Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 11

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 11 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

The next morning was Saturday, everyone’s day off. I went down stairs and was in the kitchen making some breakfast when my maid walked in. “Ezzy?” I said surprised. “What the heck are you doing here? Aren’t you off today?”

“It’s stupid Mr...”

“Please, call me John.” I interrupted. “You’re off duty now, and besides I think we have been intimate enough to be on first names.” She blushed at the mention of our sexual escapades.

“OK. John. It’s stupid John. I left my wallet somewhere, and I gotta find it. I was hoping it was here.”

“Oh!” I exclaimed. I picked up a wallet off the sill of the window over the sink. “I wondered whose this was.”

Ezzy let out a big gasp of relief. “Thank you! Thank-you-thank-you-thank-you. I was so scared I’d lost it.”

“Glad to help.” I smiled. “So, got big weekend plans?”

She shook her head glumly. “No. I broke up with my boyfriend a while back. My roommates boyfriend is out of town. I guess we’ll sit at home and watch some rented movies.”

“Well heck, I’m not doing anything. Why don’t you two come over here? We can watch videos in the media room?”

“I’ll bet videos aren’t the only thing you’d like to see.” she suggested, eyeing the bulge in my shorts.

“I can promise a good time will be had by all.” I quipped. Ezzy leaned in and kissed me, her hand groping me through my shorts.

Breaking away, she said breathlessly “Well then, we’ll see you tonight.” With that she bounded out the back door, leaving me to my burnt eggs.

The day passed quickly, I had some errands to run and got caught up on my e-mails and reading. I showered and changed into some nicer looking shorts and a t-shirt. Shortly before the girls arrived I went to the media room and queued up some movies, both regular and erotic. I made sure the small cooler was well stocked with drinks, and popped some fresh popcorn. One of my indulgences was a true movie theater popcorn popper in the faux concession area of the media room.

I hurried to answer the doorbell. It felt a bit odd, opening the door for the person who normally answered the door. Further adding to the oddness was Ezzy. I rarely saw her out of uniform, unless she was totally out of it, as in naked. Her hair was down, flowing over her shoulders. Her short skirt hugged her tightly, as did her low cut top.

She stepped in giving me a kiss on the cheek, turned, and introduced me to her roomie. “John, this is Mandy. Mandy, John.”

Well I’ll be damned, I thought, it is a small world. The buxom blonde in front of me was none other than the daughter of my secretary. I tried to hide my huge grin as I shook her hand. Mandy was wearing shorts and a tight white shirt. It was low cut, and I doubted she was wearing a bra as her tits jiggled nicely, and poked out in front where her nipples were.

“Pleased to meet you.” I said.

“Not yet” Ezzy said mischievously, “but you will be!” She giggled, and I realized the two had been doing a little drinking before coming over. Mandy just giggled, blushing a little. Ezzy took us each by the hand. “C’mon lets go watch some movies.”

I let the girls preceded me up the stairs first. Not only was it gentlemanly, but it let me watch their asses! We entered the room, and sat on the big, soft sofa on the front row. I was in the middle, and handed the controls over to Ezzy. She immediately picked one of the raunchiest pornos in my collection.

We sat together in the semi darkened room, getting aroused as we watched the sexual antics on the big screen. I glanced over at Mandy, who was absentmindedly rubbing her crotch through her shorts. I then turned to look at Ezzy.

“Whoa.” I let out. “Hot.” Ezzy had her skirt up around her waist. Legs spread, she was masturbating. Apparently she had left her panties at home, giving her easy access to her hairy twat. My words had attracted Mandy’s attention.

“Ezzy!” Mandy cried. In response, my maid stood and unhooked her waistband.

“It’s OK.” she said as her skirt dropped to the floor. “John and I have been fucking for quite a while.” Pulling her shirt over her head, she shook her braless tits at us. She stepped up to Mandy and continued “and I’ve told John about us.” Dropping to her knees between the blonde’s legs, she pulled her shirt off freeing those massive tits. “I’ve told John how much I love sucking these big hooters.” And did just that.

Mandy looked at me and said “Well what are you waiting for? Get those clothes off and join us!” I stood, and removed my clothes while Ezzy slid Mandy’s shorts off. Leaning in my maid said “I’ve also told him how much I love sucking your boyfriends cum out of your well fucked cunt.” Ezzy then buried her face in Mandy’s shaved muff.

“OH!” Mandy gasped as I sat beside her. Stroking Ezzy’s hair she said “You are a nasty little bitch.”

“I’ll bet you can be a nasty little slut yourself.” I told Mandy, as I leaned in and began sucking her tits. Ezzy moved up and just before sucking on Mandy’s other nipple said “You bet your sweet ass she can.”

“Esmerelda!” Mandy gasped. “I should spank you for that.”

“Oh goody!” my maid cried, standing. I scooted over as Ezzy laid herself on Mandy’s lap, ass up. Her head was in my lap, so she naturally began sucking my prick. SMACK! Mandy’s pale white hand came down on Ezzy’s dark ass. She moaned, sending the vibration through my cock. I watched, aroused as Mandy repeated the process several more times.

I leaned over, and gave my maid a good slap. In a duo now, Mandy and I spanked Ezzy until her ass was reddening, and she was squirming with delight. Remembering what I’d witnesses between Mandy and her mom, I ‘missed’ on a downstroke, slapping Mandy right on her pink nipple. “OH! Yes.” she squealed.

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