Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

We rinsed and dried, then entered the bedroom. Margy started to pick up her clothes, but I stopped her. I drug her to the bed. “Come here. Let’s talk.” Smiling, she joined me on the silk sheets.

Lying on the bed beside me, she rolled onto her side, her head propped up on her arm. “So. What do you think of your old secretary now?”

“I think she’s incredibly fucking hot, that’s what I think.”

“You don’t think I’m a ... pervert or anything?”

“Hell no.”

“It’s just ... well ... a lot of guys get turned off by the whole mommy thing.”

“Hey, if it turns you on, go for it. To be honest, it turned me on too.”

“Really?” she said excitedly, a smile coming across her face. “Wow.”

“Yeah. Mommy.” Margy giggled. “So, what other perverted little secrets do you have? How else have you carried your mommy thing.” She groaned. “Hey, you have a daughter. Have you and her...”

She groaned even louder burying her face in her hands. “You have!” I shouted. Of course I already knew that, but had to get her to admit it otherwise I’d give myself away.

Margy took a deep breath. “Well, first you understand I never meant to get anything started. Mandy’s dad left us when she had just turned 15. Now I make a good living, but for years I was dirt poor. I had to do anything I could to save money.

“We lived in a small one room apartment, and both slept in the same bed. We ate cheaply, and had little furniture.” She paused, looking at me, took a breath and continued. “Another thing I did was make us go nude at home.”

“Go nude?” I interrupted. “How did that save you money?”

“If you were naked, you didn’t dirty as many clothes. Not as many clothes meant fewer trips to the laundromat. You might laugh, but I could save thirty bucks a month doing that. Back then that was a lot of money.”

“Um, but didn’t your skin get dirty?”

“Yes, but water was included in the apartment rent.”

“Oh, OK. Wow, you sure were creative. Go on.” I urged.

“After a while it just become ‘normal’. Even after I was making a bit more we still kept up the routine. Come home, take off our clothes, hang them up. We even kept sleeping in the same bed. Most nights Mandy would cuddle up to me, sleeping with her head on my breast.”

“Is that how you wind up ... well doing it with your daughter?”

“No. I guess it started when she was seventeen. She was in her rebellious teen stage. We were at home, naked of course, arguing about her boyfriend. I found out she’d been sleeping with the little prick, and was trying to get her to stop.

“She started yelling at me, screaming that she’d fuck him if she wanted to. I lost control, John, totally. I grabbed her, and jerked her down onto my lap. Sitting on the edge of the bed I began paddling her, spanking her and calling her names like slut, whore, cunt, whatever I could think of.

I looked at her, and took her hand in mine comfortingly. She took a deep breath, before she went on. “I ... well all of a sudden I felt something wet all over my leg. At the same time Mandy began moaning and shaking. I stopped, frozen, unsure of what had just happened. When she looked up at me, it hit me like a lightening bolt. I had just given my daughter an orgasm.

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