Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

Dinner had been a bear. Hunsweiger (by the way, my Editor made me change his name. Can’t have any nasty lawsuits) had smoked cheap, nappy cigars and pawed at Rhonda Jo all through the meal. He’d also gotten quite tipsy, but in the end he’d signed.

It was almost midnight when Rhonda Jo and I got back to my office with the contracts. “Damn.” she said. “That was a bitch. I could use a stiff one. How about you?”

“Oh, I’ve already got a stiff one.” I said, eyeing her legs.

“You bad boy. You know what I mean.” she walked to the row of bookcases along the right wall. Pushing the appropriate knothole, the bookcase slid open silently. Gee, did I forget to mention the OTHER secret door? Since my house was well over an hour drive from the office, I had a small apartment built into the building when I’d remodeled.

As you stepped through the door a small kitchenette was to the right. I kept a small supply of food, a coffee maker, etc. for quick snacks. To the left was a dressing room / closet where I kept a small supply of suits and casual clothes. I also had a small washer/dryer, since I kept the room secret. It had an entrance into the bath.

At the end of the short hallway you stepped into a decent size room. A king size bed with silk sheets occupied the right wall. At the foot of the bed was a matching white sofa. In front of that was a coffee table, across from which was a big screen TV that filled the wall. On the table was a controller that I could pull up my computer, look at any cam, and watch any show from my library. (I had a massive hard drive full of movies, both conventional and porn.)

Behind the wall with the TV was the bathroom. It was a bit luxurious, but what’s the point of having bucks if you can’t indulge? Across from the entrance from the bedroom was the toilet. It was in a small closet that had it’s own computer terminal and shelf with some reading material. Two sinks embedded in black marble and gold trim backed the wall with the TV. Across and to the left, next to the closet door, was a big hot tub / whirlpool, big enough for two.

On the back wall, between the whirlpool and the closet with the toilet, was the shower stall. Floor to ceiling glass panels surrounded three sides of the six foot long five foot deep enclosure. A bench, made out of the same dark tile as the floors and walls allowed the shower to be used as a steam room. Spray heads in all four corners shot warm water at waist high level. Three heads mounted in the roof produced a rain like spray. Finally there were two showerheads on long hoses which allowed for directing the water at the users wish.

Valuing my privacy, I kept this small apartment secret. Only Rhonda Jo and my secretary Margaret knew of it’s existence. I’m sure it will be no surprise to you, gentle reader, to learn Rhonda kept several changes of clothes in the closet next to mine.

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