signify my success.”

“If you’re successful, a week after your mother’s birthday a portal will open in her bedroom. It won’t be for you, though. Someone from the future, my timeline, will visit you—our daughter.”

“A daughter? From us?” I asked, my mind swirling with confusion.

“Yes. We brought into this world a beautiful and intelligent child, who holds a deep love for both of us. We concealed our true relationship from her the best we could, but she discovered the truth in her teen years. By the time she turned sixteen, she begged to participate in our incestuous relationship, but we insisted on her seeking other partners. After a few years and several failed relationships, she confided in us that she was deeply in love with you and didn’t desire to be with anyone else.”

My interest piqued and I couldn’t help but wonder about the outcome as Mom paused, her demeanor suggesting she was about to announce her hidden objective. “She wants to bear your child, but it isn’t possible in my timeline.”

My complexion turned ashen-white as the realization dawned on me that I must have died in her future. “Is this why she’s traveled to the past and enlisted my help to mend it because I’m no longer present?” I questioned silently.

As my body slumped with the weight of this revelation, Mom’s comforting smile reassured me. “It’s not what you’re imagining, Adam. You’re alive and well in my time. After she was born, we agreed to have only one child. You insisted on having a vasectomy performed and when we decided you should father your daughter’s child, we discovered that it wasn’t possible due to complications from the procedure. She desires to be impregnated the first time she makes love with her father, which will fall on you.”

“Wow!” I exclaimed, my mind spinning with all the information. “That’s a lot to process. Are you confident all this will unfold as you anticipate? What happens to the timeline if I fail with Mom?”

“Don’t fret, sweetie,” she comforted me. She gently kissed me, while massaging my scalp, comforting my angst, the same way she had always done. “I know you’ll succeed—have you forgotten that I’m your mother and I know exactly how much she loves you? She’s waiting for you to make the first move.”

Before I could pose any more questions, the portal materialized and as she stepped through, she whispered, “I love you, sweetie,” bidding me farewell for the final time.

The next morning, at breakfast with Mom, I studied her expressions more closely with the knowledge of what awaited us. Her beautiful face sent me into a trance, thinking of how we would break the societal moral boundaries and begin our incestuous journey.

“Adam!” her loud voice shattering my reverie. “Did you hear me? Do you think it’s possible?”

My mind raced back to the previous night with her question. I hoped it was all possible, but is that really what she was asking? “Sorry, Mom,” I apologized. “I drifted off for a second. Could you repeat your question?”

She grinned, her eyes twinkling as if she could read my thoughts. “I asked what your plans are for Friday. It’s my birthday, and I’m considering taking the day off.”

“That sounds fantastic!” I replied, my sudden burst of enthusiasm more than I had anticipated. “I’ll see if I can get the day off, and we’ll make it special. We can do whatever you want.”

“Thanks, Adam. I’ll reveal my wishes Friday morning while you’re preparing me my favorite breakfast,” she replied, her wide smile warming my heart.

The week crawled by at a snail’s pace as I eagerly awaited the arrival of Friday. On the way home on Wednesday, I made a detour to the mall and purchased the perfect gift for her. With the knowledge that I would most likely be impregnating my mother on the weekend, I vowed to refrain from masturbating the rest of the week, vowing to have a full, potent load for my mother’s womb.

Before we retired for the evening, I shared the news with her. “Mom, not only did I manage to get Friday off, but I’m also coming home at noon on Thursday. I plan to complete all my chores to free up the weekend so we can celebrate your birthday.”

“That’s so thoughtful,” Mom gushed. “Thanks for making me feel so special.”

Thursday afternoon and evening flew by as I rushed to complete all the tasks for the weekend. After showering and urging Mom to sleep in the next morning, her birthday, I collapsed into bed and swiftly drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day’s efforts.

As I woke up, I rolled over and glanced at the clock, surprised to see it was already eight. Jumping out of bed, I hurried to the kitchen, only to find it empty. Letting out a sigh of relief, I realized Mom must have taken my advice and was still asleep. After starting the coffee, I began preparing her favorite dishes. When I heard her door close, I filled the plates and set them on the table.

When she walked in, her face lit up at the sight of the table. After pecking me on the cheek, she greeted me, “Good morning, Adam. I can’t wait to dig into that delicious-looking cheese omelet. You’ve truly outdone yourself this morning. What a wonderful way to start my birthday.”

We sat together and enjoyed the bountiful spread I had prepared. I watched the way she savored each bite of her omelet, pleased with the extra effort I had put into the meal. Her cheerful demeanor reflected her excitement for the upcoming day’s events celebrating her birthday.

Breaking from our usual routine of allowing her to refill our cups, I rose from my seat and took it upon myself to do so. As I settled back down, she greeted me with a wide smile, silently conveying her gratitude for my gesture.

Our discussion turned to the day’s agenda when she announced, “For the first half of the day, I’d like to take a walk around the neighborhood and enjoy nature as we’ve done before. After a light lunch, I’d like you to drive us around the lake and then dine at that conservatory we enjoy so much. I hear their dinner menu is as delectable as lunch and I love walking through the lush gardens.”

“That sounds like a wonderful plan, especially since it’s a warm sunny day, perfect for a hike,” I replied, matching her enthusiasm. My smile broadened, realizing both of her wishes would result in her wearing short skirts, allowing her beautiful legs to be displayed. My heart skipped a beat, remembering when I massaged her legs after a long day of walking. This was shaping up to be the perfect opportunity.

After cleaning the kitchen, we changed and Mom didn’t disappoint me, adorned in her short, tennis skirt and sleeveless blouse. Our walk was slower than before, along with being more intimate as she intertwined her arm with mine while we strolled through the adjacent neighborhood.

Our close skin-to-skin contact along with not relieving myself all week had its effect on me as I struggled to keep my prick from obscenely poking out my shorts. After returning, we ate lunch and rested on the couch while we caught up on the news. During a commercial break, I dashed to my room and retrieved her present.

Handing her the box, she smiled, untied the pink ribbon, and delicately opened it to reveal the new robe I bought her. “Oh my!” she exclaimed. “It’s beautiful and the fabric feels so silky.” She held up the see-through nightwear and noted, “It’s so thin, I’m not sure if I dare wear this in front of you.”

Pressing it to my face, she giggled and remarked, “I can see your face through both layers.” She leaned over and kissed me on the lips through the thin, silky material. “Thank you so much.”

She lowered the robe, revealing her twinkling eyes. “No problem, Mom. I know I haven’t always been great at picking up on your hints in the past. If you don’t think it’s appropriate, we can always return it. But when I saw it while shopping, I couldn’t help but think you’d look fantastic in it.”

Her nose twitched, her smile turning to a sexy smirk as she asked, “You envisioned me wearing this?” When she held it up to her body and modeled it for me, she struggled to stifle a giggle, watching me squirm with unease.

I sidestepped the question and changed the topic instead. “Are you ready for a drive and dinner? I’ll switch to something a bit more upscale for the evening meal.”

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