Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 15

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 15 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

We laid there, talking for a long time. Before we left, we’d settled on an arrangement so that we could have our sexual fun, but still continue to work together professionally.

I went home, sexually exhausted from the fuck fest of the last few days. For the next couple of days I concentrated on work, giving my poor dick a rest. On Wednesday I got a call from Amy letting me know she’d be home that night. I beat her home, deciding to surprise her.

She found me in the media room. “Hi baby.” she said, giving me a kiss. She snuggled in my lap, kissing me. Before long we were naked, getting reacquainted as I’d planned. I got us up, and bent her over the sofa. At first I was fucking her from behind, getting her good and wet.

I pretended to slip out, then repositioned myself at her back door. I had slid the tip in when she started to holler. “Wait wait! Wrong hole!”

I slapped her ass cheek, then said “Funny, that’s not what you told Dylan when HE was fucking your sweet ass on this very sofa.” as I shoved in a little more.

“Oh fuck. How did you find out [ow] about that?”

“Ezzy told me.”

“That bitch!”

“Why,” I said, pushing in a little more and causing her to gasp again. “That wasn’t a very nice thing to say. Ezzy, did you hear what she called you?”

Ezzy popped out from behind the counter where I’d hidden her. Naked, she strolled up to us. Bending over, she took Amy by the chin. “Yes, I did. Tsk tsk. That wasn’t very nice. And after all the times I’ve eaten your pussy too.”

“You’ve been fucking my husband behind my back, haven’t you, you little whore?”

“Why not? I’ve been fucking YOU behind his back.”

“You know Ezzy.” I said. “It strikes me as my sweet wife’s mouth has gotten rather nasty. I think you need to find a nasty place to put it.”

My maid grinned at me. “Yes SIR!” Moving onto the sofa, she laid back sliding her cunt right in front of Amy’s face. Amy tried to stand, but I shoved her back over. Ezzy grabbed my wife’s head, pulling it tight to her cunt.

We worked into a rhythm, me fucking my wife’s round ass and her eating Ezzy’s hairy cunt. After ten minutes my wife began squealing and shaking. Her ass clamped down tight on my cock, causing it to erupt. I pumped wave after wave of cum into her asshole. Meanwhile Ezzy began to squeal, as my wife’s tongue brought her to a tasty cum.

I slowly slid out of my wife’s ass, as I did Ezzy leapt up and came around shoving me out of the way. As she’d done with Mandy, she buried her face in my wife’s ass licking my spunk out of Amy’s leaking shit hole. I sat back in a nearby chair, enjoying the live show. “Oh!” Amy gasped. “Oh oh OHHHHH!” My wife’s ass began to quiver as Ezzy’s tongue flicked from my wife’s ass to her cunt and back.

“Oh shit oh shit just a little more ... yes that’s it that’s it ... OHHHHHHHH fuuuuuck!” Amy was shaking she was cumming so hard. Finally she reached back and eased Ezzy’s face from her back side. “Whew.” Looking up at me my wife said “YOU! You are in deep shit ya son of a bitch. And you...” she said, looking down at Ezzy, “I was ready to fire you, but after that little trick you just pulled...”

Leaning down she gave the still kneeling Ezzy a kiss. “There’s no way in hell I’m letting you go now.” Standing she took Ezzy by the hand, helping her up. Looking at me she said “I’ll deal with you later. YOU, my sweet cunt, cum with me.” And out they strolled, naked, hand in hand.

“Well don’t that just beat all.” I said, to no one.

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