Megabucks Megafun - Cover

Megabucks Megafun

Copyright© 2024 by BiWriter

Chapter 10

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 10 - A software developer becomes a millionaire. He discovers being wealthy opens up new, kinky outlets for his sexual urges.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Fa   Fa/Fa   Mult   Coercion   Consensual   BiSexual   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humor   Workplace   Sharing   Group Sex   White Male   White Female   Hispanic Female   Anal Sex   Analingus   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting  

The hour long drive home did nothing but make me even more horny. The whole way I’d thought back on what I’d witnessed. By the time I pulled into the garage I was definitely ready for some pussy.

Boy was I disappointed. Upon arriving home I found a note from Amy, saying she’d gone out of town for a few days to visit her mother and do some shopping. I groaned. Every time those two went shopping it cost me an arm and a leg.

Ezzy was gone for the day, as was most of the staff. Rhonda Jo was also out of town, I myself asked her to visit with some vendors in Seattle. I went to the bedroom and stripped out of my suit, putting on my favorite cotton shorts. I liked these because they were soft and loose, and I didn’t have to wear any underwear with them.

Our chef had left me a nice salad, so I took it out on the back porch and ate, watching the sunset and reading the paper. After cleaning up I decided a nice stroll on the grounds would be welcome. It was twilight, but still plenty light enough for a quick walk.

I strolled slowly, the grass soft on my bare feet, the air warm on my skin. As I worked my way around the back of the property, I came up short coming around a row of high hedges. Dylan was sitting on the lawn, next to the gardeners shack. Beside him was a thin, dark haired “kid”. He was at least 20 or 21, but when you are in your forties you start to think of anyone in their twenties as a “kid”.

The gardeners shack was equipped with a small kitchenette for storing their lunches, a couple of showers for cleaning up at the end of the day, and a living room like area to relax and take breaks in. I never intended it to be a home, but Dylan had sort of moved in a little at a time until he now lived in the small hut.

As usual, he was wearing nothing more that his blue jogging shorts, the dark haired guy was in orange shorts and a blue tank top. Curious as to what was going on, I dropped to my knees and hid behind the shrubs, watching them from about 40 feet away. I couldn’t hear them but could easily make out details.

My eyes nearly popped out of my head when Dylan leaned in and gave the dark haired guy a kiss! Well I’ll be damned, old Dylan was bi. For some reason it gave me a chuckle, and I wondered if it had ever occurred to Amy, while she was sucking his dick, that the last person to suck it might have been a man.

As I watched, Dylan slid the dark haired guys shorts down, and began sucking his cock. And shit, what a cock it was, even bigger than Dylan’s. Ten inches of thick meat, easy. From the look on the kids face, Dylan knew how to give a good blowjob.

I have to admit I’d never really gotten into homoerotica before. Oh, I had nothing against it. I mean whatever floats your boat, right? Hell, I had even made sure my company offered benefits to the partners of our gay and lesbian employees. For whatever reason though, it had never been a huge turn on for me.

Well, until tonight. Perhaps it was just my horny state, but I was really enjoying the site of these two going at it. As I watched the kid pulled Dylan off, and pushed him back on the grass. He sat and pulled off his shirt so that he was now nude. Reaching over he pulled off Dylans shorts, then went down on him.

The kid was good, he took Dylan’s whole prick down his throat, an impressive feat. As I watched, I felt my own cock stiffening in my shorts. Slick with spit, Dylan’s cock was gleaming in the dim light. I stood quietly, and dropped my shorts to the ground. Stepping out, I went back to my knees which were spread wide. Stiff cock in hand I returned to the action.

The dark haired kid was now on his back, legs spread wide. Dylan was between them, and I guessed he was sliding his meat up the kids back door. Soon he was fucking the kid, who was moaning and stroking his own meat. This went on for about ten minutes, my own dick leaking precum the whole time. Suddenly Dylan pulled out, moved up and pointed his dick right at the kids face. The dude’s face got drenched in Dylan’s hot spunk.

As Dylan slowed down the kid stood, shoving his dick in my gardeners face. It only took a few pumps before the guy pulled back and began showing his cum over Dylan’s eager face and stuck out tongue. As the kid came so did I, spraying my semen all over the bush in front of me. The guy dropped to his knees, breathing heavy. Leaning in he and Dylan began licking their cum off each others faces.

Wow, I thought, what a show that had been. I picked up my shorts and strolled back to the house still nude, my dick dripping cum the whole way.

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