Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 8

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 8 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Moments later Rhonda Jo emerged, clean and dry. She crawled in beside me, her naked body snuggling up next to mine. We kissed, then nodding at the TV she asked “What are they up to now?”

I looked up to see the media room now empty, lights out. I fiddled with the control pad on the nightstand until I found them. In the bedroom, Ezzy and Amy were in a hot sixty nine with my wife on bottom. Dylan sat on the edge of the bed watching intently.

“Damn, don’t they ever stop? Hey, I think I recognize the other gal! Isn’t that your maid or something?”

“Yeah.” I replied. “Ezzy.”

“Wow, you didn’t tell me she was so hot.” We laid there watching them in silence for about ten minutes. “Have you fucked her?”



I hesitated. “Not exactly.”

“And just what does that mean?” I told her of my experiences, and of the two blow jobs Ezzy had given me. “You prick, you’ve been holding out on me!”

“The three way only happened this morning!” I said defensively. Glancing at the clock I added “Well, yesterday now.”

“Damn.” she said impressed. On the screen we watched as Dylan moved behind Ezzy, and began sliding his dick up her brown backside. “Hey!” Rhonda Jo giggled. “We know what that’s like.”

As we watched, I could feel my penis begin to stiffen. Rhonda Jo helped it along, idly playing with it. After five more minutes the on screen threesome broke apart. My wife flipped over, so that her head was now at the top of the bed. At her direction Ezzy got between her legs, eating her more. Dylan knelt beside her head and Amy quickly gobbled up his big prick. Beside me Rhonda Jo let out a small groan.

“Turn it up some.” she requested. I did so.

“You don’t find it distracting? Would you rather I turn it off?”

“Don’t you dare!” she blurted out.

“Rhonda Jo! I think you are getting off on this.”

“Well... “ she began sheepishly. Then she leaned down and took a big mouthful of my cock. Coming back up she said “It gives me something of a perverted pleasure...” She paused to go back down for another mouthful. “ ... to suck your cock...” she slid my dick down her throat again, “ ... while I watch your wife suck some other guys prick.”

While she sucked, I reached over to stroke her hair, rub her back, and caress her sexy ass. Her wonderful mouth took me, going deep in her small throat. Her tongue never stopped moving, sliding all around my rock hard cock. I let out a small moan, and she looked up at me smiling with her eyes. Her attention returned to the screen though when I heard Dylan hoarsely warn “I’m getting close!”

“Are you close?” Rhonda Jo asked.

“Getting very.” I mumbled.

“Good. I want you to cum when he does. Can you do that?”

“I’ll try.” She smiled, and turned so she could see the screen while still giving me a wild blow job. Her hands caressed my balls while my prick slid in and out of her mouth.

I saw on the TV that Ezzy had moved up on top of Amy, face to face. Both were licking at Dylan’s cock. Ezzy’s ass was pumping up and down and she rubbed her cunt against Amy’s. Suddenly Dylan shook and yelled out “Aw Fuck!” Hot cum began shooting out of his big cock, soaking both girls in the face. The site of my wife’s face coated in another guys spunk, and of another woman licking it of was too much.

I grunted, and Rhonda Jo went wild on my prick. Jerking it furiously she was licking it wildly, like a thirsty dog lapping up a bowel of water. My cum went everywhere, coating her face, hands, and my crotch. I belatedly saw my blond nymph’s hips shaking, and realized she had her hand in her own crotch. She was cumming too!

We laid there for a moment, shaking and breathing hard. As we calmed down Rhonda Jo began gently kissing my groin, licking up my spilled spunk. She went to the bathroom and returned with a couple of towels. Gently, she cleaned me up then herself. Flicking off the TV, she pulled the covers back on us then curled up next to me, her head on my chest. Contented, we fell to a deep sleep.

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